Sudanese Encyclopedia of Tribes and Genealogies

Sudanese Encyclopedia of Tribes and Genealogies

03-11-2003, 09:15 AM


Post: #1
Title: Sudanese Encyclopedia of Tribes and Genealogies
Author: Ahmed Elsharif
Date: 03-11-2003, 09:15 AM
Parent: #0

A review of the Encyclopedia I found today.The reveiew was written by Ali Salih Karrar. Maybe useful to some of you. My father spent more than 20 years writing, travelling and collecting data, for this encyclopedia. Rarely have I seen him without being contemplating on this project.

The encylopedia was a source of geneleogy information for families in many African and Arabic countries beside Sudan. Versions of this encyclopedia could be found online in the library of the Congress.

Sudanic Africa

Recent Books

A Sudanese Encyclopedia of Tribes and Genealogies

Mawsu'at al-qaba`il wa'l-ansab fi 'l-Sudan by 'Awn al-Sharif Qasim,
Khartoum: Maktabat Afiruqraf [Afro-Graph] 1996, 6 volumes.

The work under review is the latest important contribution of Professor 'Awn
al-Sharif Qasim, who is a prolific writer and one of the Sudan's leading
experts on Arabic language and literature. [1]
For a review of
this work, a recent stimulating article by Heather Sharkey provides a suitable
starting point, for in this she draws attention to the twentieth-century
Sudanese Arabic biographical dictionaries as an historical source. [2] She examined the works and provides the most thorough survey of contemporary Sudanese Arabic biographical dictionaries to date. I cannot resist the temptation of following Sharkey's model and thus suggest ways in which 'Awn's encyclopaedia adheres to or departs from earlier patterns of tabaqat as well as from biographical dictionaries of the 'Who's Who' type.

'Awn's encyclopaedia consists of six volumes that embrace 2628 pages. In his
twelve-page introduction, which is incorporated in the first volume, 'Awn
states his purpose and objectives of compiling such a work. He also mentions
the scope or coverage, the criterion of inclusion, arrangement of the various
entries and hints on how to use his encyclopaedia.

'Awn's encyclopaedia has its own history. It had its origins in the mid-1980s
when he was collecting material for two of his other contributions, namely,
Halfayat al-muluk, which is a sort of regional biographical dictionary
of the Halfaya region north of Khartoum North, and Qamus al-lahja al-'ammiya
fi 'l-Sudan
, 'A Dictionary of Sudanese Arabic'. Among those who appreciate
the value of this indispensable source for Sudanese studies is R.S. O'Fahey,
who followed its forms in writing Sudanese personal, tribal and place names.

Having revised and published these two works, 'Awn's ambitions grew and he
began to plan for a project with a wide scope. His encyclopaedia appeared after
more than ten years of active research and preparation.

There has been no shortage of studies on tribes, genealogies and noteworthy
persons and places names in the Sudan. Much research has been done during the
past decades. The results, however, are scattered and often inaccessible. As
Sharkey points out, Richard Hill felt this problem a long time ago when he said
in the preface to his second edition of his Biographical dictionary of the

Little books are born in the Sudan by the dozen, without imprints without date,
even without title page. They circulate for a brief season and die without

Scope and coverage of the encyclopaedia

'Awn states in his introduction that his original intention was to mimic his
first encyclopaedia in including the major ethnic groups, important place names
and noteworthy individuals deceased before the present day. The author,
however, felt that bringing together such material and bringing them up to date
would make his work more useful. Thus his encyclopaedia covers all of the Sudan
and spans ancient and present times.


It is evident that 'Awn has made good use of a wide range of published material
in forms of books, articles and journals, newspapers and pamphlets. This is in
addition to his exhaustive and thorough research of primary sources deposited
in the National Records Office, Khartoum, or still in private holdings with
some families and individuals in the Sudan. 'Awn combines written sources with
oral ones where information was obtained through meetings or conversations with

For whom the encyclopaedia is intended

It is obvious from 'Awn's introduction (I, 16-17) that he has attempted to
present his encyclopaedia as a source and research tool. It is designed to meet
the needs of scholars, researchers, students as well as general readers. Thus,
'Awn tends to avoid numerous footnotes that usually put off the general reader.

Arrangement of the encyclopaedia

The author does not follow a thematic or subject classification or arrangement
for the entries of the six volumes. He prefers to arrange his entries in Arabic
alphabetical order, irrespective of their subject matter. Thus entries on
tribes, noteworthy persons and important place names are arranged together.

Cross-references are used to lead the reader from names that are familiar to
alternate names that may not be. Internal cross-references also appear
frequently within entries, where they are identified by the Arabic letter
mim to denote 'see' or 'see also'.

Points of strength and weakness

'Awn's encyclopaedia embraces all entries given in previous biographical
dictionaries in the Sudan, both in English and Arabic. It supersedes them by
additional and more up-to-date material obtained through the author's
exhaustive archival research and personal communications. He also devotes
several entries to groups and individuals previously neglected.

In a work or the present scale and complexity one must expect limitations and
shortcomings. It is, however, somewhat disappointing that some of his entries
are short and there is considerable unevenness in the quantity and quality of
information. No-one is better aware than 'Awn himself that it is the
availability of data that determines the length of a particular entry. He also
admits the inadequate research base for some of these entries on information

To follow Sharkey's model one may state that in some of his entries, 'Awn has
preserved certain features of the tabaqat of earlier patterns. In some
of his entries he relied on oral sources for information. Such entries may be
criticised for their anecdotal nature. Curiously, the author, who is indeed an
eminent scholar, is aware of this weakness. He admits in his introduction that
he did not endeavour to verify or test the reliability and accuracy of
information presented by some informants. Being aware that opinions on the
reliability of information might differ very considerably, he preferred to
include information as acquired. He justifies this on the grounds that they
would stimulate future research that would no doubt change and refine some of
what is written in the encyclopaedia. The author has already started
preparations for a volume 7, which will be devoted to additions and

Overall, however, there is a very useful source of information, in which many
potential groups of readers can each find many important elements.

'Ali Salih Karrar


1. Among his many books are, Halfayat al-muluk:
Qamus al-lahja al-'ammiyya fi 'l-Sudan and al-Mawsu'a
. [*].

2. Heather Sharkey, 'Tabaqat of the Twentieth-Century Sudan: Arabic Biographical Dictionaries as a Source for Colonial History, 1898-1956',
SAJHS, 6, 1995, 17-34. [*].

Post: #2
Title: Re: Sudanese Encyclopedia of Tribes and Genealogies
Author: omdurmani
Date: 03-11-2003, 11:37 AM
Parent: #1


Post: #3
Title: Re: Sudanese Encyclopedia of Tribes and Genealogies
Author: Ahmed Elsharif
Date: 03-11-2003, 06:35 PM
Parent: #2

Thanks to u brother for the good words. With people like u I know my father's efforts will not be wasted.

Ahmed Elsharif
Elsharif Zone
Sudanese Student Organization

Post: #4
Title: Re: Sudanese Encyclopedia of Tribes and Genealogies
Author: AnwarKing
Date: 03-11-2003, 08:06 PM
Parent: #1

Ahmed Elsharif...
walahi great Project... God Bless You...
I'm ready for any help... & always forward...

Post: #5
Title: Re: Sudanese Encyclopedia of Tribes and Genealogies
Author: Ahmed Elsharif
Date: 03-12-2003, 06:05 AM
Parent: #4

Let me start by saying u're a unique type of person. So energetic, very helpful and most important of all so humble! Greetings to u my friend. With best wishes of good luck. I'll be more than glad to have ur help, and I know it would be an invaluable one.

I told u before of my intentions of building an online presence for my father featuring some of his works. I believe it to be a very valuable material for sholars and researchers in addition to non-academic readers. The project will also include a wealth of very valuable photos that feature the 60s and 70s decades in Sudan.

The project may take more than a year to develop since it requires alot of study and preparation. But in the end I hope to create a very valuable source of information on the internet.

Ahmed Elsharif
Elsharif Zone
Sudanese Student Organization