Two Articles of Interest من دكتورة سامية احمد سليمان استاذة الهندسة بجامعة Pennsylvania State

Two Articles of Interest من دكتورة سامية احمد سليمان استاذة الهندسة بجامعة Pennsylvania State

06-09-2008, 06:19 PM


Post: #1
Title: Two Articles of Interest من دكتورة سامية احمد سليمان استاذة الهندسة بجامعة Pennsylvania State
Author: بكرى ابوبكر
Date: 06-09-2008, 06:19 PM

Post: #2
Title: Re: Two Articles of Interest من دكتورة سامية احمد سليمان استاذة الهندسة بجامعة Pennsylvania Sta
Author: بكرى ابوبكر
Date: 06-09-2008, 06:21 PM
Parent: #1

Dears Mr. Bakri and the Sudanile group,

Attached are three documents;1) a press release from Financial Times (FT); 2) its Arabic translation ; 3) scientists recommendations to Africa ######### of State.

Document 1: In my opinion, your readers would be interested in the article, as would any literate Sudanese citizen. Such valuable information better inform people, and lead to augmentation of democracy through transparency.( Word document)

Document 2: a translation of document 1 to the best of my ability!! Apologies for the poor handwriting as I lack access to Arabic typing.(4 JPG pages)

Document 3: The recommendation drafted by 50 African and Amertican scientist who met May 29-30 in Arusha-Tanzania, prior to the Leon Sullivan Foundation meeting, June 3-6, in which ~10 African ######### of State participated, including President Al Bashir. The scientist met to promote science and technology as essential vehicle to socio-economic development in Africa.( Word document)

I appreciate the availing of the two documents to the public, and if more info is needed , I would be happy to provide, as I was one of the science participant.. Let me know if the above two types of articles are deemed publishable by your media avenue.

Dr. Samia Ahmed Suliman
Assistant Professor
Engineering Science and Mechanics
The Pennsylvania State University

Add: 212 EES Building, Universty Park,
email: [email protected]

S.A. Suliman
Assistant Professor
Engineering Science and Mechanics
The Pennsylvania State University

Add: 212 EES Building, Universty Park,
email: [email protected]

Post: #3
Title: Re: Two Articles of Interest من دكتورة سامية احمد سليمان استاذة الهندسة بجامعة Pennsylvania Sta
Author: بكرى ابوبكر
Date: 06-09-2008, 06:22 PM
Parent: #2

Post: #4
Title: Re: Two Articles of Interest من دكتورة سامية احمد سليمان استاذة الهندسة بجامعة Pennsylvania Sta
Author: بكرى ابوبكر
Date: 06-09-2008, 06:26 PM
Parent: #3




With the wealth and potential of Africa in natural resources, we recommend that the Sullivan Foundation and African ######### of State promote the use of science, technology, and innovation (STI) as a critical engine for Africa socio-economics growth and sustainable development. This will facilitate the self-reliance and the full integration of Africa into the global economy. In keeping with the legacy of Rev. Dr Leon H. Sullivan, in the training of African Americans for successful career in U.S. industry, we propose the establishment of Sullivan centers of excellence that will develop Africa’s human capacity in STI.
In an effort to accomplish this goal, we recommend that the Sullivan Foundation should champion the following objectives:
i) The development of self reliance through national/continental STI strategies that add value to Africa’s wealth in natural and human resources;
ii) The creation of National and African Science Foundations and innovations funds that provide merit-based funding from ideas to markets;
iii) The establishment of new and strengthening of existing African institutions of science and technology as catalyst for engaging African and international human capacity for sustainable socio-economic development;
iv) The promotion of conditions conducive to the creation, utilization, and retention of scientific and engineering talent in Africa;
v) The development of formal U.S. -Africa exchange programs integrated with local African networks;
vi) The promotion of U.S.- Africa public, private, and university STI partnerships.

Post: #5
Title: Re: Two Articles of Interest من دكتورة سامية احمد سليمان استاذة الهندسة بجامعة Pennsylvania Sta
Author: بكرى ابوبكر
Date: 06-09-2008, 06:29 PM
Parent: #4

Post: #6
Title: Re: Two Articles of Interest من دكتورة سامية احمد سليمان استاذة الهندسة بجامعة Pennsylvania Sta
Author: بكرى ابوبكر
Date: 06-09-2008, 06:33 PM
Parent: #5

Post: #7
Title: Re: Two Articles of Interest من دكتورة سامية احمد سليمان استاذة الهندسة بجامعة Pennsylvania Sta
Author: بكرى ابوبكر
Date: 06-09-2008, 06:35 PM
Parent: #6

Post: #8
Title: Re: Two Articles of Interest من دكتورة سامية احمد سليمان استاذة الهندسة بجامعة Pennsylvania Sta
Author: jini
Date: 06-09-2008, 06:48 PM
Parent: #1

Quote: |

Samia A. Suliman
Assistant Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics


[email protected]

(814) 863 - 3574
web site

interests (keywords)
Nano/Micro Electronics Devices and Materials: Physics and Technology







Principal Publications of Last Five Years (partial list)
< 1 >
S. A. Suliman et al., The effects of channel boron-doping on the performance and reliability of N-channel trench UMOSFETs, Solid State Electronics, 45, 655-661 (2001).
< 2 >
S.A. Suliman et al., The dependance of UMOSFETs characteristics and reliability on geometry and processing, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 16, 447-454 (2001).
< 3 >
S. A. Suliman et al., The impact of trench geometry and processing on performance and reliability of low voltage power UMOSFETs, Proc. of the 39th annual International Reliability Physics Symposium, Orlando, FL, Apr. 30-May 3, 308-314 (2001).
< 4 >
G. M. Dolny, N. Gollagunta, S. A. Suliman, ..., Characterization of gate oxide degradation mechanisms in trench-gated power MOSFETs using charge pumping technique, Proc. of the 13th International Symposium for Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs, (ISPSD), Osaka, Japan, June 4-7, 431-434 (2001).
< 5 >
C. T. Wu, R. Ridley, G. Dolny, T. Grebs, J. Hao, S. A. Suliman, ..., Processing of thick thermal gate oxides in trenches, Proc. of the 6th International Sumposium on Silicon Nitride and Silicon Dioxide Thin Insulating Films, K. B. Sundaram, et al., Editors 199th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Washington, DC, April (2001).
< 6 >
C.-T Wu, R. Ridley, G. Dolny,T. Greb, C. Knoedler, S. Suliman,..., Growth and reliability of thick gate oxide in a trench, International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices, ISPSD (2002).
< 7 >
S. A. Suliman et al., Electron and hole trapping in the bulk and interface with Si of a thermal oxide grown on the sidewalls and base of a U-shaped silicon trench, Solid State Electronics, 46, 837-845 (2002).
< 8 >
Samia A. Suliman, Electrical studies on U-shaped trench-gated metal-oxide-silicon structures, Ph.D. Thesis May 2002
< 9 >
S. A. Suliman et al, Electrical properties of the gate oxide and its interface with Si in U-shaped trench MOS capacitor: The impact of polycrystalline Si doping and oxide composition , Solid State Electronics, 47, 899-905, (2003).
< 10 >
S. A. Suliman et al., Gate oxide grown in the sidewalls and base of a U-shaped Si trench : effects of the oxide and oxide/Si interface condition on the properties of vertical MOS devices”, Microelectronic Engineering, in press (2003).

Quote: Samia A. Suliman
Assistant Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics


[email protected]

(814) 863 - 3574
web site

interests (keywords)
Nano/Micro Electronics Devices and Materials: Physics and Technology

Degrees with Fields, Institution and Date
B.S., Physics - Imperial College of Science and Technology, 1981
M.S., Physics - University of Khartoum, Sudan, 1984
M.S.E.E., Electrical Engineering - Southern Illinois University, 1995
Ph.D., Engineering Science and Mechanics - Pennsylvania State University, 2002
Number of Years Service on this Faculty
Jan 2002 - Present Assistant Professor
Other Related Experience - Teaching, Industrial, etc.
Aug 1997 - May 1999 Teaching Assistant, Pennsylvania State University
Jan 1982 - Dec 1987 Researcher and Technical Cooperation Officer, Sudan Atomic Energy Commission, Khartoum, Sudan
Jan 1991 - May 1992 Teaching Assistant, Fortran 77, Southern Illinois University
Jun 1996 - Aug 1996 Instructor, E.Sc. 314, Engineering Application of Materials, PSU
Jun 1999 - Aug 1999 Instructor, E. Mch. 11, Statics, PSU
Apr 1985 - Oct 1985 Visiting Scientist, Department of Physics, University of Linkoping, Linkoping, Sweden
May 2000 - May 2002 Ph.D Thesis Research , Fairchild Semiconductor Incorporated

قلنا نلحق السوق قبل عادل عثمان ما ينزل بالبرشوت!

Post: #9
Title: Re: Two Articles of Interest من دكتورة سامية احمد سليمان استاذة الهندسة بجامعة Pennsylvania Sta
Author: jini
Date: 06-09-2008, 06:51 PM
Parent: #1

Quote: Research Interests
< 1 >
Vertical trench UMOSFET devices performance optimization and reliability enhancements Dr. Suliman’s research activities are in the nanotechnology area—in particular, the “top-down” microelectronics approach as opposed to the “bottom-up” nanotechnology approach. Microelectronics fabrication methodologies are the basis for NEMS and MEMS, laser diodes, and a majority of sensors designs realizations. Recent activities are focused on the vertical trench UMOSFET devices performance optimization and reliability enhancements. UMOSFET is a vertical novel derivative of the planar MOSFET, which is the basic device for digital technology. Advances in trench technology enables UMOSFET devices high-packing density. This latter feature holds huge potential for signal amplifications in sensor applications and in bio-medical applications and utilizations. UMOSFET testing parameter spaces include a variety of processing and test designs. Electrical characterizations tools from the semiconductors parameter analysis, to atomic-scale defects characterization tools such as Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy are utilized in conjunctions with modern materials characterization tools such as AFM, and SEM


Post: #10
Title: Re: Two Articles of Interest من دكتورة سامية احمد سليمان استاذة الهندسة بجامعة Pennsylvania Sta
Author: حيدر حسن ميرغني
Date: 06-10-2008, 05:28 AM
Parent: #9

المشاريع التي يقوم الصندوق بتنفيذها على مستوى العالم

صندوق أبو ظبي للتنمية

شكرا لدكتورة سامية على الاهتمام بهذا الموضوع الحيوي

ويمكن القول ان دخول السودان فى مثل هذه المشاريع عبر اتفاقيات مع صناديق تنموية فيه فائدة كبيرة فى كيفية استغلال مواردنا التى

عجزنا على استغلالها بالطريقة المثلى منذ الاستقلال

من يطلع على قائمة المشاريع التى ينفذها هذا الصندوق يدرك تماما أن النجاح سيصيب المشروع الذي سينفذه بالسودان

فتح آفاق لمثل هذه المشاريع كفيل بتسريع عجلة التنمية التى لن يقدر عليها القطاع الحكومي لوحده، ولابد من مشاركة القطاع الخاص

المحلي والاجنبي فيه

فى اعتقادي هذا افضل من فكرة توطين كذا الف فلاح مصري للزراعة فى السودان لما لذلك من تبعات سياسية سيئة فى المستقبل

Post: #11
Title: Re: Two Articles of Interest من دكتورة سامية احمد سليمان استاذة الهندسة بجامعة Pennsylvania Sta
Date: 06-10-2008, 04:09 PM
Parent: #1

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