Personal Development Corner.....NLP(1)

Personal Development Corner.....NLP(1)

04-25-2003, 09:05 PM


Post: #1
Title: Personal Development Corner.....NLP(1)
Author: Ibn Lutfi
Date: 04-25-2003, 09:05 PM

Sallam All

Hope all of you doing MEEGGGAAAA.

Here is some new work,I hope you enjoy reading it and most of all share with us your knowledge and ideas.

By following this corner, you will learn new information which, will help you to achieve greater success in all areas of your life Realtionship, Money, Health, and Personal Growth.


What is NLP?

NLP is the new psychology of personal excellence, it's a new science created by Dr Richard Bandler and John Grinder in 1975. Their aim was to understand the patterns of higley effective people in therapy, education, and business. Together they studied individuals in these fields and mapped step by step how they got their results.

They used the MODELING method to understand and format the internal states, feeling, behaviour and physiology that produced highely effective communication and changes behaviour.

It's an important breakthrough in science and the term means the following.

Neuro; refer to the brain.
Linguistic; refer to language.
Programming: is the installation of a system or plan.

All of our knowledge consists of a series of programmes that rum our lives. NLP is the study of the effects of language, both verbal and non-verbal, on our nervous system. Your ability from boiling an egg to making a million pounds, is related to the way you communicate with your nervous system.

NLP is not an invention;it's a discovery. Neither is it a philosophy. It's a set of tool for acting effectively in the world, in a sense it is also an ART.

As I don't want to make it a long post, I will stop here and continue in the near future......IF YOU LIKE IT...WHY NOT REFER IT TO OTHER.....THANX.


Thanx again for reading and C U soon

In the next session you will know....

*More info and overview on NLP

Post: #2
Title: Re: Personal Development Corner.....NLP(1)
Author: Ibn Lutfi
Date: 04-26-2003, 04:20 PM
Parent: #1

I have asked if people could partisipate for us to gain education in here.

It's either you agree with what I said....which is good, or .................., which is good as well

Here is something just for YOU

"When things seem bad, look to see if you're not facing the wrong direction. When you're looking at the sun, you see no shadows. When the outlook isn't good, try the uplook-it's always good!"