طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن

طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن

12-16-2009, 12:11 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=250&msg=1260961862&rn=19

Post: #1
Title: طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن
Author: هويدا شرف الدين
Date: 12-16-2009, 12:11 PM
Parent: #0

أطلب اي معلومات عن النسناس الاخضر ( القرد الأخضر ) لو أمكن المساعده ضروري اي معلومه

Post: #2
Title: Re: طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن
Author: عمار عبدالله عبدالرحمن
Date: 12-16-2009, 12:53 PM
Parent: #1

البقدر علي

اقول للبوست فوق

والله يوفق ,,, ليراه اصحاب الفزعه ,,,

Post: #3
Title: Re: طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن
Author: هويدا شرف الدين
Date: 12-16-2009, 12:55 PM
Parent: #2

الأخ عمار

والله برضو ما قصرت الله يديك العافيه

Post: #4
Title: Re: طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن
Author: ناصر جبريل
Date: 12-16-2009, 12:59 PM
Parent: #3


( القرد الأخضر )

دا فصل من الكتاب الاخضر

....... بس نرفع البوست

Post: #5
Title: Re: طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن
Author: ناصر جبريل
Date: 12-16-2009, 12:59 PM
Parent: #3


( القرد الأخضر )

دا فصل من الكتاب الاخضر

....... بس نرفع البوست

Post: #6
Title: Re: طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن
Author: هويدا شرف الدين
Date: 12-16-2009, 01:44 PM
Parent: #5

الأخ ناصر

هو نوع من انواع القرود ، عاوزاه ضروري لبحث

Post: #7
Title: Re: طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن
Author: ناصر جبريل
Date: 12-16-2009, 01:51 PM
Parent: #6

الأخ ناصر

هو نوع من انواع القرود ، عاوزاه ضروري لبحث

والله عارفو قرد بس ما عندي اي فكرة ..... حبيت ارفع ليك البوست يمكن يجي ود حلال عنده معلومة تفيدك انشاء الله

Post: #8
Title: Re: طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن
Author: هويدا شرف الدين
Date: 12-16-2009, 01:55 PM
Parent: #7

ناصر مشكور علي المرور ورفع البوست شكرا ليك

Post: #9
Title: Re: طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن
Date: 12-16-2009, 02:04 PM
Parent: #7

سلامات يا هويدا ..

بساعدك بصورة غايتو ..

wm_normal_monkey_rctb-8881g.jpg Hosting at Sudaneseonline.com

Green Vervet Monkey

وربنا يعينك ..

Post: #10
Title: Re: طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن
Author: هويدا شرف الدين
Date: 12-16-2009, 02:07 PM
Parent: #9

حيدر والله ما قصرت بس ياها الصوره بس الحاجه الوحيده العندي من الموضوع كلو الصوره دي بس

Post: #11
Title: Re: طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن
Author: د.محمد حسن
Date: 12-16-2009, 02:10 PM
Parent: #10

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Green Monkey[1]

Conservation status

Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)[2]
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Primates

Family: Cercopithecidae

Genus: Chlorocebus

Species: C. sabaeus

Binomial name
Chlorocebus sabaeus
(Linnaeus, 1758)
The Green Monkey (Chlorocebus sabaeus), also known as the Callithrix Monkey,[3] is an Old World monkey with golden-green fur and pale hands and feet. The tip of the tail is golden yellow as are the backs of the thighs and cheek whiskers. They do not have a distinguishing band of fur on the brow, like other Chlorocebus species, and males have a pale blue scrotum.[4] Some authorities consider this and all of the members of the genus Chlorocebus to be a single widespread species, Cercopithecus aethiops — confusingly, the name "Green Monkey" has also been used for this single species.

[edit] Range, habitat and behavior
The Green Monkey is found in West Africa from Senegal to the Volta River. It has been introduced to the Cape Verde islands off north-western Africa, and the West Indian islands of Saint Kitts, Nevis, and Barbados.[1] It was introduced to the West Indies in the late 1600s when slave trade ships travelled to the Caribbean from West Africa.[4]

It occurs in a wide range of wooded habitats, ranging from very dry Sahel woodland to the edge of rainforests. It is also commonly seen in coastal regions, where known to feed on seashore foods such as crabs.[3] It also takes a wide variety of other foods, including fruits and invertebrates. As other members of the genus Chlorocebus, the Green Monkey is highly social and usually seen in groups.[3]

Post: #12
Title: Re: طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن
Author: د.محمد حسن
Date: 12-16-2009, 02:11 PM
Parent: #11

Savannah, or vervet monkey - CERCOPITHECUS AETHIOPS

Class: Animals with Milk Glands (Mammalia)
Subclass: True Mammals (Eutheria)
Order: First Order Mammals (Primatea)
Family: Cercopithecidae.

The word "Monkey": "Monkey" is of unknown derivation, but it may come from the old German story of "Reynard the Fox," in which the ape's son was named "Moneke." "Savannah" is from the West Indies Taino word "zabana," meaning a flat, treeless grassland in the tropics or subtropics. "Vervet" is French for "green coat," referring to the greenish hue of this monkey's fur.

Location: Most of Africa south of the Sahara, with the exception of the central areas in southern Africa. This monkey has been introduced to some Caribbean islands.

Habitat: Terrestrial and arboreal. Savanna and scrubland, right up to the edge of forests.

Description: This single species consists of various geographic subspecies, more or less well defined. The face is usually black with white fur surrounding it. The body coat is pale olive-green, sometimes with rust-colored shading. Its long tail is carried at an angle to the back. Length ot head and body 16-24 in, tail 20-35 in, weight about 15 lbs.

Behavior: Among the various monkeys of this species, the vervet monkey is one of the most adaptable, and often occupies environments frequented by man. It usually lives in open areas where it can move about easily. It lives in small groups of up to two dozen individuals, but groups numbering more than 100 members have also been observed. It is a quiet animal, and will only send out an alarm call when in danger. It has separate alarm calls for bird predators, snakes, and leopards. It feeds on soft fruits, seeds, and flowers, and often raids cultivated land and gardens. It almost never drinks any liquid

Post: #13
Title: Re: طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن
Author: د.محمد حسن
Date: 12-16-2009, 02:13 PM
Parent: #12

Distribution Subsaharan Africa
Open landscapes such as savannah woodland in wet, dry or mountainous regions
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Behaviour Vervet monkeys have very adaptable behaviour and are able to exploit humans to help themselves to survive. They will scavenge or steal food from farms, rubbish bins or tourists. They are day living (diurnal) and spend time both on the ground and in the trees. They tend to travel by walking on all four feet (quadrupedal) on the ground. They prefer to sleep in the yellow acacia or fever trees (Acacia xanthophloea) found near water. They may walk for one to two kilometres a day in search of food. Females control access to food and high ranking group members are allowed to eat first. A lot of time is spent grooming, this helps to reinforce social bonds between group members. The young monkeys in a troop are normally very active and spend most of their time playing. Running, jumping, climbing, chasing and play fighting helps them to learn the skills they need to survive.
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Reproduction This species have a limited breeding season which is dependent on the abundance of food. Normally breeding occurs at around March to June. Gestation (pregnancy) lasts about 23 weeks. A single offspring is produced by each female in a year. The offspring begin to eat solid food at around 3 months but are not fully independent of their mothers until 8 to 9 months old. Sexual maturity is reached at just 4 to 5 months although they do not normally reproduce until around 5 years old. During this time the young continue to grow. We are no longer breeding our troop.
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Appearance The taxonomy (scientific classification) of this species is highly disputed and up to 22 different subspecies (types) of vervet monkey have been described. They have the same general appearance with some variation in the colour of the fur on their back, outer limbs and the crown of the head. This can vary from yellowy-green to silvery-grey agouti. The name 'vervet' means green coat in French. The hands, feet, face, ears and tip of the tail are black or brown. The belly, inner arms, eyebrows and whiskers are cream coloured. Males can be easily identified by their vivid blue and red genitals and they are a little bit larger.
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Size Weight: 2.7 kg
Length: 100 cm from nose to tip of tail
Males are normally 10% to 30% larger than females
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Social Structure Vervet monkeys live in large groups of 5 to 76 individuals containing multiple males and females. Young females remain with their natal (birth) group so they are all related. Young males emigrate from their natal group and join neighbouring troops to prevent them breeding with their relatives. The males and the females both have an obvious hierarchy in which the alpha male is dominant to the alpha female. Males compete for dominance and the alpha (top) male will get to breed with most of the females.
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Territory Defence Vervet monkeys have a home range from 180 - 960 square kilometres in size depending on the size of the troop.
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Diet This species is omnivorous and eats a large variety of food. They forage for fruit, seeds, grasses, leaves, insects, reptiles, birds and mammals. They are opportunistic and will vary their diet depending upon where they live. They will scavenge and steal human food.
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Activity Period Vervet monkeys, like all monkeys, are active during the day (diurnal) as they do not have good night vision.
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Predators The variety of wildlife in Africa means that these monkeys have a huge number of predators including cats, hyenas, snakes and eagles. They have three predator alarm calls and responses; they climb trees for carnivores, look up for birds of prey and look on the ground for snakes.
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Conservation Status IUCN Red List: Not listed
CITES: Not listed
Population estimate: Unknown
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Threats This species is highly adaptable and not currently threatened by human activity.
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Vervet Monkeys at the Zoo Boris, Hercules, Mumsie, Hendrix, Africa, Solo and Black Hands
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Vervet Monkeys available for adoption Sorry, there are no Vervet Monkeys available to adopt.
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Post: #14
Title: Re: طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن
Author: د.محمد حسن
Date: 12-16-2009, 02:16 PM
Parent: #12

St. Kitts - Green Vervet Monkey

Some people say that there are more monkeys on St. Kitts than people, and that is probably true of Nevis, for both islands have a population of Green Vervet Monkeys in the tens of thousands. Originally these monkeys were brought to both St. Kitts and Nevis by French plantation owners at the turn of the 17th century as pets for the plantation owners' wives and families. This monkey is also referred to at times as the Old World Monkey as this monkey has been found in ancient Egyptian history and have even been found depicted in the frescos excavated at Arkitori on Santorini in Greece, a settlement dating from 2000 BC. Today, while visiting St. Kitts and Nevis on yacht charter, if you hike up into the mountains you are sure to see signs of these monkeys if not several of the monkeys themselves peering at you inquisitively through the foliage.
St. Kitts - Sugar Cane Fields

Both St. Kitts and Nevis were important colonial plantation colonies, first growing tobacco and then growing sugar cane for sugar production. And, along with the growth of the plantation life and work style came the increase in slave labor in these islands, with slaves brought to the Caribbean from Africa. The Green Vervet Monkeys, so called due to the greenish cast of their fur, inhabits much of Africa and were brought on these slave ships from Africa to the Islands, where they quickly adapted to the similar weather conditions. First brought in as pets or items of trade, these monkeys, over the years became feral and multiplied in the mountains and rain forests of these two islands to the point of being, sometimes, a pest to agriculture concerns on the islands.

Baby Green Vervet Monkey

Green Vervet Monkeys are vegetarians, and weigh anywhere from 8-18 pounds, standing anywhere from 10-18 inches high. While an actual count is impossible, estimates place the number of Green Vervet Monkeys living on St. Kitts at around 40,000 and the number of these monkeys on Nevis at around 30,000. Nevis offers a Monkey Walk for the interested, however if you hike into the interior on either island, especially at dawn or dusk, you will probably see one, if not several, of these monkeys living wild on the mountainsides of these two Caribbean islands, when visiting while on your Caribbean yacht charter.

Visit the Northrop and Johnson Yacht Charter Website

Labels: Caribbean - The Leeward Islands

Post: #15
Title: Re: طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن
Author: Elawad Eltayeb
Date: 12-16-2009, 03:45 PM
Parent: #14

بعد التحية

عسى ولعل هذه الروابط والملفات تفيد:






Post: #16
Title: Re: طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن
Author: هويدا شرف الدين
Date: 12-17-2009, 05:43 AM
Parent: #15

د. محمد حسن

صباح الخير

والله ما قصرت تب بحاول أترجم النصوص التي ارسلتها شكرا ليك كتير

Post: #17
Title: Re: طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن
Author: هويدا شرف الدين
Date: 12-17-2009, 05:45 AM
Parent: #15

العوض الطيب

صباح الخير

إمن شاء الله ما عدمتكم ومشكور شديد وساقوم بالإطلاع علي المواقع المرفقه

Post: #18
Title: Re: طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن
Author: عبدالله ود البوش
Date: 12-17-2009, 06:43 AM
Parent: #17

ربنا يوفقك ياهويدا بتي
نساعدك بالضراع ساهي
ات يا بتي مالقيتي غير البحث الصعب دا
صعب خلاس لكن ميزتو انو unique
من اسماء القرد الككو والعبلانج وبخيت
تحياتي وبالتوفيق ونشوفك قريبا دكتورة

Post: #19
Title: Re: طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن
Author: هويدا شرف الدين
Date: 12-17-2009, 07:02 AM
Parent: #18

الأخ عبد الله ود البوش شكرا ليك كتير

Post: #20
Title: Re: طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن
Author: عاطف عمر
Date: 12-17-2009, 07:33 AM
Parent: #1

Quote: أطلب اي معلومات عن النسناس الاخضر ( القرد الأخضر ) لو أمكن المساعده ضروري اي معلومه

أوع يكون أخد منكم قرض تمويل .... وكسح


سلامات هويدا
قلنا نسلم
ونرفع البوست

Post: #21
Title: Re: طلب معلومات مساعده لو امكن
Author: هويدا شرف الدين
Date: 12-17-2009, 07:45 AM
Parent: #20


عاطف وين انت الناس خوفوك وشردتا من ديك وعيك ، مشكور علي المرور