SOAT Press Release : Use of Systematic Torture against Students

SOAT Press Release : Use of Systematic Torture against Students

06-21-2003, 08:16 PM


Post: #1
Title: SOAT Press Release : Use of Systematic Torture against Students
Author: sultan
Date: 06-21-2003, 08:16 PM

Press Release 20 June 2003

Use of systematic torture against students escalates

Since our statement dated 9 June entitled Sudanese Government Resumes Use of Systematic Torture, SOAT has become concerned that the Sudanese government has stepped- up the systematic use of torture against university students in particular. In the past two weeks alone, more than 12 students have reportedly been tortured at the hands of National Security Agency (NSA) personnel. Below is a detailed account of one of these recent incidents:

“My Name is Mohamed Sidiq Al- Zaybir.I am 23 years old and a third- year student at the Art Faculty of Khartoum University.

On Monday the sixteenth of June 2003 at exactly 8 am as I was leaving the student halls of residence at Khartoum University, I was hit on the head with a sharp object and led away by a group of nine to eleven people to a Toyota truck. I was thrown onto the floor of the truck and tied-up; then the car sped away from the scene. After twenty minutes, when we were close to Al- Gurshi Park, they took me down from the back of the truck, put me in the front seat of the car and blind- folded me.

The car stopped inside a building, which I later found out was the offices of the National Security Agency close to Al- Farouqh Cemetery. I was led away from the car and a number of people began to beat and kick me continuously with their hands and feet. That was at around 8.20 am. After that I was dragged to a room on the fourth floor which contained only a chair and a naked wire which was connected to an electricity supply. Around 5 to 6 individuals began to beat me once again, focusing on the area behind my ear as they questioned me about the Democratic Front for Sudanese Students (DFSS) and
certain people.

After that, another person who appeared to be an officer arrived and ordered them to stop the beating. He questioned me again about those people and the DFSS, but when I claimed I had no knowledge of them he asked for a water hose and began beating me with it. I fell unconscious as a result of the beating, but I awoke when they gave me an electric shock.

The beating began again at 8.20 am and continued until 2 pm, after which time they left me on my own, lying on the floor. Then at about 3 pm, they returned, threatened to kill me and questioned me again about the people I had said I had no knowledge of. So the beating continued, from 3 pm until half six. Every time I passed out, I was woken by electric shocks and blows to the soles of my feet.

At around 7 pm, the officer came back accompanied by 5 other people and I was thrown into a car. Then at half- seven, I was thrown out of the car onto Al Jamhoria Street.

On the day of my release, I received a medical report (form * for a check- up conducted by Dr. Osman Bashir Mohamed”.

SOAT has received a copy of this report, which clearly describes the extent of Mohamed’s injuries. The report states that at the time of his check- up, Mohamed’s
body displayed:

    Severe bruising around both eyes

    Bruising and swelling of the right side of the forehead

    A cut on the right ear

    Major swelling behind the left ear

    A deep, 3cm- long cut on the back

    A 4cm-long cut on the left shoulder

    3cm- squared circular burns on the left hand

    3 cm- squared circular burns on the soles of the right and left feet

    Bruising on the inside of the elbow

    Surface- burns on the right forearm

The doctor also requested that x- rays be taken of Mohamed’s head, chest and shoulders.

* This specific medical report form is one, which is completed by a doctor in the event of the patient having sustained injuries resulting from physical assault or abuse.

SOAT is gravely concerned about the increasing use of arbitrary arrest and subsequent torture at the hands of the Sudanese authorities. SOAT is also concerned about the authorities' use of arbitrary arrests, detention and torture as a means of stifling political opposition in Sudan. Furthermore, SOAT fears that the alleged perpetrators of these acts will not be brought to justice and that the victim in question will not be awarded adequate compensation.

SOAT urgently request the GOS to

1. Order a thorough and impartial investigation into the circumstances of these events and guarantee that those responsible are brought to trial and that the penal, civil and/or administrative sanctions are applied as provided by law;

2. Guarantee adequate reparation to Mohamed Sidiq Al-Zaybir

3. Guarantee respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms throughout the country, in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards.

Sudan for all the Sudanese ..السودان لكل السودانيين