Bushra Elsadig

Bushra Elsadig

03-16-2008, 03:50 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=150&msg=1205635804&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: Bushra Elsadig
Date: 03-16-2008, 03:50 AM
Parent: #0

just a few words to be added to commnets been shared by some participants about Bushra Elsadig to be the dong of the security...this issue to be laidout the way itis , does not give any gesture of discusion, debate or arguement simply because the intention of intimadation and humilation of the group or the organization Bushra affilaites to is very clear , so we all here humanbeings no matter what beliefs we mind ... the writer of this post(Bushra Elsadig..Dog of security , the writer is quite known of his high quality of thoughts and points of views in different issues, but what really weired about his approach is that from zero scratch he intended to egnite the forum emotionally and I dont think it to be the way he could find the answer for the question he allegedly seeking..Mr.Adel... whatsoever Bushra is, according to your judgement, you may leave that to the forum conclusion and I know from your profile that you are a graduate of political science school plus your outstanding record in initiating and handling the most interesting issues ever to be discussed in this board... so my advice to you tha if you really want to verify news that has been brought to you or even an ideological line of any organization , please show respect as part of humanbeing approach, avoid stamping others these negative words, wording the way you styled does not bring controversy to good argument.aggresive language is almost been practiced in every level of Sudan political history but the outcome is more friction and disagreement, so denying others the right to beleive or to think itself is a big oppression.. assimilatiing the the unger and outrageous feeling of others is the best way to get in before you can post any thing to be disclosed or to be negotiated... I gues this post is supposed to be reedited differently...my suggestion is that we better focus the ethics of argument, debates and discusion...