Know How To Drive To Your Destination

Know How To Drive To Your Destination

05-07-2003, 02:09 PM


Post: #1
Title: Know How To Drive To Your Destination
Author: Ibn Lutfi
Date: 05-07-2003, 02:09 PM

We are constantly driving on the roads of life, and arriving
to various destinations. Some have a particular destination
in mind and navigate towards it. Many do not have a clear
destination, and let fate, circumstances and other people
hold the driving wheel.

Sometime we love the scenery on the way, and at other time
we may dislike it. We pass through many terrains, mountain
passes, valleys, villages and towns. Do you sometimes settle
down in one place, or constantly travel? The places we pass
through are our opportunities, situations and circumstances.

Some of us can read the map and consciously navigate to our
destination. There are many obstacle and surprises on the way,
and therefore not everything on the way is anticipated.

On the journey we come to many intersections. Sometimes we
consciously steer in one direction, but more often we let the
car take us where it wills. What would have happened if at the
intersection you chose a different road? Where would you be

Do you sometimes find yourself contemplating what would have
happened if you took that opportunity, moved to a different
city, married that particular man or woman, or accepted the
job you were once offered? Maybe you would have been rich now,
or maybe you would have lost everything you have. What if you
had married your ex boyfriend or girlfriend, would you have
been happier or miserable?

It is useless to mull over the past. You cannot change it now.
Concentrate on where you are now, where you are traveling to,
and the intersections that you pass on your way. Learn to read
the map of life, and drive carefully.

You can follow the navigation of your mind, but does it take
you in the right direction? What is the right direction for
you? Read the road map carefully before taking a turn.
Following blindly any sign on the way might lead you to a
dead end. It is wiser to look at and read the map carefully,
and only then proceed in the right direction. You do this
by training yourself to become more conscious of your thoughts,
and by thinking, meditating and listening to your intuition
before every major decision you face.

It is usual for most people to act, albeit consciously, upon
the advice of family, teachers, friends and colleagues. Some
of the advice might be wise, but sometimes it is not. Heed
any advice given, but also find the facts by yourself before
deciding or acting. What might be good for someone else might
not be so good for you.

When you drive your car in order to arrive to a particular
destination, you need no one to tell how to drive. If the
passenger sitting in the car next to you desires to arrive
a different destination, and you rely on his/her navigation,
you might end up where they one to go and not where you
want to go.

To Be Continue

Post: #2
Title: Re: Know How To Drive To Your Destination
Author: almulaomar
Date: 05-07-2003, 02:30 PM
Parent: #1

أخي إبن لطفي قبل ما تو بي كونتينيو ما ممكن تكتبها لينا بالعربي عشان نستفيد أصلو أخوك ثقافته فرنسي.
دمت مبدعاً

Post: #3
Title: Re: Know How To Drive To Your Destination
Author: Ibn Lutfi
Date: 05-08-2003, 03:03 PM
Parent: #1

What is the conclusion?

Listen to other people advice, but it has to be your judgment
and decision whether to follow it.

When you face a major gather all the facts you can before
arriving to a decision

Use your common sense.

Listen to your intuition, but also analyze it before accepting

Use your imagination to visualize where the road might take you,
and plan ahead for any emergency.

Strengthening your power of concentration, will power,
self-discipline and practicing meditation will help you to
choose a better direction at every intersection in your life.

When you have to choose in which direction to go, whether in
relationships matters, work, study, housing or any other
subject, imagine that you have arrived to an intersection,
and you have to decide which way to go.

It is not always possible to know where you will end up when
you travel on the road, but you will experience fewer regrets
if you choose your direction consciously and deliberately.
If you plan carefully and know all the details, you have a
better chance to arrive where you plan to go, and you will
become the master of your life and not a slave of circumstances.

Post: #4
Title: Re: Know How To Drive To Your Destination
Author: Ibn Lutfi
Date: 05-08-2003, 03:07 PM
Parent: #1

Salamatt ya Moultna

I would love writting in it in Arabic....Bas ana gadii 3arabi fe imtahan alshehadaa, wa galo le YOU ARE NOT GOOD IN ARABIC.