ريى جارلس ..... وداعا

ريى جارلس ..... وداعا

06-10-2004, 11:17 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=20&msg=1134474988&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: ريى جارلس ..... وداعا
Author: Tumadir
Date: 06-10-2004, 11:17 PM

قبل دقائق ... فوجئت بسماع الخبر...

ريى جارلس ... يودع العالم اليوم.

Post: #2
Title: Re: ريى جارلس ..... وداعا
Author: Tabaldina
Date: 06-10-2004, 11:28 PM
Parent: #1

بصراحة العن جهلى
ولكننى لست محرجا
فأدلف بمزاج لسببين
السبب الاول :
لا ادرى من هو ريى جالس هذا يا ترى ؟؟
اكاتب ام سياسي ام اديب ولا مسرحى ام شئ اخر ؟؟
السبب التاني :
بصراحة الصورة رهيبة عديل ( بدون غزل)
رغم الشحنات الكهربائية التى بيننا
بس لانى صريح ..

احتراماتى الجمه

Post: #3
Title: Re: ريى جارلس ..... وداعا
Author: Tumadir
Date: 06-10-2004, 11:30 PM
Parent: #2

[Grammy-Winner Ray Charles Dies at 73

17 minutes ago

By ANTHONY BREZNICAN, AP Entertainment Writer

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. - Ray Charles (news), a transcendent talent who erased musical boundaries between the sacred and the secular with hits such as "What'd I Say," "Georgia on My Mind" and "I Can't Stop Loving You," died Thursday. He was 73.

AP Photo

AP Photo
Slideshow: Musician Ray Charles Dies at 73

Grammy-Winning Crooner Ray Charles Dies
(AP Video)

Charles died of acute liver disease at his Beverly Hills home at 11:35 a.m., surrounded by family and friends, said spokesman Jerry Digney.

Blind by age 7 and an orphan at 15, the gifted pianist and saxophonist spent his life shattering any notion of musical categories and defying easy definition. One of the first artists to record the "blasphemous idea of taking gospel songs and putting the devil's words to them," as legendary producer Jerry Wexler once said, Charles' music spanned soul, rock 'n' roll, R&B, country, jazz, big band and blues.

He put his stamp on it all with a deep, warm voice roughened by heartbreak from a hardscrabble childhood in the segregated South. Smiling and swaying behind the piano, grunts and moans peppering his songs, Charles' appeal spanned generations.

His health deteriorated rapidly over the past year, after he had hip replacement surgery and was diagnosed with a failing liver. The Grammy winner's last public appearance was alongside Clint Eastwood (news) on April 30, when the city of Los Angeles designated the singer's studios, built 40 years ago, as a historic landmark.

Aretha Franklin (news) called Charles "the voice of a lifetime."

"He was a fabulous man, full of humor and wit," she said in a statement. "A giant of an artist, and of course, he introduced the world to secular soul singing."

"People remember the big hits and the visual image of him, but they forget what an innovator he was in the 1950s as a jazz musician," said country music singer Marty Stuart (news). "He made inroads for all of us when he did 'I Can't Stop Loving You.' It took country music to places it hadn't been before."

"I lost one of my best friends and I will miss him a lot," Willie Nelson (news) said in a statement. "Last month or so, we got together and recorded 'It Was a Very Good Year,' by Frank Sinatra (news). It was great hanging out with him for a day."

Charles won nine of his 12 Grammy Awards between 1960 and 1966, including the best R&B recording three consecutive years ("Hit the Road Jack," "I Can't Stop Loving You" and "Busted").

His versions of other songs are also well known, including "Makin' Whoopee" and a stirring "America the Beautiful." Hoagy Carmichael and Stuart Gorrell wrote "Georgia on My Mind" in 1931, but it didn't become Georgia's official state song until 1979, long after Charles turned it into an American standard.

"I was born with music inside me. That's the only explanation I know of," Charles said in his 1978 autobiography, "Brother Ray."

Charles considered Martin Luther King Jr. a friend and once refused to play to segregated audiences in South Africa. But politics didn't take.

He was happiest playing music, teaming with such disparate musicians as Chaka Khan (news) and Eric Clapton (news). Pepsi tapped him for TV spots around a powerfully simple "uh huh" theme, and he appeared in movies including "The Blues Brothers."

"The way I see it, we're actors, but musical ones," he once told The Associated Press. "We're doing it with notes, and lyrics with notes, telling a story. I can take an audience and get 'em into a frenzy so they'll almost riot, and yet I can sit there so you can almost hear a pin drop."

Charles was no angel. His womanizing was legendary, and he struggled with a heroin addiction for nearly 20 years before quitting cold turkey in 1965 after an arrest at the Boston airport. Yet there was a sense of humor about even that — he released both "I Don't Need No Doctor" and "Let's Go Get Stoned" in 1966.

He later became reluctant to talk about the drug use, fearing it would taint how people thought of his work.

"I've known times where I've felt terrible, but once I get to the stage and the band starts with the music, I don't know why but it's like you have pain and take an aspirin, and you don't feel it no more," he once said.

Said John Burk, who worked recently with Charles as producer of the upcoming duets album "Genius Loves Company": "There were a couple of times where he would say, 'I'm not feeling well today but I'll take a stab at it ... I can come back to it later.' And he never had to come back to it later."

He said Charles' gift was "finding and communicating the human emotion in a song. ... That's what we strive for in the recording process, is to find that human experience."

Ray Charles Robinson was born Sept. 23, 1930, in Albany, Ga. His father, Bailey Robinson, was a mechanic and a handyman, and his mother, Aretha, stacked boards in a sawmill. His family moved to Greenville, Fla., when Charles was an infant.

"Talk about poor," Charles once said. "We were on the bottom of the ladder."

Charles saw his brother drown in his mothers' laundry tub when he was about 5 as the family struggled through the Depression. His sight was gone two years later. Glaucoma is often mentioned as a cause, though Charles said nothing was ever diagnosed.

After he was sent away, heartbroken, to the state-supported St. Augustine School for the Deaf and the Blind, Charles learned to read and write music in Braille, score for big bands and play instruments — lots of them, including trumpet, clarinet, organ, alto sax and the piano.

His early influences were myriad: Chopin and Sibelius, the Grand Ole Opry, the powerhouse big bands of Duke Ellington and Count Basie, jazz greats Art Tatum and Artie Shaw.

By the time he was 15 his parents were dead and Charles had graduated from St. Augustine. He wound up playing gigs in black dance halls — the so-called chitlin' circuit — and exposed himself to a variety of music, including hillbilly (he learned to yodel) before moving to Seattle.

He dropped his last name in deference to boxer Sugar Ray Robinson, patterned himself for a time after Nat "King" Cole and formed a group that backed rhythm 'n' blues singer Ruth Brown (news). It was in Seattle's red light district were he met a young Quincy Jones (news), showing the future producer and composer how to write music. It was the beginning of a lifelong friendship.

Charles developed quickly in those early days. Atlantic Records purchased his contract from Swingtime Records in 1952, and two years later he recorded "I Got a Woman," a raw mixture of gospel and R&B, pioneering what came to be called soul. Soon, he was being called "The Genius" and was playing at Carnegie Hall and the Newport Jazz Festival.

His first big hit was 1959's "What'd I Say," a song built off a simple piano riff with suggestive moaning from the Raeletts. It was banned by some radio stations.

Producer Wexler, who recorded "What'd I Say," said he has worked with only three geniuses in the music business: Franklin, Bob Dylan (news) and Charles.

"In each case they brought something new to the table," Wexler told the San Jose Mercury News in 1994. Charles "had this blasphemous idea of taking gospel songs and putting the devil's words to them."

Charles played "America" for Ronald and Nancy Reagan in 1985 at an inauguration ball, and was one of the legends receiving Kennedy Center Honors in 1986.

His last Grammy came in 1993 for "A Song for You," but he never dropped out of the music scene. He continued to tour and long treasured time for chess. He once told the Los Angeles Times: "I'm not Spassky, but I'll make it interesting for you."

Charles, who was divorced twice and single since 1952, was survived by 12 children, 20 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. A memorial service was planned for next week at Los Angeles' First AME Church, with burial afterward at Inglewood Cemetery.


Associated Press writer Dave Zelio contributed to this report.


On the Net:

Ray Charles: http://www.raycharles.com


Post: #4
Title: Re: ريى جارلس ..... وداعا
Author: Tumadir
Date: 06-10-2004, 11:34 PM
Parent: #3

انشالله الصوره دى تظهر تلقى روحك بتعرفو ...رحمة الله عليه

Post: #5
Title: Re: ريى جارلس ..... وداعا
Author: أحمد أمين
Date: 06-10-2004, 11:38 PM
Parent: #4

البركة فيكم وفينا يا تماضر
طبعا أغنيته الشهيرة Hit The Road Jack
مدهشة حتى هذه اللحظة

Post: #6
Title: Re: ريى جارلس ..... وداعا
Author: samo
Date: 06-10-2004, 11:39 PM
Parent: #2

اللهم اغفر له وارحمه واسكنه فسيح جناتك ...

بس ..

Quote: لا ادرى من هو ريى جالس هذا يا ترى ؟؟
اكاتب ام سياسي ام اديب ولا مسرحى ام شئ اخر ؟؟
..... نفس الشعور .

و ...
Quote: بصراحة الصورة رهيبة عديل ( بدون غزل)
..برضو نفس الشعور .

مع الدعوات بالرحمة والمغفرة .

Post: #7
Title: Re: ريى جارلس ..... وداعا
Author: samo
Date: 06-10-2004, 11:45 PM
Parent: #1

تماضر ...

كده عرفنا انو مطرب ..من الصورة طبعا ..

بس ال(ورورورور) بتاعتك دى مافهمنا منها التكتح ..


Post: #9
Title: Re: ريى جارلس ..... وداعا
Author: Ash
Date: 06-10-2004, 11:48 PM
Parent: #7

البركة فيك وفي ال Blue و ال Jazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
وال PowerBall كمــــان ..

Post: #10
Title: Re: ريى جارلس ..... وداعا
Author: Tabaldina
Date: 06-11-2004, 00:14 AM
Parent: #7

انت يا سامو

الزول دا بتترحم ليه شديد
وكمان اسكنته فسيح جناته يا ربي اسلم ؟؟
ولا انا مطشش ؟؟

يا تماضر
صحى بالجد انت دقيتى الصيوان
وعصرت البرش كدا ليه ؟؟
فى سبب يعنى ما تفتكريها غيرة
عشان قلت صورتك عذاب
بالمناسبة الليلة عندى خرمه معاك
كدا بس من غيؤر سبب ؟؟
هفتنى ومافى ماسنجر ..

بجى تانى عشان اجيب صينة الغداء
واوزع الشاى ..

Post: #8
Title: Re: ريى جارلس ..... وداعا
Author: Tabaldina
Date: 06-10-2004, 11:48 PM
Parent: #1

تتصورى بعد الصورة ما ظهرت
لقيت نفسي ما جاهل وبعرفو ..بلحيل
شكلا فقط بس الاسم دا طار لي ..
ولمن رديتى على الاول فى التانى ما تقول شكراً
ان شاء لله للصراحة مش للغزل .

شكراً لشعورك المتبادل
روح واحدة فى جسدين
اصبحنا رغم البين .. :

تانى تقديرى
نحن ناس بنعيش حياتنا الصافية
بالنية السليمة

Post: #11
Title: Re: ريى جارلس ..... وداعا
Author: Tumadir
Date: 06-11-2004, 00:21 AM
Parent: #8

يا سمو وتبلدينا ..الناس فارشين وانتو " تتفرجو" فى صورة ناس البكا؟

احمد امين


شكر الله سعيكم.

Post: #12
Title: Re: ريى جارلس ..... وداعا
Author: Tabaldina
Date: 06-11-2004, 00:41 AM
Parent: #11

أنا جيت معاى ترامس الشاى
حلفت للوالدة تطلعوا حسع مع اذان الصبح بتاعنا دا
مش قلت ليك ( خرمان)
للشاى ..هىهىهىهىهىهىهى
بعدين نعمل شنو عاداذا كان ناس بيت البكا ما ادمدموا
بطرحهم وثيابهم ..

بجى الغداء بعدين بعد صلاة الجمعة مباشرة
يمكن يوزعوا لي صورة ..

معليش بس والله شيطان يوم الجمعة بتاعى
دايما مطرطش وبتمكن منى .

الله يرحمك يا ريى جالس
طلعتنا من طورنا

Post: #13
Title: Re: ريى جارلس ..... وداعا
Author: مارد
Date: 06-11-2004, 01:21 AM
Parent: #12

رحيل المطرب المصري محمد قنديل

غيب الموت الليلة الماضية المطرب المصري محمد قنديل عن عمر ناهز 78 عاما بعد صراع مع المرض في أحد مستشفيات العاصمة المصرية.

وأعلن ابن شقيقته خبر الوفاة حيث إن المطرب الراحل لم ينجب رغم زواجه مرتين، وأشار إلى أن جنازة خاله ستشيع اليوم إلى مدافن الأسرة في القاهرة.

ويختلف مؤرخو الفن المصريين بشأن تاريخ ولادته فبعضهم يؤكد ولادته عام 1926 وآخرون يعيدون تاريخ ولادته إلى عام 1929.

وبدأ قنديل مشواره الفني عام 1941 في حين يرى آخرون أنه بدأ بعد ذلك بعام، وكانت أولى أغانيه المسجلة للإذاعة المصرية "يا ميت لطافة يا تمر حنة".

ورغم الخلاف أيضا على عدد الأغاني التي قدمها والتي تتراوح ما بين 1500 إلى 2000 أغنية، فإن الغالبية ترجح الرقم الأخير وذلك لتعدد عطاءاته الغنائية فمنها العاطفي والوطني والمناسبات المختلفة.

ومن أشهر أغانيه العاطفية "جميل وأسمر" و"أبو سمرة" و"يا حلو صبح يا حلو طل" و"الحلو أبو شامة على جبينه"، وغنى عن التسامح بين البشر في أغنية "سماح" وغنى للإسكندرية أغنية "بين شطين وميه يا غاليين عليه يا أهل إسكندرية".

وعلى الصعيد الوطني في مساندة ثورة يوليو/تموز 1952 غنى "ع الدوار ع الدوار راديو بلدنا فيه أخبار" و"إحنا ما بينا وبينك ثار يا استعمار"، وقدم أغنية للوحدة بين مصر وسوريا عام 1958 "وحدة ما يغلبها غلاب وأنا واقف فوق الأهرام وقدامي بساتين الشام"، وكذلك غنى لثورة الجزائر "إخوانا في الجزائر محتاجين سلاح".

وكانت آخر مشاركة له بالغناء في إحياء الليلة المحمدية قبل خمسة أعوام وسجل في نفس العام قصيدة "مهرجان النيل".

Post: #14
Title: Re: ريى جارلس ..... وداعا
Author: Rawia
Date: 06-11-2004, 01:37 AM
Parent: #13

الغريبه بعد تاريخه دا كله انا بتذكره كل ما العب الPowerBall

وطبعا النحس ملازمنى

الله يرحمه

ويحل لينا عقده النحس دى ونكسب

Post: #15
Title: Re: ريى جارلس ..... وداعا
Author: Tabaldina
Date: 06-11-2004, 07:48 PM
Parent: #1

معليش ما قدرنا نجى الغداء
بس ان شاء الله صينة الغداء وصلت ؟؟
بعدين ناس بيت البكا ديل طشو وين ؟؟
ربنا يغفر ليك يا ريى جارلس
يا ربي كنت بتاع توتو كورة !!؟؟
لانى شايف فى ناس احمد امين وراوية
بتكلمو عن ( البور بول) وحاجة كدا ما بفهم فيها برضو
غايتو توتو كوره دى انا ما حضرتها لكن بعرف مسابقات
الشرق الوسط ومن سيربح المليون وبحرين كول
ويا ربي البور بول دا شراب القوة البنشربو لمن الواحد
يشعر بالاجهاد والتعب فى الشغل ما عارف ليه
بذكرني مشروب البورهورس والرد بول ..الخ
معليش دا حال الدنيا
تضحك الدنيا وتفيق
تصحى الكهارب فى الشوارع
وينكسر حاجز الموانع
خلى بالك مت (الحته) بتاعت الموانع دى

يعنى سور برلين اتكسر انت ما تشيلى
ليك ان شاء الله (مرزبه)عشان تددشيها ولو
تاخد سنة
وانا هنا قاعد عاصر البرش لو اسبوع

كلام زعل
والله فراشك عجبنى فيهو المقطع دا
Quote: ومن أشهر أغانيه العاطفية "جميل وأسمر"
و"أبو سمرة"
و"يا حلو صبح يا حلو طل"

ماشي اجيب الثلج وبجي


Post: #16
Title: Re: ريى جارلس ..... وداعا
Author: Raja
Date: 06-12-2004, 01:22 PM
Parent: #1

أرحل الجمال..


راي شارلز.. معلم الروعة الأول..

رحمه الله..

Post: #17
Title: Re: ريى جارلس ..... وداعا
Date: 06-12-2004, 02:47 PM
Parent: #1

May god bless his soul .The blues lost a great talanted singer

Post: #18
Title: Re: ريى جارلس ..... وداعا
Author: Tabaldina
Date: 06-21-2004, 05:22 PM
Parent: #1

انا ما عارف لية كل ما اكون مبسوط
حبتين قراط بفتش بيت البكاء دا
مش حاجة غريبة انو بيوت البكا دايما بتاعت ونسة
فعلا شئ محزن هذا الحزن الذى ينتابنا ولكننا نجد
انفسنا ومن عاددتنا الغير حميده بيت البكا بكون فيهو دردشة
اكتر من بيت العرس .. يعنى الناس بتقعد كيمان كدا وفى الطراف
وهاك يا ونسه وشمار ودردشة ..
بعدين من غيبت الكمونية اتعطلت ..
ما تقولى ياااى .يعنى لو ما سويتيها انت ودومه والجندرية
البعملها منو ؟؟
بنات الزمن دا الشاى فى تلتله ..
فى غيابك واحدة من الخالات قالت لبنات الشاى اعملو شاى
بالمستكة .. قاموا كبوا المستكة فى الكفتيره ..قر قر قر قر
والله الغيبك الا الشديد القوى .. او الجرى ورا المعايش ولا كيف ؟؟
اسال منو يا ربي ؟؟؟

على العموم بصل ناس افراح الشمالية
عشان يجوا يلموا الصيوان دا ان شاء الله
تقع فى راسي عارضه .. لو ما جيتى بالسلامة

ومع السلامة ..

Post: #19
Title: Re: ريى جارلس ..... وداعا
Author: Elwaid Osman
Date: 06-21-2004, 05:58 PM
Parent: #1

تماضر تحية واحتراما

احي فيك هذا الحس الانساني اللماح المتسع ليشمل كل الناس حقا كل الناس. بكل ما تعني هذه الكلمه متعك الله بالصحه وكتر من امثالك.والرحمه والسلام للاسطوره البصيره رآي جارلس.

وليد يوسف

Post: #20
Title: Re: ريى جارلس ..... وداعا
Author: Ahmed Al Bashir
Date: 06-22-2004, 04:01 AM
Parent: #1

تحياتى يا تماضر والبركه فينا وفيكم

غايتو انا ندمان انى ما كنت ود جيرانكم. تعرفى كنت حاابقى لبك فى رقبتك وباى حجه، انشاء الله اضرب باب بيتنا بوهيه بلون بابكم واجى خاشى و ده كله بس كايس لى ونسه معاك. ياخى على الاقل كنت عرفت ناس شارلى باركر وراى جارلس ديل من زمان.
بعدين تعالى هنا، ليه يعنى عروضكم كلها فى دى سى و فلادلفيا و ما جاورهم. نيويورك دى ما فيها سودانيين؟