Darfur Relief and Documentation Centre

Darfur Relief and Documentation Centre

05-13-2008, 09:41 PM

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Post: #1
Title: Darfur Relief and Documentation Centre
Author: هشام مدنى
Date: 05-13-2008, 09:41 PM

Darfur Relief and Documentation Centre
For Immediate Release Geneva, 13th May 2008
Darfur Insurgents Attack Sudan’s capital
On Saturday 10th May 2008 a group of armed assailants believed to be members of the Darfur insurgent
group Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) attacked Omdurman, Sudan’s twin capital city. Large
numbers of government security forces and paramilitary groups were mobilized. The government repulsed
the attack some hours after it was launched. This military operation is the first in which Darfur insurgents
attack Sudan’s capital and cause panic all over the country. This operation is expected to have serious
repercussions on the political crisis in Sudan. We observed an intensive use of the government-controlled
media in a public mobilization campaign portraying the assailants as “Chadian mercenaries.” The ongoing
campaign is very dangerous as it has the effects of flaring-up ethnic hatred against the people of Darfur.
Government sources revealed that at least 400 attackers perished while 100 security men were killed
during the confrontations. A few civilian causalities were reported so far. On Monday 12th May
government sources indicated that the security forces have arrested between 300 and 400 of the attackers
and destroyed or confiscated more than 100 vehicles as well as vast amount of weapons and ammunition.
Currently the security forces are conducting a massive manhunt operation all over Sudan particularly in
Omdurman, Khartoum and Khartoum North. The security forces declared that it is in search of individuals
suspected of taking part in the attack. In this process thousands of men from Darfur, some of them are long
time residents of the national capital, were arrested from their homes, places of work or schools, especially
in Umbada and other residential areas in Omdurman, Khartoum and Khartoum North. Family members
and relatives do not know the fate of the detainees or their whereabouts. It was also reported that Islamicist
leader Dr. Hassan Al Turabi and some of his aides were briefly arrested in connection with this attack.
DRDC is deeply disturbed by this serious development in the history of the conflict in Darfur. DRDC
condemns all kinds of violence and calls for peaceful resolution of armed conflicts. In this regard DRDC
once again calls on all parties to the armed conflict in Darfur to engage in genuine political negotiations to
end this crisis. DRDC reminds the government of Sudan of its obligations under International
Humanitarian Law in particular the provisions of article 3, which are common to the Four Geneva
Conventions and which apply in the situation of armed conflict not of international nature.
Because of interminable antecedents of summary execution and maltreatment of war captives in Sudan,
DRDC urges the international community to ensure that all persons arrested by the government of Sudan
in connection with the recent attack against Omdurman are treated according to international law. JEM
combatants currently in government custody should be treated as prisoners of war according to
international law. The names, identity and whereabouts of all persons in government custody should be
made known to competent UN agencies and to the International Committee of the Red Cross. Ends.

Post: #2
Title: Re: Darfur Relief and Documentation Centre
Author: عبدالمجيد صالح
Date: 05-14-2008, 10:04 AM
Parent: #1


Post: #3
Title: Re: Darfur Relief and Documentation Centre
Author: هشام مدنى
Date: 05-14-2008, 04:12 PM
Parent: #2

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