د . مختار الاصم عضو مفوضية الانتخابات فى لندن

د . مختار الاصم عضو مفوضية الانتخابات فى لندن

11-15-2009, 11:13 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=250&msg=1258323203&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: د . مختار الاصم عضو مفوضية الانتخابات فى لندن
Author: Nazar Yousif
Date: 11-15-2009, 11:13 PM
Parent: #0

وصل د. مختار الأصم الى لندن وسيخاطب السودانيين
ببريطانيا مساء الأثنين 16/11 فى السابعة مساء فى مبنى السفارة السودانية .

Post: #2
Title: Re: د . مختار الاصم عضو مفوضية الانتخابات فى لندن
Author: Muna Khugali
Date: 11-15-2009, 11:22 PM

سلام يا نذار..\\انت السفارة دي اصلها قدر شنو علشان يخاطب السودانيين فيها؟؟
منو يعني المفروض يكون هناك..لأنه كلمة سودانيين دي بتدل علي عدد مفتوح ممكن يحضر..في حين انه مبني السفاره ده ما بيشيل عدد
اجتماع صغير..


Post: #3
Title: Re: د . مختار الاصم عضو مفوضية الانتخابات فى لندن
Author: Nazar Yousif
Date: 11-15-2009, 11:30 PM
Parent: #2

الأخت منى خوجلى
ياريت السودانيين يحضروا
ويطالبوا بحقوقهم الدستورية .
علينا أن نحث سكان لندن وماجاورها
على الحضور والمطالبة بحقوقهم .

Post: #4
Title: Re: د . مختار الاصم عضو مفوضية الانتخابات فى لندن
Author: Nazar Yousif
Date: 11-16-2009, 10:59 AM
Parent: #3

Statelessness: the National Elections Commission Dilemma and the most serious issue facing the Sudanese Diaspora

Khadiga Safwat

Oxford 14th Nov, 2009

It is welcome that the Sudanese authorities out here can be convinced to respond to popular pressure. They may even adopt some of popular demands and/or claim them as their own -notwithstanding that they may not acknowledge the source. People have been lobbying for and mobilising the Sudanese in the Diaspora since mid 2008 around most of those demands that are now being adopted by most. However the welcomed response by the authorities seems to stop short of one of the most important demands the Sudanese in the Diaspora continue to reiterate. Failure to meet that demand will affect what can be estimated at millions of stateless individuals the majority of whom is particularly southern.

The concept of carrying documents is something relatively recent in the life of the Sudanese. The majority of the Northern Sudanese generation before the last did not have birthday certificates. When people were encouraged to secure such certificates, most of the certificates were issued bearing an estimated birth date. To many the best date they could think of was the 1st. of January, the Independence Day. Accordingly, there arose a whole generation of Northern Sudanese who were born on the 1st January followed by an equally fabricated year. What about the southern and western and eastern Sudanese then?

According to a reliable source there are, in Bolton- Lancashire – UK alone, an estimate 400 stateless Sudanese, meaning persons without any papers on them or a paternal relative to testify on their behalf to prove they belong to a certain state or country of origin. Bolton is only one of many towns and in that it is a vey small town. Most importantly, Bolton is not an isolated case. It expresses a feature common to many other towns in UK and elsewhere.

The conditions laid By the National Elections Commission for acquiring the Sudanese nationality cannot be satisfied by many Sudanese in the Diaspora. The very nature of the Diaspora is that by which an individual-having been pushed out of his home under extraordinary situations, like wars, draught, famine etc, that individual will not be expected to have identification documents on him; that is, if he ever had them in the first place. The southern and western Sudanese have had more than their fair share of the above if there is such thing as a fair share of wars, drought and famine.

Based on the above If the elections are to be transparent and fair, the case of the stateless persons has to be resolved and soon. We are running out of time. And on this note we have to have the registration period extended to what it should have in the first place have been. The state should not hide behind the National Election Commission to seek an excuse to avoid taking the right decision with regard to the legitimate grievances expressed by its citizens. More importantly, the state or whosoever is in the position of the state should not behave like its ancient counterpart, the tributary state الخراجية where the ruler, the pharaoh, the sultan, Mak claimed to own all what is on earth on behalf of the gods. However, it should be remembered that same pharaoh, the sultan, the Mak was the father of all his people. As such he made the river flow and guaranteed a faire price of durah in the market

The state should not be seen to penalise its adversaries by denying them nationality of their own homeland, a condition that renders them stateless by their own state. This has at times been a policy of certain regimes and it should not be allowed to continue to be. The first military regime was known to do that. You can find yourself being the odd one out n the whole of you extended family or clan who is discriminately disfavoured. One can claim to personally be witness to that outrageous behaviour by the state where government disfavour of the opposition is personalised, where the state’s animosity to its foes bends the rules against them to which one can literarily testify. Can there be anything more bizarre, indeed outrageous behaviour than that by any state?

It is obvious that most of the potentially stateless would be the Southern Sudanese. Those northern Sudanese who have no IDs on them can only be those who had to flee the country in the face of some atrocity. The southern Sudanese are very unlikely to vote for a MONDOKORO (northern) President. Those who have had to flee the country may just as well not vote to bring back the existing president.

Rendering those Sudanese mere faceless numerical accumulations will deprive them of nationality hence of the right to vote. This may in no way be interpreted in favour of the government. Indeed that will provide fodder for the ongoing fire on the credibility of the whole process of democracy. The Sudan is facing THE most serious turning point in its modern history. It is a matter of life or death, a matter of the Sudan or something else God alone knows what it is likely to be.

Post: #5
Title: Re: د . مختار الاصم عضو مفوضية الانتخابات فى لندن
Author: Nazar Yousif
Date: 11-16-2009, 12:01 PM
Parent: #3


Post: #6
Title: Re: د . مختار الاصم عضو مفوضية الانتخابات فى لندن
Author: Nazar Yousif
Date: 11-16-2009, 01:24 PM
Parent: #5


Post: #7
Title: Re: د . مختار الاصم عضو مفوضية الانتخابات فى لندن
Author: Nazar Yousif
Date: 11-16-2009, 02:04 PM
Parent: #6

The state should not be seen to penalise its adversaries by denying them nationality of their own homeland, a condition that renders them stateless by their own state. This has at times been a policy of certain regimes and it should not be allowed to continue to be. The first military regime was known to do that. You can find yourself being the odd one out n the whole of you extended family or clan who is discriminately disfavoured. One can claim to personally be witness to that outrageous behaviour by the state where government disfavour of the opposition is personalised, where the state’s animosity to its foes bends the rules against them to which one can literarily testify. Can there be anything more bizarre, indeed outrageous behaviour than that by any state?

Post: #8
Title: Re: د . مختار الاصم عضو مفوضية الانتخابات فى لندن
Author: Nazar Yousif
Date: 11-16-2009, 05:39 PM


Post: #9
Title: Re: د . مختار الاصم عضو مفوضية الانتخابات فى لندن
Author: Nazar Yousif
Date: 11-17-2009, 10:51 AM
Parent: #8

تجمع الاحزاب السياسيةالسودانية والشخصيات الوطنية المستقلة
بالمملكة المتحدة وايرلندا

السيد رئيس مفوضية الإنتخابات
بواسطة السيد سفير جمهورية السودان بالمملكة المتحدة

الموضوع: تسجيل السودانيين للإنتخابات بالمملكة المتحدة وأيرلندا

لقد علمنا أن مفوضية الانتخابات قد قررت تسجيل السودانيين للإنتخابات بالمملكة المتحدة وأيرلندا بسفارة السودان بلندن في الفترة ما بين 10 إلى 28 نوفمبر 2009 أثناء ساعات العمل الرسمية.
وتود الأحزاب السودانية والشخصيات الوطنية المستقلة الموقعة على هذا الخطاب أن ترفع لكم إعتراضها على هذا الإجراء مطالبة بتعديله فورا إذا كانت نية المفوضية أن تعقد إنتخابات نزيهة يتاح فيها لكل سوداني له حق التصويت أن يسجل وأن يدلي بصوته.
إننا نرى الآتي
1- إن السودانيين بالمملكة المتحدة وأيرلندا موزعين في مدن إنجلترا وويلز وأسكتلندا وأيرلندا االشمالية وجمهورية أيرلندا، وبالتالي هم لا يسكنون لندن، ومن الصعوبة أن يسافروا الي لندن وأثناء ساعات العمل الرسمية (التاسعة حتى الخامسة والنصف) لأسباب تتعلق بأعمالهم، وبتكلفة السفر ومشاقه.
2- نطالب بأن تفتح مراكز تسجيل في المدن الكبرى كبيرمنجهام، اكسفورد، مانشستر، ليدز، نيوكاسل، برايتون، شفيلد، بريستول في إنجلترا ، وفي غلاسقو و أدنبرة في أوسكتلندا وفي كاردف وسوانزي في ويلز، وفي بلفاست و دبلن في أيرلندا الشمالية والجمهورية. وأن تتم الإستعانة بالجاليات والمدارس السودانية إو المجالس المحلية البريطانية ولجان إنتخاباتها.
3- ضرورة إشراك مندوبي الأحزاب ومنظمات المجتمع المدني خاصة الجاليات السودانية في المدن الكبيرة في الرقابة على أجراءات التسجيل وكشوفاته المبدئية والنهائية وعملية الاقتراع وفرز الاصوات.
4- أن الفترة المحددة للتسجيل غير كافية، ونرى أن يتم الالتزام الحرفي بالفترة التي حددها قانون الانتخابات بشهر كامل.
5- الغاء كافة الشروط غير الضرورية للتسجيل بالقدر الذي يسمح لكل السودانيين بممارسة واجبهم وحقهم الوطني في التسجيل والا يصادر هذا الحق باي ذرائع بيروقراطية وبخاصة فيما يتعلق بالاوراق الثبوتية و ذلك باعتماد الوثائق كالجنسية وجوار السفر حتي لو انتهت مدة صلاحيته او رخصة قيادة السيارات وبطاقة السفر للسودانيين المقيمين خارج السودان .
ولكم فائق الشكر والتقدير

الاحزاب الشخصيات الوطنية المستقلة الموقعة على المذكرة :

1. الحركة الشعبية لتحريرالسودان
2. حزب الامة القومي
3. الحزب الاتحادي الديمقراطي الاصل
4. الحزب الشيوعي السوداني
5. المؤتمر الشعبي
6. حزب البعث السوداني
7. حركة القوى الجديدة الديمقراطية (حق)
8. التحالف السوداني
9. مؤتمر البجا
10. تضامن ابناء جبال النوبة
11. التحالف الفدرالي الديمقراطي السوداني
12. الشخصيات الوطنية المستقلة