An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization

An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization

11-26-2008, 02:28 PM


Post: #1
Title: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization
Author: صديق عبد الجبار
Date: 11-26-2008, 02:28 PM
Parent: #0

Pls. Check out this Blog

Best Regards


Post: #2
Title: Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization
Author: صديق عبد الجبار
Date: 11-26-2008, 02:36 PM
Parent: #1



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Article (1):

The name of the organization shall be

Social Democratic Unionist Party

It shall be – among the public, in the mass media and for the purposes of publicity - referred to by the acronym

“Hash Alwhadawi”

Article (2):

Date of Establishment:

The sixth of October 2002.

Article (3):

The Headquarters of the Party:

Khartoum North, Razaz Building, Floor 3, Flat 5


Article (4):

In this Document, unless otherwise the context requires another meaning:

“The Organization” means the Social Democratic Unionist Party “Hashd Alwahdawy”
“The Federal Committee” means the supreme committee of the Party.
“Pluralistic Leadership” means the Administrative Board of the Party whose members are elected by the General Congress of the Party.
“ The President” means the President of the (Federal) Higher Executive Committee of the Party and who is the President of the Party.
“The Secretary-General” means the Secretary-General of the Higher Executive Committee of the Party and who is the Secretary General of the Party.
“Internal System” means the body of internal regulations that governs the activities of the Organization such as appointment of leaders, disciplinary measures, and the organizational and financial policies.
“The Declaration” means the Declaration of the Organization, which is the pivot of the principles of the Party, its policies and its operational tools.

Post: #3
Title: Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization
Author: صديق عبد الجبار
Date: 11-26-2008, 02:40 PM
Parent: #2

Quote: The Party Platform
( Political Declaration)


Quote: Article (5):

(A) The Socialist Democratic Unionist Party(SDUP) is a public political organization. It faithfully and sincerely advocates social justice; strives for the realization of democracy – both in theory and practice – and proclaims it in every possible forum. It spearheads an intensive relentless campaign for the cause of the promotion of the concept of national unity, the oneness of goals and destiny; the rejection and exclusion of all the attitudes that advocate separation and the heresy of self-determination. This organization clearly and candidly declares that we are not religious scholars, neither are we priests or monks; we do not even have a lot to say in relation to religion. Those of us who are Muslims, bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is His servant and messenger. Those who are Christians believe in God and the message of Christ (peace be upon him). Those who are adherents of other religions have their own creeds and every one has his/her faith. All members of the Organization give credence to the freedom of belief, worship and expression; all are free from fear and no one is to be seduced into conversion of religion or belief. It is, then, the policy of the Party to advocate any ideology or scientific theory that leads to the political, social or economical societal reform, provided that it shall not be contrary to our beliefs, cultural heritage or the unshakable moralities of our people.

Post: #4
Title: Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization
Author: صديق عبد الجبار
Date: 11-26-2008, 02:45 PM
Parent: #3

The Party Platform
( Political Declaration

Quote: (B) The members of the Socialist Democratic Unionist Party view the on-going civil war in the south and the east of the country, which flared at the dawn of independence as the resultant of the too many failures of the politicians and leaders. These failures have resulted in the underdevelopment of the country in all fields. Example of this is the weak national economy and the consequences thereof which has lead to the backwardness of the infrastructures in all fields. This has logically been accompanied by the deterioration in the services of health, education and management as well as the lack of a clear strategic vision which, in effect, resulted in severe living conditions, the marginalization of rural areas and the negligence of rural development, the chronic injustice in the sharing of wealth and power, the natural consequences of which are the feelings of the public grievance, frustration and outrage which usually leads to reckless reactions. Therefore, our Party has nothing more to say in respect to this problem. It advocates the emphasis on seeking to resolve the problem of all the motherland in a comprehensive framework. Then and only then we believe that all the hard feelings, the frustration and the accumulation of the consequences of social injustice will be eradicated and, consequently, the inevitable resolution of conflict.

Post: #5
Title: Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization
Author: صديق عبد الجبار
Date: 11-26-2008, 02:54 PM
Parent: #4



Post: #6
Title: Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization
Author: صديق عبد الجبار
Date: 11-26-2008, 02:55 PM
Parent: #5

Quote: (C) The Sudanese people – since independence – have suffered a great deal and have been patient even more. They have not yet found the public organization that can shoulder their worries and realize their aspirations in a dignified life and a renewing effective leadership. It is crystal clear that the main problem of the Sudan which - if salvaged, will, in effect, solve all its problems - is the crisis of governance: how the country is to be ruled and how to choose those who will rule. This will not be possible without the establishment of a standing fundamental law to be enacted through the participation of all the factions of the nation represented by the different institutions of the civil society, inter alia, the political parties, trade unions, independent entities such as the intelligentsia, the academia and the local leaders

It goes without saying that the so-called “independence generation” – with all due respect and consideration to what they achieved during the national liberation movement has, unfortunately, failed in the accomplishment of the tasks assigned to them viz. The post-independence duties: the creation of the constitution, the establishment of the democratic bases for the realization of social justice, and the promotion of the concept of national unity. This is why– since the uprising of the citizens in the south of the country and the beginning of the era of the military movements to seize power in November 1958, followed by the glorious Revolution of October in 1964, and then the coup in May 1969, followed by the uprising of April 1985, and lastly the coup detat of 1989 - the history books have recorded that the immature democracy which was practised between 1956 and 1989 has been aborted three times and was given the total of eleven years divided between three periods punctuated by eras of military rule. This means that the Sudanese people have chafed under the yoke of military juntas and dictatorship two third of the period between independence (1956) and 1989. Then the present government came to power by the will of force and it is still ruling in iron hand, although it has made available a margin of freedom that can be denied only by the sheer stubborn. Material evidence of this is the permission to establish this Organization. However, the Social Democratic Unionists clearly declare that our civilizational heritage and our African psychological mood absolutely reject the idea that freedom is a grant from any one person or any one group that rules without the will of the people. Man is born free.

The Social Democratic Unionist Party shall strive – through all peaceful, non-violent and constitutional ways – for holding a constituent congress in order to formulate and pass the constitution.

Post: #7
Title: Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization
Author: صديق عبد الجبار
Date: 11-26-2008, 03:02 PM
Parent: #6

Quote: (D) Social Justice:

The Social Democratic Unionists reject secularism if it is taken to mean اللائكية the dictionary meaning of which is “the call to a state that has no religion”. On the other hand, we do not at all feel embarrassed to clearly declare that we absolutely refuse that politicians – whatsoever their religion might be – should ride the crest of the religious sentiments of the people to cross over it to governance. We call for the civic state and we strive for the state of civil institutions to predominate so that no one who claims for himself to be infallible may become president of the State; or he would rule for life; or he is not accountable to the people. In this way, and under the rule of the state of institutions, social justice and equality in all aspects of life shall prevail. Examples of these – which our party propagates –are:

All citizens should pay equal taxes and zakat (alms)
Muslims are not to be taxed at the same rate paid by adherents of other religions if (the Muslims) have paid the zakat of their businesses or property.

In addition to that, the State has to refer to the distinguished scholars (who are renowned for their rectitude and probity) to reconsider the conformity to Sharia in levying zakat on the salaries of the employees in both the public and private sector. We believe that this is an ill-informed jurisprudence (ijtihad) and is better labelled by another term.

Our Party calls and strives for this end. We also believe that the State should shoulder its complete responsibility of basic education, health care, environment, care for orphans, the old-aged who have no one to support them, and the homeless. In this respect we demand for the application of progressive taxation the revenue of which should be spent on the society and the development of its infrastructures and the basic services so that the principle of social solidarity, which is the essence of Sudanese realistic socialism we advocate, is to be achieved.

In this context, the Social Democratic Unionists believe, beyond any scepticism, that the legal and prompt policy is the one through which the reform of the nation and the well-being of the people will be achieved, irrespective of the origin of this policy as long as it is not in conflict with our cultural heritage, our beliefs and our supreme national interests.

Hence, our Party calls for the innovation of scientific methods and the implementation of effective and efficient economic theories in order to redistribute the national wealth amongst the members of the society; to free the people from the grip of capitalism; to make available the opportunities for sharing power and the centres of decision making; to repay the people as much as they contribute; to ensure the right of rest and leasure from the overwhelming worries of making a living; to free the people from want and deprivation for the sake of wider horizons and span of understanding with the ultimate aim of cultural, ethical and spiritual development.

Post: #8
Title: Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization
Author: صديق عبد الجبار
Date: 11-26-2008, 03:07 PM
Parent: #7

Quote: (E) Democracy:

The Social Democratic Unionist Party aims to draw the attention of the people to the fact that the word “democracy” is no more than a foreign scientific term like any other technical neologism which scientists have found themselves compelled to use because of the non-availability of the exact equivalent signifier in the lexicon of their national tongue, and, at the same time, they have to use it in their language and to put its concept into practice in both their scholarly and day-to-day activities which are beneficial to the people and the nation .

Democracy – linguistically and practically, and despite the diversity of meanings assigned to it and the absence of an agreed-upon interpretation of its denotation – does not contradict the cultural heritage of the peoples or their beliefs and their most estimable values, irrespective of their religious or ethnic origins. The essence of democracy has been practised since historic times even in primitive and non-religious communities. Therefore, our Party believes in democracy and in practising it in all walks of life: in the governance system of the state, in the institutions of the civil society,

Post: #9
Title: Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization
Author: صديق عبد الجبار
Date: 11-26-2008, 03:10 PM
Parent: #8

Quote: (F) Unity:

The Social Democratic Unionist Party shares the same opinions as others that the existing political borders in Africa and most of the third world countries are the result of imperialism which came to colonize our land. Having found it enjoyable, the colonial powers decided to stay and they did not leave except after severe struggle and a great deal of sacrifices.

Our generation has inherited the present political borders which have become an inseparable part of our national entity and loyalty despite the variety of cultures and races the intermarry of which produced our distinctive heritage and our African identity which we are envied for by those who do not have such an identity. For this reason, we declare our rejection to any tendency to separation or any discussion about self-determination. The status quo has already been decided upon on the eve of independence from the claws of imperialism .We deem it wrong to raise the issue of self-determination by some of the intelligntsia who pose as advocators of the people’s aspirations.

We have to admit the fact that there are social injustices which have to bravely be faced and eradicated. These injustices are not limited to any one region or a particular rural area. Injustice, underdevelopment, and negligence have spread all over the Sudan save for the Capital and the central areas around it. Let this, then, be a warning to all, that if we allow for such tendencies in the south, for instance, more and more such tendencies will inevitably crop up in all of the marginalized areas of the country. We must, therefore, be absolutely keen to preserve the unity of our homeland that has to be fostered through the oneness of goals and destiny.

The Social Democratic Unionists are fully aware of the difficulties and obstacles that stand in the way of the co-existence of the various cultures and the different moods; and strive for further investment of this diversity in order for the process of cultural intermarry to run its full course as spontaneously as possible; otherwise, the alternative for the promotion of the cultural development and the unique Sudanese identity will be nothing other than well-researched scientific methods.

The Social Democratic Unionist Party greatly capitalizes on the inevitable unity between men and women, which is the kernel of unity in thought and political endeavor. Accordingly, we declare that the group mad-rush which resulted in the so-called the Sudanese Women Union or the Union of Sudanese Women or any similar label, which implies a notion of racism and deepens an unrealistic misconception of the inferiority of women and their social segregation, would give the alien observer the false and unjustified for impression that the oppression of women and the violation of their rights is common practice.

Our Party believes –beyond any shades of doubt – that the working woman, on the same footing as men, is a genuinely inseparable constituent of the society. She is entitled to having access to educational institutions at all levels; she is a productive force, she struggles for the causes of freedom and social well being, and she has the right to vote and to be elected to occupy any administrative or constitutional position. If women have suffered through injustice or through the violation of their rights, so have men. Let them, then, fight their battle hand in hand and struggle for their cause together.

Our Party is aware of the need for a body that expresses the worries, aspirations and needs of the non-working women. Taking cognizance of this fact, we have innovated for this sector political circles led by Housewives Committees in order for their voice to get through to the leadership of the Organization and, consequently, to the different organs of the State. We are determined to call for this unionist faith through all possible channels.

On the basis of our ethical heritage and our prevalent realities that require men and women not to mix in certain circumstances, we call for and encourage the establishment of social clubs for women. These clubs have to be well-equipped with facilities that enable women to practise the recreational activities which they can’t share with men such as athletic sports, tennis, volley ball, basketball, swimming, and any other interests specific to women. This is on the condition that these clubs are not to be changed into forums for cultural, political, literary or thought feminine massed groups since these activities of necessity do exist in the inevitable organic composure of our integrated community.

Our Party, for the furtherance of national unity, is desirous to firstly emphasize that federal governance is the ideal and most appropriate system for rule for the Sudan. Notwithstanding, we call for the reduction of the of states, provinces and municipals to the least possible number following diligent and conscientious study of the geographical, demographic and human aspects. This is to remove the consequential negative effects that resulted from the federal, state and local looseness that will never help in the promotion of the national unity; in addition to the extravagant governmental expenditure that accompanied the experience, the thing which added to the suffering of the people.

Post: #10
Title: Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization
Author: صديق عبد الجبار
Date: 11-26-2008, 03:12 PM
Parent: #9

Quote: (G) Foreign Relations:

The Social Democratic Unionists do not have anything to say in relation to the foreign relations of the Sudan more than what most of the other political organizations believe in, such as the naturalization of relations with the sisterly and all of the neighbouring countries; endeavouring to show the true face of the Sudan with its customary magnanimity and liberality; the clearing of the name of the country which has - truthfully or otherwise - been stained in the past years; and the observance of the regional and international conventions provided that they do not contradict the internal agreements and the cultural heritage and the beliefs of the Sudan.

Our Party calls for, and will persistently strive for, the revision of the systems and regulations of the international organization known as the United Nations which has become an instrument in the hands of the neo-imperialism – nothing could be nearer to the mind than the expected assault on the Iraqi people. The role of this organization has become too obvious and it has become a part of antiquity. It is time that it was thrown in the dump of history. All nations should work towards the reformulation of the Organization so that it becomes the universal example for the implementation of justice, democracy and unity inside its institutions and in its decision making processes. Hence, the Social Democratic Unionist Party calls for the cancellation of the disreputable legislation known as the veto right; widening the circle of permanent membership of the Security Council; the creation of a new form of this Council in which the members are more of professionalism than political allegiance following the model of the International Court of Justice.

The Social Democratic Unionist Party declares its unrestricted support to the legitimate struggle of the people for the liberation of the occupied territories in Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon from the grip of the Israeli occupation army which represents the face of imperialism and racial Zionism in its most dreadful form.

The Party clearly declares its strong rejection to the distortion of facts which aims at linking the struggle of the peoples and their armed combat for the cause of the liberation of their lands with the so-called international terrorism and which is exploited by the rightist extremist governments led by the United States of America and Britain to protect the Zionist entity in the occupied Palestine; to find pretexts to invade other countries; and to control the resources of wealth and energy all over the world.

Our Party calls on all the peoples of the world and spur them to take the initiative; to pressurize their leaderships and states to rid themselves of being followers; to be so brave and honest as to stand in the face of the American arrogance and domination over the countries of the world; and to nullify all the conventions concluded behind the back of the people with the Zionist entity and with the despotic governments of the Right.

Post: #11
Title: Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization
Author: صديق عبد الجبار
Date: 11-26-2008, 03:15 PM
Parent: #10


حنبنيه البنحلمبيه يوماتي .....

وطن شامخ وطن عاتي .......

وطن خير ديموقراطي .....

Post: #12
Title: Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization
Author: صديق عبد الجبار
Date: 11-27-2008, 12:06 PM
Parent: #11


Post: #13
Title: Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization
Author: صديق عبد الجبار
Date: 12-09-2008, 06:52 AM
Parent: #11

كل عام والجميع بخير

Post: #14
Title: Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization
Author: صديق عبد الجبار
Date: 12-10-2008, 00:17 AM

Article (6):

Operational Methods of the Party:

The Social Democratic Unionist Party pledges to abide by the Constitution and the law in its political activities and shall not follow any course of action for the sake of the realization of its doctrines or the amendment of the fundamental law of the Land save through the methods and measures stated in the Constitution and the laws.

Our relationship with the other organizations rests on free and honest competition to reveal its views and stances or the endeavour to gain access to power through peaceful methods without resort to violence, the use of force, or aggression to achieve any political win or gain.



Article (7):

Conditions for membership:

Any citizen (male or female) who is a bearer of the Sudanese nationality qualifies for the membership of the Party if he or she submits an application and if he or she satisfies the following conditions:

1- If he or she is 17 years of age.
2- If he or she is fully aquatinted with the declaration, the policies and the aims of the Organization and has accepted its programmes, Basic Order and Ideological Framework, and Internal System.
3- If he or she is of good conduct, reputation and behaviour.
4- If he or she has not been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude or dishonesty in the past seven years.
5- If he or she is not known for having participated or supported any activity which resulted in any harm to the principles of freedom, democracy and unity.

Article (8):

Procedures of acceptance of membership:

1- Applicants should submit a written request signed and accompanied by personality identification to be forwarded to the pluralistic leadership via the prescribed channels.
2- The Pluralistic Leadership shall then examine the application and carry out the necessary investigations concerning the citizen who applied for the membership. It then shall submit the necessary recommendation to the Federal Committee.
3- The Federal Committee has the right to accept or decline any application.

Post: #15
Title: Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization
Author: صديق عبد الجبار
Date: 12-10-2008, 00:21 AM
Parent: #14

Quote: Article (9):

The Rights of Members:

1- Any member of the Party has the right to freely express and defend his or her opinion in the organizational meeting or the larger conferences prior to any final decision taken by any one of the organizational committees.
2- Members have the right to having access to the works of leading bodies and committees. The Pluralistic Leadership shall be keen that all members shall be provided with a complete copy of the Basic Order and Ideological Framework whenever the circumstances should permit.
3- Any member has the right to stand as a candidate, or to nominate any other member to stand for the elections for any of the bodies or organizational committees.
4- Any member has the right to report in writing about any disciplinary action or penalty taken against him or her after hearing of his point of view and giving him or her full opportunity to defend himself or herself.
5- Any member has the right to appeal to the higher committees and bodies in the case of any decision taken against him or her.

Article (10):

Obligations of Members:

1- Members have to peacefully struggle in all fields for the sake of communicating the political opinion of the Organization, its ideologies and general programme to the people, observing in this the directives of the Declaration.
2- It is the obligation of any of the members to preserve the properties of the Organization; to keep its organizational secrets; to be an active cadre to attract the people to participate in the activities of the Organization; and to support and propagate the concept of pluralistic leadership, the faith of social justice, unity, and democracy.
3- Any member shall have to exert every possible effort to lead a reputable conduct, to be on intimate terms with the public, pay close attention to their day-to-day problems, and not be contemptuous of the pulse of the man in the street
4- Members shall commit themselves to all of the policies and decisions of the Organization, which have been passed through democratic procedures specified by the internal system. They shall support these policies and decisions and sincerely activate them provided that they contradict the spirit of the Declaration.
5- Members shall have to abide by the philosophy of criticism and self-criticism and in doing so shall have to observe the directives of the organizational framework and shall have to refrain from any form of distortion or concealment of facts.
6- Members shall restrict the differences and the discussion of points of view within the bodies and committees of the Organization and not publicize any internal disagreements outside the context of the Organization, for example, through mass media or private meetings.
7- Any member shall have to be on the alert lest that double agents should filter into the Organization to destroy the beliefs of the Party and to disintegrate its unity.
8- Any member shall have to fulfill his or her financial obligations decided by the internal system, be they regular or for emergencies.

Article (11):

Loss of Membership:

1- Membership in the Party may be withdrawn from any one who has been proved to be acting in contradiction to or failed to comply with any of the obligations stipulated in Article (10): “1 – 8”. The application of all the measures and steps stipulated in the Internal System shall be observed.
2- Should any member apply for the withdrawal from the Organization for any reason, the bodies and committees he or she belongs to shall have to discuss the matter with him or her and to do their best to make sure that he or she has strong incentives to do so; and should, then, issue a decision in that connection to higher bodies or committees to decree on the case.
3- The only body that has the right to decide on the loss of membership or to accept the resignations is the Federal Committee.
4- Members of the Federal Committee are dismissed and/or their resignations are accepted only by the Pluralistic Leadership in accordance with the provisions of the internal system.
5- The only body entitled to the dismissal or the acceptance of the resignation of any one of the members of the Pluralistic Leadership is the General Congress.

Post: #16
Title: Re: An Invitation To Participate in The Basic Order of SDUP Organization
Author: صديق عبد الجبار
Date: 12-10-2008, 00:32 AM
Parent: #15

Article (12):
The General Congress of the Party is the supreme organizational body and is held every four years. It shall consist of:
(1) The Bodies and Committees of the Party in the Cities.
(2) Committees of Housewives.
(3) Committees of Students Bodies.
(4) Committees of Professional and Craft Bodies.
Article (13)
The General Congress of the Party shall elect the Pluralistic Leadership through direct vote. The number of the leaders to be elected shall be forty-one members. The Pluralistic Leadership shall be considered the legislative body in the absence of the General Congress.
Article (14):
The Pluralistic Leadership shall elect the Federal Committee through direct vote. Its members shall be twenty-one members.
Article (15):
The President of the Party is the leading member who obtains the highest score of votes in the election of the Pluralistic Leadership and the member who obtains the second highest score of votes shall be appointed Secretary-General of the Organization.
Article (16):
The Federal Committee shall appoint the leaders of the organizational offices thereof in its inaugural meeting (immediately after its election). The Organizational Offices shall be as follows:
1. Vice-President of the Party.
2. Deputy Secretary-General.
3. Secretary of Political and Ideological Affairs.
4. Secretary of Organizational Affairs.
5. Secretary of Financial Affairs.
6. Secretary of Legal Affairs.
7. Secretary of Information and Public Relations.
8. Secretary of the Bureau of Cultural and Documentation Affairs.
9. Secretary of the Bureau of Security Affairs.
President of
The Party


[Federal] High Executive Committee

The Federal Administrative Board of the Party [Pluralistic Leadership]

General Congress

Branches of the Party in the States
[ Executive Committees of the States]

Committees of Cities

Committees of Students Professional and Craft Committees