Your daily Quote (14)

Your daily Quote (14)

05-17-2003, 12:54 PM


Post: #1
Title: Your daily Quote (14)
Author: Ibn Lutfi
Date: 05-17-2003, 12:54 PM

Sallam All

Here is your daily quote appearing again after a short break.

Luther Burbank, the botanical genius, presented hundreds of new
varieties of fruits and vegetables to the world. He had a simple
method for testing a new fruit he believed was particularly fla-
voursome. Asking his friends to close their eyes, he gave them a
slice of the new fruit. Their reactions to the new taste supplied
helpful information to Burbank. Since it was a new fruit, the
friends had to react from an original place within themselves,
not from mere memories of other fruits they had eaten.

Each person has an original place within himself, untouched and
uninfluenced by past experiences. It may be unfound as yet, but
it is there. This original place is totally self-governing, de-
pending upon nothing outside itself. It knows instantly the diff-
erence between the taste of truth and what conditioned memory
labels as the truth. It knows what is truly right for itself,
receiving that alone, declining all else.

Whoever lives from his original place receives its unique
refreshment all day long."