منظمة Save Darfur يخدعون العالم لجمعع الاموال باسم دارÙور

منظمة Save Darfur يخدعون العالم لجمعع الاموال باسم دارÙور

03-13-2009, 09:25 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=190&msg=1236932710&rn=2

Post: #1
Title: منظمة Save Darfur يخدعون العالم لجمعع الاموال باسم دارÙور
Author: محمد الامين محمد
Date: 03-13-2009, 09:25 AM
Parent: #0


Post: #2
Title: Re: منظمة Save Darfur يخدعون العالم لجمعع الاموال باسم دارÙور
Author: محمد الامين محمد
Date: 03-13-2009, 09:28 AM
Parent: #1

مجموعة من المشبوهين
Jerry Fowler

Jerry Fowler leads the Save Darfur Coalition and its staff of 30 professional organizers, policy advisors and communications specialists. Fowler coordinates joint Darfur advocacy efforts among the coalition’s more than 180 member organizations and directs communications with more than one million Darfur activists, more than one thousand community coalitions, and joint efforts within a strong global movement in 50 different countries.

Mr. Fowler is recognized as an authority on the problem of responding to genocide and related crimes against humanity. Before coming to the Save Darfur Coalition, he was the founding director of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum's Committee on Conscience. He has taught law at George Washington University, George Mason University, and American University. He also served for four years as an officer in the United States Army.

Mr. Fowler's publications include "Out of that Darkness: Preventing Genocide in the 21st Century," in Century of Genocide: Eyewitness Accounts and Critical Views (Routledge, 2004). He also directed the short film A Good Man in Hell: General Romeo Dallaire and the Rwanda Genocide.

Click here to read Jerry Fowler's complete bio.

Suzie Armstrong

Senior Director, Development

Suzie Armstrong leads the Save Darfur Coalition's efforts to increase its impact by building a broad and diverse base of supporters, including individual donors and foundations. Ms. Armstrong brings over fifteen years of experience in development and program management, most recently as the Vice President of the Interfaith Alliance, where she served as chief of staff and managed the day-to-day operations of a national organization dedicated to protecting religious freedom and the separation of church and state. She draws additional experience from her tenure with non-profit organizations including Democrats 2000, Fifty plus One, Catholics for a Free Choice and Equal Justice Works. She holds a B.A. in Government and English from The College of William & Mary and a Master of Arts in Organizational Sciences with a concentration in Organizational Management from George Washington University. Among other volunteer activities, she currently serves on the Board of Directors of Mentoring Today in Washington, DC.

Amir Osman
Senior Director of Policy and Government Relations

Alex Meixner
Senior Director of Policy and Government Relations

Alex Meixner leads the coalition’s efforts to directly petition the U.S. government, focusing on Congress, the White House, the State Department and the National Security Council.

Prior to joining the Save Darfur Coalition in September 2005, Mr. Meixner worked on a variety of legislative issues for former Congressman Robert Matsui (D-CA) and Congresswoman Doris Matsui (D-CA). Preceding his work with Congressman and then Congresswoman Matsui, Mr. Meixner worked on political affairs for former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, serving as the Deputy Political Coordinator of the Senator’s Leadership PAC.

M. Allyn Brooks La-Sure

Senior Director, Communications

Allyn Brooks-LaSure is senior director of communications for the Save Darfur Coalition, a broad-based alliance of more than 180 organizations committed to ending the Darfur genocide. In this role, Brooks-LaSure supervises media relations, online communications, communications projects and serves as spokesperson for the organization.

Before joining Save Darfur, Allyn was Washington press secretary to U.S. Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey. Prior to that, Allyn was deputy press secretary to then-Senator Jon S. Corzine in the U.S. Senate as well as during Corzine's 2005 gubernatorial campaign. Following the Corzine election, Allyn joined the gubernatorial transition team as special assistant to the transition chairman, Dr. Richard Leone.

Brooks-LaSure previously served as an account manager at The Caraway Group - a Washington-based public relations firm. While there, he directed the firm's communications work for the Microsoft Corp. and the U.S. Army Accessions Command.