Lost Boys of Sudan ..

Lost Boys of Sudan ..

08-07-2007, 04:27 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=161&msg=1189551977&rn=6

Post: #1
Title: Lost Boys of Sudan ..
Author: humida
Date: 08-07-2007, 04:27 PM
Parent: #0

Lost Boys of Sudan
This is the name given to the thousands of southern Sudanese boys
who were brought to the United States over the past few years


About The Film
Lost Boys of Sudan is an Emmy-nominated feature-length documentary that follows two Sudanese refugees on an extraordinary journey from Africa to America. Orphaned as young boys in one of Africa's cruelest civil wars, Peter Dut and Santino Chuor survived lion attacks and militia gunfire to reach a refugee camp in Kenya along with thousands of other children. From there, remarkably, they were chosen to come to America. Safe at last from physical danger and hunger, a world away from home, they find themselves confronted with the abundance and alienation of contemporary American suburbia.

Lost Boys of Sudan directed by Megan Mylan and Jon Shenk, won an Independent Spirit Award and screened theatrically in 70 cities across the U.S. to strong audience and critical praise. The film was broadcast nationally on the PBS series POV in the fall of 2004 and earned two national Emmy nominations.

An extensive national outreach campaign has brought Lost Boys of Sudan to thousands of community settings to build awareness and support for refugees and the crisis in Darfur, Sudan.

Riz Khan - Lost Boys of Sudan - 22 May 07
Guest presenter Anand Naidoo looks into the world of the "Lost Boys" of Sudan - those thousands of southern Sudanese boys brought to the US to escape their country's brutal wars. Anand speaks to the director and also one of the stars of a new documentary on the boys, called Dinka Diaries.


Mel Deng, A Lost Boy
News story I produced for my school news show "Ladue View" about Mel Deng, one of the Sudanese Lost Boys who has come to the United States to help spread the word about the current genocide going on in Sudan

Post: #2
Title: Re: Lost Boys of Sudan ..
Author: humida
Date: 08-07-2007, 05:16 PM
Parent: #1

Hope is Found - John Dau's Story
John Dau is one of the Lost Boys of the Sudan. He also happened to be a student at Syracuse University as well as the star of the Sundance Award-winning documentary, "God Grew Tired of Us." I had the lucky opportunity to film a short promotional piece for him as he prepared for a lecture tour


John Bul Finding Faith
John Bul Dau talks about how he established his faith while journeying out of Sudan in an attempt escape the bloody civil war that raged in his country

* ملاحظة صغيرة .. البنر في بداية الفلم كُتب عليه ان الحرب تشنها حكومة الشمال العربية .. ويتضمن الفلم مقطعين لاغاني للاستاذ عبد القادر سالم والاستاذ محمد الامين ..!!!


Lost Boy Returns
rought cut trailer for a 20 min doc we shot about a Sudanese refugee reuniting with his brother after their country's deadly civil war had kept them apart for more than two decades

Post: #3
Title: Re: Lost Boys of Sudan ..
Author: humida
Date: 08-07-2007, 05:46 PM
Parent: #2

لحدي هسع انا ما داير ( أعلق ) علي البوست دا ..
لحدي ما اجيب اغلب الفيديو الموجودة علي النت ..

وللحديث بقية ..

Post: #4
Title: Re: Lost Boys of Sudan ..
Author: humida
Date: 08-08-2007, 10:06 AM
Parent: #3


Post: #5
Title: Re: Lost Boys of Sudan ..
Author: Elbagir Osman
Date: 08-08-2007, 03:37 PM
Parent: #1

الأولاد المفقودون
من أفظع مآسى الحرب في الجنوب

مئات الأطفال
حرقت قراهم وقتل ذويهم

فتحركوا وحدهم
سائرين على أقدامهم مئات الكيلومترات
عبر الغابات بحيواناتها ومخاطرها

حتى وصل الناجون منهم إلى أثيوبيا

أثاروا اهتمامي منذ أواسط التسعينات

عندما قرأت
أن صحفيا سأل أحدهم
بعد أن وصلوا معسكرات اللاجئن:
"كيف استطعتم معرفة الطريق؟"
أجاب الولد:
"بالجماجم .. والعظام البشرية "(الملقاة على طول الطريق)

الباقر موسى

Post: #6
Title: Re: Lost Boys of Sudan ..
Author: humida
Date: 08-20-2007, 02:19 PM
Parent: #5

استاذ الباقر
Quote: بعد أن وصلوا معسكرات اللاجئن:
"كيف استطعتم معرفة الطريق؟"
أجاب الولد:
"بالجماجم .. والعظام البشرية "(الملقاة على طول الطريق)

الـ Lost Boys
عليهم ( اختلاف ) كبير في الاراء ..
خصوصا اللذين وصلوا لامريكا .. وسجلوا هذه ( الافلام ) ..
الكثيرين غير ( متعاطفين ) معهم ..
ويروا انهم قدموا صورة ( سالبة ) عن السودان ..
لغرابة الموضوع .. واهميته .. وعدم تناوله إعلاميا ..
حبيت انه اسمع آراء الناس ..

تسلم .. كنت اتمني ان تتوسع اكثر في الموضوع لو لديك ( المعلومة ) ..