To All Southener.........And Lover Of Sudan

To All Southener.........And Lover Of Sudan

05-01-2003, 04:37 PM


Post: #1
Title: To All Southener.........And Lover Of Sudan
Author: Ibn Lutfi
Date: 05-01-2003, 04:37 PM
Parent: #0

Dear all

Hope things are PRETTY FANTASTIC

I would like to ask you to support this work if you can...

I am collecting books for Sheikh LUTFI schools in RUFFA-ALJAZERAH. The schools is being given free of charge to student from South of Sudan and run by Southner's mainly.

On my last visit to Sudan, I went round the schools and the student hall of residnets, and it was really imperssive to see 100s of students living in small area of RUFFA (DAYEM LUTFI) and integrating with the people who are mainly relatives to each other's. I was so impressed by their educational and sports records compare with the whole of ALGAZIRA PROVINCE. I have even seen students coming from different schools sneaking in, to attend the Math and English classes as they are the best in whole of RUFFA

The grades of the schools and the students was unbelivable (ma sha'a allah) and the tropheies were all over the headmaster office, in basketball, vollyball, and even football.

I have promised the head master Mr Deng, to help the schools with books which are hard to get in Sudan e.g Dictioneries, and other general books.

I have thought of this place as the best place to spread the words, and to get everyone round the globe to help PEOPLE WHO NEEDS YOUR HELP.

As I will be running the cost of shipping to Sudan, I would like to ask whoever can help, is to give your old, new Dictionery, Literature, Science, or anything you might think it's valuable to have in their library.

You can also donate some money if you want too, by sending it direct to the schools,or by passing it to me. For further details, please e.mail me at [email protected].

Look forward to hear from you

Post: #2
Title: Re: To All Southener.........And Lover Of Sudan
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 05-02-2003, 07:21 PM
Parent: #1

أعتقد أن رسالتك هذه تهم كل السودانيين فى الداخل و فى الخارج و اصدقاؤهم فى العالم من أفراد و منظمات

فى الوصلة أدناه منظمة طوعية دولية تهتم بتزويد المدارس و المعاهد و الجامعات فى العالم الثالث بالكتب و المواد الدراسية مجانآ فى اطار خطتها التى ترمى الى نشر العلم و المعرفة باعتبارهما من حقوق الانسان الاصيلة

و حسب علمى فان هذه المنظمة تعمل بالتنسيق مع المجلس الثقافى البريطانى فى السودان
لتحقيق هذا الهدف

و فى هذه الوصلة تجد تفاصيل عن برنامج عونهم فى السودان