>Was Aids US’ weapon of killing lesser races?>>The Aids pathogen was created out of a blucellosis>>bacteria mutated with a visna virus, then the toxin>>was removed as a DNA particle called a mycopasma. They>>used the same mycoplasma to develop disabling diseases>>like MS, Crohn’s colitis and Lyme disease.”>>>>In a United States congressional document of a meeting>>held on June 9, 1969, the Pentagon delivered a report>>to Congress about bio" /�> >Was Aids US’ weapon of killing lesser races?>>The Aids pathogen was created out of a blucellosis>>bacteria mutated with a visna virus, then the toxin>>was removed as a DNA particle called a mycopasma. They>>used the same mycoplasma to develop disabling diseases>>like MS, Crohn’s colitis and Lyme disease.”>>>>In a United States congressional document of a meeting>>held on June 9, 1969, the Pentagon delivered a report>>to Congress about bio�� /> I JUST CALL TO SAY .................ILU

I JUST CALL TO SAY .................ILU

05-15-2003, 03:54 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=2&msg=1053010463&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: I JUST CALL TO SAY .................ILU
Author: sudania2000
Date: 05-15-2003, 03:54 PM

>>Was Aids US’ weapon of killing lesser races?
>>The Aids pathogen was created out of a blucellosis
>>bacteria mutated with a visna virus, then the toxin
>>was removed as a DNA particle called a mycopasma. They
>>used the same mycoplasma to develop disabling diseases
>>like MS, Crohn’s colitis and Lyme disease.”
>>In a United States congressional document of a meeting
>>held on June 9, 1969, the Pentagon delivered a report
>>to Congress about biological weapons and stated:
>>“We are continuing to develop disabling weapons,” Dr MacArthur who was
>>in charge of the research said: “We are developing a new lethal
>>weapon, a synthetic biological agent that does not naturally exist,
>>and for which no natural immunity could have been
>>acquired. Think about that. If you have a deficiency
>>of acquired immunity, you have an acquired immunity
>>deficiency. Plain as that- Aids.”
>>These words appear in an article published recently by
>>Dr Donald Scott, a retired American professor of
>>molecular medicine, who has extensively researched on neuro-systemic
>>degenerative diseases.
>>The thrust of Scott’s article is that Aids was
>>invented in American laboratories for the express
>>purpose of controlling the so-called lesser races and
>>perhaps ultimately wiping them out of the surface of
>>the earth altogether.
>>He asserts that his conclusions are based entirely on official
>>documents, both American and Canadian, and on reputed scientific
>>publications such as the Journal of the American Medical Association.
>>In the article, Dr Scott continues: “In laboratories
>>across the United States and some in Canada, including
>>the University of Alberta, the United States
>>government provided the leadership for the development
>>of the Aids virus for the purpose of population
>>After they had it perfected, they sent medical teams
>>to Africa and other Mid-Eastern countries where they
>>thought the population was becoming too large. They
>>gave them all a free vaccination for smallpox.
>>“Five years after receiving this smallpox vaccination,
>>60 per cent of them were suffering from Aids. They
>>then tried to blame it all on a monkey.”
>>Did Aids originate from monkeys or chimpanzees in the tropical rain
>>forests of the Congo? Not at all, according to Dr Scott.
>>The chimpanzee in which a professor at the university
>>of Arkansas in the United States found samples of the
>>HIV virus had actually been born and bred in the
>>United States two decades earlier.
>>“It had lived its entire life in a United States
>>military laboratory where it was used as an
>>experimental animal for the development of these
>>When it died, its body was shipped to a storage place
>>where it was deep frozen and stored in case they
>>wanted to analyse it later. Then they decided that
>>they did not have enough space for it so they said,
>>“Anybody want this dead chimpanzee? “and the
>>researcher from Arkansas said: “ Yes. Send it down to
>>the University of Arkansas.”
>>Dr Scott’s thesis is also amply supported by another
>>American researcher and lawyer. Boyd E. Graves, who
>>had already gone to the American courts seeking
>>compensation for those who may have fallen victim to
>>the Aids virus.
>>In his book, State Origin the Evidence of the
>>Laboratory Birth of Aids ,Graves states that the true
>>history of the origin of Aids can be traced throughout
>>the 20th Century and back to 1878 when the United
>>States passed the Federal Quarantine Act.
>>He says that by 1931, the United States government had already
>>advanced this research to the stage where it was able to secretly test
>>the virus on African-Americans and in sheep.
>>And then that the real bio-warfare programme was
>>officially launched in 1943, during the Second World
>>Graves further asserts that in 1945, scores of foreign scientists
>>flocked into the United States to work in “Operation Paperclip” whose
>>primary focus was the development of biological weapons that could be
>>turned against other human races.
>>“In 1970, President Nixon signed PL91-213 and John D. Rockfeller III
>>became the “Population Cizar”. Nixon’s National Security Memo of
>>August 10, leaves no doubt as to the genocidal nature of depopulation.
>>By June, 1977, the Special Virus programme had
>>produced 15,000 gallons of Aids. The Aids virus was
>>attached as a complement to vaccines sent to Africa.”
>>On September 28, 1998, Graves filed suit against the
>>United States government for the “creation, production
>>and proliferation of Aids. On November 7, 2002, the
>>court of appeal agreed with the lower court and held
>>that Aids bio-engineering was “frivolous”.
>>The issues raised before the courts have since been re-submitted and
>>await final judgement.
>>Graves also refers to Federal programme MK NAOMI which
>>he says was the code name for the development of Aids. According to
>>him, MK stood for the two doctors who co-authored the Aids virus,
>>while NAOMI stood for “Negroes are only momentary individuals.” In his
>>petition to the United States Supreme court, Graves
>>says that since the onset of Aids in 1979, less and
>>less scrutiny has been focused on the genesis of the
>>pandemic in which to allegedly concentrate on
>>education, treatment and prevention.
>>He says the American government’s Special Virus
>>programme spent about $550 million to make a virus for
>>which it has never accounted to the American people.
>>He adds that he has sufficient evidence that the virus
>>was specifically developed for purposes of biological
>>warfare against other peoples and races.
>>So, there you are. Did the Americans actually and deliberately invent
>>Aids with the sole purpose of wiping out the so-called lesser races
>>from the face of the earth?
>>If that is so, what are we now to believe about SARS,
>>the new Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome?