أوباما يدعم إصدار مذكرة توقيف بحق الرئيس السوداني

أوباما يدعم إصدار مذكرة توقيف بحق الرئيس السوداني

02-05-2009, 04:56 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=190&msg=1233849374&rn=5

Post: #1
Title: أوباما يدعم إصدار مذكرة توقيف بحق الرئيس السوداني
Author: musadim
Date: 02-05-2009, 04:56 PM
Parent: #0

Thursday, February 5, 2009
EXCLUSIVE: Obama backs indictment of Sudan leader
Jon Ward and Betsy Pisik, THE WASHINGTON TIMES

President Obama supports implementing the war crimes indictment by the International Criminal Court against Sudanese President Omar Bashir, a strong indication of the tough approach the new administration will take toward Sudan as well as its favorable view of an international body the Bush administration refused to join.

"We support the ICC and its pursuit of those who've perpetrated war crimes. We see no reason to support deferral [of the indictment] at this time," said Ben Chang, a spokesman for Mr. Obama's national security adviser, retired Marine Gen. James L. Jones.

Mr. Obama gave his support for an arrest warrant -- which could be handed down within days -- despite concerns that pursuing charges against Gen. Bashir could provoke Khartoum to retaliate against humanitarian groups and plunge the country into even more bloodshed and chaos.

Top Obama administration officials such as Susan Rice, the new U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, have long advocated a hard line toward the Bashir regime. Ms. Rice, who worked on peacekeeping issues in the Clinton White House and as assistant secretary of state for African affairs during President Clinton's second term, is said to have been scarred by the U.S. and international failure to prevent the 1994 Rwandan genocide, in which nearly 1 million people were killed.

Top regional specialists who have participated in negotiations with Khartoum caution that support for the Bashir arrest warrant would send the Obama administration down a path of confrontation that could further destabilize Sudan and say it isn't clear how authorities would carry out the arrest.

"Hold off this loopy idea of prosecuting the head of state who has signed the absolutely pivotal peace agreement," said Alex de Waal, an Africa specialist who advised Robert B. Zoellick, who was a U.S. envoy to Sudan during talks that led to a 2005 treaty between the Muslim north and the Christian and animist south.

"How do you negotiate with someone and then say, 'We're going to drag you off to jail?' " Mr. de Waal asked. "The guy's a criminal, but that's not the point."

Humanitarian groups working with some of the 2.5 million people displaced by the fighting in Darfur are concerned that Gen. Bashir will retaliate against them.

"We are worried that an indictment might lead to violence and are taking every step possible to try to mitigate against that risk," said Sam Worthington, president of InterAction, a coalition of 175 nongovernmental organizations that work in developing nations.

The aid community, Mr. Worthington said, is "the easiest target."

"They're unarmed. They're working in a war zone. We've made it very clear to the United Nations and the government of the Sudan that they need to avoid any attack on our community in retaliation for an indictment."

The Obama administration has signaled awareness of potential blowback if a warrant is issued. Ms. Rice said Tuesday that Sudanese bombing of rebel groups in a Darfuri town, Muhajiriya, was in "anticipation of an arrest warrant." She called on the Bashir regime to stop the bombing and allow a U.N. and African Union joint peacekeeping force (UNAMID) into the area.

"The onus is on the government to halt all aerial bombardment, to allow UNAMID to have complete freedom of movement, and to ... effectively carry out its mandate to protect civilians," she said.

The bombing follows two weeks of fighting in and around Muhajiriya, which was seized by a rebel group, the Justice and Equality Movement.

Many specialists say the violence is an indication of the chaos Khartoum could unleash if the ICC issues an arrest warrant. Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo charged Gen. Bashir on July 14 with genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.

Mr. de Waal also said that going forward with the indictment would be "destabilizing" because it would "become the preoccupation of the Sudanese political class and especially the government." The result, he said, would be that "they cannot get to do all the other business that needs to be done to make Sudan's transition to democracy actually work."

Sudan is nearing an election in 2011 in which the south may vote to secede from the north. The conflict between the two regions over religion and natural resources sparked a 20-year war that ended in 2005 even as Khartoum violently put down resistance in Darfur.

The Bush administration in 2004 labeled as genocide the bloodshed in Darfur that has killed more than 300,000 people. Although it refused to ratify and even "unsigned" a Clinton administration document joining the international court - which the Bush administration viewed as subordinating U.S. sovereignty - it supported ICC indictments and arrest warrants against lower-level Sudanese.

The Obama administration has a more favorable attitude toward the ICC, although it is reviewing whether it should re-sign the treaty and seek Senate ratification.

"It is in our country's interest that the most heinous of criminals, like the perpetrators of the genocide in Darfur, are held accountable," said Mr. Chang, the National Security Council spokesman.

At the same time, he said, Mr. Obama, as commander in chief, "wants to make sure that [U.S.] troops have maximum protection" against politically motivated indictments.

The president "will consult thoroughly across the whole government, including with the military, and also examine the full track record of the court, before reaching a decision on how to move forward," Mr. Chang said.

John Prendergast, a former African affairs adviser to Mr. Clinton, said, "We certainly don't have to capitulate to the Chicken Little theory that just because the ICC is issuing this warrant there has to be necessarily a deterioration of the situation in Darfur. The response of the [Sudanese] government is completely in play right now. It will be largely dependent on the international reaction."

Mr. Prendergast, who runs the Enough Project aimed at ending violence and genocide in Sudan, said failure to arrest Gen. Bashir would embolden the Sudanese "to continue with their agenda, which is to militarily crush their opposition."

"Part of the reason there is no resolution in Sudan is because there has been no accountability," he said. "If we take accountability off the table again, they will put that in their pocket and continue with their policy of divide and destroy."

Under the ICC charter, the U.N. Security Council is empowered to defer the indictment for a year at a time, for as long as it likes. African and Muslim blocs have quietly petitioned the council to defer Gen. Bashir's arrest warrant, despite strong ICC support from European and Latin American ambassadors.

China and Russia, permanent members of the Security Council, import large amounts of oil from Sudan. The 52-nation African Union, newly led by Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, also wants a delay of the warrant.

But deferral would require nine votes from the 15-member body and could be vetoed by any of the five permanent members: the U.S., Britain, France, China or Russia.

"It's on track to go ahead," Mr. de Waal said.

• Betsy Pisik reported from the United Nations in New York.

Post: #2
Title: Re: أوباما يدعم إصدار مذكرة توقيف بحق الرئيس السوداني
Author: فتحي البحيري
Date: 02-05-2009, 05:18 PM
Parent: #1

شكرا أوباما

شكرا جزيلا مصادم

انتظرنا أوباما قرابة الاسبوعين ...

... ليقول كلمة كهذه

فما تأخر كثيرا علينا

على "الاخوة" في المؤتمر الوطني التصرف بعقلانية

....فيما تبقى لهم من وقت

والشكر لله أولا وأخيرا

Post: #3
Title: يحلك الحل بلة يا البشير اخوى
Author: Mannan
Date: 02-05-2009, 05:30 PM
Parent: #1

قالها اوباما
يللا يا اخوى شوفك ليك صرفة واتطلب الله
ادينا عرض كتافك وهج قبل ما يحصلوك ويودوك لاهاى..
باى.. بـــــاى!!!


Post: #4
Title: Re: يحلك الحل بلة يا البشير اخوى
Author: musadim
Date: 02-05-2009, 06:48 PM
Parent: #3

معا لمحاكمة البشير وبقية العصابة الحاكمة

Post: #5
Title: Re: يحلك الحل بلة يا البشير اخوى
Author: ismeil abbas
Date: 02-05-2009, 09:43 PM
Parent: #4

Quote: معا لمحاكمة البشير وبقية العصابة الحاكمة

ألأخ/مصادم السلام عليكم...........

صار كل همكم البشير وجماعته..وماذا عن السودان واهله......؟؟

نسأل الله أن يجعل كيدهم فى نحرهم يارب...............

إسماعيل محمد احمد عباس....

Post: #6
Title: Re: يحلك الحل بلة يا البشير اخوى
Author: عبدالعزيز الفاضلابى
Date: 02-05-2009, 11:57 PM

Quote: We support the ICC and its pursuit of those who've perpetrated war crimes

اترى يقصد بمن فيهم القوات الأمريكية فى العراق وافغانستان ,, والضباط الأسرائليين

Post: #7
Title: Re: يحلك الحل بلة يا البشير اخوى
Author: Nagi Ahmed
Date: 02-06-2009, 04:15 AM
Parent: #6

yes we can

Post: #8
Title: Re: يحلك الحل بلة يا البشير اخوى
Author: د.نجاة محمود
Date: 02-06-2009, 04:33 AM
Parent: #7

Quote: We support the ICC and its pursuit of those who've perpetrated war crimes

محاكمة بوش رامزفيلد واوباما نفسه بعد توليه الحكم قامت القوات الامريكية بقصف قرية وقتل عدد من المدنين في افغانستان,,,
رئيس وزراء اسرائيل ووزير الحربية الاسرائيلي برضو ما ينسوهم ما تبقى اذا سرق الضعيف

انظر الى كل حلقات الفلم دا فاز بجائزة اوسكار...

Quote: The US government has developed what appears to be a policy of using torture while at the same time spreading its message of democracy around the world. The ease with which ideas fundamental to the rule of law were subverted in the process, provokes difficult questions about the kind of future American-style democracy will bring

Post: #9
Title: Re: يحلك الحل بلة يا البشير اخوى
Author: د.نجاة محمود
Date: 02-06-2009, 04:42 AM
Parent: #8

Taxi to the Dark Side is an Academy Award winning 2007 documentary film directed by American filmmaker Alex Gibney, and produced b Taxi to the Dark Side is an Academy Award winning 2007 documentary film directed by American filmmaker Alex Gibney, and produced by Eva Orner.[1]

The film focuses around the controversial death in custody of an Afghan taxi driver named Dilawar.[2] Dilawar was beaten to death by American soldiers while being held in extra judicial detention at the Bagram Air Base.

Taxi to the Dark Side also goes on to examine America's policy on torture and interrogation in general, specifically the CIA's use of torture and their research into sensory deprivation. There is description of the opposition to the use of torture from its political and military opponents, as well as the defense of such methods; the attempts by Congress to uphold the standards of the Geneva Convention forbidding torture; and the popularization of the use of torture techniques in shows such as 24.

Post: #10
Title: Re: يحلك الحل بلة يا البشير اخوى
Author: د.نجاة محمود
Date: 02-06-2009, 04:43 AM
Parent: #9

Post: #11
Title: Re: يحلك الحل بلة يا البشير اخوى
Author: د.نجاة محمود
Date: 02-06-2009, 04:46 AM
Parent: #10

اسمع الاعترافات لقتل سائق التاكسي
الذي كان يبكى مناديا امه وابوه وهو في قبضة من لا يرحم..

Post: #12
Title: Re: يحلك الحل بلة يا البشير اخوى
Author: د.نجاة محمود
Date: 02-06-2009, 04:47 AM
Parent: #11

Post: #13
Title: Re: يحلك الحل بلة يا البشير اخوى
Author: د.نجاة محمود
Date: 02-06-2009, 04:49 AM
Parent: #12

يا للعار

Post: #14
Title: Re: يحلك الحل بلة يا البشير اخوى
Author: د.نجاة محمود
Date: 02-06-2009, 04:51 AM
Parent: #13

مكين وتنظيرات وتبريرات

Post: #15
Title: Re: يحلك الحل بلة يا البشير اخوى
Author: د.نجاة محمود
Date: 02-06-2009, 04:53 AM
Parent: #14

بوش بيتكلم عن جنوده بانهم بعملوا واجبهم..
هل وجبهم قتل وتعذيب الاخرين

Post: #16
Title: Re: يحلك الحل بلة يا البشير اخوى
Author: د.نجاة محمود
Date: 02-06-2009, 04:55 AM
Parent: #15

يجب ترجمة هذا الفلم الى العربية
وشكرا لمن قام به لاظهار الحقيقة عن الحرب على الارهاب والتعذيب وانتهاك حقوق الانسان

Post: #17
Title: Re: يحلك الحل بلة يا البشير اخوى
Author: د.نجاة محمود
Date: 02-06-2009, 04:58 AM
Parent: #15

Post: #18
Title: Re: يحلك الحل بلة يا البشير اخوى
Author: Sabri Elshareef
Date: 02-06-2009, 05:34 AM
Parent: #17

الحساب للقاتل المجرم البشير وعصابته قد حان

Post: #19
Title: يحلك الحل بلة يا البشير أخوى
Author: Mannan
Date: 02-06-2009, 07:58 AM
Parent: #1

البشير قال الماتو فى دارفور عشرة الف بس!!!! بالله شوف الراجل الما بيخاف الله يعترف بقتل عشرة الف روح!!! يا كاتل الروح وين بتروح؟
ربنا سلط عليهو الما بيرحمو... حفر للشعب السودانى لامن وقع فى حفرتو... وحتفها بظلها... ومعليش يا جماعة... الدنيا ما دوامة... كفاكم عشرين سنة برطعة وحلاقة فى الشعب السودانى المسكين... استعدوا للحلاقة الجد... يوم تختفى الدقون ويهرب المستنكحون...
بيقولو " جزاك الله خير"!!!
انتو خليتو فيها خير؟؟؟؟؟

نورالدين منان

Post: #20
Title: Re: يحلك الحل بلة يا البشير أخوى
Author: د.نجاة محمود
Date: 02-06-2009, 01:57 PM
Parent: #19

احسن الناس تعقل وتتعظ من غيرها
لا نحتاج لبلادنا تكون ذي العراق وافغانستان
ولا نريد خيأل تحضره امريكا او قوات اجنبية

الانتخابات على الابواب..
واعرفوا لما تتساقط القنابل غير الذكية ما حتفرز الكوز من الشيوعي..