تقرير حول الأوضاع في دارفور من منظمة العفو الدولية

تقرير حول الأوضاع في دارفور من منظمة العفو الدولية

04-30-2003, 10:49 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=2&msg=1051696161&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: تقرير حول الأوضاع في دارفور من منظمة العفو الدولية
Author: intehazy
Date: 04-30-2003, 10:49 AM
Parent: #0

رقم الوثيقة : AFR 54/026/2003 (وثيقة عامة)
بيان صحفي رقم : 104
28 إبريل/نيسان 2003

السودان : الأزمة في دارفور – حاجة ملحة لتشكيل لجنة دولية للتحقيق والمراقبة

مع تدهور الوضع في دارفور الواقعة في غرب السودان، تدعو منظمة العفو الدولية إلى شمل دارفور في عملية مراقبة حقوق الإنسان التي أُنشئت بموجب عملية السلام في السودان. وإضافة إلى ذلك، يجب إرسال لجنة تحقيق دولية مستقلة إلى دارفور للتحقيق في الوضع المتدهور.

وقالت المنظمة إنه "في الوقت الذي تجري فيه محادثات السلام لوضع حد لنـزاع دام 20 عاماً وأسفر عن مصرع مليوني نسمة وتهجير 4,5 مليون شخص، ينبغي على المجتمع الدولي ألا يقف موقف المتفرج الصامت، فيما يجر اختيار الحل العسكري لمشاكل حقوق الإنسان منطقة أخرى في السودان إلى وسط الكارثة."

وعلى مدى السنوات القليلة الماضية، قتلت جماعات البدو الرحل التي تعيش في المنطقة المئات من المدنيين المنتمين إلى الجماعات الزراعية المستقرة في دارفور، مثل الفور والزغاوة والمساليت، وأحرقت المنازل وسرقت قطعان الأبقار والماعز.

وفي آخر حادثة مأساوية وقعت في 23 إبريل/نيسان، هاجم أعضاء مسلحون في مجموعات بدوية، كان بعضهم يرتدي بزات عسكرية وقيل إنهم أعضاء في ميليشيا تابعة للحكومة، رجالاً كانوا قرب المسجد في سوق ملي الواقعة في غرب دارفور، على بعد 15 كيلومتراً إلى الجنوب من الجنينة عاصمة الولاية. وقتلوا حوالي 55 شخصاً، وأصابوا ما لا يقل عن 20 بجروح وسرقوا الحيوانات الأليفة أو قتلوها.

وفي يوم الجمعة الموافق 25 إبريل/نيسان أقدم مشاركون في مظاهرة جرت في الجنينة، احتجاجاً على عمليات القتل والتقاعس عن إلقاء القبض على المسؤولين عن ارتكابها، على إحراق مكتب المحافظ؛ فقتلت قوات الأمن متظاهراً واحداً وألقت القبض على عدد من الأشخاص بينهم منيرة حسن تاج الدين، التي ورد أنها كانت على رأس المظاهرة. كما قُتل شرطي واحد على الأقل.

وبحسب ما ورد فر آلاف القرويين من قرارهم منذ 11 إبريل/نيسان بعد هجمات شنتها القوات الحكومية والميليشيات العربية التي شكلتها الحكومة للقتال ضد جيش تحرير السودان (الذي شكَّله في فبراير/شباط أعضاء الجماعات المستقرة في المنطقة) في منطقة كُـتُـمْ الواقعة في شمال دارفور. وقد ترددت أنباء حول تناقص المواد الغذائية، ولكن بسبب الوجود العسكري في المنطقة، من الصعب للغاية الحصول على معلومات حول أولئك الذين فروا من قراهم. والآن تخضع كُـتُـمْ لحظر التجول من الفجر وحتى الغسق، وقد قُطعت الخطوط الهاتفية وأُقيمت نقاط تفتيش على طرقات المنطقة.

وفي 25 إبريل/نيسان، هاجم جيش تحرير السودان المطار العسكري الكائن في الفاشر عاصمة شمال دارفور، حيث ورد أنه ألحق أضراراً بطائرتي أنطونوف وأربع مروحيات.

وقالت منظمة العفو الدولية إنه "لا يجوز السماح بتصعيد نزاع لا يريده أحد ويمكن تسويته عن طريق توصيات واضحة وآليات لحماية حقوق الإنسان" وأضافت أنه "ينبغي على المجتمع الدولي أن يتحرك!"

وقد زار مندوبو منظمة العفو الدولية مدينة الفاشر في يناير/كانون الثاني 2003 وبحثوا الوضع مع ممثلي الحكومة السودانية ومع سكان القرى الذين تعرضوا للهجمات ومع المحامين المحليين. وفيما بعد دعت منظمة العفو الدولية الحكومة السودانية في فبراير/شباط إلى إنشاء لجنة تحقيق مستقلة وإلى وضع توصياتها موضع التنفيذ. وقوبلت الدعوة بترحيب واسع من جانب سكان دارفور وفي الخارج.

لكن تم تفويت هذه الفرصة المتاحة لتوضيح العوامل المعقدة التي أدت إلى الوضع الراهن المتدهور وتحديد آليات حقوق الإنسان اللازمة لحماية الناس.

"لا يجوز أن يعاني الشعب السوداني المزيد من ويلات الحرب وما يرافقها من المزيد من انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان والآلام. ويمكن لإجراء تحقيق دولي سريع وحيادي في الأسباب المعقدة للأزمة، تنبثق عنه توصيات موثوق بها تتماشى مع مبادئ حقوق الإنسان لوضع حد لها، أن يؤدي إلى وقف فوري لإطلاق النار."

ويمكن تشكيل لجنة تحقيق دولية من جانب الاتحاد الأفريقي أو الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة أو مجلس الأمن الدولي. ويجب تقديم الموارد المناسبة للتحقيق وينبغي أن يتمتع أعضاء اللجنة بالاستقلالية والمعرفة الجيدة بالمنطقة وبمشاكلها. ويتعين على جميع السلطات المختصة أن تلتزم بالتعاون الكامل مع التحقيق، وأن تمنح أعضاء اللجنة حق الوصول بكل حرية إلى الناس والأماكن والاطلاع على الوثائق التي ترغب في دراستها. ويجب أن تُنشر نتائج التحقيق على الملأ وأن تُنفذ توصياته.

وفي إطار محادثات السلام، وافقت الحكومة السودانية على السماح بتشكيل لجنة تحقيق مستقلة للتحقيق في عمليات الخطف وتهم العبودية التي مورست في سياق الحرب الأهلية.

وقالت منظمة العفو الدولية إنه "يمكن للتحقيقات المستقلة الجادة أن تصل إلى معرفة العوامل المعقدة التي تسببت بانتهاكات لحقوق الإنسان في المنطقة وأن تقترح آليات لحقوق الإنسان لتسويتها".

رغم أن الحكومة السودانية بدت في البداية بأنها تنشد حلاً سلمياً للوضع في دارفور – حيث إن المجلس الوطني السوداني شكَّل لجنة طوارئ خاصة بدارفور وأصدر المجلس الاستشاري لمواطني دارفور توصيات لتسوية النـزاع سلمياً – إلا أنه في نهاية مارس/آذار قالت الحكومة إن مطالب جيش تحرير السودان (الذي شكلته الجماعات المستقرة في المنطقة) باهظة الثمن وإنها قررت حسم النـزاع بالوسائل العسكرية.

وفي إبريل/نيسان، بعد عمليات كسب تأييد مكثفة قامت بها الحكومة السودانية، صوتت لجنة حقوق الإنسان التابعة للأمم المتحدة ضد استمرار انتداب المقرر الخاص المعني بالسودان الذي رفع تقارير إلى الأمم المتحدة حول أوضاع حقوق الإنسان في السودان والذي أثار في تقاريره موضوع تدهور الوضع في دارفور. وتُعرِّض خسارة المقرر الخاص للأمم المتحدة عملية مراقبة انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان في السودان للمزيد من الخطر.

وتتواصل مفاوضات السلام في كينيا تحت رعاية الهيئة الحكومية الدولية للتنمية (إيغاد) والوسطاء الدوليين. لكن دارفور الواقعة في شمال السودان، لم تُشمل في محادثات السلام، ولا في المراقبة التي سترافق عملية السلام.

وثيقة عامة
للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات، يرجى الاتصال بالمكتب الصحفي لمنظمة العفو الدولية في لندن بالمملكة المتحدة على الهاتف رقم: 5566 7413 20 44+
منظمة العفو الدولية : 1 Easton St. London WC1X 0DW. موقع الإنترنت : http://www.amnesty-arabic.org

Post: #2
Title: Re: تقرير حول الأوضاع في دارفور من منظمة العفو الدولية
Author: intehazy
Date: 04-30-2003, 10:53 AM


AI Index: AFR 54/026/2003 (Public)
News Service No: 104
28 April 2003

Sudan: Crisis in Darfur - urgent need for international commission of inquiry and monitoring

As the situation in Darfur, western Sudan, worsens Amnesty International is calling for Darfur to be included in the human rights monitoring set up under the Sudan peace process. In addition, an independent international commission of inquiry should be sent to Darfur to investigate the deteriorating situation.
"At a time when peace talks are taking place to end a 20-year conflict which has caused two million deaths and 4.5 million displaced persons, the international community must not watch in silence while the choice of a military solution for human rights problems drags another area of Sudan into disaster," the organization said.
Over the past few years nomad groups from the area have killed hundreds of civilians from sedentary agricultural groups in Darfur, such as the Fur, Zaghawa and Masalit, burning homes and #####ng cattle and goats.
In the latest tragic incident on 23 April, armed members of nomad groups, some of whom were wearing uniforms and said to be members of a government militia, attacked men around the mosque at the market of Mulli in West Darfur, 15 kilometres south of the state capital Geneina. They killed some 55 people, wounded at least 20 and looted or killed domestic animals.
On Friday, 25 April a demonstration in Geneina, protesting at the killings and the failure to arrest those responsible, burnt the governors office; the security forces killed one demonstrator and arrested a number of people including Munira Hassan Taj al-Din, who reportedly led the demonstration. At least one policeman was also killed.
Thousands of villagers have reportedly fled their villages since 11 April after attacks by government forces and government-organized Arab militias fighting against the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA - formed in February by members of sedentary groups in the region) in the area of Kutum, in North Darfur. There are reports of food supplies growing short, but as a result of the military presence in the area, it is extremely difficult to get information about those who have fled their villages. Now Kutum is under curfew from sunrise to sunset, telephones are cut and checkpoints have been set up on the roads in the area.
On 25 April the SLA attacked the military airport at El Fasher the capital of North Darfur, reportedly damaging two Antonovs and four helicopters.
"A conflict, which no one wants and which could be solved by clear recommendations and human rights protection mechanisms, must not be allowed to escalate," said Amnesty International. "The international community must act!"
Amnesty Internationals delegates visited El Fasher in January 2003 and discussed the situation with representatives of the Sudan Government, people from villages which had suffered attacks and local lawyers. Amnesty International subsequently called on the Sudan Government in February to set up an independent commission of inquiry and implement its recommendations. The call was widely welcomed by people in Darfur and outside.
However, this opportunity to clarify the complex factors which have led to the present deteriorating situation and to identify human rights mechanisms to protect the people was lost.
"The people of Sudan should not suffer more war with more human rights abuse and suffering. A speedy and impartial international inquiry into the complex causes of the crisis, which can make authoritative recommendations in line with human rights principles to end it, could bring an immediate cease fire."
An independent international Commission of Inquiry could be set up by the African Union or the United Nations General Assembly or Security Council. The investigation should be properly resourced and members of the commission should be independent with a good knowledge of the region and its problems. All authorities concerned should be obliged to cooperate fully with the investigation, and grant it free access to people, places and documents it wishes to examine. Its findings should be made public and recommendations implemented.
In the context of the peace talks the Sudan Government agreed to allow an independent international Commission of Inquiry to be set up to investigate abductions and accusations of slavery in the context of the civil war.
"Serious independent inquiries can find out the complex factors which have caused human rights abuses in the region and suggest human rights mechanisms to solve them," Amnesty International said.

Although at first the Sudan Government seemed to seek a peaceful solution to the situation in Darfur - the Sudan National Assembly set up an emergency committee on Darfur and a consultative assembly of citizens of Darfur made recommendations to solve the conflict peacefully - at the end of March the government said demands by the Sudan Liberation Army (formed by sedentary groups in the region) were too high and it had decided to solve the conflict by military means.
In April, after intense lobbying by the Sudan government, the UN Commission on Human Rights voted against the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the Sudan who reported to the UN on the human rights situation in Sudan and whose reports raised the deteriorating situation in Darfur. The loss of the UN Special Rapporteur further jeopardises outside monitoring of human rights violations in Sudan.
Peace negotiations are continuing in Kenya under the auspices of the Inter Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and international mediators. But Darfur, in northern Sudan, is not included in the peace talks, nor in the monitoring which is to accompany the peace.

Public Document
For more information please call Amnesty International's press office in London, UK, on +44 20 7413 5566
Amnesty International, 1 Easton St., London WC1X 0DW. web: http://www.amnesty.org

For latest human rights news view http://news.amnesty.org

Post: #3
Title: Re: تقرير حول الأوضاع في دارفور من منظمة العفو الدولية
Author: BousH
Date: 04-30-2003, 11:04 AM
Parent: #2

Following the attack of Sudan Liberation Movement/Army
on Al Fashir, the capital city of Northern Darfur
State, on Friday 25th April 2003, the authorities
detained the following individuals:
1- Daud Mohammed Ibrahim, Commercial Vehicle owner.
2- Zakaria Mohammed Ibrahim, Driver.
3- Younis Adam Manees, Shopkeeper.
4- Ahmed Bashar, unemployed.
5- Sahreef Ahmed Arja Keybair, Driver.
6- Ahmed Sabir Tabit, Shopkeeper.
7- Abdulrahman Ismael Mohammed Nahar, Civil Servant.
8- Issa Yousif Mohammed,Driver.
9- Bakheet Tibin Al Hadi, unemployed.
10- Abdullah Sahreef Mohammed Nahar,
11- Adam Adam Abdullah, Expatriate.
12- Yousif Arku Minawi, Student.
Therefore,appeal to the International Community, the
UN, and the Human Rights Organizations, to exercise
pressure on the Government of Sudan to respect the
basic human rights of its citizens, the observe its
law and procedures, to set free all detained or bring
them in front of ordinary law courts, guarantee them
lawyers, guarantee transperent, just and fair trail.

Post: #4
Title: Re: تقرير حول الأوضاع في دارفور من منظمة العفو الدولية
Author: BousH
Date: 04-30-2003, 11:15 AM
Parent: #3

Killings and Mass arrests in Darfour
Sudan Organisation Against Torture (SOAT), had received confirmed reports that several people have been killed, wounded and arbitrarily arrested in connection with an ongoing conflicts between the Four, Zaghawa and Massaleet tribes on one hand and with Arab militia from Darfour region in Sudan.
According to the information received, on April 23, 2003, the Sudanese authority arbitrarily arrested 7 villagers of Mulli, 8 mile south of Al-Jenaina, who belonged to the Massaleet tribe. They were reportedly taken to the security forces office in Nyala, where they still remain in custody. Their names are:
1.. Al Tahir Abd Al Rahman
2.. Mahmoud Abd Al Rahman
3.. Abd Al Majid Abd Allah
4.. Wad Alumda
5.. Abd Al Latif Mohamed Adam
6.. A\rquote abid Aldeen Abd Al Rahman
7.. Mugiba Adam Mousa
There is no information regarding their conditions in detention, however, SOAT has genuine fears concerning their physical and psychological integrity since the pro-government media has accused them of being in support of Sudan Liberation Army/Movement (SLA/M).
According to the information received, 55 people were killed and 53 were
injured as armed militia, from Arab tribes in Darfour province, attacked a traditional Massaleet weekly market place in Mulli village on 27 April 2003; the names of those killed and injured is attached to this press release.
During the attack, market stalls were reportedly burnt and horses and camel were looted, more than 500 donkeys were slaughtered and mutilated.
Uniformed Militiamen reportedly led the Arab militia, riding camel and horses and their number were approximately 150 men, according to the leaders of the Massaleet tribes. The Massaleet leaders claim that 2 days before the attack ,government security forces and police has patrolled the Al-Jenaina area and surrounding villages, confiscating weapons from Massaleet members. This has left the Massaleet members vulnerable to attacks without the means to defend them according to their leaders.
Following this attack, persons from the Massaleet tribe have organised a peaceful demonstration against the government failure to protect them on Thursday 24 April 2003, one day after the attack. The demonstration proceeded to the Al Jenaina town hall (Amanat Alhakoma). However, the demonstrators came under attack by government forces and leading to the killing of one person from the Massalet tribe, named Mohamed Abd Al Karim (m) and injuring many others
The government alleges that the demonstrators had burned down the city town hall (Amanat Alhakoma) and a fuel warehouse. However, the demonstrators claim that they have only reacted after they have found themselves under attack by government forces.
Background information
The situation in the Region of Darfour in Western Sudan, continues to be of great concern. There has been a marked increase in occurrences of arbitrary arrest, detention and of torture or ill-treatment of detainees this year, notably against people belonging to the Four tribe and Zaghawa of Darfour. These arbitrary arrests and detentions have most often occurred in connection with what the Government of Sudan has termed \lquote tribal conflict\rquote between Arab tribes in Darfour and the African tribes of Darfour. This \lquote tribal conflict\rquote has taken the form of attacks by militia from the Gangawied group of 28 Arab tribes, amongst them the Mahariya, the Jalool, Hotiya, Saada and the Iraqat, against villages of the Four, Massaleet and Zaghawa, in which at least 75 people have been killed since May 2002, many more injured, hundreds of houses destroyed and thousands of livestock lost. Large numbers of people have been displaced by these attacks and left without shelter and food in an area where prolonged drought has resulted in consistently high levels of food insecurity. The authorities are aware that these attacks are taking place, but no investigations have been launched and none of the perpetrators pursued, despite the fact that leaders of the Four and Massaleet tribes have identified leaders of the militia attacks to the Government of Sudan. The Four tribe have accused the Government of Sudan of training and supporting militia from the Arab tribes.
The government of Sudan maintains that the conflict in Darfour is primarily a tribal one, centred around competition for land between pastoralists and crop farmers in the area. Whilst this is true to a certain extent, as drought in Darfour has led to severe shortages of pasture land and to conflict over viable land between tribes has occurred, this is not thought likely to be the primary cause of militia attacks on villages of the Four, Massaleet and Zagawa. Leaders of the Four tribe insist that the consistent depopulation of villages by Arab militia attacks and the changes in land ownership which have resulted are part of a government strategy to change the whole demography of the region of Darfour. To date, 59 Four villages in the region have been depopulated in attacks by militia from Arab tribes.
Following the deterioration of the situation in Darfour, a group of armed people from the Four and Zaghawa has formed an armed group. This armed group, which is reported to have grown rapidly in number over recent weeks, has named itself the Sudan Liberation Army/Movement (SLA/M), and has stated that it aims not only at the liberation of Darfour, but of the whole of the Sudan, restoring democracy and civil rights. The leader of this armed group has stated that the formation of an armed militia has been motivated by the increasing desperation of the Four people in the face of worsening human rights abuses including ongoing attacks against their villages and continuing arbitrary arrests of members of the tribe. He said that the formation of the SLA/M was a response to the lack of equality and underdevelopment suffered by the people from the Four and other African tribes, as well as to the government\rquote s failure to protect them from attacks by Arab militias. Large numbers of people belonging to the SLA/M are currently in hiding in the mountains of the Jebel Marra region of Darfour.
SOAT urges the Government of Sudan to do the following:
1) Take all necessary measures to ensure the physical and psychological integrity of all those arrested and were who mentioned above. Also to investigate the killings of Massaleet tribe members.
2) Order their immediate release in the absence of valid legal charges, or if legitimate charges exist, bring them before an impartial tribunal and guarantee procedural rights at all times.
3) Ensure that all the detainees have access to legal advice
4) Guarantee the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms throughout Sudan in accordance with national laws and international human rights standards.
The above recommendations should be sent in appeals to the following addresses:
His Excellency Lieutenant General Omar Hassan al-Bashir
President of the Republic of Sudan
President' s Palace
PO Box 281, Khartoum, Sudan
Fax: + 24911 783223
Mr Ali Mohamed Osman Yassin
Minister of Justice and Attorney General
Ministry of Justice
Khartoum, Sudan
Fax: + 24911 788941
Mr Mustafa Osman Ismail
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
PO Box 873, Khartoum, Sudan
Fax: + 24911 779383
Dr Yasir Sid Ahmed
Advisory Council for Human Rights
PO Box 302
Khartoum, Sudan
Fax: + 24911 770883
His Excellency Ambassador Mr. Ibrahim Mirghani Ibrahim,
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Sudan to the United Nations in Geneva,
PO Box 335,
1211 Geneva,
Fax: +4122 731 26 56,
E-mail: [email protected].
SOAT is international human rights organisation established in the UK in 1993. If you have any questions about this or any other SOAT information, please contact us:
The Park Business Centre
Kilburn Park Road
London NW6 5LF
Tel: 020 7625 8055
Fax: 020 7372 2656
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.soatsudan.org
The names of those killed during the attack
1- Ibrahim Ali Ishaq (m)
2- Haroon Hamed (m)
3- Al Haj Ali Abd Allah (m)
4- Yahya Al Sheique Al Noor (m)
5- Jumaa Mohamed Adam (m)
6- Adam Mohamed Adam (m)
7- Abd Al Majeed Adam (m)
8- Al Haj Abd Allah Aboon (m)
9- Arbaba Haroon (m)
10- Abd Allah Mohamed Adam (m)
11- Abakar Jumaa Mahdi (m)
12- Abakar Mohamed (m)
13- Muktar Mohamed Adam
14- Ismail Adam Abakar (m)
15- Ibrahim Mohamed Haroon (m)
16- Mohamed Haroon Adam (m)
17- Al Haj Yahya Azhaq (m)
18- Ibrahim Mustafa Mohamed Saeed (m)
19- Ibrahim Waded Bashir (m)
20- Qamar Mousa Youseef (m)
21- Al Haj Badr Al Din Yaqoub (m)
22- Abu Bakr Abd Al Suni (m)
23- Mohamed Haroon (m)
24- Adam Ibrahim Kassim (m)
25- Ashaq Haran Adam (m)
26- Qameise Abu Mubarak (m)
27- Yahiya Adam Sayeed (m)
28- Kater Adam Issa (m)
29- Saleh Abd Al Rahman Suliman (m)
30- Abd Al Rasoul Yahya Baraka (m)
31- Ibrahim Mousa (m)
32- Dafa Allah Aboon (m)
33- Haroon Dafa Allah (m)
34- Ahmed Abd Allah Mohamed (m)
35- Mohamed Abd All Karim Abd Allah (m)
36- Ashaq Mahdi Haroon (m)
37- Adam Abd Allah Adam
38- Mohamed Haroon Ali
39- Gamer Al Din Da\rquote wood
40- Mohamed Adam
41- Zakaria Azhaq
42- Ibrahim Haroon
43- Khalil Omer Mohamed
44- Mohamed Adam
45- Mohamed Abd Al Rahman Suliman
46- Ahmed Ali
47- Mohamed Youseef Khater
48- Abd Al Aziz Ali Haroon
There are 7 more persons who their names were not confirmed tallying the total of those killed to 55 persons