الأحد المقبل يوم عالمي لدارفور في اسرائيل

الأحد المقبل يوم عالمي لدارفور في اسرائيل

04-09-2008, 01:23 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=160&msg=1207743809&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: الأحد المقبل يوم عالمي لدارفور في اسرائيل
Author: khalid abuahmed
Date: 04-09-2008, 01:23 PM

الاخوة الاعزاء

المجتمع الاسرائيلي يتفاعل مع قضية دار فور بشكل كبير فقد خصص يوم الأحد المقبل 13 ابريل يوما عالمياًهناك لدعم القضية الدارفورية، وصلتني هذه الرسالة على بريدي... انشرها لكم هنا للعلم والتوثيق، واعتبر هذه الرسالة هي رسالة قوية بكل ما تحمل الكلمة من معنى للذين صمتوا عن ما يدور في دارفور من جرائم..

Global Day for Darfur, Israel
Global Day for Darfur is a day when the international community recognizes and highlights the plight of the people of Darfur. On 13th April 2008 the fifth Global Day for Darfur will focus on the children of Darfur, specifically those born in the last five years since the conflict began. The Global Day for Darfur was originally conceived of by a group of NGO's working on Darfur and concerned about the slow response of the international community to the crisis. Past efforts of the Global Day for Darfur coalition have seen 42 countries participating, let us Israel become the 43rd country who cares.
The Situation
In 2003, a conflict in Darfur, the western region of Sudan, began when rebel groups accused the central government of neglecting the area. In response, a government-backed militia known as the Janjaweed has been engaging in a genocidal campaign to wipe out communities of Muslim African tribal farmers in Darfur. To date, more than 400,000 people have been killed, and 2.5 million have been displaced in clashes between indigenous rebel groups and the government. Four million people every day are reliant on humanitarian aid.

Refugees have been fleeing to big cities and neighboring countries such as Chad and Egypt, seeking safety. In Egypt, the situation of the Sudanese refugees is dire; they lack basic rights, are on the verge of starvation, and suffer from frequent harassment by the authorities. During a protest in December 2005, 27 were killed by the Egyptian police, while many others were injured, detained and deported back to Sudan. Consequently, out of desperation, some have fled to Israel seeking refuge. Currently about 2,800 Sudanese are located in Israel, with a majority from south Sudan and 850 from Darfur. Currently there are 300 Darfurian refugees living in Tel-Aviv and 300 living in Eilat.

On Sunday 13th April 2008, Israel will be showing its support for the Darfuri community by taking part in this important global day. This event is being held by Sons of Darfur, a non-profit humanitarian organization founded on August 15th 2007, by a core group of some of the first 50 Darfurian refugees to enter Israel. Sons of Darfur works to develop a communal identity for Darfurian refugees in Israel through provision of social, health, educational and cultural programming and services. Our aim is to empower the community; we help individual members achieve self-sufficiency and economic independence while acting together to advance our status as a group.

Where & When: 4.00pm on Sunday 13th April 2008,
Meeting @ corner of Nachalat Benyamin & Rothchild Boulevard (Tel-Aviv) walking to the Cintemateque.
The event will finish at 6.00pm

Join us and make a stand… tomorrow is too late!

Sons of Darfur is committed to ensuring that our community realizes its potential to be positive and contributing members of Israeli society while using our strong position to assist other, less fortunate, refugee communities in Israel. We hope you will join us in these efforts.

Post: #2
Title: Re: الأحد المقبل يوم عالمي لدارفور في اسرائيل
Author: هاشم نوريت
Date: 04-09-2008, 01:46 PM
Parent: #1

Quote: الأحد المقبل يوم عالمي لدارفور في اسرائيل