آخر الأنباء: أوباما يعرض منصب وزارة الخارجية على هيلارى والتى تقول انها ربما تقبل المنصب!

آخر الأنباء: أوباما يعرض منصب وزارة الخارجية على هيلارى والتى تقول انها ربما تقبل المنصب!

11-19-2008, 11:04 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=180&msg=1227132288&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: آخر الأنباء: أوباما يعرض منصب وزارة الخارجية على هيلارى والتى تقول انها ربما تقبل المنصب!
Author: jini
Date: 11-19-2008, 11:04 PM
Parent: #0

حسب ما أذاعته البى بى سي وما نشره موقع ياهو الالكترونى
Quote: CHICAGO – Associates of Hillary Rodham Clinton and her husband say the former first lady is weighing whether to leave the Senate and become secretary of state, believing the job is hers if she wants it.

Obama transition officials say other candidates have been vetted for the job, but the New York senator has emerged as the leading contender and the vetting of former president Bill Clinton has been particularly intense. Associates say Hillary Clinton has been told that Obama wants her to be secretary of state, although accounts differ on how bluntly and directly Obama made the overture. They would speak only on grounds of anonymity because of the private nature of the negotiations.

Hoping to ease concerns about possible conflicts of interest, Bill Clinton has agreed to publicly disclose the names of all donors who have given more than $250 to his presidential library and foundation

Post: #2
Title: Re: آخر الأنباء: أوباما يعرض منصب وزارة الخارجية على هيلارى والتى تقول انها ربما تقبل المنصب!
Author: الشامي الحبر عبدالوهاب
Date: 11-21-2008, 11:35 PM

Clinton to Accept Secretary of State Nomination, Confidants Say Hillary Rodham Clinton has decided to give up her Senate seatand accept the nomination for secretary of state afteradditional discussion with President-elect Barack Obama aboutthe nature of her role, two confidants of Mrs. Clinton saidFriday.
from newyork times

Post: #3
Title: Re: آخر الأنباء: أوباما يعرض منصب وزارة الخارجية على هيلارى والتى تقول انها ربما تقبل المنصب!
Author: الشامي الحبر عبدالوهاب
Date: 11-21-2008, 11:46 PM
Parent: #2

Quote: As secretary of state, Mrs. Clinton will have had a powerful platform to travel the world and help repair relations with other countries strained after eight years of President Bush’s policies. But at the same time, she will now have to subordinate her own agenda and ambitions to Mr. Obama’s and sacrifice the independence that comes with a Senate seat and the 18 million votes she collected during their arduous primary battle.

the same source