Cuban Trained Doctors at Juba Teaching Hospital

Cuban Trained Doctors at Juba Teaching Hospital

11-24-2008, 08:25 PM


Post: #1
Title: Cuban Trained Doctors at Juba Teaching Hospital
Author: Zakaria Joseph
Date: 11-24-2008, 08:25 PM
Parent: #0


General News
22/11/2008 20:57:10
Cuban Trained Doctors at Juba Teaching Hospital

JUBA, South Sudan- A group of 15 Cuban trained doctors have returned to South Sudan and have taken up their posts at Juba Teaching Hospital.

Dr. Okony Simon left Ethiopia for Cuba after fleeing his homeland and the escalating conflict.

“One of the aims of sending us to Cuba was to educate ourselves and one day come back after the war. This is because we can say that there are two faces of war; the war of the Kalashnikov and the war of reconstruction of the country”, explained Dr. Okony.

Trained as a paediatrician, Dr. Okony is one of an increasing wave of the South Sudanese Diaspora who have returned to help in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the region.

South Sudan suffers from the highest maternal mortality rate in the world with 1 in 50 births resulting into the death of the mother. Over 13 percent of children die before their fifth birthday and the health system is struggling to reach the population.

It is estimated that only 25 percent of South Sudanese have access to health facilities.

Dr. Okony is currently on a two-week mission with a team of surgeons and experts to Akobo, Jonglei State where the hospital has fallen into disrepair.

Post: #2
Title: Re: Cuban Trained Doctors at Juba Teaching Hospital
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 11-24-2008, 11:58 PM
Parent: #1

التحيه لهم يا زكريا جوزيف:
JUBA, South Sudan- A group of 15 Cuban trained doctors have returned to South Sudan and have taken up their posts at Juba Teaching Hospital.

Post: #3
Title: Re: Cuban Trained Doctors at Juba Teaching Hospital
Author: Haydar Badawi Sadig
Date: 11-25-2008, 00:07 AM

Dear Zakaria,
I met some of these bright physicians in Juba last year and this past summer. They are young and exptremely qualified. I hope their expample will be emualted by qualifed youth of all specialites.

Post: #4
Title: Re: Cuban Trained Doctors at Juba Teaching Hospital
Author: Zakaria Joseph
Date: 11-25-2008, 05:38 PM
Parent: #1

بروفيسور حيدر
شكرا جزيلا.