اليوم العالمي لمكافحة التصحر والجفاف 17 /6

اليوم العالمي لمكافحة التصحر والجفاف 17 /6

06-20-2003, 09:56 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=2&msg=1056099378&rn=3

Post: #1
Title: اليوم العالمي لمكافحة التصحر والجفاف 17 /6
Author: almohndis
Date: 06-20-2003, 09:56 AM
Parent: #0

مر علينا يوم الثلاثاء الماضى اليوم العالمي لمكافحة التصحر والجفاف
(17 حزيران/يونيه)
أعلنت الجمعية العامة في عام 1994 (القرار 49/115) يوم 17 حزيران/يونيه اليوم العالمي لمكافحة التصحر والجفاف. وفي ذلك التاريخ من العام نفسه، اعتمدت اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة لمكافحة التصحر. ودعيت الدول إلى تكريس اليوم العالمي لتعزيز الوعي بضرورة التعاون الدولي لمكافحة التصحر وآثار الجفاف ولتنفيذ اتفاقية مكافحة التصحر.

اخى عبدالله جعفر وانت اهل الغابات ادرى من يتحدث فى هذا المجال
رجاء تنويرنا فى مجال مكافحة التصحر فى السودان

Post: #2
Title: Re: اليوم العالمي لمكافحة التصحر والجفاف 17 /6
Author: Abdalla Gaafar
Date: 06-20-2003, 01:10 PM
Parent: #1

Deforestation in Sudan:

Annual deforestation in Sudan ( area in 000h)
Deforestation Reference period Source
1187 1983-1990 World Bank 1986
1400 1983-1990 Hunter, 1989
4817 1980-1990 FAO,1993
Source : Planning Dept. FNC, 1993
The FAO estimation is likely to be more realistic than the other two.

The survey of forest products consumption ( 1995 ) and the National Forest Inventory ( 1998 ) gave a very grim picture of deforestation in Central Sudan. The consumption survey results projected to 1998 gave a total consumption of wood of 18.19 million m3 compared to an allowable removal estimate of 11.67 million m3 accoroding to the estimate given by the National Forest Inventory for the same area. The surveys covered only the area between latitudes 10˚ and 16º N. In this area lives the majority of the Sudanese people including more than 3 million people displaced by the civil war from the most tree covered areas of Southern Sudan, Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan. Most of the agricultural activities and animal production are also practiced in this area. Deforestation rate of 4.5% in this area is very alarming taking into consideration the very fragile nature of its ecosystem. The recent FRA 2000 study undertaken by FAO gave a national forest cover estimate of 17% and other wooded areas of 10% giving atotal area of 27% of the total surface area of the country with an annual deforestation rate of 1.4% using remote sensing techniques to consider areas not covered by the National Forest Inventory. Taking the FRA figures the deforestation rate in Sudan is still more than world average (- 0.24% ) and the African average ( –0.78% ).
Source:Abdalla Gaafar ,Seminar of Agriculture and forestry in developing countries 05.03.2003

Present Strategies :
Forest National corporation (FNC) and related concern instiutions :-
.- Increased the afforestation programme and also put on social forestry but still on a limited scale, extensive extension work was also been carried out such that it encompasses all the different categories of the society.
- Increased the reserved forest area
- Environmental education has been introduced in the curriculum of the general
- Enactment of a package of environmental legislation and institutional
Arrangements. The most recent of which are:
- The Forest Policy 1986 (amending & updating that of 1932).
- The FNC Act 1989.
-The Forest Act, 1989 (amending and updating of 1932 and identifies five types of reserved forests:- Federal , state, institutional, community & private)
- The Wildlife Conservation Act , 1981
- The Environmental Health Act, 1975
- The Comprehensive National Strategy
Recommendations for Future Policy :
- A national programme for production of bio-fuel is needed & more efforts are needed to ensure a reasonable implementation of the ordeal issued by the MAF concerning the allocation of specific percentage of agricultural land to forestry (the supply of which is estimated as 20 % of the future consumption of fuelwood)
- Mobilisation of local and international effort to increase forest areas with emphasis on the afforestation programme with concentration on fast-growing spp.
-Due consideration to be given to the role of forestry extension and the strengthening of extension services to mobilise the local population to participate in the protection, reforestation and management of the forest and ensure their involvement in the social forestry programmes.
- Promotion of the energy conservation techniques and encouragement of the
people to use the alternative energy sources and energy saving devices.
- Raising the standard of environmental awareness of politicians and decision-makers to ensure their understanding and hence adoption of scientific approaches that realise the environmental conservation.
- Evaluation of the present practices that are negatively affecting the environment aiming to rectify them and fend against their future negative impacts.
- Strengthen the co-ordination between different organisation and institutions having the same interest and encourage the co-operation between them to enhance the process of project formulation in an integrated manner.
- Application of a proper working plans for each forest and whenever possible all felling should be concentrated in forest reserves, whereby regeneration can be secured by means of a proper afforestation system in order to cover the future demand for energy and timber in accordance with the set working plans that control the felling operations according to the productive capacity of the forest (mean annual increment throughout the rotation).
-Division of responsibilities and power is vital for efficient implementation of future policy between central, state and provinces or local governments authorities to cope with social, economical, political and environmental changes
- Encouragement of the private sectors to regard timber as marketable
produce without restriction and secure the technical and financial assistance to promote private, community and agroforestry in rural areas.
-Concentration of research on forests and forest products to achieve the high volume in the same period from the same area
- More emphasis on the management of forestry resource with the use of participatory approaches on the protection, establishment, and development of forestry resources in order to achieve the environmental goal (the productivity of forest land, biodiversity and genetic variation must be preserved), and the production goal.
-.More efforts are needed on the promotion and dissemination of the different types of improved stove i.e extension and publicity campaigns and to encourage investment by the private sector .
-Increase government budgetary input to forestry (sufficient funds to carry out all forestry activities).
-Synchronise forestry programmes with other poverty alleviation programmes

1-Abdalla G. Mohammed & Bulgies M. Osman, presented, Stockholm, Sweden (1997) development of national forest policies and strategies, Sudan case
2-Statistics & Information Section FNC, (1996). Information note. FAO, FNC (1995) Forest products consumption survey in the Sudan
3-Bayoumi, Abdel Aziz. M. S. (1995) Sudan National Report on Forestry Policy
4-Statistics and Information Section FNC (June, 1995) Statistical Handbook of Forestry.
5-Sudan Republic (1992) “The Comprehensive National Strategy”.

Please see the following link:-

Post: #3
Title: Re: اليوم العالمي لمكافحة التصحر والجفاف 17 /6
Author: Abdalla Gaafar
Date: 06-20-2003, 09:13 PM
Parent: #1

الاخ المهندس
الود والتقدير
داهمني بوستك وانا اتهيأ للمغادرة الي بنين لحضور ورشة عمل خاصة بنفس الموضوع ممثلا للجامعة .أعتذر بشدة عن عدم تمكني من الكتابة بالعربي وبالاسهاب اللازم لعكس الحال بالسودان.المعلومة توضح معدل الازالة العالي للغطاء النباتي بالسودان -اعلي من المعدل العالمي والافريقي-يحتاج الحال الراهن للمعالجة السريعة.اللنك اعلاه يوصل لكل مايخص التصحر بالسودان .لك التقدير واكرر اعتذاري وساحاول تحضير مادة كاملة الدسم عن هذا الموضوع بعد رجوعي انشالله

عبدالله جعفر