Toronto's Star - I was NEVER fond of using the microwave, only use it as a LAST RESORT

Toronto's Star - I was NEVER fond of using the microwave, only use it as a LAST RESORT

10-07-2008, 11:19 AM


Post: #1
Title: Toronto's Star - I was NEVER fond of using the microwave, only use it as a LAST RESORT
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 10-07-2008, 11:19 AM

Microwave dangers highlighted
Improper zapping can make you ill, experts say
October 7, 2008


OMAHA, Neb.–Zapping frozen meals in the microwave may be fast and easy, but it also can make you sick if it's not done properly.
That message has been slow to catch on, despite a spate of illnesses last year from improperly microwaved frozen foods. On Sunday, the U.S. government issued a warning urging consumers to thoroughly cook frozen chicken dinners after 32 people in 12 states were sickened with salmonella poisoning.
"Given how people use microwaves, it's great for reheating, but maybe not so good for cooking," said Doug Powell of the International Food Safety Network based at Kansas State University.
The problem is that microwaves heat unevenly, and can leave cold spots in food that harbour dangerous bacteria, such as E. coli, salmonella or listeria. Microwaving anything that includes raw meat can cause problems.

To be safe, experts suggest using a food thermometer to check the temperature of microwaved food in several places, especially if the product includes raw ingredients.
The U.S. government doesn't track microwave-related food-borne illnesses, but every year more than 325,000 people are hospitalized for food-related illnesses.

Toronto Star