كارثة دارفور تناقش الاسبوع القادم فى فلوريدا/ نوفا، FORT LAUDERDALE بمصاحبة عرض لمعادلات بصرية

كارثة دارفور تناقش الاسبوع القادم فى فلوريدا/ نوفا، FORT LAUDERDALE بمصاحبة عرض لمعادلات بصرية

03-23-2007, 06:05 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=171&msg=1188275764&rn=2

Post: #1
Title: كارثة دارفور تناقش الاسبوع القادم فى فلوريدا/ نوفا، FORT LAUDERDALE بمصاحبة عرض لمعادلات بصرية
Author: Khalid Kodi
Date: 03-23-2007, 06:05 AM
Parent: #0

Post: #2
Title: Re: كارثة دارفور تناقش الاسبوع القادم فى فلوريدا/ نوفا، FORT LAUDERDALE بمصاحبة عرض لمعادلات بص
Author: Khalid Kodi
Date: 03-23-2007, 06:09 AM
Parent: #1

March 13, 2007

Nova Southeastern University Hosts Colloquium to Examine Darfur Crisis
NSU Student organizes event to raise awareness of Genocide

FORT LAUDERDALE-DAVIE, FL – As news reports describe the escalating turmoil in Darfur, Sudan, there are still Americans who are unaware of the violence that has driven more than two million people from their homes.

In an effort to raise awareness and bring attention to the plight of the families struggling to stay alive in Darfur, Nova Southeastern University graduate student Careen Hutchinson has organized, “Colloquium on the Darfur Crisis,” on Thursday, March 29, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The event, which will be held on NSU’s main campus in the Carl DeSantis Building Knight Auditorium, is free and open to the public.

Hutchinson, who is seeking a degree in Conflict Analysis and Resolution, grew up in Jamaica and is following the example set by her parents who believed in, “doing because you have the ability to do.”

“I want people who have suffered and are suffering human rights abuses and violations to know that there are those who care about them. I feel strongly about taking responsibility for the things we have the ability to affect. The issues concerning Darfur have engaged my passion for international issues,” she says.

The colloquium will feature panel discussions and an art exhibit depicting the situation in the Sudan. Speakers include:
 Gregory Garland, Public Affairs Advisor for the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of African Affairs

 John Ukec Lueth Ukec, Sudan Ambassador to the United States
 Motasim Adam, refugee from Darfur, and President of the Darfur Peoples Association, Brooklyn, New York

 Fatima Haroun, a refugee from Darfur who now resides in the US.

 Hamid Abdeljaber, former Chief of Middle East Radio Unit, United Nations Department of Public Information, News and Media Division.

The art exhibit will feature the work of activist Khalid Kodi, an adjunct professor at Boston College, who will display his Darfur Dirty Laundry Installation and other works.

The “Colloquium on the Darfur Crisis” is jointly sponsored by NSU’s Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Fischler School of Education and Human Services, Farquhar College of Arts & Sciences and the Office of Student Affairs.
For more information about “Colloquium on the Darfur Crisis,
” call 954-709-0245 or 954-262-7294.

Post: #3
Title: Re: كارثة دارفور تناقش الاسبوع القادم فى فلوريدا/ نوفا، FORT LAUDERDALE بمصاحبة عرض لمعادلات بص
Author: Khalid Kodi
Date: 03-23-2007, 08:05 PM
Parent: #1


Program Host:

Careen Hutchinson

8:00a.m. - 8:45a.m.

Breakfast / Reception

8:45a.m. - 9:00a.m.

Greetings Recognitions and Presentation of Guests

9:00a.m. – 9:15a.m.

Opening Remarks

President Ray Ferrero, J.D

Nova Southeastern University


9:15a.m – 9:30a.m.

From the Nuba Mountains to South Sudan to Darfur

A Visual Rage

Mr. Khalid Kodi - Artist

Adjunct Professor, Boston College


9:30a.m. - 9:45a.m.

Historical Perspective of the Conflict

Altayeb Bashier, Ph.D. student

Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences

9:45a.m. – 10:00a.m.

Human Atrocities as Tied to “Identity”

Dr. Alex Cuc, Associate Professor,

Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences

10:00a.m. - 10:15a.m.

Return, Reintegration and Recovery

Mr. Mamane Sani Moussa, PhD. Candidate

Introduced by Dr. Judith McKay, Ph.D

Chair of the Department and Conflict Resolution

10:15a.m. – 10:20a.m.


10:20a.m. - 10:35a.m.

The Value of Hearing People’s Voices

Dr. Jean-Mathieu Essis, Assistant Professor

Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution

10:35a.m. – 11:05a.m.

The Refugees Stories

Mr. Motasim Adams, Refugee and President of the

Darfur People’s Association – Brooklyn

11:05a.m. – 11:35a.m.

Ms. Fatima, Refugee – Affiliate of the Darfur

Rehabilitation Project

11:35a.m. - 12:00noon


Facilitated by Bob Hosea PhD candidate

Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences

12:00noon - 12:45p.m.



12:45p.m. -1:05p.m.

Women and Children in the Crossfire of the Conflict
Niemat Ahmadi – Affiliate of the Darfur Rehabilitation Project


Economics and Conflict

Bryant Salter

1:30p.m. – 1:55p.m.

The Role of the International Community in
the Darfur Crisis

Abdelhamid Abdeljaber

United Nations Representative


United States’ position on the Darfur Crisis

Mr Gregory L. Garland

Public Affairs Advisor for the State Department’s

Bureau of African Affairs

2:20p.m. – 2:45p.m

Issues Impacting the Darfur Crisis in the

Present and Future

Hon. John Ukec Lueth Ukec, Sudan Ambassador to

the United States

2:45p.m. – 3:00p.m.




Facilitated by Dr. M. Sweedler, Associate Chair, Department of Conflict Analysis

and Resolution

For more information on issues concerning Africa conflict and Peace, contact:

African Working Group on Peace and Conflict


Website: Africaworkinggroup.org

Or join the listserv at [email protected]

Project conception and development of
COLLOQUIUM: DARFUR CRISIS is of Careen Hutchinson, graduate student of the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Conflict Resolution

Post: #4
Title: Re: كارثة دارفور تناقش الاسبوع القادم فى فلوريدا/ نوفا، FORT LAUDERDALE بمصاحبة عرض لمعادلات بص
Author: Khalid Kodi
Date: 03-23-2007, 08:07 PM
Parent: #1


Careen Hutchinson, Graduate Student in the Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution at the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr. Delores M. Smiley, Ed. D., Dean, Community Education and Diversity Affairs, FSEHS

Terry Morrow, Interim Director of Student Activities and Leadership Development

Michelle Manley, Graduate Student in the Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution at the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Leslie Yaffa, Ed.D. Candidate, Fischler School of Education and Human Services


Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences
Fischler School of Education and Human Services
Office of Student Activities and Leadership Development
Office of Student Engagement and Special Events
School of Humanities and Social Sciences - Student Association
Public Affairs
Radio X

Post: #5
Title: Re: كارثة دارفور تناقش الاسبوع القادم فى فلوريدا/ نوفا، FORT LAUDERDALE بمصاحبة عرض لمعادلات بص
Author: أنور أدم
Date: 03-24-2007, 01:09 AM
Parent: #4

ليظل الامل سامقا

Post: #6
Title: Re: كارثة دارفور تناقش الاسبوع القادم فى فلوريدا/ نوفا، FORT LAUDERDALE بمصاحبة عرض لمعادلات بص
Author: الطيب بشير
Date: 03-24-2007, 01:54 AM
Parent: #1


مرحبتين بالفنان خالد كودي في جامعتنا الحبيبة نوفا

و مرحبتين بالسيد سفيرنا بواشنطن

ننتظركم بفارغ الصبر..نشوف أعمال خالد كودي.. و نسمع من السفير الجديد

فرصة يا خالد تسمع من البروفيسور جون ماثيو ايسيس..من ساحل العاج..مشروع قائد أفريقي (ختير)..

نجهز الكاميرا ..


Post: #7
Title: Re: كارثة دارفور تناقش الاسبوع القادم فى فلوريدا/ نوفا، FORT LAUDERDALE بمصاحبة عرض لمعادلات بص
Author: Khalid Kodi
Date: 03-24-2007, 06:40 AM
Parent: #1

الأخ أنور،


شكرا على المرور،
وإنته رحلته ولا شنو؟

الأخ الطيب،


شكرا للترحيب الحار،

وإن أرسلت تلفونك على الماسنجر سأتصل فور وصولى غدا مساء.

وسيلحق الاخ معتصم والاخوات فاطمة هارون ونعمات بالركب.

نتوقع أن يكون لقاء ثريا ومفيدا، فقائمة المتحدثين جيدة،

أتمنى أن تدعوا معارفك من السودانيين فى المنطقة "فالجامعة جامعتكم".

شكرا ثانيا والى اللقاء.

Post: #8
Title: Re: كارثة دارفور تناقش الاسبوع القادم فى فلوريدا/ نوفا، FORT LAUDERDALE بمصاحبة عرض لمعادلات بص
Author: Khalid Kodi
Date: 03-24-2007, 03:19 PM
Parent: #1


Post: #9
Title: Re: كارثة دارفور تناقش الاسبوع القادم فى فلوريدا/ نوفا، FORT LAUDERDALE بمصاحبة عرض لمعادلات بص
Author: الطيب بشير
Date: 03-24-2007, 10:52 PM
Parent: #8


أهلين يا خالد
التلفون في الماسنجر
و حبابكم طب
أنا وزعت دعوات للناس و لا أزال أفعل
ان شاء الله خير


Post: #10
Title: Re: كارثة دارفور تناقش الاسبوع القادم فى فلوريدا/ نوفا، FORT LAUDERDALE بمصاحبة عرض لمعادلات بص
Author: Khalid Kodi
Date: 03-28-2007, 07:37 PM
Parent: #1

Tank you ya Eltayeb,
It was wonderful to seeing you.

And see you tomorrow for the event