at this point of my life

at this point of my life

03-03-2008, 08:09 AM


Post: #1
Title: at this point of my life
Author: ابوبكر على
Date: 03-03-2008, 08:09 AM
Parent: #0

tracy chapman

Done so many things wrong I dont know if I can do right
Oh i, oh ive
Done so many things wrong I dont know if I can do right

At this point in my life
Ive done so many things wrong I dont know if I can do right
If you put your trust in me I hope I wont let you down
If you give me a chance Ill try
You see its been a hard road the road Im traveling on
And if I take your hand I might lead you down the path to ruin
Ive had a hard life Im just saying it so youll understand
That right now, right now, Im doing the best I can

At this point in my life
At this point in my life
Although Ive mostly walked in the shadows
Im still searching for the light
Wont you put your faith in me
We both know thats what matters
If you give me a chance Ill try
You see Ive been climbing stairs but mostly stumbling down
Ive been reaching high always losing ground
You see Ive been reaching high but always losing ground
You see Ive conquered hills but I still have mountains to climb
And right now right now Im doing the best I can
At this point in my life

Before we take a step
Before we walk down that path
Before I make any promises
Before you have regrets
Before we talk commitment
Let me tell you of my past
All Ive seen and all Ive done
The things Id like to forget

At this point in my life
At this point in my life
Id like to live as if only love mattered
As if redemption was in sight
As if the search to live honestly
Is all that anyone needs
No matter if you find it

You see when Ive touched the sky
The earths gravity has pulled me down
But now Ive reconciled that in this world
Birds and angels get the wings to fly
If you can believe in this heart of mine
If you can give it a try
Then Ill reach inside and find and give you
All the sweetness that I have
At this point in my life
At this point in my life

Post: #2
Title: Re: at this point of my life
Author: ابوبكر على
Date: 03-03-2008, 08:29 AM
Parent: #1

Post: #3
Title: Re: at this point of my life
Author: ابوبكر على
Date: 03-03-2008, 08:35 AM

اغنية صادقة للغاية كلما اسمعها يعترينى احساس مختلف.
اهديها لكل من توجس خيفة فى ليلة حالكة السواد خجل قمرها من الظهور من كثرة مااصابه الاعياء من الاطلاع و التحديق على مساوئ الارض

Post: #4
Title: Re: at this point of my life
Author: ابوبكر على
Date: 03-03-2008, 08:39 AM
Parent: #3

لن ادعى اننى اعرف الكثير و لكن هذا القمر الذى يزداد سوادا كل يوم قطعا ليس هو ذاك القمر الذى كان فى بدء الخليقة, هذا القمر شاهد عصر على المساوئ التى ارتكبها بنى البشر من قديم العصور و الى الان. الشئ يعمق الاحساس بان البشر لن يعيشوا ابدا فى وئام فهذا دابهم دائما.

Post: #5
Title: Re: at this point of my life
Author: ابوبكر على
Date: 03-03-2008, 08:45 AM
Parent: #4

Art thou pale for weariness

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Art thou pale for weariness
Of climbing heaven and gazing on the earth,
Wandering companionless
Among the stars that have a different birth,
And ever changing, like a joyless eye
That finds no object worth its constancy?

Post: #6
Title: Re: at this point of my life
Author: ابوبكر على
Date: 03-03-2008, 08:52 AM
Parent: #5

يقول شيلى مخاطبا القمر ماهذا الشحوب الذى يعتريك؟
انا اعلم ان الشحوب هو محض بياض و ليس سواد. و لكننى اعاند لشئ فى نفسى و اقول ان هذا الشحوب هو كدرة اعترت وجه القمر جراء تحديقه المستديم على الارض

Post: #7
Title: Re: at this point of my life
Author: ابوبكر على
Date: 03-04-2008, 09:22 AM
Parent: #6

قد ارغب فى ان اهدى هذه الاغنية الى الاعزاء جدا جدا جدا اساسى و نوبى
لاشئ يجول بخاطرى الان سوى الرضا التام عن تحول الامور

none but ourselves can free our minds- bob marley

Post: #8
Title: Re: at this point of my life
Author: Muna Khugali
Date: 03-04-2008, 10:28 AM
Parent: #7

ابو بكر صباح الخير..
لسه ماقريت حاجه..قلت اصغر ليك صورة البروفايل علشان شكل الكلام يكون أحلي..
بس أنقل الرابط..
أو زي ماعارف أحفظ الصوره وأعمل ليها تحميل..
ماصغرتها شديد لكن لو عايزني اصغرها لسه.. ممكن اصغرها...
اقابلك بعد شويه..