أوباما يتمسك بالتغيير وبسياساته المعلنة ... في خطابه حول { حالة الإتحاد }

أوباما يتمسك بالتغيير وبسياساته المعلنة ... في خطابه حول { حالة الإتحاد }

01-28-2010, 04:30 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=260&msg=1264649419&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: أوباما يتمسك بالتغيير وبسياساته المعلنة ... في خطابه حول { حالة الإتحاد }
Date: 01-28-2010, 04:30 AM
Parent: #0

شوية كده ... والحاجات جاية

Post: #2
Title: Re: أوباما يتمسك بالتغيير وبسياساته المعلنة ... في خطابه حول { حالة الإتحاد }
Date: 01-28-2010, 04:35 AM


Post: #3
Title: Re: أوباما يتمسك بالتغيير وبسياساته المعلنة ... في خطابه حول { حالة الإتحاد }
Date: 01-28-2010, 07:06 AM
Parent: #2

Obama addresses a recession-weary nation in his first state of the union
By Lee-Anne Goodman (CP) – 7 hours ago

WASHINGTON — U.S. President Barack Obama was expected to use his first official state of the union address Wednesday to reach out to recession-weary Americans who are losing their enthusiasm for a leader who swept to power on a message of hope and change.

The same populist outrage that helped propel Obama to the White House as a crippling recession began to take hold now seems to be working against him as the economic devastation continues with a national unemployment rate hovering at 10 per cent.

His public approval ratings have sagged to about 50 per cent, with numerous polls suggesting Americans want the White House to focus on jobs, not health-care reform, the environment or other legislative goals viewed as non-essentials.

"We are looking to hear from this president, not just a change in message but, frankly, an admission that the agenda being pursued is not one that brings us back to recovery," Eric Cantor, a leading Republican in the House of Representatives, said Wednesday.

The White House, for its part, has been stressing for days the president's intention to focus on job creation, the economy and fiscal responsibility in his address to a joint session of Congress.

White House officials even told the media just hours before his speech that the president will kick off the traditional post-state of the union tour and travel to Florida on Thursday with Vice President Joe Biden. In Tampa, they'll announce a US$8-billion cash infusion to build high-speed rail infrastructure in several states.

The money is a "down payment" on the rail system, the White House said, and will go to local governments for distribution. It's expected to create thousands of jobs.

Democrats were expected to boisterously cheer their president on during the state of the union, an annual address mandated by the U.S. Constitution that's rich in history, pomp and circumstance. This year an array of guests were slated to attend, ranging from the Haitian ambassador to returning Iraq war veterans and a Florida woman denied health insurance.

But despite the partisan cheerleading, these are troubled times for both the White House and Democrats just one year after Obama's historic inauguration buoyed American spirits in the wake of eight years of divisive Republican rule.

Obama has escalated the American military presence in an unpopular war in Afghanistan. His presidency has also been marred by a series of communication falldowns among U.S. intelligence agencies that almost resulted in an al Qaida operative blowing a Detroit-bound jetliner out of the sky on Christmas Day.

And Obama's cherished health-care overhaul is on life support following the election last week of a Republican to the late Ted Kennedy's Massachusetts Senate seat. Scott Brown's stunning win in a Democratic stronghold - Kennedy held the seat for almost half a century - essentially gives the Republicans enough senators to grind Obama's legislative agenda to a screeching halt.

In the hours leading up to the state of the union, there were reports of open hostilities among Democrats and tensions between Obama and Democratic leaders due to their seemingly doomed efforts to reform America's troubled health-care system.

Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House of Representatives, is reportedly irked by Obama's reluctance last summer to actively promote health-care reform.

Relations between House and Senate Democrats have also soured.

Jim Clyburn, a top House Democrat and an ally of Pelosi's, took shots at the Senate on Fox radio, calling it the "House of Lords." Senators only face election every six years, compared to two years for House representatives.

Clyburn said senators failed to "understand that those of us that go out there every two years stay in touch with the American people."

Post: #4
Title: Re: أوباما يتمسك بالتغيير وبسياساته المعلنة ... في خطابه حول { حالة الإتحاد }
Date: 01-28-2010, 07:30 AM
Parent: #3

المهم ... زولنا راكز في محلو,
وعليهو جنس فصاحة ... ما إعتيادية.

كان محور تركيزه توفير فرص العمل,
ومن واقع الوضع الإقتصادي القائم.
وقد فتح في هذا الصدد آفقا متعدد,
خاصة لزوي الأعمال الصغيرة, فقد رفع
عنهم الضرائب ووفر مما مقداره 30
بليون دولار لتشجيع الإستثمارات الصغيرة.

كما هاجم البنوك الكبيرة, والتي لحسب
قوله أنها حريصة على توفير الحوافز
لرؤسائها أكثر من توفير تسهيلات للمواطنين.

وأبدى إستعداده لعمل حزبي مشترك مع الجهوريين,
فيما لم يخلو حديثه من نقد واضح لهم.

وأمن على ضرورة التأمين الصحي وكفالة الظرف
السياسي لتمريره.

كما أشار لأهمية توفير معاش لائق للعائدين من
الحروب, وقال أن حرب العراق في طريقها للنهاية,
وأن حرب أفغانستان تسير في الإتجاه المطلوب والذي
يستدعي مناصرة وتعزيز القوى الأفغانية المناوئة
لحركة طالبان, بما في ذلك دعم بناء القوات الأفغانية.
فيما أكد على أن القوات الأمريكية سوف تبدأ بالإنسحاب
في يوليو 2011

فيما شمل خطابه كذلك تصريحا بإستيعاب القييز والليسبيان
في الجيش الأمريكي, وفي خطوة تعد هي الأصرح من فم رئيس

وأكد على أهمية رفع معدل صادرات أمريكا للخارج, وتوسيع
نطاق الإستثمارات الأمريكية في العالم.

وأشار إلى أن هناك دول تعاملت مع الأزمة الإقتصادية بطريقة
فعالة مثل الصين وألمانيا, حتى بدت أمريكا وكأنها متأخرة
عن الركب... لكنه أعقب أنه لن يرضى بالخانة الثانية لأمريكا.

كما أشار لضرورة رفع المستوى التعليمي, خاصة في مجالي العلوم

وأكد أن الأوضاع التقليدية في واشنطون وتزاحم اللوبيات
على مواقع إتخاذ القرار لن يمنعهم من الإستمرار في حملة
التغيير وتسخير السياسة لصالح المواطن الأمريكي.