Sudan Peace Talks Likely to Be Put Off Over Dispute .

Sudan Peace Talks Likely to Be Put Off Over Dispute .

07-12-2003, 05:51 PM


Post: #1
Title: Sudan Peace Talks Likely to Be Put Off Over Dispute .
Author: Deng
Date: 07-12-2003, 05:51 PM

Sudan Peace Talks Likely to Be Put Off Over Dispute

The Nation (Nairobi)
July 12, 2003

NAIROBI -- There were fears yesterday that the Sudanese peace talks might, after all, not end this weekend as anticipated after some delegates checked out of their hotels.

Sources said the talks will be postponed following a misunderstanding between the Khartoum government and the Sudanese Peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM).

Local and international media have been denied access to the Sarova Lion Hill Lodge at the Lake Nakuru National Park, where the talks started last Monday.

Most of the delegates who checked out of Merica hotel in Nakuru town yesterday were from the government side.

Mr Ghazi Salal Eddin, the chief negotiator for the Sudan government and President Omar El Bashir's advisor, is leading the high-powered Khartoum delegation.

Col John Garang's SPLM is led by his personal assistant, Mr Salwa Kiir Maryardit, and the Commissioner for External Affairs, Mr Nhial Deng Nhial.

The sources said the government side is not comfortable with a draft agreement, which both sides have been studying since they went to the resort.