في مصر - الاهتمام بالحجر واهمال بشر وفي السودان إهمال البشر (النوبيون) واهمال الحجر ايضاً

في مصر - الاهتمام بالحجر واهمال بشر وفي السودان إهمال البشر (النوبيون) واهمال الحجر ايضاً

03-21-2009, 06:47 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=190&msg=1237614440&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: في مصر - الاهتمام بالحجر واهمال بشر وفي السودان إهمال البشر (النوبيون) واهمال الحجر ايضاً
Author: Zomrawi Alweli
Date: 03-21-2009, 06:47 AM

هذه احدى الخطوات..التى من خلالها تقوم منظمة انقاذ الآثار النوبية باعلام "منطمة اليونيسكو" التى تقوم بزياره لمصر فى الفتره من 21 -23 مارس احتفالا بالعيد الخمسينى لاطلاق دعوة ونداء انقاذ آثار النوبه.

السيد /مدير عام منظمة اليونيسكو
السيد /كوشيروا ماتاسورا
باريس - فرنسا
مديان الفونتانوى
فيينا 19 مارس 2009

- حقوق النوبيين فى مصر

لن ينسى العالم كما لن ينسى ابناء النوبه المجهودات العظيمه الى قامت بها منظمة اليونيسكو لانقاذ آثار النوبه..ذلك الحدث العظيم الذى اثبت ان العالم يتحرك لانقاذ التاريخ والحضارات الانسانيه التى هى ملك لكل البشر
تحتفل مصر من يوم 21-23 مارس بذكرى انقاذ آثار النوبه ولهذا دعت علماء شاركوا فى هذا العمل كما انها تدعوا كبار منظمة اليونيسكو

ولكن ..لقدتم انقاذ الحجر ولكن تم اهمال البشر..والبشر هؤلاء هم ابناء النوبه..ابناء تلك الارض صاحبة التاريخ والحضاره العظيمه

لقد اهلمت الحكومات المصريه المتعافبه ابناء النوبه والقت بهم فى صحراء كوم امبو بعدما كانوا يعيشون على شواطى النيل مباشرة
تلك الصحراء التى لارابط بينها وبين حياتهم السابقه باى شىء..لقد كان النيل هو مبعت حياة ابناء النوبه حيث كانت على ضفافه تمارس العادات والتقاليد الخاصه بميلاد الاطفال وبزواجهم
لقد كانت الحياه على النيل تجلب للشباب العمل من خلال الصيد او من خلال اوراق البردى والخوص التى كانوا يغزلوا بها الاطباق الخوص التى تستخدم فى البيوت او التى كانت تباع فى المزارات

لقد فقد ابناء النوبه اهم عاداتهم وتقاليدهم ببعدهم عن النيل..ولقد اوشكت اللغه النوبيه على الاندثار حيث المجتمع الغير نوبى المحيط بامكانهم الحاليه فى كوم امبو..والتى هى نافصه فى التنميه والى اجبرت غالبية ابناء النوبى على الرحيل للعمل والحاه فى المدن الكبرى فى الشمال مما جعلهم لايستخدمون اللغه العربيه منذ 45 عاما

لقد طالبنا كثيرا الحكومات المصريه المتعافبه بضرورة انشاء مدارس ومعاهد تعليم اللغه النوبيه لاطفال النوبه فى مدن التهجير وهى لا تبالى..وعندما تتاح لبعض الجمعيات النوبيه الفقيره الامكانيات ان تدرس لاطفالنا لغتنا, تشن حملات صحفيه ضد تعليم اللغه النوبيه متهمين ايانا بمعادة اللغه العربيه والاسلام وباتهامات اخرى ملفقه.

كما تقوم الحكومه المصريه الان بتوطين الغرباء من شمال الوادى فى لادنا وتنمعنا من حق العوده رغم انها قد وقعت اتفاقيات فى الامم المتحده توجب لنا حق العوده لاراضينا حيث اننا شعب اصيل

ممارسات عنصريه بغيضه تمارسها الحكومات المصريه ضد ابناء النوبه حيث توطن الغرباء فى بلادنا وتحرمنا نحن منها..
لقد ضاعت عادات وتقاليد ثقافيه نوبيه..واللغه النوبيه تكاد ان تموت ..وويطلق على بلادنا بلاد النوبه الان جنوب الوادى..ولا يسمح باطلاق اسماء نوبيه على اى جامعات فى اسوان و ممنوع اطلاق اسم النوبه على اى مشروعات تقام فى اسوان بل يتم تغيير اسماء القرى التى تبنى وان بنيت قريه باسم نوبى تحت الضغوطات النوبيه يتم توطين غير النوبيين فيها.

تحاول الحكومات المصريه تعريب ابناء النوبه بمنع عودتهم الى بلادهم حتى يعيشوا فى المجتمعات الاخرى ويتم التعريب القسرى

لقد قامت منظمة اليونيسكو عام 1997 ببناء متحف النوبه..ذلك المتحف الذى رفضت الحكومه المصريه اطلاق اسمه عليه وتحت ضغوط المنظمه تم اطلاق اسم متحف النوبه الذى كانت تنوى الحكومه المصريه وقتها ان تسميه متحف اسوان

ابناء النوبه ينشادون مظمة اليونيسكو ان تنقذ الانسان النوبى من سياسات التعريب القسريه كما انقذت الاثار النوبيه
الانسان النوبى يضيع..ولا يجد يد تمتد اليه فى مصر..فهل تكون ايادى اليونيسكو هى الداعمه لابناء النوبه اصحاب حضاره تاريخيه عظيمه يراد لها الفناء؟!!

نطالبكم بالاتصال بابناء النوبه المهتمين بالقضايا النوبيه فى داخل مصر والاتصال بنا فى الخارج لتقديم المزيد من المعلومات

حمدى سليمان
رئيس النادى النوبى

منظمة الشعوب المهدده
فيينا - النمسا


The Director General of UNESCO
Mr. Koichiro Matsuura7, place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris 07 SP

Vienna, 19th of March 2009

Rights of the Nubian People in Egypt

Dear Director General,

First we would like to express our full respect of UNESCO`s efforts for the recovery of the ancient Nubian culture. We also notice that from March 21th to 23rd UNESCO, together with Egypt, will celebrate the rescue of the Nubian Heritage.
In this context we would like to urge that UNESCO to acknowledge the necessity of protecting the present-day Nubian people with their traditional culture, as is being done for historic sites, statues, etc.
We request that the Egyptian Government give us the opportunity to present our cause. Thus we hope to obtain the right to protect our own culture on the banks of the Nile and live according to it - not only be witness to the historical documentation of its history.
UNESCO’s rescue of the Nubian Heritage will never be forgotten by the world, nor by the Nubian community. But unfortunately the rescue of the Nubian culture and community seems to have been neglected.
Due to the building of a new water reservoir, the Nubians were relocated by the Egyptian Government to the Kumumbo Desert. This has caused a total disruption to their lifestyle in regard to farming, the climate, the building of houses and to Nubian traditions and culture in general. The traditional homes of the Nubian People, directly on the banks of the Nile, were the financial and cultural base of that.
Fishing, basket making, papyrus production, the important birth and wedding rituals and farming the fertile soil are a few examples of the most important aspects of the Nubian lifestyle. None of these are possible in the desert. Farming is drastically reduced, the climate makes life harder and concrete as the building material is unsuitable for desert, houses and the given geography.
Furthermore, the Nubian language is threatened with extinction as the Egyptian Government is forcing the Arab way of life on the Nubian People. The Nubians living in northern cities have to some extent adapted modern lifestyles, more than those living in isolated villages in Kumumbo, and this has resulted in a rift among the community. On the other hand the Egyptian government has forbidden the Nubian language to be taught in the schools in Kumumbo.

Original Nubian terms or names of settlements and streets have been replaced by Arab names, thus eliminating any traces of the Nubian culture and language. Such forced assimilation and Arabicization will sooner or later lead to the disappearance oft Nubians and creates negative attitudes among the Nubian population, which is then misinterpreted as a rejection of Arabs and Islam.
All that the Nubian people want is the right to uphold and pass on their traditions – but that is regarded as a threat by the Egyptian Government. The preservation of the Nubian lifestyle and traditions will only be possible by the Egyptian Government allows the Nubians to return to their homes on the banks of the Nile.

Therefore we urge UNESCO to be also concerned with, and commit itself to the case of the present-day Nubian People, who face so many problems.

With kind regards

Soliman Hamdi
Head of the board of the Nubian Club Vienna
Tel. + .....( شطب رقم التليفون الخاص)

This appeal is warmly supported by the Austrian branch of “Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker”
(Society for Threatened Peoples), A-1030 Vienna, Untere Viaduktgasse 53/7A,
Tel. 0043/1/503 49 90, email: [email protected], home: www.gfbv.at

Post: #2
Title: Re: في مصر - الاهتمام بالحجر واهمال بشر وفي السودان إهمال البشر (النوبيون) واهمال الحجر ايضاً
Author: Zomrawi Alweli
Date: 03-21-2009, 07:31 AM
Parent: #1

The 50th Anniversary of the Appeal Launched by Egypt and Sudan to UNESCO for an International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia

-- Conference Title --
Lower Nubia: Revisiting Memories of the Past, Envisaging Perspectives for the Future
Aswan, Egypt
21 - 24 March 2009
Provisional Agenda
Saturday, 21 March 2009
08:30 – 09:30 REGISTRATION
09:30 – 10:30
OPENING SESSION: Welcome Addresses by UNESCO, Egyptian and Sudanese Authorities
Message from H.E. Tharwat Okasha (Minister of Culture of Egypt, at the time of the launching of the Campaign)
10:30 – 11:30
AWARDS in honor of the Campaign Participants

Presented by:
Medals awarded by the Government of Egypt
Mr. Ali Radwan (Representative of the Supreme Council of Antiquites)
General Mustafa El Sayyed (Governor of Aswan)
Medals awarded by the Sudanese Government
Mr. Hassan Hossein Idris (Director of the National Corporation of Antiquities and Museums)
General Abu Bakr Mohamed Osman (Governor of Wadi Halfa)
11:30 – 12:00 Coffee Break
12:00 – 13:00
SESSION I: Revisiting the Nubia Campaign: Perspectives for the Future
Chairperson: Faiza Heikal
William Adams
The archaeological Campaign in Sudan: History and Consequences

Sergio Donadoni
Recollections from a Nubian Experience
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch at the Nubia Museum (offered by H.E. the Minister of Culture in Egypt)

14:30 – 16:00
SESSION II: Revisiting the Nubia Campaign: Perspectives for the Future

Chairperson: William Adams
Mohamed Riad
A road map to read the Nubian question
Peter Grossman
Experiences on churches in Nubia
Alessandro Roccati
Rediscovering Philae
Stefen Jakobielski
Memories from the Nubia Campaign
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 – 17:30
SESSION III: Revisiting the Nubia Campaign: Perspectives for the Future

Chairperson: Eugen Strouhal
19:30 Faiza Heikal
Egyptian Women, the High Dam and the Nubian Salvage Campaign: their role and new international visibility
Nettie Adams
The textiles: Untold Surprises from the Nubia Campaign

Manuel Pellicer Catalãn
Le travail de la Mission Archéologique Espagnole en Nubie (1960-1966)
Inauguration of the Exhibition “Abu Simbel: Men and Technology”
20:30 Dinner at Philae temples with performance of Sound and Light (offered by H.E. the Minister of Culture of Egypt)

Sunday, 22 March 2009

09:00 – 11:00
SESSION IV: Revisiting the Nubia Campaign: Perspectives for the Future

Chairperson: Sergio Donadoni








Luisa Bongrani
Remembering the Turin Egyptian Museum mission to Dehmit, Kalabsha and Korosko

Armgard Goo-Graeur
The wall paintings of the Nubian women prior to the exodus 1964.

Grzymski Krzystof
Processing finds from excavations: the case of Gebel Adda

Jaritz Horst
Nubia: encounter the past as a personal beginning

Ragnar Fossgaard
Memories from the Salvage of Abu Simbel temples

Silvio Curto
An Egyptian temple from the Nile river banks to the Po River ones.

Samiha el Kashta
Memories from Nubia


11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:00 SESSION V: Revisiting the Nubia Campaign: Perspectives for the Future

Chairperson: Hans Ake Nordstrom






George Scanlon
Did the Nubia campaign Make a Difference?

Anna Maria Roveri-Donadoni
La troisieme naissance d’Ellesiya

Eugen Strouhal
Recent state of anthropological studies-Czechoslovak-Egyptian and Austrian expeditions to Lower Nubia

Edda Bresciani
Les annees de la Nubie, remontant le Nil

13:00 – 14:30 Lunch at the Nubia Museum (offered by UNESCO)

14:30 – 15:30
SESSION VI: Revisiting the Nubia Campaign: Perspectives for the Future

Chairperson: Fred Wendorf





Bruce Williams
Rescue and loss as themes of the Oriental Institute Nubian expedition in Lower Nubia

Hans Ake Nordstrom
The Archaeological Legacy of Nubia: A Scandinavian Perspective

Antonio Giamarrusti
A memory of the Philae temple carriage

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:15 SESSION VII: Revisiting the Nubia Campaign: Perspectives for the Future

Chairperson: Stefen Jakobielski







Fred Wendorf
The Prehistory of Lower Nubia as seen by the Combined Prehistoric Expedition

Miroslav Verner
Look back at the Czech contribution to the Nubian Salvage Campaign

Kent Weeks
How the Nubian Salvage Campaign transformed Egyptology

Elsa Rosenvasser Feher/ Perla Fuscaldo
Aksha during and after the excavations of the French-Argentine Archaeological Expedition to Nubia (1961-1963)


Declaration Drafting Working Group Sessions (4)

Opening of the Exhibition on Abu Simbel

20:30 Dinner in the Museum Garden and Nubian-Sudanese Performances (hosted by UNESCO)

Monday, 23 March 2009
09:00 – 10:15
SESSION VIII: The Nubian Intangible Heritage
Chairperson: Mohamed el Khidir




10:40 Mossad Herky
The Nubian Club “Gamayeeia” in Cairo

Ossama Abdel Wareth
The Nubia Museum and the Sustainable Development in the Nubian villages of Aswan

Hossein Mukhatar
Rescuing the Nubian ************************ in Egypt

Sharaf Abdel Karim
The contribution of the Community Association in the preservation of the Nubian Heritage


11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:00
SESSION IX: The Nubian Intangible Heritage
Chairperson: Mohamed El Khidir (continued)


12:30 Fathi Saleh
Documenting the Nubian Intangible Heritage: The CultNat Experience

Susan Kamel and Christine Gerbich: Visiting Nubia: The Nubia Museum in the focus of the new museology


13:00 – 14:30 Lunch at the Nubia Museum (offered by Mr. Ali Agha on behalf of the Nubian community) accompanied by Nubian Folklore (offered by CULTNAT)
14:30 – 17:00
SESSION X: The Nubian Intangible Heritage
Chairperson: Ossama Abdel-Wareth




15:30 Mohamed el Khidir/Ashraf Ahmed Alaa Eideen Mohamed /Abdel Adel Mohiemen El Tayeb Khair Salib
The Nubian ************************ Society in Sudan: its objectives, activities and achievements

Kamil Ibrahim Hassan Ibrahim
Wadi Halfa, a growing city to withstand hardships and to bear new future for all Nubians.

Mustafa Abdu Mohamed Sahabi
New Halfa Society, its people displacement experience after 40 years and current Nubian Intangible Heritage threats

Elizabeth Smith
Salvage Anthropology in Contemporary Commemorations of Old Nubia


15:45 – 16:00 Coffee Break

16:00 – 17:30
SESSION XI: The Follow up to the Nubia Salvage Campaign
Chairperson: Costanza De Simone





Gérard de Puymège
UNESCO and Nubia

Ossama Abdel Wareth
The Nubia Museum: Not only a Museum

Sally Halawa
The National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo

Abdel Rahman Ali Mohamed
The Rehabilitation of the Sudan National Museum in Khartoum


Declaration Drafting Working Group Sessions (4)

20:00 Dinner at the Nubian houses of the Nubian village of Garb Sehel with traditional performances (offered by the Pan Arab Company and the Nubian Community of Gharb Sehel)
Tuesday, 24 March 2009

09:00 – 10:30
SESSION XII: The Follow up to the Nubia Salvage Campaign
Chairperson: Hassan Hossein Idris



10:00 Costanza De Simone
Wadi Halfa Development: Toward the creation of Wadi Halfa Museum

Nasr Salama
The reconstruction of the Gerf Hussein temple and the management of the Nubia temples in Egyptian Nubia

Derek Welsby
The International Society for Nubian Studies

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 – 13:00
SESSION XIII: Recent Activities and Projects in the area
Chairperson: Mohamed el Bialy






Hassan Hossein Idris
The National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums of Sudan and the Preservation of Archaeological Heritage in Lower Nubia

Mohamed el Bialy
Evaluation of the archaeological sites of Lower Nubia

Maria Carmela Gatto / Dietrich Raue
United in Separation, Prehistoric and Historic Nubian Society at the Egyptian Border

Cornelius Von Pilgrim
“Snmt-Swnw-Syene”, the Gate to Nubia- Submerged by Modern Aswan

Pamela Rose
Recent activities at Qasr Ibrim

Costanza De Simone
Qasr Ibrim: Rescuing Heritage, Landscape and Identity

13:00 – 14:30 Lunch at the Nubia Museum (offered by the Sudanese Authorities)

14:30 – 18:00 SESSION XIII: Recent Activities and Projects in the area
Chairperson: Mohamed el Bialy (continued)



15:30 Romuald Schield
The Neolithic Sacred Center of Nabta Playa

Adel Kilani
Recent Survey of Lower Nubian sites in Ballana, Wadi Allaqi, Kalabsha

Braj Basi Lal
Some Highlights of Indian Excavations in Nubai – 1961*

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 – 17:30
CLOSING CEREMONY: Signing of the Aswan Declaration
Chairperson: Tarek Galal Shawki
20:30 Dinner in the Museum Garden with traditional Nubian performances (offered by the Sudanese Authorities)

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

• Excursion to Abu Simbel with return on the same day.
• All participants they will have free access to archaeological sites of the area.
• We recommend the following sites:
- Elephantine island (Museum and archaeological site)
- Obelisk and quarries
- St. Simeon Monastery
- Tombs of the Nobles
- Kalabsha island
- On going rescue excavations in the city and around
- Pan-Grave cemetery at Gharb Aswan

* Presentation of Prof. Braj Basi Lal has been postponed to the Fourth Day due to his unforeseen health conditions

Draft UNESCO Aswan Declaration on Nubia
We, undersigned, participants in the Conference “Lower Nubia: Revisiting Memories of the Past, Envisaging Perspectives of the Future”, who met in Aswan from 21-24 March 2009 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the appeal by Egypt and Sudan to UNESCO to save the monuments of Nubia,

Confirming, that our objective is not only to commemorate the achievements of the Nubia Salvage Campaign, and their momentous importance in recognizing, valuing and conserving the world cultural heritage but also to look at the future of the area in terms of preservation of tangible and intangible heritage as well as landscape and environment,

Having shared knowledge and memories with respect to the Campaign, its evaluation from a personal perspective as well as a vision for the future,

Considering three main areas of action for the future:

? Preservation of Tangible Cultural Heritage
? Preservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage
? Preservation of Landscape and Environment

Convinced that a pivotal strategy to fulfill the above in a satisfactory way is to work with an holistic vision of the area, and that the understanding, safeguarding and presentation of trans-boundary cultural heritage are best addressed by shared efforts of the concerned countries,

Hereby declare:

Preservation of Tangible Cultural Heritage:

Taking note of the very rich, important and unique cultural heritage of the Sudanese and Egyptian Nubia which is in urgent need of conservation, protection and monitoring in order to conserve its local identity,

Following the joint Egyptian and Sudanese archaeological assessment mission in the Sudanese and Egyptian Nubia undertaken under the auspices of UNESCO (Division for Cultural Heritage in Paris and UNESCO Cairo Office), and the MoU signed by the Egyptian and Sudanese authorities (14 February, 2005) to cooperate in the protection and promotion of cultural heritage.


? The role of the two parties consists in particular in implementing operational projects for the management, salvage and, rehabilitation and promotion of cultural heritage and the promotion of cultural and educational institutions such as research and conservation centers, museums and training institutes using the most advanced information and communication technologies,
? The importance of assuring the conservation and protection of the Nubian antiquities architecture and monuments,

Suggest to reinforce the above mentioned Memorandum of Understanding, in particular through the creation of a permanent scientific committee for its implementation.

Preservation of Intangible Heritage

Considering that during the Nubia salvage campaign few efforts were made to document the culture of the living Nubians uprooted from their homeland, suggest to:

? Record modern Nubian culture as it was developed during the centuries in their natural habitat,
? Provide data on the social economic fabric of modern Nubian society,
? Make an evaluation of the impact of the involuntary re************************ on the communities concerned,
? Analyze the social changes when they happened,
? Sensitize the Nubian communities on the importance of preserving their traditional building and artifacts which are part of their identity as well as to transmit the Nubian ************************ and traditions to the new generation as the essential part of their cultural identity, and to support them to that end.
? Create cultural spaces for the presentation, preservation and transmission of the Nubian traditions, culture and identity involving the local communities in their design, management and activities (the creation of the future community-based Nubia Museum of Wadi Halfa being a priority as a complement to the Nubia Museum in Aswan).
Preservation of Environment and Landscape:

Acknowledging that the preservation of landscape and environment is pivotal to the preservation of tangible and intangible heritage and that, due to the past and present events affecting the area, rescue mechanisms are imperative, suggest:

? To create community-based eco-museums devoted to the submerged areas, eco-museums being in their very essence “holistic” in approach and this emphasis on the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts allowing a proper response to the Nubian context (Wadi Halfa Museum, Merowe Museum- Fourth Cataract).
? To initiate urgent actions for the preservation of Qasr Ibrim as the last Nubian site in its original ************************ in Egyptian Nubia.

We appeal to all governments, international, national and local institutions concerned to support the conservation of the Nubian heritage for the benefit of humankind and future generations.

Information Note
Lower Nubia: Revisiting Memories of the Past, Envisaging Perspectives for the Future
Aswan, 21-24 March 2009
The High Dam construction approved in 1958 and the waters of Lake Nasser caused by the construction such Dam, 7 km south of the original Aswan Dam, were going to transform 360 km of land in Egypt and 140 in Sudan into a new Atlantic, endangering cultural and living heritage of the area. This raised concerns of archaeologists who called for a rescue operation to save the monuments of Nubia. On 6 April 1959, an official request for an international appeal was submitted by the Government of Egypt to be launched by UNESCO. On 28 October of the same year, a similar request was submitted by the Sudanese Government.
In 1960, the Director-General of UNESCO launched an appeal to the Member States for an International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia. This was the first of the great salvage program that became the dominant feature of the rescue archaeology in the middle of the 20th century and in many ways, it set the pattern for those which followed. Today, Lower Nubia can be considered undoubtedly the best known region in Africa.
Large scale excavations and recordings of hundreds of sites were conducted, thousands of objects were recovered and a number of important temples were cut and relocated. The most famous of these temples are the temple complexes of Abu Simbel and Philae.
UNESCO coordinated between the donor States and the Egyptian and Sudanese Governments and facilitated their efforts to save the cultural heritage of Nubia under the umbrella of this international campaign. An Executive Committee of the International Campaign was created in 1960 and a Trust Fund was established. The campaign ended on 10 March 1980 with an unprecedented success.
As a follow up of the Nubia Campaign's success, The International Campaign for the Establishment of the Nubia Museum in Aswan and the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo was launched in 1982.
The Nubia Museum won, in 2001, the Agha Khan Award for "its success in integrating the past, present and future by creating, in a single building, an educational institution dedicated to Nubian history, a contemporary focus for the revival of Nubian culture and a museum designed to promote and preserve cultural artifacts for the future”. (Agha Khan Award: 2001)
To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of this appeal launched by Egypt and Sudan, UNESCO Cairo Office in cooperation with the Egyptian Ministry of Culture (Supreme Council of Antiquities and Office for the Salvage of the Monuments of Nubia) and the Sudanese Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport (National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums of Sudan), are organizing a four day conference from 21st March to 24th March 2009.

The event aims at commemorating this Anniversary through ‘remembering’ the past with a vision to the future. Individuals who participated in the 20th century Salvage Campaign will be awarded. The magnificent results, the quantity of monuments, reports and findings have now been made visible to our eyes; thanks to the great and exciting commitments of them. "They toiled night and day for years, in the freezing cold of winter or under the scorching summer sun, to bring this memorable enterprise to a successful conclusion" (Shehata Adam Mohamed, 1980).

Exhibitions will present historic documents related to the Campaign, while excursions to some of the neighboring archaeological sites will show the scientific activity in the area today.

The creativity, vitality and individualism of ancient Nubian cultures survive and continue to flourish in our age. On this long stand tradition, the modern-day Nubian society is based. Traditions of the past; still kept in the modern society, is a proof of this. In such context, a campaign for the preservation of the intangible heritage of Nubia will be launched and display of modern Nubian artefacts, Nubian Folkloric performances, and full interaction with Nubian community will be part of the event.

Cooperation protocol between Egypt and Sudan, already on going, will be strengthened. The understanding, safeguarding and presentation of trans-boundary cultural heritage are best addressed by shared efforts of the concerned countries.

The planned Nubia Museum of Wadi Halfa in Sudan, at the heart of the Nubian region and complementary to the Aswan one, will play a pivotal role in strengthening this cooperation and will represent a propulsive scientific center and community-based museum in the area of the Second Cataract.

The Conference

The conference will be held at the premises of the Nubia Museum and will consist of four sessions addressing the following topics:
1) Revisiting the Nubia Campaign;
2) Follow-up to the Nubia Campaign;
3) Recent Activities and Project; and
4) Nubian Intangible Heritage


The principal target participants of the Conference are individuals who participated in the International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia, members of the Nubian Community, in particular those who passed through he resettlement process, and Individuals and scholars who today are still performing scientific activities in the area. In addition, Egyptian and Sudanese Ministers, Ambassadors, or cultural representative of the countries involved in the salvage campaign, Media professionals will join the "official" audience of the conference.

It is expected that the participants will share their knowledge, and memories with respect to the campaign, offering an evaluation from a personal perspective as well as a vision of the future.

The total number of expected participants will be approximately 120. The list of invitees is attached for reference (Table 1). A final list of participants will be prepared one week prior to the event initiation.

The Conference and other celebration events will be held in Aswan from 21st to 25th March 2009. The detailed programme is attached for reference including venues for social events, dinners, excursions etc. (Table 2).


For further assistance, please contact directly our travel agent in Cairo, Monte Carlo Tours Co., for any further travel assistance. Contact details are as follows:

Monte Carlo Tours Co.
Mme Fawzia Hamdy (Managing Director)
Mr. Gamal Mohamed (Deputy Manager)
Cairo, Egypt
Tel/fax: 00202 25573309/ 25767154
Email: [email protected]

Internal Transportation in Aswan
Travco will offer shuttle buses throughout the event’s days for internal transportation as well as the Abu Simbel trip (Aswan/Abu-Simbel/Aswan). More details will be available shortly.

Useful Contacts
Aswan International Airport
Sahary Rd., Sahary, Aswan
Tel: 097 3482440 - 097 3480333

Aswan Railway Station
El Mahatta Sq., Downtown, Aswan
Tel: 097 2314754 - 097 2308857

Evangelical Mission Hospital
23 Cournich elnil, Aswan
Tel: 097 2317176 - 2304991
Duty Time: 10am to 4pm


Ms. Costanza de Simone, Cultural Heritage Expert [email protected]
Mr. Sayem Mehmood, Int’l Consultant, Director’s Office [email protected]
Ms. Dalia Khalil, Assistant to the Director [email protected]

Government of Egypt CONTACT PERSONS

Mrs. Injy Fayed [email protected]
Mr. Ossama Abdel-Wareth [email protected]
Ms. Fairus Fekry [email protected]

List of Participants

CATEGORY ************ Title Status
1. VIP-C H.E. Mr Farouk Hosni Minister of Culture in Egypt
2. VIP-C H.E. M. Mohamed Yousef Abdalla Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport in Sudan Confirmed
3. VIP-C H.E. Mr Osama Soliman Fadl Allah Minister of Minister of Culture, Information and Tourism of Northern State in Sudan Confirmed
4. VIP-C General Mustafa El Sayyed Governor of Aswan in Egypt Confirmed
5. VIP-C General Abu Bakr Mohamed Osman Governor of Wadi Halfa in Sudan Confirmed
6. VIP-C H.E. Mr Josef Melwlal Minister of Tourism and National Heritage of Sudan, Republic of Sudan Confirmed
7. VIP-C Mr. Ali Mahgub Deputy Minister of Tourism and National Heritage of Sudan, Republic of Sudan Confirmed
8. VIP-C Mr. Zahi Hawass Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Eygpt Confirmed
9. VIP-C Mr. Hassan Hossein Idris Director National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums of Sudan Confirmed
10. VIP-UN Mr. Tarek Galal Shawki Director of the Regional Bureau for Science in the Arab State Confirmed
11. VIP-C Mr. Fat-hi Saleh Director CULTNAT Confirmed
12. VIP-C Mr. Sabry Abdel-Aziz Head of the Egyptian Pharaeonic Antiquities Department, Supreme Council of Antiquities Confirmed
13. VIP-C Mr. Mohamed Abu Seada Director of the Office of Salvage of Nubia Monuments Confirmed
14. VIP-C Mr. Safwat Salem Secretary-General of the Egyptian National Commission for UNESCO Confirmed
15. VIP-C
Mr. Mohamed el Bialy Director of Antiquities Department of Aswan, Egypt Confirmed
16. VIP-Emb HE Mr. Luis Enrique Ambassador of Argentina in Egypt Confirmed
17. VIP-Emb Mr. Zimonyi Istven Cultural Attaché
Embassy of Hungary in Egypt Confirmed
18. VIP-Emb HE Mr. Claudio Pacifico Ambassador of Italy in Egypt Confirmed
19. VIP-Emb Mr. Giovanni Maria De Vita Commercial Attaché
Embassy of Italy in Egypt Confirmed
20. VIP-Amb Mr. Otto Th. Genee Deputy Head of Mission
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Egypt Confirmed
21. VIP-Emb Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim Adam Cultural Attaché
Sudan Embassy in Egypt Confirmed
22. VIP-Emb Mr. Bilal Qessmal-Lah Sudan Consul in Aswan Confirmed
23. VIP-Emb Mr. Adel Gaber Osman Deputy of the Sudan Consul in Aswan Confirmed
24. VIP-Emb Ms. Helen Lovejoy The U.S. Cultural Attaché Confirmed
25. Organizer Mr. Gérard de Puymège Sr. Programme Specialist for Culture Confirmed
26. Organizer Ms. Costanza De Simone Cultural Heritage Expert (UCO) Confirmed
27. Organizer Mr. Sayem Mehmood Int’l Consultant, Office of Director (UCO) Confirmed
28. Organizer Ms. Dalia Khalil Assistant to the Director (UCO) Confirmed
29. Organizer Ms. Hoda Abdel-Meguid Programme Assistant (UCO) Confirmed
30. Organizer Ms. Gehanne Abdel-Malek Programme Assistant (UCO) Confirmed
31. Organizer Mr. Nasr Salama Office for the Salvage of the Monuments of Nubia (Aswan) Confirmed
32. Organizer Mr. Oussama Abdel Wareth Director of Nubia Museum in Aswan Confirmed
33. Organizer Mrs. Hanan Elgabry Public Relations, Nubian Museum Confirmed
34. Organizer Mrs. Mohga Shehata Adam Director Public Relations, Nubia Fund Confirmed
35. Organizer Mrs. Somia Hosny Public Relations, Nubia Fund Confirmed
36. Organizer Mr. Mahmoud Ghalab Public Relations, Nubia Fund Confirmed
37. Organizer Ms. Fayrouz Fekry Assistant to the Nubia Fund Director Confirmed
38. Organizer Mr. Massimo Setzu Abu Simbel Exposition Confirmed
39. Speaker Mr. Tharwat Okacha Ministry of Culture in Egypt at the time of the Campaign For health conditions his speech will be delivered on his behalf
40. Speaker Ms. Nettie Adams Role in the Campaign:
Member of missions to Sudanese Nubia and Qasr Ibrim (Egyptian Nubia), Lexington-USA
-Anthopologist, Webb Museum of Anthopology Confirmed
41. Speaker Mr. Williams Adams Role in the Campaign:
UNESCO Expert attached to the Antiquities Organization of Sudan;
Director for the mission of University of Kentucky to Qasr Ibrim (Egyptian Nubia), USA
- Professor University of Kentucky Confirmed
42. Speaker Ms. Edda Bresciani Role in the Campaign:
Member of the Documentation and Study Center for the History of the Art and Civilization of Ancient Egypt (CEDAE) (Supreme Council of Antiquities)
Member of the Italian Mission to Tamit
- Professor University of Pisa Confirmed
43. Speaker Mr. Sergio Donadoni Role in the Campaign:
Director of the Italian Missions to Sabagua, Ikmindi, Tamit, Sinqi Tino
Consultant for the reconstruction of Abu Simbel, Rome, Italy Confirmed
44. Speaker Ms. Armgard Goo-Graeur Role in the Campaign:
Member of the Ethongraphic mission to Egyptian Nubia of the Social Research Center of the AUC in Egypt Confirmed
45. Speaker Mr. Peter Grossman Role in the Campaign:
Member of the mission of the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo to Nubia (Egyptian and Sudanese) to documents Christian remains
- Architect German Archaeological Institute in Cairo Confirmed
46. Speaker Ms. Luisa Bongrani Role in the Campaign:
Member of the Turin Museum missions to to Dehmit, Kalabsha, Korosko
- Former Prof. Chair of Nubian Antiquities, University of Rome “La Sapienza” Confirmed
47. Speaker Mr. Silvio Curto Role in the Campaign:
Director of the Turin Museum missions to Dehmit, Kalabsha, Korosko. Director of the mission for the re************************ of El Lesya Temple.
-Former Director of Egyptian Museum in Turin, Italy Ms. Matilde Borla will speak on his behalf
48. Speaker Ms. Nawal El Messiri Role in the Campaign:
Member of the Etnological mission to Egyptian Nubia of the Social Research Center of the American University in Cairo
- Anthropologist, Egyptian Society for Folk Traditions Confirmed
49. Speaker Mr. Grzymski Kirzys Archaeologist, Royal Ontario Museum
Responsible for the organization of the collection of Gebel Adda at the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada
50. Speaker Mr. Haeny Gerhard Role in the Campaign:
Partecipation with IFAO in the mission to Wadi es Sebua; with EAO for the Rock Inscriptions.
-Former Director of the Swiss Institute for Architectural Research and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt, Switzerland Confirmed
51. Speaker Ms. Faiza Heikal Role in the Campaign:
Member of the Mission of Cairo University to Aniba (Egyptian Nubia)
- Prof. American University in Cairo Confirmed
52. Speaker Mr. Huber Reinhard Role in the Campaign:
Member of the mission to Gebel Adda (Egyptian Nubia) of the American Research Center in Cairo; Member of the mission of Geneva University to Akash-Umka-Sonqi (Sudanese Nubia) Confirmed
53. Speaker Mr. Jakobielski Stefen Role in the Campaign:
Member of the Polish Center for Mediterranean Archaeology to Faras (Sudanese Nubia)
- Prof. Catholic Academy of Theology in Warsaw, Poland Confirmed
54. Speaker Mr. Horst Jaritz Role in the Campaign:
Member of the Mission to Gebel Adda (Egyptian Nubia); etc…
- Former Director Swiss Institute for Architectural Research and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt, Cairo, Egypt Confirmed
55. Speaker Ms. Sohair Mehanna Role in the Campaign:
Member of the Etnological mission to Egyptian Nubia of the Social Research Center of the AUC in Egypt
- Anthropologist: Social Research Center of AUC in Cairo Confirmed
56. Speaker Mr. Assaad Nadim Role in the Campaign:
Member of the Etnological mission to Egyptian Nubia of the Social Research Center of the AUC in Egypt
- Anthropologist: Egyptian Society for Folk Tradition Confirmed
57. Speaker Mr. Hans Ake Nordstrom Role in the Campaign:
UNESCO Expert attached to the Sudan Antiquities Organization during the Campaign. Successor of Torgny Save-Soderbergh in the organization and study of the Scandinavian Joint Expedition Material, Uppsala University, Sweden
- Royal Academy Of Lettres, History and Antiquities, Stockolm, Sweden Confirmed
58. Speaker Mr. Braj Basi Lal Role in the Campaign:
Director of the Indian mission to Afhya (Egyptian Nubia)
- Former Director Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi, India Confirmed
59. Speaker Mr. Mohamed Riad Role in the Campaign:
Member of the Etnological mission to Egyptian Nubia of the Social Research Center of the AUC in Egypt
- Prof. Ayn Shams University in Cairo Confirmed
60. Speaker Mr. Alessandro Roccati Role in the Campaign:
Specialist archeologist for the cutting and re************************ of Philae temples
- Prof. University of Turin, Italy Confirmed
61. Speaker Ms. Elsa Feher Rosenvasse Argentine Mission to Nubia
Representing her father the late Prof. Rosenvasse. Co-director with J. Vercoutter of the mission to Mirgissa
(Sudanese Nubia) Confirmed
62. Speaker Ms. Anna Maria Roveri Donadoni Role in the Campaign:
Member of the Italian missions of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” to the sites of Tamit and Sabagura (Egyptian Nubia)
-Former Director of the Egyptian Museum in Turin, Italy Confirmed
63. Speaker Mr. George Scanlon Role in the Campaign
Director of the American mission to Qasr el Wizz (Egyptian Nubia)
- Prof. American University in Cairo Confirmed
64. Speaker Mr. Miroslav Verner Role in the Campaign:
Member of the Czech Mission to Nubia (Tafa, Qertassi, Wadi Qitna, Kalabsha)
Charles University of Prague, Czech Republic
- Prof. Charles University of Prague Confirmed
65. Speaker Mr. Kent Weeks Role in the Campaign:
Member of the mission of the Pennsylvania University to Arminne (Egyptian Nubia)
- Former Prfo.erican University in Cairo Confirmed
66. Speaker Mr. Bruce Williams Role in the Campaign:
Member of the Mission to Nubia of the Oriental Institute of Chicago
-Archaeologist, Oriental Institute of Chicago, USA Confirmed
67. Speaker Mr. Manuel Pellicer Catalãn Member of the Spanish mission to Argin (Sudanese Nubia), Madrid, Spain Confirmed
68. Speaker Mr. Joseph Zaki Tadros Former Director of the Office for the Salvage of the Monuments of Nubia during 1981-1989 Confirmed
69. Speaker Mr. Mossad Herky Director of the Nubian Club (Gamaeya) in Cairo Confirmed
70. Speaker Mr. Hussein Moukhtar Director of the Information Center at Abu Simbel, Egypt Confirmed
71. Speaker Mr. Sharaf Abdel Karim Director of the Nubian Heritage Preservation Association in New Nubia (Ballana Village/ Kom Ombo), Egypt Confirmed
72. Speaker Mr. Mohamed el Khidir Director Nubian ************************ Society in Khartoum, Sudan Confirmed
73. Speaker Mr. Ashraf Ahmed Alaa Eideen Mohamed Nubian ************************ Society in Khartoum Confirmed
74. Speaker Mr. Rashid Adam Nubian ************************ in Khartoum Confirmed
75. Speaker Mr. Kamil Ibrahim Hassan Ibrahim Wadi Halfa Community representative Confirmed
76. Speaker Mr. Mustafa Abdu Mohamed Sahabi New Halfa (Kash el Girba-Sudan) Confirmed
77. Speaker Mr. Abdel Rahman Ali Mohamed Director Sudan National Museum in Khartoum Confirmed
78. Speaker Mr. Derek Welsby President, International Society for Nubian Studies, British Museum, London, United Kingdom Confirmed
79. Speaker Mr. Dietrich Raue Director of the German Archaeological Institute mission to Elephantine Confirmed
80. Speaker Mr. Cornelius Von Pilgrim Director of the Swiss Institute for Architecture and Archaeology in Cairo

81. Speaker Ms. Maria Carmela Gatto Director Rome University-Yale University Mission to Wadi Kubbaneya (Aswan) Confirmed
82. Speaker Ms. Pamela Rose Director of the mission of the Egypt Exploration Society to Qasr Ibrim(Aswan)
University of Cambridge, UK Confirmed
83. Speaker Mr. Shoukry Roweis University of Toronto, Canada Confirmed
84. Speaker Ms. Elizabeth Smith Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
University of Vermont, USA Confirmed
85. Speaker Mr. Antonio Giammarrusti Role in the Campaign:
Architect, Italian Team for the Philae Temple Re************************, Rome, Italy Confirmed
86. Speaker Mr. Antony Mills Role in the Campaign:
UNESCO Expert attached to the Sudan Antiquities Organization (International Campaign to Save the Monuments of Nubia) Confirmed
87. Speaker Mr. Fred Wendorf Role in the Campaign:
Director Combined Prehistoric Expedition in Nubia ( Egypt and Sudan)
Prof. Emeritus Methodist University of Dallas, USA Confirmed
88. Speaker Ms. Susan Kamel Project on the New Role of Museums in Non-Western Socieites, Insititute for Museum Research, Free University of Berlin, Germany Confirmed
89. Speaker Ms. Christine Gerbich Project on the New Role of Museums in Non-Western Socieites, Insititute for Museum Research, Free University of Berlin, Germany Confirmed
90. Speaker Mr. Adel Kilani Supreme Council of Antiquities
SCA Inspector in Aswan
Republic of Egypt Confirmed
91. Speaker Mr. Romuald Schield Role in the Campaign:
Member of the Combined Prehistoric Expedition in Nubia
- Former Director Nbata Play Mission Confirmed
92. Speaker Mr. Eugen Strouhal Role in the Campaign:
Member of the Czechoslovak mission to Nubia
- Prof. Emeritus Charles University of Prague Confirmed
93. Participant
UNESCO Ms. Asia Mahgoub El-Hindi National Programme Officer for Culture
UNESCO Khartoum Office
Republic of the Sudan Confirmed
94. C-Participant Mr. Giuseppe Fanfoni Role in the Campaign:
Member for the mission of University of Rome “La Sapienza” to Tamit and Sonqi Tino
Director of the Italian- Egyptian center for Restoration and Archaeology in Cairo Confirmed
95. C-Participant Mr. Ragnar Fossgaard Role in the Campaign:
Eng. For the Abu Simbel temples re************************ (VBB). Sweden Confirmed
96. C-Participant Ms. Laura Pantalacci Director of French Archaeological Institute in Cairo Confirmed
97. C-Participant Mr. Zbigniew E. Szfranski Director Polish Center for Mediterranean Archaeology Confirmed
98. C-Participant Ms. Patrizia Raveggi Director of Italian Cultural Center Confirmed
99. C-Participant Ms. Simonetta De Felicis Vice Director of the Italian Institute and its archaeological section Confirmed
100. C-Participant Ms. Rosanna Pirelli Archaeological Attaché
Italian Cultural Institute
Cairo, Egypt Confirmed
101. C-Participant Mr. Ladislav Bares Director of the Czech Institute of Egyptology – Charles University in Prague and its Cairo branch Confirmed
102. C-Participant Mr. K Duistermat Director of the Netherlands – Flemish Institute in Cairo Confirmed
103. C-Participant Mr. Fekry Hassan Prof. University College of London
United Kingdom Confirmed
104. C-Participant Ms. Emanuela Chimeo Director of Incontro (Newsletter for Italian Community in Cairo) Confirmed
105. C-Participant Mr. Kaj Moller Regional Director, SWECO ( former VBB) International
Stockholm, Sweden Confirmed
106. C-Participant Ms. Mona Zakareya Architect, Cairo, Egypt Confirmed
107. C-Participant Ms. Perla Fuscaldo Archaeologist
University of La Plata
Buenos Aires, Argentina Confirmed
108. C-Participant Mr. Piotr Bielinski Director, Polish Center for Mediterranean Archaeology, Warsaw Confirmed
109. C-Participant Mr. Muawia Mohamed Salih Director of Environmental Affairs
Member of the Merowe Dam Implementation Unit, Republic of Sudan Confirmed
110. C-Participant Mr. Tadeusz Toamszewski Vice President of Warsaw University
Republic of Poland Confirmed
111. C-Participant Ms. Galina Belova Director of the Russian Centre for Egyptology in Cairo Confirmed
112. C-Participant Mr. Tadeusz Tomaszewski Vice-President of Warsaw University Confirmed
113. C-Participant Ms. Lenka Sukova Charles University in Prague Confirmed
114. C-Participant Ms. Salome Zurinaga National Archaeological Museum
In Madrid, Spain Confirmed
115. C-Participant Mr. Hossein Ahmed Osman Will represent his father Ahmed Osman (University of Alexandria) He contributed to the design of the Abu Simbel Dome Confirmed
116. C-Participant Mr. Ahmed Abdel Rahman Curator, Nubian Museum Confirmed
117. C-Participant Mr. Hassan Ibrahim Dakry Curator, Nubian Museum Confirmed
118. C-Participant Dr. Rageh Zaher Curator, Nubian Museum Confirmed
119. Sponsor Mr. Ali Agha Board Member of the October 6th Industrial Zone, Egypt Confirmed
120. Sponsor Mr. Ahmed Moussa Managing Director, Pan Arab Tours
Cairo, Egypt Confirmed
121. Journalist Mr. Remigio Benni Chief of Egypt and Sudan
ANSA Cairo Bureau Confirmed
122. Journalist Mr. Marc Innaro RAI, Italy Confirmed
123. Journalist Mr. Abdel Malek Naim Press Attaché, Sudanese Embassy in Egypt Confirmed
124. Journalist Mr. Hussein Fathi Hussein El Ahram Newspaper
Alexandria Branch, Egypt Confirmed
125. Journalist Ms. Yolande Knell BBC Reporter, Cairo, 19 Gabalaya Street, #41, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt Confirmed
126. VIP-C HE Dr. Hany Helal Minister of Higher Education and Minister of State for Scientific Research To be Confirmed
127. VIP-UN Mr. El-Tayeb Mohamed Mustafa Secrtary-General of the Sudan National Commission for UNESCO in Khartoum To be Confirmed
128. VIP-Emb Ms. Birgit Stevens Cultural Attaché
Embassy of Belgium in Egypt To be Confirmed
129. VIP-Emb HE Mr. Jean-Félix Paganon Ambassadeur of France in Egypt To be Confirmed
130. VIP-Emb HE Mr. Bernd Erbel Ambassador of Germany in Egypt To be Confirmed
131. VIP-Emb Mr. Petrah Ampratwum Cultural Attaché
Embassy of Ghana in Egypt To be Confirmed
132. VIP-Emb HE Mr. Peter Zsoldos Ambassador of Slovakia in Egypt To be Confirmed
133. VIP-Emb Mr. Valer Franko Cultural Attaché
Embassy of Slovakia in Egypt To be Confirmed
134. Speaker Ms. Carla Maria Burri Former Director
Italian Cultural Center in Cairo
Italian Mission to Nubia during the Salvage Campaign To be Confirmed
135. Speaker Mr. Jean Jacquets
(Mrs. Helen Jacquets) Director of the mission of the University of Leiden to Abdalla Nirqi (Egyptian Nubia)
Member of the Mission of the University of Leiden to Abdalla Nirqi (Egyptian Nubia) To be Confirmed
136. C-Participant Ms. Nadine Sauneron (wife of Serge Sauneron) Represents the late Sauneron Serge
Director of the mission of IFAO to Egyptian Nubia (area of Wadi el Sebua) To be Confirmed
137. C-Participant Mr. Stephen Seydelmayer Director of German Archaeological Institute in Cairo To be Confirmed
138. C-Participant Mr. Gerry D. Scott, III Director of American Research Center in Egypt To be Confirmed
139. C-Participant Ms. Elein Vassilika Director of the Egyptian Museum, Turin, Italy To be Confirmed
140. C-Participant Ms. Hala Barakat Deputy-Director of CULTNAT
Smart Village, Cairo-Egypt To be Confirmed
141. Journalist Mr. Christian Fraser Journalist, BBC To be Confirmed
142. Journalist Ms. Catherine Miller Journalist, BBC To be Confirmed

VIP-C: VIP Country Representative
VIP-UN: VIP UNESCO Representative
VIP-Emb: VIP Embassy Representative
C-Participant: Country Participant

نأتي الان لما تم ترجمته على قدر المستطاع وبالاخص الاشياء المهمه مترتبه في التالي:

- بمناسبة الذكرى الخمسين لمناشدة مصر والسودان لمنظمة اليونسكو والمجتمع الدولي لحشد الجهود لحماية وإنقاذ الثقافه والآثار النوبيه
يقام في الفتره من 21 ـ 25 مارس 2009 بمتحف الآثار النوبي بأسوان مؤتمراً برعاية منظمة اليونسكو بعنوان (النوبه السفلى الماضي وآفاق المستقبل)

- يشارك في المؤتمر أكثر من 120 شخصيه عالمية وسودانيه ومصريه

- ستقام زيارات للآثار النوبيه

- سيناقش المؤتمر قضايا كثيره تخص الحضارة والآثار النوبية من خلال اوراق يقدمها المشاركون وسيعرض خلال المؤتمر وثائق هامة وخاصه بالجهود المحلية والعالمية لإنقاذ وتطوير الآثار النوبيه والثقافه النوبية

- من أهم القضايا التي ستناقش هي الآثار المترتبه على عمليات التهجير من المناطق القديمة للمناطق الحالية والآثار الاجتماعية والأقتصادية والثقافية المترتبة على ذلك

- الغرض من هذا المؤتمر هو المساعدة في الحفاظ على الثقافة والآثار والبيئة النوبية وإزالة كل العقبات التي تحول ذلك

الاخوه والاخوات هذه ترجمه لأهم ماجاء من برنامج زيارة منظمة اليونسكو لاسوان
وتم الحصول على البرنامج من خلال مصادر خاصه وهي حصريه لصوت النوبه
تقبلو تحياتي