Kodi with 10 artists at New york on 18 September, don't miss it!!

Kodi with 10 artists at New york on 18 September, don't miss it!!

09-13-2003, 05:27 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=2&msg=1063470447&rn=7

Post: #1
Title: Kodi with 10 artists at New york on 18 September, don't miss it!!
Author: ghurba
Date: 09-13-2003, 05:27 PM
Parent: #0

Redo China is a perspective exhibition organized by Chinese Artist, curator
and activist, Pan Xing Lei. On September 18th, ten artists from different
nations will gather at the Asian Center in New York to the open the show
titled, “Redo China.” Each artist will create impressions of the contemporary
China as they see it, and as people of their own nation see it.

My memories of China were always associated with red. As Chairman Mao
addressed the young and well-organized Chinese men and women at festive
occasions, Red was the color that captured my ayes, always Red, cadmium red.
Even on the cover of the elegant magazine, Re-Building China… Red, that
translated to rigged Arabic

My memories of China were often intermingled with the constructions of my own
Sudan and spared of the concept of providing people with the mean of catching
the fish, but never giving them the fish. I have good memories of China -
after all I was a representative of the (ping pong) team at my high school.

In the recent years my memories with China, became red, green, and black. Red
for blood, green for the dollars, and black for the oil! As the world fell
apart, China became a super power of some sort. The capital market imposed new
economic needs and the competitive market imposed investment desire. My more
recent memories of China are linked with the discovery of oil in the Sudan.
China with all its experience in the intellect, engendering and development,
China with all its history in advocating friendship, and comradeship, has
become heavily involved in investing for dollars by any means necessarily. It
invests in several African nations, including Sudan.

Despite all those wonderful things of China’s history, despite all the
wonderful memories I personally have, the present reality of China’s
investment in Africa is not a pretty one! The human toll is so high, over two
million Sudanese people have lost their lives, four million have lost their
homes, and hundreds of villages have been destroyed as giant oil machines took
the places of huts and fields that once belonged to indigenous Sudanese
families. Many of these machines are Chinese.

My newer memories of China are not of history, culture and the festive color
red. They are no longer good ones. They are of murderous silence and heartless
investment in the genocide taking place in Sudan. The images of red are now
images of blood; the blood of millions of Sudanese people.

This installation is a response to China’s decision to invest in a country
ruled by a dictator. The painting is executed using Oil, Blood and Ink on rice
paper. I believe that the use of these materials is the most important element
of this work.

Khalid I Kodi
[email protected]

Post: #2
Title: Re: Kodi with 10 artists at New york on 18 September, don't miss it!!
Author: ghurba
Date: 09-13-2003, 07:28 PM
Parent: #1


Post: #3
Title: Re: Kodi with 10 artists at New york on 18 September, don't miss it!!
Date: 09-13-2003, 09:49 PM
Parent: #2

الشاعره غربه
تعبتينى تعب شديد
ما ممكن تترجمى لينا
شكرا لك

Post: #4
Title: Re: Kodi with 10 artists at New york on 18 September, don't miss it!!
Author: ghurba
Date: 09-13-2003, 11:50 PM
Parent: #3

any time ya hamza what the part that you need to translate , am thinking of inviting kodi him self so he can reply, i love art but am not in position to translate at all ! joking! thanks for passing by!

Post: #5
Title: Re: Kodi with 10 artists at New york on 18 September, don't miss it!!
Author: ghurba
Date: 09-13-2003, 11:52 PM
Parent: #4

Correction !! it is 20 artist will come back with the address!

Post: #6
Title: Re: Kodi with 10 artists at New york on 18 September, don't miss it!!
Date: 09-16-2003, 01:33 PM
Parent: #5

فى انتظار الترجمه
انت عارفه
حاولى ترجمى البهمنى
الله يخليك

Post: #7
Title: Re: Kodi with 10 artists at New york on 18 September, don't miss it!!
Author: ghurba
Date: 09-16-2003, 06:23 PM
Parent: #6

عليك الله ياحمزه وريني اترجم ليك شنو وانا مستعده
بس انا خايفه تكون المترجم انت وانا المنتظره. بصراحه الاعمال التي قام كودي بعرضها في اغسطس ببعض الدول الوربيه مدهشه ومتفرده وتحتاج الي وقفه خاصه عندما يحاول ترجمه واقع السودان من خلال لوحاته التي تحدثت عن مفهوم الحرب والوطن الجديد! كنت باحدي المحاضرات وكما قلت سابقا بكيت في اثناء سرده وايضا ابتسمت وامتلات املا بعوده وطن يسكنه ويحمله في الاحداق اناس باحساس خالد كودي... له ولكم مترحمي الامنا بالرسم,الحرف والوتر الانحناء احتراما
يلا بعد كده قول لي اترجم ليك شنو؟تسلم حمزه

Post: #8
Title: Re: Kodi with 20 artists at New york on 18 September, don't miss it!!
Author: ghurba
Date: 09-17-2003, 02:37 PM

!! correction there will be 20 artist who will participate:
The address for the events RED-DO CHINA
September 18th - Novemebr 1 st
Opening reception : thursday, September 18th , 6 - 8 pm
Artist Talk : Saturday, September 20th , 2 pm
37 Walker street New York NY 10013 (between Broadway& Church

Post: #9
Title: Re: Kodi with 10 artists at New york on 18 September, don't miss it!!
Author: Elmosley
Date: 09-17-2003, 02:49 PM

جهد محمود ياغربه

Post: #10
Title: Re: Kodi with 10 artists at New york on 18 September, don't miss it!!
Author: ghurba
Date: 09-17-2003, 02:55 PM
Parent: #9

ليتني املك القدره علي ترجمه الالام والجراح النازفه بالوطن كما يستطيع كودي وغيره بالنقش علي جدار المحطات وموصلي وحمزة واخرين بالكلمه والاوتار ..

Post: #11
Title: Re: Kodi with 10 artists at New york on 18 September, don't miss it!!
Date: 09-17-2003, 06:20 PM
Parent: #10

الشاعريه التى تتوشحين بها احساسا والقا
اعتقد انها اسست فيك هذا الاختيار لى اسم
نعيش غربه بكل المعانى غربه الجسد وغربه الروح
حاله اشتهاء دائما لكل الذكريات وحاضر تحاصره النفس
وتلفظه المواجع
انا ذلك الدمع الذى يمشى على قدمين
اكيد استطاع كودى باحساس الفنان ان يخاطب فيك الشاعريه
وتبكى ...
تغير الزمن حتى الذين تشتهيهم اقاموا شاهدا ونعوك
اى غربه نعيشها ماهى الا موت فى نظرى
لك اسفى فهذه تداعيات غربه
لانك اخترتى اسما شدنى
فلك العتبى
عسى ان يكتب لنا الله حبا وميلادا وقصيده ولحن وصوت نغنى
فى خارطه نفسيه لا تتعبها الغربه

Post: #12
Title: Re: Kodi with 10 artists at New york on 18 September, don't miss it!!
Author: ghurba
Date: 09-18-2003, 02:11 PM
Parent: #11

حمزه احساسك خرافي ...
حقيقه الغربه مره ومولمه
بتخليك روتيني وشكلك ألي.. بتضحك رسمه وفي جواك حزن خيالي. عارف برغم الانجاز الاكاديمي والمادي لبعض الناس
الساكنه بعيد عن الاوطان الا انه الخسارات كبيره واقلها..
لمن فيىيوم تحس بالغربه ...فراق الصحبه والاخوان فما بالك بما نلاقي من مختلف الناس واحساسنا بيهم واحساسهم بينا , وده كله هين اخبار المرض والموت البكون بعدها مهجس بتكرارها.. عليك الله هبشتني مالك...
لك الود وانت حقيقي تكلمت بلساني