I'm Really Afraid Of The Outcome

I'm Really Afraid Of The Outcome

06-29-2003, 08:01 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=2&msg=1056913318&rn=2

Post: #1
Title: I'm Really Afraid Of The Outcome
Author: Abu Suzan
Date: 06-29-2003, 08:01 PM
Parent: #0

Salam everyone and glad to see most of you around contributing to this great Sudanese forum.
It has been said that the obvious solution isn't always the right solution. It's also said things don't always mean the way they look. No doubt all of us are happy to see the blood shed stopped and the road map to peace has been drawn. Regardless of who behind the peace process and the circumstances that led to this spectacular end, we are gald to see the warring parties have agreed to cease fire and to negotiate peace in good faith.
But....and ah from but...the peace that has been negotiated isn't comprehensive and doesn't cover all of the issues we believe are the causes of instablity in our beloved country. Such incomprehensive peace may result in an outcome more dangerous and might turn our country into turmoil of civil war not only between two parties as it used to be but between the diferent ethnicities that make up the country. I'm also afraid when this peace becomes a reality with the conditions agreed upon by the negoiated parties it will become an obstacle to an effective constitutional democracy and hence a comprehensive peace.
Best regards

Post: #2
Title: Re: I'm Really Afraid Of The Outcome
Author: omdurmani
Date: 06-29-2003, 08:27 PM
Parent: #1

this is true ,unless we made more effort to bring people together by means of faithful agreement and also we need the leftist and the southerners to be more understanding to the need of removing the islam card from them . it is important ,very important at this time ,to listen more the voice of the UMMA party ,because this party present more reasonable and reliable views regarding the issue if state and religion.
but if the leftists and the southerners insist on rediculing the importance of presenting the view of islam in a reasonable way that give the muslim his identity and the christian his identity ,then no peace ,no unity is expected.
we need to take the ISLAM card from them,this is what the leftists and southerners need to know and acknowlege.

Post: #3
Title: Re: I'm Really Afraid Of The Outcome
Author: omdurmani
Date: 06-29-2003, 08:41 PM
Parent: #1

many young leftists do not know thier true intersts, as a matter of fact ,they should praise the presence of elsadiq elmahdi. without him there will be no tolerance.imagine now that the portion of the umma is distributed among other parties, 95% will not go to the left,they will go to the right.
no way to separate the religion from state , but there is a way to account for the ethics and morals from religions in the constitution.
only then , the salvation and its followers will not present any useful plan or layout for the sudanese future.then ,the leftists can present their experience and they will get morwe support .
actually the salvation only present islam , they don't have any human contributions as to the application. we need to make the ethics and morals as a common factor and they will find nothing to present.

Post: #4
Title: Re: I'm Really Afraid Of The Outcome
Author: Abu Suzan
Date: 06-29-2003, 09:04 PM
Parent: #3

Thanks Omdurmani for the comment. I respect your opinion though I disagree with it. Seperation of relign and state is fundamental to a compreshensive peace. The seperation shouldn't be on federal level only but on regional level as well. Sudan is a home to all Sudanese despite their belief. The constititution shall protect the right of belief of every citizen in every place in Sudan. Seperation of religion and state doesn't protect people's rights alone but also the faith itself. Religions are always good calling for good conduct, morals and behaviour and they are destorted when used by people in power to justify their evil actions. When religion becomes a sword on the hands of rulers, secularity is only solution.
It's also important to note that effevtive opposition is the way to good goverment. Without left and midle, the right will dominate which means oposition = goverment which means dictatorship.
Best regards

Post: #5
Title: Re: I'm Really Afraid Of The Outcome
Author: omdurmani
Date: 06-29-2003, 09:50 PM
Parent: #1

seperation as a prerequisite for peace will not get any support.
i think taking a look to make a positive relation between religion and state is more praiseworthy.
and if you make a vote today for that issue you will find more supporters for the latter.
we need a democracy that understand the needs for religion.with a constitution that take into account the positive value of ethics and religion values.
for me, separation of powers is important ,but it is also important to strengthen the community by virtues of religion.

Post: #6
Title: Re: I'm Really Afraid Of The Outcome
Author: omdurmani
Date: 06-29-2003, 09:57 PM
Parent: #1

if the peace ends with separation of north from south,do you think separation will be valid. i don't think so.
and what will happen in a state that is 100 % muslims...should they also separate ???
we don't need to buy peace by the separation of religion from state.because if unity falls then the separation will fall.and then the religious state may be declared in the north.
we need to look in depth to that issue.

Post: #7
Title: Re: I'm Really Afraid Of The Outcome
Author: Abu Suzan
Date: 06-29-2003, 10:22 PM
Parent: #6

Dear Omdurmani,
A quick reading in our political history shows that the party that raised shariaa as its prinicple political slogan and called for Islamically based goverment had failled miserably during all democratic elections. The Islamically based goverment was only formed during two dictatorial regiemes: Nimeri and Basheer....therfore your claim that seperation of State and religion is not the choise of the 100% muslim North is false.
Second, Over 90% of the 100% muslim north are Sufist. The principle pilar of Sufism is that people shouldn't be judged by their act or say in contrary to Shariaa. The diference between Shariaa and Sufism is the difrence in the intial interpretation between the actions of the prohet al-khidir and the responces of the prophet Mousa.
In Conclusion, Though I agree with you that the majority northerners are muslims, only few of them want religion and state to be integrated fully. Those few have been in continous decrease since NIF came to power on a tank. The policy of NIF has proven to all Sudanese that religion and state can not go hand on hand: politics is a dirty game and religion is a moral despline.

Post: #8
Title: Re: I'm Really Afraid Of The Outcome
Author: omdurmani
Date: 06-29-2003, 11:01 PM
Parent: #1

we a gree then to disagree about what suits the mentality of our people more . i think the two examples you provided,makes a serious indication that whenever ISLAM was used by the rulers ,the rulers got more support,until the people of sudan after a while realized the fact that it was a big lie. that means they still have the innately feelings and desires to a true islam.
and there will be always someone who will use this card.
also, i can clearly see,that there can be no separation of religion from state ,in a way that is endorsed by the people of sudan,but the people of sudan can endorse the conception of human nature as selfish and not to be trusted.
That is important to separate powers ,to adopt many democratic values and concepts such are equality ,equal opportunities ,not to mention the importance of a constitution that takes in to account the religion.
Aconstitution that take a positive stand towards the community and what is good.A constitution that protect the people from the abuse of freedoms in many ways such as publishing unethical magazines and channels.A constitution that understands the freedoms as sudanese both northerners and southerner identify with.Our values are different from Europe and the concept of freedoms is laso different.
these are true concerns , unless we address them , i am pretty sure the salvation will play that card.

Post: #9
Title: Re: I'm Really Afraid Of The Outcome
Author: Abu Suzan
Date: 06-30-2003, 02:19 AM
Parent: #8

Thanx Omdurmani for your patience. Though we don't agree on the main issue of seperation of relign and state , we can still argue in good faith to narrow the gab that seperates our positions on this critical matter. I agree with you on the importance of democracy, seperation of states and equality. But when we say equality we should mean equal rights to all citizens of Sudan in all areas: ecnomically, socially, politically ....etc. However, if I assume you are right that religion and state shouldn't be seperated, then we face with a dilama in regards to the issue of equality. In an Islamically based goverment a none muslim or a woman isn't entitled to elect or been elected to the top positions of the goverment. As you see we can't achieve quality under such religiously based goverment and those groups who have been denied this right won't keep silent and will continue fighting....and 7aleema 3adat le ghadeemah.
Stablity is a prerequisite to effective democracy, progress and welfare of our nation. For the NIF the religion card is no longer helping them and this why you see them looking for any solution to survive.