بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل !!!

بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل !!!

06-03-2008, 12:20 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=160&msg=1212492009&rn=35

Post: #1
Title: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل !!!
Date: 06-03-2008, 12:20 PM
Parent: #0

مش لاحظتو الحاجة دي

Post: #2
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: hamam
Date: 06-03-2008, 12:30 PM
Parent: #1

هكذا نصنع الأبطال و هكذا يكون النضال
إلى متى يعيش البعض منا في هذه الغيبوبة؟ و كيف تدنت الرؤية و تلاشى الفهم إلى هذا الدرك؟

هرب خليل ! ظهر خليل ! تم القبض على خليل! تحدث خليل! أين خليل؟
هذه الجمل و مشتقاتها و توابعها هي التي باتت تسيطر على أذهان البعض و هم يتحدثون عن المغامرة الأخيرة التي قامت بها حركة العدل و المساواة في أمدرمان ..
و كأن الأمر كله بدأ و سينتهي بمصير خليل هذا! فر بجلده ..أم قبض عليه أم قضى نحبه! بكل بساطة يتم تلخيص هذا الذي حدث في مصير خليل و ما آل إليه.
هكذا .. لم يعد في الذهن مهماً مصير المئات الذين جرهم خليل إلى هذه المحرقة..
هكذا .. لم يعد مهماً حال العشرات من المدنيين الذي قتلوا دون ذنب وهم آمنين في دورهم و متاجرهم.
هكذا .. لم يعد مهماً الدمار الذي أصاب مرافق الخدمات و القطاعات الأخرى من جراء هذه المغامرة الحمقاء.
أي عقلية هذه التي ما زالت تطارد أخبار خليل؟
ما جدوى العثور عليه و اعتقاله من قبل السلطات الحكومية؟
ما جدوى معرفة أنه قتل مع من قتلوا؟
ما جدوى معرفة أنه نجا بروحه؟

هل هذا هو الانتصار المنتظر للبعض أن يكون خليل قد نجا بجلده؟ ألا يفكر هؤلاء فيما فعله خليل برجاله ؟ ألا يسأل أحد لماذا قام خليل بهذا العمل الأحمق ؟ لماذا أودى بحياة المئات و بهذه البساطة؟
هل أصبحت الأرواح رخيصة إلى هذا الحد؟ مئات الأنفس يتم سوقها هكذا لموت محقق من أجل فرقعة إعلامية تمجد خليل إبراهيم و تجعله رجل الساعة؟
و خليل هذا إن نجا و ظهر و تكلم ! بأي ضمير سيتكلم و أي قول سيردد؟
هل سيتحدث عن انتصار؟
هل سيتحدث عن إنجاز؟
من الذي سيحاسبه على تلك الأرواح التي ذهبت مقابل لا شيء .. لا شيء سوى إرضاء نزوة من نزوات العظمة و تفخيم الذات.
دعونا نسأل .. لماذا فعل خليل ما فعله؟ لماذا أورد هذه الأنفس مورد الهلاك .. قبل أن نسال أين خليل أحي هو ميت، و قبل أن نتحدث عن الخبطات الإعلامية و السبق الصحفي.. و تناول نخب الانتصارات الوهمية على أشلاء الموتى و ركام الدمار.

Post: #3
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Date: 06-03-2008, 12:50 PM
Parent: #2

مع أنني أكره هذه الكلمة لأنني سمعتها من محمد سعيد الصحاف ..خذها على مسؤوليتي ..أن عملية 10 مايو هي test ..أختبار لمعرفة مقدرات النظام الدفاعية ..قبل نهاية عام 2008 سوف تستولي الحركات المسلحة على إقليمي دارفور وكردفان بالكامل ..هذا السيناريو سوف يكون قصير المدة إذا تورط المؤتمر الوطني في حرب ضد الحركة الشعبية ، لقد قرأت التقرير الذي كتبه أندرو ناتسيوس في صفحة مجلس العلاقات الخارجية الأمريكية ..فقد طالب الإدارة الأمريكية بضرورة تسليح جيش الحركة الشعبية لمواجهة الإرتداد على اتفاقية نيفاشا ..ووصف حزب المؤتمر الوطني بجوقة اللصوص الذين أغتنوا من أموال بترول السودان على حساب الفئات الأفريقية المهمشة .. والآن الحركات المسلحة ضمنت ورقة الإستيلاء على دارفور وكردفان لذلك نقلت حربها إلي الخرطوم ..فقد أتضح أن بلادنا بلا جيش ..أتعرف لماذا طردت حكومة الإنقاذ المعارضة الإرترية من السودان ؟؟ السبب أن الإنقاذ لا تستطيع مواجهة أرتريا عسكرياً إن قررت الأخيرة تكرار ما فعلته أثيوبيا في الصومال .. قوة الإنقاذ في الخرطوم فقط وما بقي لها من جيش أذلته حركة العدل والمساواة ، وغلطة صغيرة مع أرتريا أو اثيوبيا يُمكن أن يفقد السودان حتى مدينة بورتسودان ..بالفعل بلادنا على شفير الهاوية ولكن لا أحد يحس بذلك ..

Post: #4
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Date: 06-03-2008, 01:01 PM
Parent: #3

Few international issues have caught the attention of the American people as much as have the atrocities in Darfur. The Sudanese government and the Janjaweed militias, an Arab supremacist movement, have been carrying out a horrifying campaign of ethnic cleansing against African tribes. Some 2,700 villages have been destroyed, and as a result of the violence and the related starvation and disease, some 250,000 Sudanese have died, most in 2003 and 2004, and another two million have fled to refugee camps. The Bush administration has called these atrocities a genocide. U.S. human rights organizations, U.S. religious institutions, and a burgeoning U.S. student movement have organized a national campaign to ensure that policymakers in Washington do not overlook the crisis. Both the Democratic and the Republican candidates for president have put Darfur on their foreign policy agendas.But while this crisis simmers, the larger problem of Sudan's survival as a state is becoming increasingly urgent. Trends more ominous than even the carnage in Darfur could bring the country far more bloodshed soon. Long-standing tensions between the Arabs who populate the Nile River valley and have held power for a century and marginalized groups on the country's periphery are mutating into a national crisis once again. The tenuous 2005 peace deal that ended the civil war between the Arabs in the north and the Christians and the animists in the south is in danger; new strains in these groups' relations nearly broke out into a full-scale war late last year. Now, neither this situation nor the conflict in Darfur can be resolved without reference to the other. More crises loom as well. The Nubian people of the Nile River valley nearly rebelled last year over a dam project that threatened to destroy their homeland, and a 2006 peace agreement between the government and the Beja and Rashaida peoples in eastern Sudan is near breakdown. The year ahead may be the most important in Sudan's postcolonial history: either the country holds free and fair multiparty elections and ends two decades of autocratic rule or it disintegrates, plunging this volatile region into its most severe crisis yet.

The Bush administration can still help avert such a disaster. It played a central role in initiating the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, the deal that ended the civil war between the north and the south in 2005, facilitating negotiations between the parties, and then acting as one of agreement's guarantors. When President George W. Bush appointed me to be the special envoy to Sudan in October 2006, he tasked me with monitoring the deal's implementation. The U.S. government also initiated the international aid response to the humanitarian crisis in Darfur and now provides 60 percent of the funds needed to run the refugee and displaced camps there. But Washington's efforts today are misaligned with Sudan's most pressing problems. Washington spends a disproportionate amount of its staffing and budgetary resources on resolving the crisis in Darfur rather than on supporting the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. This imbalance must be redressed urgently, because peace cannot be achieved in Darfur if it is not secured between the north and the south. The best way for Washington to proceed, moreover, is not by confronting Khartoum but by engaging it, even in the face of likely objections from the Darfur advocacy community. However much one may despise Sudan's regime for committing atrocities, moral outrage is no substitute for practical policies aimed at saving lives and promoting stability.


Although southern Sudan is extraordinarily rich in oil and mineral wealth and has great agricultural potential, it has been one of the world's least-developed regions. Partly as a result of this and partly as a result of marginalization by the central government in Khartoum, the Christian and animist tribes of southern Sudan have been rebelling against the Arabs that populate the valley of the northern Nile, an area known as the Arab triangle, for much of the time since Sudan's independence from the United Kingdom in 1956. The parties reached a peace agreement in 1972, but with enforcement lagging for years, a new rebellion, led by John Garang, a charismatic southerner and lieutenant colonel in the Sudanese army with a Ph.D. from Iowa State University, broke out in 1983. During the two decades that followed, the north suffered few losses, but an estimated 2.5 million southerners died and an estimated 4.6 million southerners were displaced or became refugees.

By early 2003, with both parties exhausted by the fighting, peace talks between the National Congress Party (NCP) in Khartoum and Garang's Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) started to show signs of progress. But just then a rebellion led by an alliance of three African tribes -- the Fur, the Masalit, and the Zaghawa -- broke out in Darfur. Desertification and overpopulation in the region had led camel-herding Arab nomads to compete with African farmers for declining arable land, with Khartoum's repression and its attempts to weaken the dominant Fur tribe complicating matters further. In 2003, Garang encouraged the rebels in Darfur to pressure the government by demanding a power-sharing agreement like the one he was negotiating for the south. To get the NCP's attention, they launched devastating attacks on military outposts, airports, and police stations in Darfur. But the strategy backfired: fearing that rebels elsewhere would imitate those in Darfur, the NCP conducted an ethnic-cleansing campaign in rebel villages throughout the region. As the Africa expert Alex de Waal has written, the atrocities committed in Darfur in 2003 and 2004 were "a counter-insurgency strategy on the cheap."

Meanwhile, Khartoum continued to negotiate with Garang. The south was already too strong militarily, its oil fields too lucrative, and the costs of the war too draining on the north for Khartoum to walk away from the talks. In January 2005, after mediation by a U.S.-led coalition of African and Western states, the parties signed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. The deal set up a confederal system, creating in Khartoum the Government of National Unity, a coalition government dominated by the NCP and including participation by the SPLM, and in Juba the semiautonomous Government of Southern Sudan, which the SPLM controls. It stipulated that the southern government should get half of all the revenues derived from oil pumped in the south. It also required that general multiparty elections be held by 2009 and that by 2011 the southerners conduct a referendum to determine whether they should secede from the rest of the country.

The Comprehensive Peace Agreement has been a partial success. The two new governments have been formed. Some $3 billion in oil revenues have been transferred to the south's treasury. The south's economy is beginning to boom. Most important, the war is over, and millions of displaced people are beginning to return home. But as many southerners point out, the more transformational elements of the agreement, which threaten the NCP's hold on power, have yet to be implemented. In fact, the parties nearly returned to war last fall for just that reason. In March of last year, Khartoum temporarily suspended the oil-revenue payments on which the southern government relies to fund its army and civil service. Last June, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir canceled orders to withdraw northern-army field commanders still based in the south, even though the peace deal required their full removal by early July 2007. (As of January 2008, northern troops had left the south.) Khartoum then rejected the south's generous proposals for resolving the status of Abyei, a disputed oil-rich area and the ancestral seat of the south's most powerful tribe. The NCP was also stalling on drafting a new election law and carrying out a census, two measures that are prerequisites for the general elections scheduled for 2009. In response, in particular to the Abyei dispute, Salva Kiir Mayardit, president of the Government of Southern Sudan and the south's leader since Garang's death in mid-2005, withdrew his party from the Government of National Unity last September.

By October, the crisis verged on military confrontation, thanks partly to hard-liners in both camps who held exaggerated views of their own military power and underestimated the other side's strength. Large units from both armies massed at disputed border areas. Three skirmishes occurred, including one that killed ten soldiers. President Bashir announced the remobilization of the Arab militia that had massacred thousands of southerners in the 1980s. In the end, Bashir and Kiir pulled back from war, and after eight contentious issues were resolved on paper, Kiir and other southern leaders rejoined the central government at the end of 2007. But the most controversial matter -- the dispute over Abyei -- remains, and command and control in both armies is tenuous at best. Thus, the potential for a local commander to initiate hostilities, which could quickly degenerate into general war, is still dangerously high

Post: #5
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Date: 06-03-2008, 01:07 PM
Parent: #4


One of the enduring sources of instability in Sudan is the long-standing policies and tactics of the NCP. The party is a descendant of the National Islamic Front, a party promoting political Islam, which overthrew Sudan's last democratically elected government in 1989 with the help of Bashir, then a general in the armed forces. The NCP has since quietly dispensed with the National Islamic Front's original plan to spread political Islam across Africa and replaced it with a much simpler goal: staying in power. In 1998, the NCP expelled Hassan al-Turabi, the National Islamic Front's leader and main ideologue, who had invited Osama bin Laden to Sudan. Moving away from Turabi's vision, Bashir and the other emergent leaders focused on developing the country's newfound oil wealth. The move has helped keep them in power, but they have committed so many crimes, stolen so much oil money, and alienated so many factions that support for them has dwindled sharply, even in their traditional strongholds in the Arab triangle.

Despite their survival instinct, the NCP leaders are anything but strategic. They are remarkably disciplined when it comes to short-term defensive tactics, but with the exception of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, they have developed few long-term strategies for dealing with any of Sudan's worst problems. They react and temporize, they divide and rule, but they have sought no way out of the mess they have created. They are prepared to kill anyone, suffer massive civilian casualties, and violate every international norm of human rights to stay in power, no matter the international pressure, because they worry (correctly) that if they are removed from power, they will face both retaliation at home and war crimes trials abroad.

Many NCP leaders believe that the West -- especially the United States but also Europe and the United Nations (which they believe is a U.S. front) -- is out to depose them and facilitate Sudan's breakup. They see the hybrid UN-African Union peacekeeping force in Darfur as a pretense for carrying out this strategy and are especially fearful that it will collect evidence of the 2003-4 slaughters in preparation for war crimes trials before the International Criminal Court in The Hague. To them, the 3,000-strong European Union peacekeeping force being deployed along Chad's border with Sudan is the vanguard of an invasion -- which is one reason the NCP helped try to overthrow the government of Chadian President Idriss Déby in early 2008. In fact, the more aggressively the international community pursues war crimes trials and Western advocacy groups demand justice in Darfur, the more aggressively the NCP is likely to resist the UN-AU peacekeeping force there, even after it is fully deployed.

Part of the reason the NCP has been able to resist international pressure so far is that Sudan's oil revenues are rising. The money allows the party to buy off opponents at home, guarantees a national growth rate of 12-14 percent a year, helps maintain prosperity in the Arab triangle, and supports a massive internal security apparatus. It also insulates the NCP from outside pressure. It has blunted, for example, the effects of the U.S. economic sanctions regime that the Clinton administration put in place in 1997 and that President Bush expanded and extended last year. These measures have hurt Sudan's banking and financial system enough that the Sudanese business community is pressing Khartoum to normalize relations with the outside world. But the pressure has been insufficient to force a major policy shift; the sanctions are disruptive but do not threaten the NCP's survival. Tightening them further is not an option: shutting off Sudan's oil exports altogether would deprive the south of revenues on which its survival and stability depend. Senior southern leaders have told me, moreover, that they would view any move by Khartoum to cut off oil revenues to the south as an act of war.


Another source of instability is the hard-line tactics that the SPLM recently adopted toward the northern Arabs, largely out of frustration over the failure of international diplomacy and outside pressure to get Khartoum to implement the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. Last fall, southern leaders withdrew from the national government just before peace talks were to take place between Khartoum and the Darfur rebels in Sirte, Libya. The move was intended to put pressure on the NCP: just as the party was hoping to reach a negotiated resolution to the Darfur crisis, the south's leaders belied its claim that it was representing a united national government. As one senior European diplomat told me, "The NCP is not accustomed to having the southerners play hardball, and that is exactly what they are doing

Post: #6
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Date: 06-03-2008, 01:11 PM
Parent: #5

The NCP's worst nightmare is now unfolding. Many of the party's adversaries, traditional and new, on the periphery of the country are now coalescing around the SPLM. During and just after the Sirte peace talks, the southerners undertook a major effort to unite Darfur's 27 rebel groups. The goal was not simply to facilitate the Darfur peace process, which was paralyzed by infighting among the rebels, but also to create a political and military alliance among all the marginalized groups that oppose the NCP. The SPLM even brought to Juba Sheik Musa Hilal, the notorious organizer and commander of the Janjaweed militias, who is reportedly facing potential indictment for war crimes. Hilal had grown disillusioned with NCP leaders for getting his tribe to do their dirty work and because he believed they would turn him over to the International Criminal Court to save themselves. (The NCP's panicked response to the southerners' overture was to offer Hilal a senior position in the national government; he accepted.) An anti-NCP alliance has been forming for some time at the country's colleges and universities, traditional bellwethers of political opinion.

The power shift between the north and the south is also evident in the evolution of the two sides' relative military strength. Unlike the totalitarian dictatorships of Kim Jong Il in North Korea and Saddam Hussein in Iraq, the NCP does not have an absolute monopoly on the use of violence at home. The SPLM's sizable army has had more than two decades of guerrilla experience. By the mid-1990s, it was regularly defeating conventional Sudanese government military units, and by 2001 it was threatening Khartoum's control over key oil fields. Western intelligence has consistently underestimated the force's capability and overestimated the importance of international pressure on the NCP's decision to start negotiating an end to the north-south conflict in 2002. In fact, Khartoum was simply losing: the conflict was draining the central government's coffers, and southern rebels were endangering the oil fields; the annual costs of the war reportedly exceeded the value of the oil revenues that the north now sends to the south each year. The NCP calculated that signing the peace agreement would increase the chances of its own survival.

Since then, three factors have seriously weakened the NCP and its armed forces. First, more than a thousand officers who had been trained in the West or displayed strong leadership skills were forced into early retirement in 2005 and 2006 because they were seen as the group most likely to lead a coup against the NCP. The move not only purged the military of potential traitors; it stripped it of its best senior commanders. Second, tens of thousands of enlisted men who came from Darfur and refused to fight their fellow Darfuris were also removed and have been replaced with the terrifying but ill-trained Janjaweed cavalry. Third, repeated defeats on the battlefield have thoroughly demoralized the troops. In August 2006, Bashir ordered a major military offensive in the hope of defeating the Darfur rebels once and for all, even though his generals had strongly advised against it. It turned into a major embarrassment: in every battle, Khartoum's army was roundly defeated. The central government's modest air force still has a monopoly on airpower, and the north's armored units are much stronger than those of the southern force. But if Napoleon was right in saying that three-quarters of military power is morale, Khartoum now has limited power. According to Human Rights Watch and Jane's Defense Quarterly, the NCP has tried to make up for in new technology what it lacks in personnel, purchasing billions of dollars' worth of new weapons systems from China, Iran, and states in the former Soviet bloc. This is a strategy of desperation, for these weapons are unlikely to give the north the military edge it wants -- especially not over the SPLM's army, which is far more motivated and which, thanks to U.S. government assistance, is increasingly becoming capable of defending its territory.

The NCP has other reasons to feel vulnerable. The Nile River Arabs, who represent about five percent of the country's population, fear that even the Arab triangle is at risk of being overtaken by the southerners who migrated to the north during the civil war. Judging by the people walking the streets of Khartoum in 1989, the year of my first visit, the city was Arab; now it seems pronouncedly African. President Bashir has remarked privately that he may end up being the last Arab president of Sudan. Even Arabs who oppose the regime say they are uneasy about their future. About 1.6 million of the southerners displaced by the civil war have returned home, but another two million have opted to stay in the north, even with the Arabs pressuring them to leave and the southern government urging them to return home. Now, the streets of Khartoum are pervaded by a combination of fear and anger -- fear of what might happen if war resumes and anger over alleged intrigues and broken commitments. When Garang died in a helicopter accident in July 2005, many southern migrants in Khartoum rioted, killing Arabs and burning and #####ng their businesses, because they believed he had been assassinated. Arabs still talk about these incidents, and NCP leaders are terrified. The government regularly conducts house-to-house searches for weapons. During the early stages of the Darfur crisis, the NCP circulated stories alleging that a conspiracy was brewing in Khartoum among university students from one of the rebelling Darfur tribes. It rounded up the suspects for interrogation, and they have since disappeared into the Sudanese prison system. Some senior NCP leaders now refer to the southerners as a cancer on the country and say they would welcome the south's secession. Such a sentiment was inconceivable a year ago, when the NCP's unrelenting refrain was that Western powers were doing too little to encourage the country's unity.

The situation is volatile. Hard-liners in the south may be tempted to provoke a confrontation with the north based on the belief that their transformed army can dominate the battlefield. Some of them are now resisting a compromise on Abyei and making maximalist demands. Meanwhile, the NCP, which feels that the north is increasingly vulnerable to an invasion by southern forces, has been mobilizing the Arab militias that committed atrocities against southerners during the civil war. It has also been trying to exacerbate divisions within the south -- between the doves and the hawks in the SPLM, between the dominant Dinkas and smaller tribes, between people with privileged access to jobs and power in Juba and people who suffer the effects of poverty, widespread corruption, and inadequate public services. Because of the north's declining military preparedness, growing opposition to the NCP on its own turf, and fear among the party's leaders that they are losing control, the Nile River Arabs have developed a siege mentality, which will complicate any attempt to solve Sudan's crisis.


If the north continues to obstruct the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, the south will surely go to war. And if the fighting resumes, Khartoum will not be able to confine the conflict geographically, as it has in the past: with a new locus of political and military power in Juba supported by a large army, the war would come to Khartoum very quickly, likely causing large casualties on both sides and potentially widespread retributive violence.

Sudan's collapse would mean far more than a massive humanitarian emergency; it would also mean a security and economic disaster. Disintegration could destabilize Sudan's nine neighbors -- including oil-rich Chad and Libya and the United States' allies Egypt and Ethiopia -- by sending masses of refugees beyond its borders and drawing in dangerous groups. Bin Laden was based in Sudan in the early 1990s, and in 2007 al Qaeda threatened to send holy warriors to fight any UN peacekeepers that might be deployed to Darfur. The economic consequences of Sudan's collapse would also be serious. Sudanese oil currently represents a modest but rising share of the world's total supply; some oil engineers claim that Sudan may have the largest unexplored reserves in the world. If shipments to China, India, Malaysia, and Sudan's other major clients were precipitously halted, these countries would seek oil elsewhere, forcing up world prices of crude, as well as the cost of gasoline to Americans.

Given the stakes, the U.S. government's overarching strategic objective in Sudan should be to slow down the forces of dissolution before it is too late. So far, the United States' Sudan policy has been hampered by its alternating between an ideological crusade to rid Sudan of the reviled NCP and a pragmatic approach that promotes gradual reform. Washington pursued regime change in the 1990s, confronting and seeking to isolate Khartoum; pragmatism drove the more recent negotiations that yielded the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

Post: #7
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Date: 06-03-2008, 01:13 PM
Parent: #6

The NCP's worst nightmare is now unfolding. Many of the party's adversaries, traditional and new, on the periphery of the country are now coalescing around the SPLM. During and just after the Sirte peace talks, the southerners undertook a major effort to unite Darfur's 27 rebel groups. The goal was not simply to facilitate the Darfur peace process, which was paralyzed by infighting among the rebels, but also to create a political and military alliance among all the marginalized groups that oppose the NCP. The SPLM even brought to Juba Sheik Musa Hilal, the notorious organizer and commander of the Janjaweed militias, who is reportedly facing potential indictment for war crimes. Hilal had grown disillusioned with NCP leaders for getting his tribe to do their dirty work and because he believed they would turn him over to the International Criminal Court to save themselves. (The NCP's panicked response to the southerners' overture was to offer Hilal a senior position in the national government; he accepted.) An anti-NCP alliance has been forming for some time at the country's colleges and universities, traditional bellwethers of political opinion.

The power shift between the north and the south is also evident in the evolution of the two sides' relative military strength. Unlike the totalitarian dictatorships of Kim Jong Il in North Korea and Saddam Hussein in Iraq, the NCP does not have an absolute monopoly on the use of violence at home. The SPLM's sizable army has had more than two decades of guerrilla experience. By the mid-1990s, it was regularly defeating conventional Sudanese government military units, and by 2001 it was threatening Khartoum's control over key oil fields. Western intelligence has consistently underestimated the force's capability and overestimated the importance of international pressure on the NCP's decision to start negotiating an end to the north-south conflict in 2002. In fact, Khartoum was simply losing: the conflict was draining the central government's coffers, and southern rebels were endangering the oil fields; the annual costs of the war reportedly exceeded the value of the oil revenues that the north now sends to the south each year. The NCP calculated that signing the peace agreement would increase the chances of its own survival.

Since then, three factors have seriously weakened the NCP and its armed forces. First, more than a thousand officers who had been trained in the West or displayed strong leadership skills were forced into early retirement in 2005 and 2006 because they were seen as the group most likely to lead a coup against the NCP. The move not only purged the military of potential traitors; it stripped it of its best senior commanders. Second, tens of thousands of enlisted men who came from Darfur and refused to fight their fellow Darfuris were also removed and have been replaced with the terrifying but ill-trained Janjaweed cavalry. Third, repeated defeats on the battlefield have thoroughly demoralized the troops. In August 2006, Bashir ordered a major military offensive in the hope of defeating the Darfur rebels once and for all, even though his generals had strongly advised against it. It turned into a major embarrassment: in every battle, Khartoum's army was roundly defeated. The central government's modest air force still has a monopoly on airpower, and the north's armored units are much stronger than those of the southern force. But if Napoleon was right in saying that three-quarters of military power is morale, Khartoum now has limited power. According to Human Rights Watch and Jane's Defense Quarterly, the NCP has tried to make up for in new technology what it lacks in personnel, purchasing billions of dollars' worth of new weapons systems from China, Iran, and states in the former Soviet bloc. This is a strategy of desperation, for these weapons are unlikely to give the north the military edge it wants -- especially not over the SPLM's army, which is far more motivated and which, thanks to U.S. government assistance, is increasingly becoming capable of defending its territory.

The NCP has other reasons to feel vulnerable. The Nile River Arabs, who represent about five percent of the country's population, fear that even the Arab triangle is at risk of being overtaken by the southerners who migrated to the north during the civil war. Judging by the people walking the streets of Khartoum in 1989, the year of my first visit, the city was Arab; now it seems pronouncedly African. President Bashir has remarked privately that he may end up being the last Arab president of Sudan. Even Arabs who oppose the regime say they are uneasy about their future. About 1.6 million of the southerners displaced by the civil war have returned home, but another two million have opted to stay in the north, even with the Arabs pressuring them to leave and the southern government urging them to return home. Now, the streets of Khartoum are pervaded by a combination of fear and anger -- fear of what might happen if war resumes and anger over alleged intrigues and broken commitments. When Garang died in a helicopter accident in July 2005, many southern migrants in Khartoum rioted, killing Arabs and burning and #####ng their businesses, because they believed he had been assassinated. Arabs still talk about these incidents, and NCP leaders are terrified. The government regularly conducts house-to-house searches for weapons. During the early stages of the Darfur crisis, the NCP circulated stories alleging that a conspiracy was brewing in Khartoum among university students from one of the rebelling Darfur tribes. It rounded up the suspects for interrogation, and they have since disappeared into the Sudanese prison system. Some senior NCP leaders now refer to the southerners as a cancer on the country and say they would welcome the south's secession. Such a sentiment was inconceivable a year ago, when the NCP's unrelenting refrain was that Western powers were doing too little to encourage the country's unity.

The situation is volatile. Hard-liners in the south may be tempted to provoke a confrontation with the north based on the belief that their transformed army can dominate the battlefield. Some of them are now resisting a compromise on Abyei and making maximalist demands. Meanwhile, the NCP, which feels that the north is increasingly vulnerable to an invasion by southern forces, has been mobilizing the Arab militias that committed atrocities against southerners during the civil war. It has also been trying to exacerbate divisions within the south -- between the doves and the hawks in the SPLM, between the dominant Dinkas and smaller tribes, between people with privileged access to jobs and power in Juba and people who suffer the effects of poverty, widespread corruption, and inadequate public services. Because of the north's declining military preparedness, growing opposition to the NCP on its own turf, and fear among the party's leaders that they are losing control, the Nile River Arabs have developed a siege mentality, which will complicate any attempt to solve Sudan's crisis.


If the north continues to obstruct the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, the south will surely go to war. And if the fighting resumes, Khartoum will not be able to confine the conflict geographically, as it has in the past: with a new locus of political and military power in Juba supported by a large army, the war would come to Khartoum very quickly, likely causing large casualties on both sides and potentially widespread retributive violence.

Sudan's collapse would mean far more than a massive humanitarian emergency; it would also mean a security and economic disaster. Disintegration could destabilize Sudan's nine neighbors -- including oil-rich Chad and Libya and the United States' allies Egypt and Ethiopia -- by sending masses of refugees beyond its borders and drawing in dangerous groups. Bin Laden was based in Sudan in the early 1990s, and in 2007 al Qaeda threatened to send holy warriors to fight any UN peacekeepers that might be deployed to Darfur. The economic consequences of Sudan's collapse would also be serious. Sudanese oil currently represents a modest but rising share of the world's total supply; some oil engineers claim that Sudan may have the largest unexplored reserves in the world. If shipments to China, India, Malaysia, and Sudan's other major clients were precipitously halted, these countries would seek oil elsewhere, forcing up world prices of crude, as well as the cost of gasoline to Americans.

Given the stakes, the U.S. government's overarching strategic objective in Sudan should be to slow down the forces of dissolution before it is too late. So far, the United States' Sudan policy has been hampered by its alternating between an ideological crusade to rid Sudan of the reviled NCP and a pragmatic approach that promotes gradual reform. Washington pursued regime change in the 1990s, confronting and seeking to isolate Khartoum; pragmatism drove the more recent negotiations that yielded the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

Post: #8
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: محمد حامد جمعه
Date: 06-03-2008, 01:20 PM
Parent: #7

Quote: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل !!!

يا اخونا سارة والله حرام عليك تساوينى بزول كال التراب وعرد

Post: #9
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Date: 06-03-2008, 01:20 PM
Parent: #7

In light of the NCP's tendency to protect itself at all cost and the limited effectiveness of international diplomacy so far, internal pressure may be an important way to secure the NCP's cooperation. Washington should therefore increase its support for the SPLM and help the south develop a credible conventional military force, an initiative President Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice instructed me to organize, and treat as a priority, in 2006-7. The southerners' brinkmanship nearly caused a war last fall, but it did temporarily get Khartoum to respond to their demands. While being careful not to embolden the SPLM too much, Washington should further empower it in order to both deter potential aggression from Khartoum and press the NCP to reform. This would mean reducing the southern force's considerable size (currently a major drain on Juba's budget), subordinating the force to civilian authority, ensuring that its main purpose is defensive, providing it with tactical training, strengthening its command and control to reduce the risk of an accidental war, and tightening discipline within it overall. The U.S. government should not provide the southerners with weapons systems they could use for offensive purposes -- hard-liners might use them to provoke Khartoum -- but it should immediately help the south develop an air defense system to serve as a deterrent against an air attack from the north. Building a much stronger southern Sudan -- militarily, politically, and economically -- is the best insurance policy against the north's efforts to block reforms or destabilize the south. The $167 million appropriated by the U.S. Congress in fiscal year 2007 for the reconstruction of southern Sudan is insufficient to create a visible peace dividend; more funds are needed. Last year, when I was special envoy to Sudan, my office requested $600 million for a reconstruction program to be overseen by the U.S. Agency for International Development but only received $120 million. The remainder should be appropriated now.

Although U.S. policymakers must never forget what happened in Darfur in 2003-4, those who focus on the region's past run the risk of compromising the entire country's future. During the critically important year ahead, Washington should pursue a prudent and nuanced but aggressive policy of engagement -- this is both good policy and the right thing to do. Washington should also remember, however, that even good policy does not always succeed. The NCP may be too paranoid and obstructionist, the SPLM too suspicious of Khartoum, and Washington's leverage too limited for even enlightened measures to stem Sudan's dissolution. But given the terrible potential for a humanitarian catastrophe, the strategic consequences that would come from Sudan's collapse, and the likely costs of reconstruction, Washington has no option but to try.

Post: #10
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 06-03-2008, 01:28 PM
Parent: #9

غايتو يا محمد حامد جمعه
الليلة البفكك من سارة عيسي شنو؟؟؟؟
دي عاملة لك قيدومه عديل...
عليك الله ما تنسى جيب معاك حواء الطقطاقة....
لانه سارة عيسى جايب لك بس ندى القلعة.

يا سارة عيسى
يا اخي ما شفتي بوستي بتاع ستات الشاي
القالوا بقى سكر الشاي يقولوا لك عليه د.خليل وله عمر البشير
وانه لما تقول د.خليل معنها سكر مظبوط تمام...ولما تقول عمر البشير سكر مسيخ.
بجيب لك الينك يا زولة عشان تضحكي.

الا ما قلت لي
اول ايام كتبت انه في مركوب اسمه شنو؟؟
(الجلابه ضربوا الكوراك) ولا ( الجلابه ضربوا الجرسه ) ما عارفه.
بالله ذكريني له.عشان نوثق
لاقوال العامة الهم ضمير الشعب المغيب.

Post: #11
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Date: 06-03-2008, 02:23 PM
Parent: #10

اختي تراجي

هذا المركوب يُباع الآن في الفاشر ونيالا وزالنجي ..تخيلي وصل 750 ألف ..وإلا بواسطة عشان تشتريه .." الجلابة ضربوا السكلي "
بس للاسف ممد حامد جمعة مش جلابي ..أنتا GJDزي ما انتي عارفا

Post: #12
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: محمد حامد جمعه
Date: 06-03-2008, 02:29 PM
Parent: #11

Quote: أنتا GJDزي ما انتي عارفا

Post: #13
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Date: 06-03-2008, 02:35 PM
Parent: #12

كويس طلعت عارف

Post: #14
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: كمال علي الزين
Date: 06-03-2008, 02:35 PM
Parent: #11


إنتي ضاربة مثل بي (ودجمعة) ده بس ليه ..

(العوض) أخوي , قاعد يتزاوغ ولا يختفى ..؟


نحي صمودك يا (العوض)

Post: #15
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: محمد حامد جمعه
Date: 06-03-2008, 02:40 PM
Parent: #14

خليل هذا عندما هاجم معسكر الخدمة الوطنية بالمرخيات لم يفر الطلبة ولم يعرد احد وعندما التقى بسرية الشهيد تاج الدين عجوبة لم يفر الشهيد ولم يعرد حتى استشهد ومن معه وكان بمقدوره الانسحاب وهكذا فى كل المواقع والنقاط واما خليل هذا والذى لا يخجل الان فانه فر من اول ثلاث دانات فى الكوبرى بل وترك الاخرين لمصيرهم واتخذ له مسارا امنا
وبعد هذا استطيع القول ان اولئك الشباب جلابة وجراقسة كانوا ببساطة قحة ارجل واشجع واكثر ايمانا بموقفهم من هذا المعرد

Post: #18
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Date: 06-03-2008, 02:56 PM
Parent: #15

يا عم جمعة نحن شبعنا من القصص الكتيرة دي ..لا عارفين نسمع كلامك انتا ولا كلام ابو كماشة ..كل يوم قصة جديدة وتحليل جديد ..وبعدين الشهيد تاج الدين عجوبة دا مش قلتو مات وهو يقاتل دفاعاً عن الإذاعة !! ايه الودا المرخيات كمان !!؟؟
يا عم جمعة انتا بتنسا ولا شنو !!!

Post: #16
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Date: 06-03-2008, 02:43 PM
Parent: #14

سلام كمال
الأخ العوض أعتذر وقال سمع خبر إعتقال خليل في السوق ..يعني ما عندو مصدر أمني زي عم جمعة وعصام دقداق ..بس طلع الشخص المعتقل اسمو أبو خليل وليس خليل ..ودا كان اسم الدلع عند ستات الشاي فالرجل كان كييف جبنة ..ناس الأمن سمعو المكالمة فيها إسم خليل ..فعملو كمين محكم عند ست الشاي ..الراجل نزل من الرقشا وقبل ما يتوهط للقعدة تدخل رجال الأمن وأمسكوا به .. وتسرب الخبر في الأرجاء ، جزءمن الخبر مشى لمحمد جمعة ..وجزء مشى لعصام دقداق صاحب القسم ..أخوي العوض وصل متأخر عشان الكبري كان مقفول فوجد ستات الشاي يولولن ويرددن بأعلى ..حليل خليل مسكو ..مشى السجن حتى حق القهوة ما دفعوا ..اخوي العوض ما صدق دخل أقرب مقهى انترنت وطش في البوست : تم إعتقال د.خليل إبراهيم وباقي القصة معروفة لديكم ..المشكلة انو ابو خليل لسا في السجن فرجال الأمن قالو جرادة في الكف ولا عشرة طائرة !!!

Post: #17
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: كمال علي الزين
Date: 06-03-2008, 02:54 PM
Parent: #16

Quote: اخوي العوض ما صدق دخل أقرب مقهى انترنت وطش في البوست : تم إعتقال د.خليل إبراهيم وباقي القصة معروفة ..المشكلة انو ابو خليل لسا في السجن

(العوض ) أخوي ده طلع خفيف خلاص


أنا كنتا قايلو أقلاه (عميد أمن) , طلع مواطن خفيف ساي

Post: #19
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Date: 06-03-2008, 02:58 PM
Parent: #17

طلع دمو شربات ..وبعدين تعاطف مع ستات الشاي ودفع ثمن القهوة !!!

Post: #31
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: كمال علي الزين
Date: 06-03-2008, 05:06 PM
Parent: #19

Quote: طلع دمو شربات ..وبعدين تعاطف مع ستات الشاي ودفع ثمن القهوة !!!

سمعتا إنو بعد طلع الراجل الساقوهو (خليل) تاني ما زولنا د. خليل , رجع شال قروشو من ست الشاي ..

Post: #21
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: nazar hussien
Date: 06-03-2008, 03:09 PM
Parent: #17

Quote: The best way for Washington to proceed, moreover, is not by confronting Khartoum but by engaging it, even in the face of likely objections from the Darfur advocacy community. However much one may despise Sudan's regime for committing atrocities, moral outrage is no substitute for practical policies aimed at saving lives and promoting stability.
The best way for Washington to proceed, moreover, is not by confronting Khartoum but by engaging it, even in the face of likely objections from the Darfur advocacy community. However much one may despise Sudan's regime for committing atrocities, moral outrage is no substitute for practical policies aimed at saving lives and promoting stability.

Post: #22
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: العوض المسلمي
Date: 06-03-2008, 03:10 PM
Parent: #17

Quote: العوض ) أخوي ده طلع خفيف خلاص

وزن كم يعني؟

Quote: أنا كنتا قايلو أقلاه (عميد أمن) , طلع مواطن خفيف ساي

خلاص يعني براءة؟

Post: #20
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: العوض المسلمي
Date: 06-03-2008, 03:07 PM
Parent: #14

Quote: (العوض) أخوي , قاعد يتزاوغ ولا يختفى ..؟

ويل لكل همزه لمزه

Quote: نحي صمودك يا (العوض)

احي شعرك الطويل

Post: #23
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: nazar hussien
Date: 06-03-2008, 03:14 PM
Parent: #20

Quote: The Nile River Arabs, who represent about five percent of the country's population, fear that even the Arab triangle is at risk of being overtaken by the southerners who migrated to the north during the civil war. Judging by the people walking the streets of Khartoum in 1989, the year of my first visit, the city was Arab; now it seems pronouncedly African
The Nile River Arabs, who represent about five percent of the country's population, fear that even the Arab triangle is at risk of being overtaken by the southerners who migrated to the north during the civil war. Judging by the people walking the streets of Khartoum in 1989, the year of my first visit, the city was Arab; now it seems pronouncedly African.

Post: #24
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Date: 06-03-2008, 03:43 PM
Parent: #23

معليش يا نزار عمي جمعة نساني ترجمة المقال :

هذا التقرير ذكرني بمقال نشرته في جامعة الخرطوم في عام 1990 ، حيث ذكرت أن عدد العرب في السودان لا يزيد عن 10% من إجمالي السكان ، هذا التقرير ثبت نسبة العرب ب 5% فقط ، وفي جزء آخر تنبأ بأن الرئيس البشير هو آخر رئيس عربي يحكم السودان ، وقارن بينه وبين نظام صدام حسين ، حيث ذكر أن السودان يختلف عن دكتاتورية العراق لأن في السودان هناك توازن في إستخدام العنف ، بل التقرير تحدث عن هزائم تلقاها الجيش السوداني على يد الحركة الشعبية التي كادت في عام 2001 أن تسيطر على كافة مناطق النفط ، واشار التقرير أن تسليح الجيش السوداني بأموال كثيرة الغرض منه رفع المعنويات وليس في إزدياد في كفاءة الجيش كما قال نابليون أن ثلاثة أرباع السلاح في الجيش هي المعنويات .. واشار التقرير إلي قرارات الإحالة التي طالت الخبراء واصحاب الخبرات في المؤسسات السودانية ، تحدث التقرير عن مخطط الحركة الشعبية عندما وحدت الفصائل المسلحة في دارفور بغرض خلق قوى من المهمشين تقف في وجه حكومة المؤتمر الوطني ، التقرير تحدث عن المثلث العربي وهو مصطلح مستحدث في الساحة السودانية ..التقرير رسم مستقبل السودان ..فالعقلاء هم من يقراون هذا التقرير ويضعون حساباً لهذا المستقبل الكئيب ..والحمقى هم الذين يرقصون بنصرهم في ميدان الخليفة ولا يعرفون أن خلف السواهي دواهي .

Post: #25
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: محمد حامد جمعه
Date: 06-03-2008, 03:45 PM
Parent: #24

Quote: خليل هذا عندما هاجم معسكر الخدمة الوطنية بالمرخيات لم يفر الطلبة ولم يعرد احد وعندما التقى بسرية الشهيد تاج الدين عجوبة لم يفر الشهيد ولم يعرد حتى استشهد ومن معه وكان بمقدوره الانسحاب وهكذا فى كل المواقع والنقاط واما خليل هذا والذى لا يخجل الان فانه فر من اول ثلاث دانات فى الكوبرى بل وترك الاخرين لمصيرهم واتخذ له مسارا امنا
وبعد هذا استطيع القول ان اولئك الشباب جلابة وجراقسة كانوا ببساطة قحة ارجل واشجع واكثر ايمانا بموقفهم من هذا المعرد

وثبت الان انكم اجبن ناس دارفور

Post: #26
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Date: 06-03-2008, 03:53 PM
Parent: #25

تعرف يا عمي جمعة انا سبقتك في الحرب النفسية ..تعرف في ساحات الفداء كان المجاهدين يقولوالقرد حارب معانا ..النعامة نبشت الألغام .. البقرة دلتنا على العدو والناس كانت تسمع الكلام دا وبتبكي لحدي ما الدموع تصل الركب ..بس الان يموت الزول قدامك ولا أحد يهتم بذلك ..قد نفذ مخزون الدعاية ولم يتبقى منها سوي العقاب الهرم محمد جمعة يهيم في السايبر ويحكي لنا قصص ألف ليلة وليلة ..لعلمك أول مرة أعرف أن قوات خليل هاجمت المرخيات وأقتربت من وادي سيدنا لأن حتى الناطق الرسمي للقوات المسلحة رفض هذه المزاعم ..غريبة يا عم جمعة ..انتا معانا ولا مع التانيين !!!وبعدين كيف وصل من المرخيات لكبري الفتيحاب ..انت نسيت كبري شمبات والنيل الأبيض ولا شنو ؟؟

Post: #27
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: محمد حامد جمعه
Date: 06-03-2008, 03:58 PM
Parent: #26

Quote: العقاب الهرم

شنو يا اخونا لغتك بقت رجالية خالص بعدين يا راجل ما حرام عليك انا قدرك ولا لحم صدرك لو انا عقاب هرم انت كان كدا انت من جنود قوة دفاع السودان يا كندان
المهم ما توزيعات القوة المهاجمة ولا القوة المدافعة المهم انو الجرى ... منو

Post: #28
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: محمد الطيب محمد
Date: 06-03-2008, 04:01 PM
Parent: #24

الاخت سارة
الى الذين لايعرفون خليل فهو لا يمكن ان يهرب من هؤلاء الارزقية واللصوص الذين انتفخت بطونهم باموال الشعب فهو اذا جبان كما صورته وسائل الاعلام التى تتبع لهذه العصابة لما قطع كل هذه النسافة المسافة الى ان دخل امدرمان فاين هؤلاء الشهداء الذين لم يهربو عندما كان خليل فى شارع العرضة وفى الكبرى هذه هى البداية فا فلن يقتل اهالى الهامش وحدهم بعد الان كما لم يشردو بعد الان هذه هى الزراع الطويلة فستعدو الى وثبة الاسد


Post: #29
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Date: 06-03-2008, 04:07 PM
Parent: #28

بالفعل ..بغض النظر عن موقفي من د.خليل بحكم ماضيه الإسلامي إلا أنه أشجع سوداني مر على تاريخ السودان ..كان ممكن يعارض زي الصادق المهدي أو محمد عثمان الميرغني ..يتجول ..يتفندق ..يفذلك الكلام في وسائل ..وبعد فترة يعمل صلح ويدخل في الزيطة ..أما خليل كما قال د.محمد وقيع الله هو ينفذ ما يقوله ..ولا يناور ..أسمع الحكم من أهل دار الدار أما ود جمعة فلا يساوي مسمار صغير في هذه الماكينة ..

Post: #30
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: كمال علي الزين
Date: 06-03-2008, 04:56 PM
Parent: #20

Quote: احي شعرك الطويل

يا الكباشي من لدغك يا (العوض )


ده بعتبرو تحرش وغواية عديل مالك ومال شعري

Post: #32
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: abdu abdalla
Date: 06-03-2008, 05:09 PM
Parent: #1

الأخت: سارة.
أحب أن أوضح نقطة واحدة, وهى: أن الشباب بتاع المرخيات ما جرو, والمات مات وكلام من هذا القبيل.
أولا: قائد كتائب (المجاهدين)بالعاصمة وبمعيته خمسين مركبة مجهزة بأسلحة متطورة ومعه ضابط كبير من المخابرات التابعة لصلاح قوش, ولواء من الشرطة السودانية, كانوا يركبون سيارة ثاتشر مجهزة إستعدادا للمعركة.
ثانيا: عندى أسماء هؤلاء القادة الثلاثة بالاسم والرتبة.
ثالثا: القائد (المجاهد)إسمه: فتحى محمود, من قلع النحل, مقيم بسوبا مدير الدبابين بالخرطوم, هرب من المرخيات وصلا راجلا إلى أم بدة, ولم يفق من صدمته حتى الآن!!.

رابعا: اللوائين! أتريد اسميهما?!!. لقد جرح وكسر ظهر لواء المخابرات, وجرح ساق لواء الشرطة, وكان بمقدور (المتمردين) قتلهما لكنهم لم يفعلو ذلك!!.

Post: #33
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: ahmed haneen
Date: 06-04-2008, 06:36 AM
Parent: #1

شعرك الطويل


كضبك الكتير

يا مسلمي

خليل قبضو ولا لسع

Post: #34
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: عمران حسن صالح
Date: 06-04-2008, 06:53 AM
Parent: #33

Quote: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل

يا خال
قاعدين نقرا ليكـ ياخي ...!!!
ما تخليكـ في (الزبده) أحسن عشان نستفيد

Post: #35
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: hamam
Date: 06-04-2008, 08:51 AM
Parent: #34

Quote: تقول سارة عيسى:
مع أنني أكره هذه الكلمة لأنني سمعتها من محمد سعيد الصحاف ..خذها على مسؤوليتي ..أن عملية 10 مايو هي test ..أختبار لمعرفة مقدرات النظام الدفاعية.

مئات القتلى شباب و أطفال، 400 مليون دولار معدات و مركبات و أسلحة .. تدمير منشئات و قتل أبرياء ..عشان test .. اختبار؟
و هل هنالك هوان أكثر من هذا ؟ حتى فئران المختبرات لا يساء استخدامها هكذا عشان إختبار مجرد إختبار
مئات القتلى لمجرد اختبار .. كم سيجمع من الأرواح في المرة القادمة لكي يحقق أهدافه و يفتح الخرطوم؟ و من أين سيجمعهم هذه المرة؟
حملة إختبار كلفت 400 مليون دولار .. من أين جاءت و من الذي دفعها؟ و كم ستكلف الحملة الرسمية و من الذي سيمولها.

سخف ما بعده سخف و تبلد في الشعور و ما زلنا نبحث عن خليل و نهلل لظهوره
عقلية شاذة تبحث عن الإثارة و عن الغاية مهما كانت الوسيلة .. حتى و لو كانت على جثث الأبرياء .. لا حول و لا قوة إلا بالله و العياذ بالله.

Post: #36
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Date: 06-04-2008, 08:58 AM

Quote: حملة إختبار كلفت 400 مليون دولار

قائد الفرقة المجوقلةفي الجيش السوداني الجنرال من كدا يعقوب قال 150 مليون دولار !! يعني بينا 250 مليون دولار ..ولا نقول ما بيناتنا وخلي الفنان يغني

Post: #37
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: محمد حسن العمدة
Date: 06-04-2008, 09:33 AM
Parent: #36

Quote: بلادنا على شفير الهاوية ولكن لا أحد يحس بذلك ..

حسي يا بت عيسى حسي ولا نخلي الغناي يغني ؟

هم لغتين يا سارة لا ثالث لهما الان

سلاح يؤدي الى شفير الهاوية
تراضي يؤدي الى اعادة بناء الهوية السودانوية على اسس جديدة

لا توجد منطقة وسطى ولا بوصطى

Post: #38
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: عبود عبد الرحيم
Date: 06-04-2008, 10:44 AM
Parent: #1

Quote: يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل

يا سارة ...
لا محمد حامد اختفي ...
ولا خليل .... ظهر
محمد حامد تلقيهو في أول بوست بجوارك ...
انتي ورينا (خليل وين) ؟؟
ما تقولي لي (في الجزيرة) الجماعة زاتم (نطوا ) من التقرير .. حتي الان يعني (!!)

Post: #39
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Date: 06-04-2008, 10:57 AM
Parent: #38

في إشاعة بقولو أنو محمد حامد جمعة هو سارة عيسي
بس يا اخوي انتا مش قلت بتاع الأمن اتصل عليك وقال لك أنو مسك خليل وهو قدامو بفرفر ..ولا طلعت طيب زي اخوي العوض المسلمي ..عاوزين نعرف حكايتك ومصدر خبرك كان منو ؟؟

Post: #40
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: عبود عبد الرحيم
Date: 06-04-2008, 11:04 AM
Parent: #39

Quote: بس يا اخوي انتا مش قلت بتاع الأمن اتصل عليك وقال لك أنو مسك خليل وهو قدامو بفرفر ..ولا طلعت طيب زي اخوي العوض المسلمي ..عاوزين نعرف حكايتك ومصدر خبرك كان منو ؟؟

ناجل الكلام ده لحدي (الجزيرة) تجيب التسجيل الكامل (القالت ) عملتو مع خليل ... بدون فرفره !!
منتظرين .. وما مستعجلين ... ياسارة (!!)

Post: #41
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Date: 06-04-2008, 11:07 AM
Parent: #40

وانا معاكم في الموضوع وبعدين لازم DVD صوت وصورة ..وملون مش أبيض وأسود نحن زهجنا من أغاني الكاشف دي

Post: #42
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: عبود عبد الرحيم
Date: 06-04-2008, 11:17 AM
Parent: #41

Quote: وانا معاكم في الموضوع وبعدين لازم DVD صوت وصورة

كدا ... (انتي) في السليم يا سارة ...

(جوة النص):
الحاجة المحيرة انو ناس الجزيرة قبل كدة احتفلوا بتصريحات (تقد) ... لكن تسجيلهم (القالوه) مع خليل دة ... لا شايفنو في شريط الاخبار المهمة ولا في موقع الجزيرة نت ... معقولة خليل ده بقي ما عندو اهمية للدرجة دي؟؟؟؟؟

Post: #43
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Author: عمر التاج
Date: 06-04-2008, 02:14 PM
Parent: #1

Quote: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل

الحاجة الأغرب :
تمبس ما ظهر في البوست ده
لسه عشان كدة سارة متجدعة براحتها
يعني بنفس الفهم بتاع سارة:
يختفي تمبس يظهر سارة . يظهر تمبس تختفي سارة

Post: #44
Title: Re: بالفعل حاجة غريبة ..يختفي د. خليل يظهر محمد حامد جمعة ..يختفي محمد حامد جمعة يظهر د.خليل
Date: 06-04-2008, 02:55 PM
Parent: #43

Quote: تمبس ما ظهر في البوست ده

محمد معانا ما تغشانا

أستولى على واحد من بوستاتي ..وبقي يهددني ..وهو الان بقي تمساح دميرة حقيقي وقاعد يحكي قصة حياتو للأخت سهام المجمر ..شوية ويشرف عندنا