The Daily Quote

The Daily Quote

04-24-2003, 01:53 PM


Post: #1
Title: The Daily Quote
Author: Ibn Lutfi
Date: 04-24-2003, 01:53 PM
Parent: #0

Izekum ya ahl aldar

I am about to start my daily quote, which is about Motivation, Inspiration, Sprituality, and Self Development.

These quotes will be from all over the world, and they have been said by famous successfull people.

I will try to post you a quote everyday if i can, but i want you to forgive me if i don't turn up.


"Make this revealing experiment: The next time you feel unhappy,
take a close look. You will detect its link with something that
has already happened or that you think will happen. With most
people, the two terrible thieves of happiness are regret of the
past, and fear of the future. These thieves operate in the dark,
that is, unconsciously. Your Self-Observation exposes them to the
light of awareness."