الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....

الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....

02-29-2008, 07:10 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=150&msg=1204265413&rn=32

Post: #1
Title: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الفاتح ميرغني
Date: 02-29-2008, 07:10 AM
Parent: #0

استجابة لمناشدتكم الكريمة بترجمة مأساة سناء الامين
أدناه محاولة متواضعة للمساهمة في نشر هذه المأساة في وسائل الإعلام الاجنبية، مع تمنياتنا لها بعاجل الشفاء وأن يلقى هذا الجهد الإنساني الذي تقوم به سودانيز اونلاين النجاح حتى تعود البسمة إلى ذلك الوجه الجميل.

سوف اقوم بإنزال الترجمة على فقرات

Post: #2
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الفاتح ميرغني
Date: 02-29-2008, 07:24 AM
Parent: #1

سمعت بمأساتها المؤلمة والغريبة فتوجهت للمنزل الذي تقيم فيه (بالايجار) برفقة شقيقها عوض الكريم بمنطقة السلمة جنوب العاصمة الخرطوم، فوالدها ووالدتها بقريتهم «أم حجار المكاشفي» ريفي الجاموسي محافظة المناقل، ولاية الجزيرة.. المأساة كبيرة والجريمة فادحة، وبشعة وخطيرة، ولا انسانية.. بعد إلحاح مني وافقت ووافق شقيقها علي نشر قصتها مؤلمة الابعاد، غريبة التفاصيل.. وإليكم تفاصيل اغرب واكثر القصص الانسانية مأساوية والتي مسرحها قرية «أُم حجار المكاشفي» بالجزيرة.

خيوط المأساة

المأساة بدأت تغزل خيوطها منذ العام 2005م وقتها كانت الفتاة «الحسناء»، سناء الامين عوض الكريم محمد في المرحلة الثانوية، عمرها لم يتجاوز السابعة عشرة، فتقدم للزواج بها موظف من قرية مجاورة، ولا يمت لها بصلة قربى إلا انها رفضته لرغبتها في مواصلة تعليمها، لكن والدها «الامين» اجبرها على الزواج، وتم العقد في غيابها اذ انها كانت وقتها بداخلية مدرستها بمنطقة «الشكينيبة» ريفي المناقل تجلس لإمتحان الشهادة السودانية.. وبعد حوالي العام تمت مراسم الزواج بقرية «أم حجار المكاشفي» تحت ضغط واصرار والدها، رغم انها جهرت له بالقول: «افضل الموت على الزواج من هذا الشخص».

غادر العروسان القرية إلى احد الفنادق بمدينة ود مدني لقضاء شهر «الجحيم» اقصد شهر العسل الذي لم تتذوقه، اذ انها لم تتجاوب مع العريس وكانت ترفضه طالبة منه الطلاق فعاد بها للقرية، وهناك اخبرت اهلها «الموت ولا....» تقصد العريس إلا ان والدها تدخل مرة اخرى واجبرها علي الذهاب معه لمسكن الزوجية بأحد مناطق شمال بحري، وقضيا هناك حوالي «4» شهور وسناء لاتزال مصرة على عدم التعامل مع زوجها فقام بإرجاعها الى اهلها بقرية «أم حجار المكاشفي»، وبعد شهرين عاد وطلب منها العودة معه فرفضت بإصرار العودة إليه نهائياً، فتركها مع اهلها وهو يضمر شراً!!.

بعد مضي نصف عام على الزواج «المعلق» بدأ العريس «المرفوض» التخطيط للجريمة البشعة بدهاء ومكر.. توجه إلى محل بطاريات بمدينة بحري قرب مكان عمله وطلب من صاحبه «خام ماء النار» صودا كاوية وهو للعلم اشد حرقاً وفتكاً من «موية النار» خدعه قائلاً: إنه يحتاج لها لإزالة الصداء من كمر بمنزله فأخذ منه عبوة باقة كريستال ثم عاد في اليوم التالي مباشرة طالباً باقة اخرى بحجة ان الباقة الأولى كانت مثقوبة فتسرب منها خام ماء النار، فعبأ له صاحب محل البطاريات باقة كريستال ثانية..وانتهز الزوج فرصة وفاة عمه وغادر بحري لحضور العزاء بالقرية، وفي اليوم الثاني للعزاء خدع شقيق سناء «مصطفى» بأنه يرغب في العودة لشقيقته «سناء» ولذلك ذهب لأحد الشيوخ واعطاه «محاية» لهذا الغرض، وطلب من «مصطفى» ان يسكب المحاية في وجه «سناء» اثناء نومها عند الساعة الثالثة صباحاً، حسب ما نصح به الشيخ الفكي.. فسأله مصطفى ولماذا لا تسكب المحاية بنفسك؟ اجابه: لان الشيخ قال ان مفعول المحاية لا يسري إلا إذا سكبها احد اشقاء سناء!!.

كانت «سناء» في ذلك اليوم «المشئوم» ترقد في حوش المنزل بقرية «أم حجار المكاشفي»، تتوسط والدها ووالدتها وبينما كانوا يغطون في سبات عميق وفي تمام الثالثة صباحاً تسلل شقيقها «مصطفى» وزوجها الى مرقد سناء فقام مصطفى بصب ماء النار علي وجهها معتقداً انها محاية الفكي، ولم يدر وقتها انه يحرق وجه شقيقته بالماء الحارق.


ترجمة ما ورد اعلاه

Upon hearing her agonizing story, accompanied by her brother A. Alkariem, I went to see her in a rented house she was sharing with her brother A. Alkariem in Ummsalama south of Khartoum, as her parents were living in their village of Umm hugar in Almnagil province. Responding to my persistence, she consented to publish her story which reveals the most grotesque crime in graphic details.

Tragedy in the making

The tragedy has started in 2005, at that time the “good-looking“ Sanna Awad alkriem was attending the secondary school. A junior official from a nearby village proposed to her but she turned him down on the ground that she was interested in continuing her education. However, her father exercised undue influence on her and proposal arrangement had been conducted in absentia, since she was living at that time in the boarding school for girls in “Alshikeniba” and preparing to sit for the Sudanese Certificate Exam.One year later, under the relentless prussure of her father, she succumbed and the marriage ceremony was conducted in the village of “ Umm Hugar Almukashfi” despite her very will & publicly-repeated-utterance “ I would rather die than to marry that person”.

The newly-wed couple left the village for a honeymoon( a hell moon) in a hotel in Wadmadani city. But they returned to the village, since she made it quite clear that she wanted a divorce, as they were not meant for each other. At that point she told her wondering relatives (“ Death is better than …) but again her father intervened and compelled her to go with the groom to his house in one of “ north Bhari”areas. They stayed there for about 4 month, meanwhile Sanna has been quite reluctant to treat him as a husband, so he decided to send her back home to “ Umm Hugar Almokashfi” but two month later he made one final attempt to bring her back, yet she categorically rejected his overture. So he retuned to his house boiling with mischief & jealousy, After one year of this troubled and stuck marriage, the grieved groom began planning his heinous crime. He went to a shop of batteries near his work place and bought unpurified Hydro-caloric Acid- considered to be far more fatal than the purified one.

The next day he came to the shopkeeper and asked him for another bottle by telling him that the one he bought the previous day was leaking. Seizing the chance of his being in the village to attend the funeral of his uncle, the mischievous groom decided that it was high time to commit his sordid and demonically-planned crime. So he approached his brother in law(Sanna brother) and confined to him that he was still willing to mend fences with his sister, therefore, he enlisted the spiritual services of a powerful “ Shiekh” ( spiritual healer) who gave him “ Mihaya” ( spiritual water)but in order for the magic to work he was going to need his help.so he requested him to pour the allegedly spiritual water into the face of his sister while she was profoundly sleeping at 3 AM. The deceived brother who did not suspect a catch in it, asked the logical question “ why don’t you do it your self?”. Because the magic of the spiritual water would not work, unless it was poured by a blood relation to Sanna, replied the pathetic husband.

At that gloomy night, Sanna and her parents were profoundly sleeping, her brother “ Mustafa”, followed by the estranged husband, sneaked in and poured the unpurified Hydro-caloric acid into his sister’s beautiful face, thinking that he was pouring spiritual water instead( not realizing that he was used in a crime of a diabolic nature ) burning his sister’s face beyond recognition.

Post: #3
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: doma
Date: 02-29-2008, 07:33 AM
Parent: #2

well done . your efforts are highly appreciated

Post: #4
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الفاتح ميرغني
Date: 02-29-2008, 07:38 AM
Parent: #3

لقاء مع سناء

هنا ندع «سناء» تسرد بنفسها ما حدث بعد ذلك قالت لي وهي تخفي وجهها بالكامل بخمار اسود ثقيل.

شعرت بسائل حارق على وجهي حسبته جاز فصحوت مذعورة وشاهدت امامي مباشرة شقيقي مصطفى بينما زوجي يركض بعيداً.. وبعد «5» دقائق فقط شعرت بألم لايطاق في وجهي اشبه بلهب النار فطفقت اصرخ واصرخ من فرط الألم، بينما أمي بقربي تصرخ هي الاخرى، فتجمع الجيران بل كل اهل القرية وكان أخي «أيمن» ينام مع الجيران فجاء مسرعاً علي صراخي، وقام بصب جردل ماء في وجهي وشعري، لكن الألم ظل يحرق وجهي.. بعدها تورم وجهي وتفسخ واصبحت مسخاً مشوهاً، اذ تيبست عيني واصبحتا لا تتحركان جامدتين كالحجر، وتحول لون وجهي للون الاسود واصبح عبارة عن كتلة من اللحم المنتفخ المهتريء، وتساقط شعري واصبحت صلعاء. وفقدت بصري، وغبت عن الوعي!!.

حكاية سناء مؤلمة لحد البكاء، والألم الاكبر عندما قامت بازالة الخمار وكشفت عن وجهها، بعد إلحاح مني بأن الجميع لا بد ان يقفوا على حجم وآثار هذه الجريمة البشعة فأقتنعت اخيراً على مضض، وازالة الخمار لتكشف عن وجهها، وليتها لم تفعل.. ابكاني منظر وجهها والتشويه الذي لحق به خاصة عينها اليسرى.. الوجه مشوه بالكامل، ألجمني الصمت والحزن والذهول، ولم اجد تعبيراً مناسباً اعبر به من هول ما اراه امامي سوى ان اردد (لاحول ولا قوة إلا بالله العظيم).

ترجمة ما ورد اعلاه

An audience with Sanna.

Here Sanna narrates what happened thereafter “ she said while covering her face with a heavy black veil “I felt something like an incendiary liquid being poured over my face, and for a moment I thought it must be kerosene, so I woke up in panic and saw my brother Mustafa standing in front of me, while my husband was running away. Five minutes later, I began to experince an excruciating pain, then I started to scream, and so did my mother who was standing beside me. Since it was early morning and sounds can resonate even further, the scream of my mother and that of mine brought the whole village to our house. My brother Ayman who was sleeping with our neighbors, came quickly and poured a bucket of water in my face and my hair, in the hope of alleviating the pain. Afterwards, my face has swollen, decomposed and became like a mass of rotten meat – completely disfigured- as my eyes become dysfunctional, my face turned stone black, my hair fell off and I became baldhead. I lost my sight and conscious.

The saga of Sanna was such painful & agonizing that when she removed the veil – under my persistence – I was so overwhelmed by sadness, frustration and totally devastated that I
couldn’t stop myself from crying & feeling somewhat speechless.

Post: #9
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: Zakaria Joseph
Date: 02-29-2008, 08:45 AM
Parent: #2

"The tragedy has started in 2005"

Ustaz الفاتح ميرغني
I just perfer this sentence to be in simple past and if you would like to edit it, it should ...read like this: "The chain of events leading up to this horrific crime started in 2005."

Good job

Post: #5
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: wd al geran
Date: 02-29-2008, 08:16 AM
Parent: #1


Post: #6
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: حيدر حسن ميرغني
Date: 02-29-2008, 08:20 AM
Parent: #5

شكرا ود الجيران على رفع البوست


Post: #7
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: إسماعيل وراق
Date: 02-29-2008, 08:24 AM
Parent: #5

Quote: Upon hearing her agonizing story, accompanied by her brother A. Alkariem, I went to see her in a rented house she was sharing with her brother A. Alkariem in Ummsalama south of Khartoum

شكرا يا الفاتح
ملاحظتي أن المنطقة إسمها السلمة وليست أم سلمة

ربنا يوالي سناء بالعافية

Post: #8
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الفاتح ميرغني
Date: 02-29-2008, 08:41 AM
Parent: #7

رحلة العلاج
شقيق سناء عوض الكريم الامين عوض الكريم طالب بجامعة جوبا، كلية الاقتصاد اكثر اخوتها تأثراً بما حدث ظل ملازماً لسناء منذ بداية مأساتها، حكى لي تفاصيل ما حدث لشقيقته بعد سكب خام ماء النار علي وجهها، قائلاً في ألم وحزن دفين:
نقلنا سناء الى مستشفى المناقل، ومكثت فيها ليومين وكانت عينها وجفونها ثابتة لا تتحرك، ووجهها متورماً ومنتفخاً، وتم تحويلها لمستشفى العيون بالخرطوم بحري - عبد الفضيل الماظ لطب وجراحة العيون - مكثت به «10» ايام، وتم تحويلها إلى مستشفى السلاح الطبي بام درمان، وبدأت المصائب تتوالى، اذ اتضح ان عينها اليسري تلفت تماماً، حيث ان خام ماء النار تسرب إليها ودمر كل خلاياها، وجفف سائل العين، واحترقت القرنية بالكامل.. وقرر لها اختصاصي جراحة التجميل بالسلاح الطبي عمليتين لتجميل وجهها، حيث قام باستئصال جزء من لحم الفخذ الايمن لترقيع الوجه والجبهة والانف، وبعد «45» يوماً قام الجراح بكشط فروة الرأس، واخذ رقاقة من جلد الفخذ الايسر وزرعها على الرأس.. وبعد «10» ايام من عملية التجميل الثانية خرجت من المستشفى، ولأن وجهها كان غريباً ومشوهاً توجهنا لخالي بالعيلفون ومكثنا معه شهرين كاملين، ثم انتقلنا الي جبرة بالخرطوم لشهرين آخرين، كنا نتابع خلالها مع اختصاصي التجميل، والذي اوصى بضرورة التوجه الى القاهرة لعلاج العين واكمال عملية تجميل الوجه، حيث ان الرقع الجلدية شوهت وجه سناء.


ترجمة ما ورد اعلاه

The treatment journey

Sana’s brother, Awad Awad Karim, a student at the university of Juba, Faculty of Economics was standing by Sanaa throughout her unfortunate mishap, he told me in pain and grief :
”Sana was admitted to Almnakl hospital, where she stayed for two days, her eyes and eyebrow were fixed and not moving, with a swollen and puffy face , she was transferred to a hospital in Khartoum where she stayed for (10) days, before being transferred to a hospital in Omdurman ,where misfortunes began to follow , it became clear that her left eye was completely damaged, as the unpurified Hydro-Caloric Acid( HCL) leaked into the eyes , destroyed all the cells and dried up the eye liquid. The cornea was fully burned , the specialist surgeon decided to perform a plastic surgery to restore her face shape so he removed a part from the right thigh to skin gaft the face , forehead and nose . After «45» days the surgeon scrapped the scalp and took the chip from the left thigh skin and transplanted it into the head , (10) days after the second surgery , sanaa was discharged from the hospital, and because her face was so deformed , we decided to go to our uncle’s home, where we stayed for two whole months , and then we moved to Khartoum to follow up with the plastic surgery specialist who recommended that we should go to Cairo for the treatment of eyes and finish the undone task of the plastic surgery there , as the skin patches have disfigured Sana’s face

Post: #10
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الفاتح ميرغني
Date: 02-29-2008, 09:16 AM
Parent: #8

وسافرت برفقتها الى القاهرة، وبمستشفى القصر العيني بدأ الاطباء اولاً في معالجة العينين، فعملوا رقع للعين السليمة - اليمنى - وللجفون، ثم رقعة تجميلية للعين التالفة - اليسرى - بعدها تم تحويلها لمستشفى «سلمى الدولي» بالقاهرة فأجروا لها جلسات «ليزر» في الوجه «6» جلسات، بمعدل جلسة كل شهر، كما تقرر اجراء عمليتي زراعة للشعر، بين كل عملية والاخرى «6» شهور.. اجريت العملية الأولى فعلاً بالقاهرة بتكلفة «11» ألف جنيه مصري وبدأ شعرها ينمو مرة اخرى في مكان العملية حتى منتصف الرأس تقريباً، لكننا فشلنا في اجراء العملية الثانية التي تبلغ تكلفتها «11» ألف جنيه مصري ولاتزال «سناء» في حاجة لعمليات تجميل لوجهها المشوه، وعملية قرنية وعدسة تكلفتها حوالي «01» آلاف دولار، بدون التذاكر والاقامة للمريضة والمرافق.. كما تحتاج لعملية زرع رموش.


ترجمة ما ورد اعلاه

I traveled with Sanna to Cairo where the doctors in Alqasr Alaaini hospital treated the good eye as a first step. They skin-grafted the good eye – the right one- and the eyebrows, then they skin-grafted the damaged left eye and transferred her to “ Salma international hospital” in Cairo where she was subjected to 6 laser sessions in the face- one session per month. They also decided that she should undergo two operations for hair transplantation - with a 6 month interval between each operation. The first of which was performed in Cairo at the cost of 11,000 Egyptian pound, where her hair started to grow in almost the damaged area. Nevertheless, we failed to undergo the second operation which costs like-wise, due to financial constraint. Still Sana is in a dire need for the plastic surgery operation to restore her tragically-deformed face, in addition to anther operations for cornea and lenses with a total cost of almost $10,000 sans the cost for the tickets, sojourn & attendant. She also needs to undergo eyelashes(Cilia) transplant operation.

Post: #11
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: بدر الدين الأمير
Date: 02-29-2008, 10:21 AM
Parent: #10

استاذ الفاتح
تقديرى لمجهودك
وكما قال الشاعر حميد: (إيد على إيد تجدع بعيد)
وفى تقديرى أن المد الانسانى الحقيقى لايهتم ولايفرق
بين النوع بقدر بحثه عن العدل والرحمة وترجمتك
يافاتح للجريمة التى ارتكبت فى حق سناء أنسنة
لجريمة تهم كل إنسان والجريمة لابد لها من عقاب
ولو طال السفر

Post: #12
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: بكري الصايغ
Date: 02-29-2008, 10:33 AM
Parent: #1

الاخ الـحـبيب الـحبوب،
الفاتـح مـيـرغـنـي،

تـحـيةالـود والأعـزاز،
وجــزاك اللـه عـلي ماقـدمت من مـجـهود مـقـدر وبارك اللـه فيك وفـي عـلمـك وهـمتك وانسانيتك .

ولك الـمودة.

Post: #13
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الفاتح ميرغني
Date: 02-29-2008, 10:47 AM
Parent: #12

Dear doma
I was very much flattered by your kind words

many thanks

Post: #14
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الفاتح ميرغني
Date: 02-29-2008, 11:33 AM
Parent: #13

Quote: Ustaz الفاتح ميرغني
I just perfer this sentence to be in simple past and if you would like to edit it, it should ...read like this: "The chain of events leading up to this horrific crime started in 2005."

Good job

Dear Zakaria
Thanks a lot for your appreciation & acute observation
I satand corrected

Truly yours

Post: #15
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الفاتح ميرغني
Date: 02-29-2008, 12:27 PM
Parent: #14

Dear wd al geran

Many thanks

Post: #16
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 02-29-2008, 12:40 PM
Parent: #15

شكرا الاخ الفاتح ميرغني
على مجهودك وان شاء الله في ميزان حسناتك.
اتمنى ان تقارن بمجهود الاخت منى وتتوصولوا لافضل صيغة.

asecond trial to send this message, as my inbox is inhabited by a mailerdemon.

-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : [email protected]
A : [email protected]
Envoyé le : Ve, 29 Février 2008 3:04
Sujet : Trans. : acid attack: urgent action needed. attention ( horrible photo included)

Dear Bakri,

i sent this email, to Amensty International, France. I'm not a professional translator, i just wrote what I can, which might contain many mistakes due to the anger which i'm feeling while reading this article. now is late here, i will try my best to make a proper detailed copy later.

thanx n good luck
my best


After Before

A brutal acid attack on a Sudanese young lady.

Her name is Al-AMIN MOHAMED AWAD AL- KARIM, Sana, a Sudanese lady . Her story started in 2005, she was only 17 yrs old and following her secondary education. While she was in the boarding school, her father married her to a 54 years old man who had asked her for marriage but she refused him for the simple cause that she wanted to continue her education.

A year after, marriage procedures took place under the father’s pressure. But husband was obliged to take her back to her family’s house in response to her persisting demand of divorce and in the absence of her response to him while spending honey moon. Her father interfered again, and forced her to follow her husband to his house in the north of Khartoum Bahari city. Where she spent four months in total rejection for this marriage. Seeing that she is not responding to him again, he took her back to her village ( Om Hijar Al- mikashfi) in Al-jazeera region, centre of Sudan. Two months after, he came back to Santa’s family, asking her to come back to his house, but again Sana insisted and refused his request and told him that she prefers death than living with him. He went away, but not without thinking about revenge.

A year after these incidents he started to prepare for his crime. He asked a merchant for a bottle of acid telling him that he needs it to clean a decaying support in his house, he came the next day asking for another bottle , claiming that the first bottle was full of holes and the remaining liquid wasn’t enough. The husband ceased the opportunity of the death of his uncle to get back to the village. On the second day of his arrival; he gave the bottle of acid to Sana’a brother , telling him that he is intending to have Sana as a wife so he went to a marabout (saint) and he gave him this mihaya ( saintly water) so as to be splashed onto Sana face. The brother told him to do it by himself, the husband convinced him that the act should be done while she is sleeping about three o’clock in the morning. The brother ignoring the content of the bottle and the intention of the husband of deliberately defacing Sana, he threw the contents of a bottle of sulphuric acid into Sana face while Sana was sleeping between her parents in her village, not knowing that, by this simple act he is damaging his sister’s life for ever.

Sana told the journalist that « then after, I felt a hot burning liquid on my face, I woke up frightened, and saw my brother Mustafa standing next to me and my husband was running away. Five minutes after, I felt an unbearable pain, a pain like fire flames. I started screaming, while my mother beside me screaming too. Neighbours and all the people of the village came to see what had happened. My brother who was sleeping with our neighbours, came in and started to drench me with water. But the pain continued on. After that , my face had swollen , I lost my hair and I became like a monster as my eyes dried out and stopped moving, just like the stones. The colour of my faced turned into black . I lost sight and lost conscious. » she found herself grotesquely disfigured, and blind, by this easily accessible chemical weapon.

The perpetrator wasn’t punished or even charged. The legal case against him was filed, as some mediators came to her family and the father had pardoned the husband who paid a sum of 20 000 Sudanese pounds; (20,000 Sudanese Pound = 6,754.65 Euro); for a plastic surgery to repair his vitriolage. Worse, he got married to another girl while Sana is being treated in Egypt suffering from the consequences of his brutal barbaric attack.

Sana, is a real sad story, she needs to have plastic surgery, get provided with a proper medical treatment, counselling and rehabilitation all along with legal assistance.

Sana might no longer work or study, not only because of her disabilities (physical and psychological), but because of the massive disgrace she might perceive to have brought upon her family ( refusing this marriage; publishing her story and asking for help) as well as she would have no chance of ever finding a husband and would remain an eternal burden on her family.

Sana needs us all. We must condemn this act, help her and bring husband to justice. We need to create a public awareness against this sort of crimes against women as early as possible to avoid its spread and generalisation as a punishment againt women as it’s the case in Pakistan, Bangaldesh, Afaghanistan, etc.

more details in this link:

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-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : [email protected]
A : [email protected]
Envoyé le : Ve, 29 Février 2008 2:28
Sujet : acid attack: urgent action needed. attention ( horrible photo included)


After Before

A brutal acid attack on a Sudanese lady.

Her name is Al-AMIN MOHAMED AWAD AL- KARIM, Sana, a Sudanese lady . Her story started in 2005, she was only 17 yrs old and following her secondary education. While she was in the boarding school, her father married her to a 54 years old man who had asked her for marriage but she refused him for the simple cause that she wanted to continue her education.

A year after, marriage procedures took place under the father’s pressure. But husband was obliged to take her back to her family’s house in response to her persisting demand of divorce and in the absence of her response to him while spending honey moon. Her father interfered again, and forced her to follow her husband to his house in the north of Khartoum Bahari city. Where she spent four months in total rejection for this marriage. Seeing that she is not responding to him again, he took her back to her village ( Om Hijar Al- mikashfi) in Al-jazeera region, centre of Sudan. Two months after, he came back to Santa’s family, asking her to come back to his house, but again Sana insisted and refused his request and told him that she prefers death than living with him. He went away, but not without thinking about revenge.

A year after these incidents he started to prepare for his crime. He asked a merchant for a bottle of acid telling him that he needs it to clean a decaying support in his house, he came the next day asking for another bottle , proclaiming that the first bottle was full of holes and the remaining liquid wasn’t enough. The husband ceased the opportunity of the death of his uncle to get back to the village. On the second day of his arrival; he gave the bottle of acid to Sana’a brother , telling him that he is intending to have Sana as a wife so he went to marabout and he gave him this mihaya ( saintly water) so as to be splashed onto Sana face. The brother told him to do it by himself, the husband convinced him that the act should be done while she is sleeping about three o’clock in the morning. The brother ignoring the content of the bottle and the intention of the husband of deliberately defacing Sana, he threw the contents of a bottle of sulphuric acid into Sana face while Sana was sleeping between her parents in her village, not knowing that, by this simple act he is damaging his sister’s life for ever.

Sana told the journalist that « then after, I felt a hot burning liquid on my face, I woke up frightened, and saw my brother Mustafa standing next to me and my husband was running away. Five minutes after, I felt an unbearable pain, a pain like fire flames. I started screaming, while my mother beside me screaming too. Neighbours and all the people in the village came to see what had happened. My brother who was sleeping with our neighbours, came in and started to drench me with water. But the pain continued on. After that , my face had swollen , I lost my hair and I became like a monster as my eyes dried out and stopped moving,just like the stones. The colour of my faced turned into black . I lost sight and lost conscious. » she found herself grotesquely disfigured, and blind, by this easily accessible chemical weapon.

The perpetrator wasn’t punished or even charged. The legal case against him was filed, as some mediators came to her family and the father had pardoned the husband who paid a sum of 20 000 Sudanese pounds; (20,000 Sudanese Pound = 6,754.65 Euro); for a plastic surgery after his vitriolage. Worse, he got married to another girl while Sana is being treated in Egypt suffering from the consequences of his brutal barbaric attack.

Sana, is a real sad story, she needs to have plastic surgery, get provided with a proper medical treatment, counselling and rehabilitation all along with legal assistance.
Sana could no longer work or study, not only because of her disabilities, but because of the massive disgrace she was often perceived to have brought upon her family as well as she would have no chance of ever finding a husband and would remain an eternal burden on her family.
Sana needs us all. We must condemn this act, help her and bring husband to justice. We need to create a public awareness against this sort of crimes against women as early as possible to avoid its spread and generalisation as a punishment againt women as it’s the case in Pakistan, Bangaldesh, Afaghanistan, etc.

more details in this link:
ربنا يحفظكم للسودان.

Post: #17
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: عادل التجانى
Date: 02-29-2008, 12:57 PM
Parent: #16

وبدوري أقول لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله

لماذا نصر على صنع مستقبل أبناءنا ولا نترك لهم حق التصرف وحرية الاختيار
(والدها كان السبب) بإصراره على تزويجها دون رغبتها

أخاها كانت ضعيف الإرادة بانصياعه لشخص كان يعرف موقف أخته منه

والزوج مارس حقده بصورة سيئة جداً ووضع كامل الذنب على (مصطفى) وقد اختار مصطفى لأنه كان يدرك قدرته على إقناعه .

والآن وقد وقع كل ذلك أقول :

أنني متأكد من قوة هذا المنبر وإنسانية أعضائه في مثل هذه المواقف

المشكلة فيها جانبين :
جانب قانوني
وجانب إنساني وهو ما يهمنا هنا
فنمد أيدينا ونضعها فوق بعض من أجل (سناء) ولا أقول من أجل أسرتها فقط هي لأنها كانت من وجهة نظري ضحية تخطيط الاسرة في البداية وضحية سلوك الزوج في النهاية

السؤال ( أفيدونا ما الممكن فعله ) وستجدونا إن شاء الله معكم

Post: #18
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الفاتح ميرغني
Date: 02-29-2008, 01:03 PM
Parent: #16

Quote: استاذ الفاتح
تقديرى لمجهودك
وكما قال الشاعر حميد: (إيد على إيد تجدع بعيد)
وفى تقديرى أن المد الانسانى الحقيقى لايهتم ولايفرق
بين النوع بقدر بحثه عن العدل والرحمة وترجمتك
يافاتح للجريمة التى ارتكبت فى حق سناء أنسنة
لجريمة تهم كل إنسان والجريمة لابد لها من عقاب
ولو طال السفر

حبيبنا المبدع ابدا بدر الدين الامير
تحيات بحجم ارض الشمس المشرقة

وشكرا على الفذلكة والتشخيص واللفتة الانسانية النبيلة

عميق الحب و المودة

Post: #19
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الفاتح ميرغني
Date: 02-29-2008, 01:14 PM
Parent: #18

Quote: شكرا يا الفاتح
ملاحظتي أن المنطقة إسمها السلمة وليست أم سلمة

ربنا يوالي سناء بالعافية

الاخ اسماعيل وراق
شكرا على تصحيح مسمى المنطقة وامنياتكم الطيبة لسناء بالشفاء

Post: #20
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: خالد الطيب أحمد
Date: 02-29-2008, 01:27 PM
Parent: #19

شكرا الفاتح..

علي المجهود المقدر..

تقبل تحياتي

Post: #21
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الفاتح ميرغني
Date: 02-29-2008, 01:31 PM
Parent: #19

Quote: الاخ الـحـبيب الـحبوب،
الفاتـح مـيـرغـنـي،

تـحـيةالـود والأعـزاز،
وجــزاك اللـه عـلي ماقـدمت من مـجـهود مـقـدر وبارك اللـه فيك وفـي عـلمـك وهـمتك وانسانيتك .

ولك الـمودة.

الحبيب بكري الصائغ
تحايا معتقة بالعود العماني

شكرا على المرور والثناء الجزل

الزول داك لسع راجي بله

Post: #22
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الفاتح ميرغني
Date: 02-29-2008, 01:41 PM
Parent: #21

هلا بالكوكبة تراجي
شكرا على المرور و لفت نظري للترجمة الرصينة لاخت منى

ربنا يحفظك لينا و للسودان

عطر التحايا و الود

Post: #23
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الطيب شيقوق
Date: 02-29-2008, 02:03 PM
Parent: #22

الاخ الفاتح - العالم

والله ابداع في الترجمة بلغة قانونية رصينة ذكرتنى عهودنا الزاهرة التي قبرت بكل ما تحوية المجلات القضائية السودانية ما قبل 1956 م .
الله يديك العافية ويخليك لينا وتعود لينا مجانية التعليم .

Post: #24
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: Muna Khugali
Date: 02-29-2008, 02:09 PM
Parent: #23

Quote: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين

جهد عظيم ومقدر...

تحياتي الفاتح ميرغني

Post: #25
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Date: 02-29-2008, 02:19 PM
Parent: #24

الاخت سناء في محنتها تحتاج أكبر
قدر من الجهد والمؤأزرة.
وهذا الجهد أخي الفاتح جهد طيب ومقدر
أتمنى أن يعود بالخير لصالح تطيب جرح سناء.


Post: #26
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الفاتح ميرغني
Date: 02-29-2008, 03:23 PM
Parent: #25

Quote: وبدوري أقول لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله

لماذا نصر على صنع مستقبل أبناءنا ولا نترك لهم حق التصرف وحرية الاختيار
(والدها كان السبب) بإصراره على تزويجها دون رغبتها

أخاها كانت ضعيف الإرادة بانصياعه لشخص كان يعرف موقف أخته منه

والزوج مارس حقده بصورة سيئة جداً ووضع كامل الذنب على (مصطفى) وقد اختار مصطفى لأنه كان يدرك قدرته على إقناعه .

والآن وقد وقع كل ذلك أقول :

أنني متأكد من قوة هذا المنبر وإنسانية أعضائه في مثل هذه المواقف

المشكلة فيها جانبين :
جانب قانوني
وجانب إنساني وهو ما يهمنا هنا
فنمد أيدينا ونضعها فوق بعض من أجل (سناء) ولا أقول من أجل أسرتها فقط هي لأنها كانت من وجهة نظري ضحية تخطيط الاسرة في البداية وضحية سلوك الزوج في النهاية

السؤال ( أفيدونا ما الممكن فعله ) وستجدونا إن شاء الله معكم

حبيبنا الغريد عادل التجاني
ياها المحرية في الفنانين

شكرا على التحليل الرصين
اهم شيء مساعدة الاخت سناء لاستعادة بسمتها بالمساهمة في نففات ما تبقى لها من عمليات حتى يعود وجهها ضاحكا للزمان الجاى

ارجو الا تصال بلاخ بدر الدين الامير

عميق مودتي

Post: #27
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: يسرى معتصم
Date: 02-29-2008, 05:37 PM
Parent: #26

Upon hearing her agonizing story, accompanied by her brother A. Alkariem, I went to see her in a rented house she was sharing with her brother A. Alkariem in Elsalama south of Khartoum, as her parents were living in their village of Umm hugar in Almnagil province. Responding to my persistence, she consented to publish her story which reveals the most grotesque crime in graphic details.

Tragedy in the making
The tragedy has started in 2005, at that time the “good-looking“ Sanna Awad alkriem was attending the secondary school. A junior official from a nearby village proposed to her but she turned him down on the ground that she was interested in continuing her education. However, her father exercised undue influence on her and proposal arrangement had been conducted in absentia, since she was living at that time in the boarding school for girls in “Alshikeniba” and preparing to sit for the Sudanese Certificate Exam.One year later, under the relentless prussure of her father, she succumbed and the marriage ceremony was conducted in the village of “ Umm Hugar Almukashfi” despite her very will & publicly-repeated-utterance “ I would rather die than to marry that person”.

The newly-wed couple left the village for a honeymoon( a hell moon) in a hotel in Wadmadani city. But they returned to the village, since she made it quite clear that she wanted a divorce, as they were not meant for each other. At that point she told her wondering relatives (“ Death is better than …) but again her father intervened and compelled her to go with the groom to his house in one of “ north Bhari”areas. They stayed there for about 4 month, meanwhile Sanna has been quite reluctant to treat him as a husband, so he decided to send her back home to “ Umm Hugar Almokashfi” but two month later he made one final attempt to bring her back, yet she categorically rejected his overture. So he retuned to his house boiling with mischief & jealousy, After one year of this troubled and stuck marriage, the grieved groom began planning his heinous crime. He went to a shop of batteries near his work place and bought unpurified Hydro-caloric Acid- considered to be far more fatal than the purified one.

The next day he came to the shopkeeper and asked him for another bottle by telling him that the one he bought the previous day was leaking. Seizing the chance of his being in the village to attend the funeral of his uncle, the mischievous groom decided that it was high time to commit his sordid and demonically-planned crime. So he approached his brother in law(Sanna brother) and confined to him that he was still willing to mend fences with his sister, therefore, he enlisted the spiritual services of a powerful “ Shiekh” ( spiritual healer) who gave him “ Mihaya” ( spiritual water)but in order for the magic to work he was going to need his help.so he requested him to pour the allegedly spiritual water into the face of his sister while she was profoundly sleeping at 3 AM. The deceived brother who did not suspect a catch in it, asked the logical question “ why don’t you do it your self?”. Because the magic of the spiritual water would not work, unless it was poured by a blood relation to Sanna, replied the pathetic husband.

At that gloomy night, Sanna and her parents were profoundly sleeping, her brother “ Mustafa”, followed by the estranged husband, sneaked in and poured the unpurified Hydro-caloric acid into his sister’s beautiful face, thinking that he was pouring spiritual water instead( not realizing that he was used in a crime of a diabolic nature ) burning his sister’s face beyond recognition.

An audience with Sanna
Here Sanna narrates what happened thereafter “ she said while covering her face with a heavy black veil “I felt something like an incendiary liquid being poured over my face, and for a moment I thought it must be kerosene, so I woke up in panic and saw my brother Mustafa standing in front of me, while my husband was running away. Five minutes later, I began to experince an excruciating pain, then I started to scream, and so did my mother who was standing beside me. Since it was early morning and sounds can resonate even further, the scream of my mother and that of mine brought the whole village to our house. My brother Ayman who was sleeping with our neighbors, came quickly and poured a bucket of water in my face and my hair, in the hope of alleviating the pain. Afterwards, my face has swollen, decomposed and became like a mass of rotten meat – completely disfigured- as my eyes become dysfunctional, my face turned stone black, my hair fell off and I became baldhead. I lost my sight and conscious.

The saga of Sanna was such painful & agonizing that when she removed the veil – under my persistence – I was so overwhelmed by sadness, frustration and totally devastated that I couldn’t stop myself from crying & feeling somewhat speechless.

The treatment journey
Sana’s brother, Awad Awad Karim, a student at the university of Juba, Faculty of Economics was standing by Sanaa throughout her unfortunate mishap, he told me in pain and grief :
”Sana was admitted to Almnakl hospital, where she stayed for two days, her eyes and eyebrow were fixed and not moving, with a swollen and puffy face , she was transferred to a hospital in Khartoum where she stayed for (10) days, before being transferred to a hospital in Omdurman ,where misfortunes began to follow , it became clear that her left eye was completely damaged, as the unpurified Hydro-Caloric Acid( HCL) leaked into the eyes , destroyed all the cells and dried up the eye liquid. The cornea was fully burned , the specialist surgeon decided to perform a plastic surgery to restore her face shape so he removed a part from the right thigh to skin gaft the face , forehead and nose . After «45» days the surgeon scrapped the scalp and took the chip from the left thigh skin and transplanted it into the head , (10) days after the second surgery , sanaa was discharged from the hospital, and because her face was so deformed , we decided to go to our uncle’s home, where we stayed for two whole months , and then we moved to Khartoum to follow up with the plastic surgery specialist who recommended that we should go to Cairo for the treatment of eyes and finish the undone task of the plastic surgery there , as the skin patches have disfigured Sana’s face

I traveled with Sanna to Cairo where the doctors in Alqasr Alaaini hospital treated the good eye as a first step. They skin-grafted the good eye – the right one- and the eyebrows, then they skin-grafted the damaged left eye and transferred her to “ Salma international hospital” in Cairo where she was subjected to 6 laser sessions in the face- one session per month. They also decided that she should undergo two operations for hair transplantation - with a 6 month interval between each operation. The first of which was performed in Cairo at the cost of 11,000 Egyptian pound, where her hair started to grow in almost the damaged area. Nevertheless, we failed to undergo the second operation which costs like-wise, due to financial constraint. Still Sana is in a dire need for the plastic surgery operation to restore her tragically-deformed face, in addition to anther operations for cornea and lenses with a total cost of almost $10,000 sans the cost for the tickets, sojourn & attendant. She also needs to undergo eyelashes(Cilia) transplant operation.

A brutal acid attack on a Sudanese young lady.

Her name is Al-AMIN MOHAMED AWAD AL- KARIM, Sana, a Sudanese lady . Her story started in 2005, she was only 17 yrs old and following her secondary education. While she was in the boarding school, her father married her to a 54 years old man who had asked her for marriage but she refused him for the simple cause that she wanted to continue her education.

A year after, marriage procedures took place under the father’s pressure. But husband was obliged to take her back to her family’s house in response to her persisting demand of divorce and in the absence of her response to him while spending honey moon. Her father interfered again, and forced her to follow her husband to his house in the north of Khartoum Bahari city. Where she spent four months in total rejection for this marriage. Seeing that she is not responding to him again, he took her back to her village ( Om Hijar Al- mikashfi) in Al-jazeera region, centre of Sudan. Two months after, he came back to Santa’s family, asking her to come back to his house, but again Sana insisted and refused his request and told him that she prefers death than living with him. He went away, but not without thinking about revenge.

A year after these incidents he started to prepare for his crime. He asked a merchant for a bottle of acid telling him that he needs it to clean a decaying support in his house, he came the next day asking for another bottle , claiming that the first bottle was full of holes and the remaining liquid wasn’t enough. The husband ceased the opportunity of the death of his uncle to get back to the village. On the second day of his arrival; he gave the bottle of acid to Sana’a brother , telling him that he is intending to have Sana as a wife so he went to a marabout (saint) and he gave him this mihaya ( saintly water) so as to be splashed onto Sana face. The brother told him to do it by himself, the husband convinced him that the act should be done while she is sleeping about three o’clock in the morning. The brother ignoring the content of the bottle and the intention of the husband of deliberately defacing Sana, he threw the contents of a bottle of sulphuric acid into Sana face while Sana was sleeping between her parents in her village, not knowing that, by this simple act he is damaging his sister’s life for ever.

Sana told the journalist that « then after, I felt a hot burning liquid on my face, I woke up frightened, and saw my brother Mustafa standing next to me and my husband was running away. Five minutes after, I felt an unbearable pain, a pain like fire flames. I started screaming, while my mother beside me screaming too. Neighbours and all the people of the village came to see what had happened. My brother who was sleeping with our neighbours, came in and started to drench me with water. But the pain continued on. After that , my face had swollen , I lost my hair and I became like a monster as my eyes dried out and stopped moving, just like the stones. The colour of my faced turned into black . I lost sight and lost conscious. » she found herself grotesquely disfigured, and blind, by this easily accessible chemical weapon.

The perpetrator wasn’t punished or even charged. The legal case against him was filed, as some mediators came to her family and the father had pardoned the husband who paid a sum of 20 000 Sudanese pounds; (20,000 Sudanese Pound = 6,754.65 Euro); for a plastic surgery to repair his vitriolage. Worse, he got married to another girl while Sana is being treated in Egypt suffering from the consequences of his brutal barbaric attack.

Sana, is a real sad story, she needs to have plastic surgery, get provided with a proper medical treatment, counselling and rehabilitation all along with legal assistance.

Sana might no longer work or study, not only because of her disabilities (physical and psychological), but because of the massive disgrace she might perceive to have brought upon her family ( refusing this marriage; publishing her story and asking for help) as well as she would have no chance of ever finding a husband and would remain an eternal burden on her family.

Sana needs us all. We must condemn this act, help her and bring husband to justice. We need to create a public awareness against this sort of crimes against women as early as possible to avoid its spread and generalisation as a punishment againt women as it’s the case in Pakistan, Bangaldesh, Afaghanistan, etc.

ترجمة الأخ الكريم / الفاتح ميرغنى
ترجمة الأخت الكريمه/ مـنـى
شـكرآ جزيـلآ الوالدة الكريمة / تـراجـى
ومعآ من أجـل ســــناء

Post: #28
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: بكرى ابوبكر
Date: 02-29-2008, 05:42 PM
Parent: #27


Post: #29
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: Mohamed Foto7li
Date: 02-29-2008, 05:46 PM
Parent: #28

Well Done

Thank You


Post: #30
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: بكري الصايغ
Date: 02-29-2008, 07:35 PM
Parent: #1


Post: #31
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الفاتح ميرغني
Date: 03-01-2008, 07:35 AM
Parent: #30

بلاغ وعفو

سألت شقيقها: ألم تفتحوا بلاغاً جنائياً بهذه الجريمة ضد الزوج؟

قال: فتحنا بلاغاً بشرطة المناقل بعد الحادث مباشرة، وتم القبض علي زوج سناء، واخي مصطفى والذي قال في اقواله ان زوج شقيقته خدعه بالمحاية ولم يدر انها موية نار ولذلك قام بسكبها في وجه سناء اثناء نومها لاعتقاده انها «محاية» وهو يرغب في عودة المياه لمجاريها بين شقيقته وزوجها.. كما أكد صاحب البنشر ان الزوج اشترى منه زجاجتين خام ماء النار بحجة انه سيستخدمها لإزالة الصدأ من كمر منزله، وتم حجز الزوج وشقيق سناء «مصطفى»، وافرج عن الزوج بكفالة مالية بعد «3» شهور، واحيل ملف القضية للمحكمة غير ان تدخل بعض شيوخ واعيان والأهل أجبر والدي علي التنازل عن القضية وتم شطبها مقابل تعويض مبلغ «21» ألف جنيه، هي التي ذهبنا بها للقاهرة لعلاج سناء ولم تسفعنا لاكمال علاجها.

سألت شقيقها: ألم تفتحوا بلاغاً جنائياً بهذه الجريمة ضد الزوج؟

قال: فتحنا بلاغاً بشرطة المناقل بعد الحادث مباشرة، وتم القبض علي زوج سناء، واخي مصطفى والذي قال في اقواله ان زوج شقيقته خدعه بالمحاية ولم يدر انها موية نار ولذلك قام بسكبها في وجه سناء اثناء نومها لاعتقاده انها «محاية» وهو يرغب في عودة المياه لمجاريها بين شقيقته وزوجها.. كما أكد صاحب البنشر ان الزوج اشترى منه زجاجتين خام ماء النار بحجة انه سيستخدمها لإزالة الصدأ من كمر منزله، وتم حجز الزوج وشقيق سناء «مصطفى»، وافرج عن الزوج بكفالة مالية بعد «3» شهور، واحيل ملف القضية للمحكمة غير ان تدخل بعض شيوخ واعيان والأهل أجبر والدي علي التنازل عن القضية وتم شطبها مقابل تعويض مبلغ «21» ألف جنيه، هي التي ذهبنا بها للقاهرة لعلاج سناء ولم تسفعنا لاكمال علاجها.

Criminal action & pardon
Iasked Sana`s brotheridn`t you initiate a criminal action against the husband?
He told me :We reported the issue in Almanagel police station right after the incident, and as a result the husband and my brother were arrested.My brother alleged in the case diary that our brother in law had deceived him,and that he absolutely had no idea that he was pouring Hydrochloric acid (HCL), into our sister face rather than (spiritual water) while she was sleeping.The shopkeeper also confirmed in his testimony that our brother in law bought two bottles of Hydrochloric acid (HCL),from him under the pretext that he was going to use it to remove some decayance in his house.Three month later the husband was released on bail and the case was refered to the court, however, due to the mediation of some elders,reletives and aquintences, my father was forced to forgo the procedures and the case was dismissed, in return for a small indeminity of about 21,000 Sudanese pounds, which we used in the treatment cost,but didn`t help that much.

Post: #32
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: عواطف ادريس اسماعيل
Date: 03-01-2008, 07:47 AM
Parent: #31

أخي الفاتح !!!

سلامات ,,,

ليس لدي سوى ان أقول حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل ,, هل هذا إنسان من لحم ودم ؟؟

Post: #33
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الفاتح ميرغني
Date: 03-01-2008, 07:48 AM
Parent: #31

شكرا الفاتح..

علي المجهود المقدر..

تقبل تحياتي

الاخ خالد الطيب احمد
شكرا على المرور والتحايا العطرة

Post: #34
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الفاتح ميرغني
Date: 03-01-2008, 09:36 AM
Parent: #33

معاناة الاسرة

مأساة «سناء» تركت بصماتها على كل الاسرة، بل كل قرية «أم حجار المكاشفي» بالجزيرة.. سناء لديها «6» اشقاء ذكور، وشقيقة اكبر منها.. فشقيقها عوض الكريم الذي رافقها في رحلة العلاج للقاهرة كان يفترض ان يتخرج من جامعة جوبا منذ العام 2005م، فجمد الدراسة بعد المصيبة التي حلت بشقيقته.. الأم اصيبت بصدمة عصبية وهي بالقرية الآن غير قادرة على الحراك.. أما شقيقها «مصطفى» اداة الجريمة والذي سكب على شقيقته ماء النار مخدوعاً من زوجها فيمر حالياً بظروف نفسية حادة وعقدة الذنب تلاحقه كل وقت لدرجة انه اصبح يتحاشى النظر الي سناء أو الجلوس معها لشعوره بالذنب.. أما الاب المفجوع فلا حول له ولا قوة هزته المصيبة التي شارك في اخراجها.. بينما شقيقها ايمن ترك دراسة العلوم الادارية بجامعة أم درمان الاسلامية ويعمل حالياً في محل «بلاي ستيشن» ليسهم في اعاشة الاسرة الفقيرة، وعلاج سناء.. بينما شقيقها «عبده ربه» ترك دراسته ايضاً وهو يعمل حالياً عاملاً بمعرض للملابس باختصار الاسرة يلفها الحزن والوجوم الكامل.. اما سناء فهي حائرة تردد دوماً الشهادتين وتقرأ يس عشرات المرات يومياً.

The family`s suffering
The tragedy of sana has impacted not only the family, but the whole village of (Um hugar) in Elgazzira region.Sana has 6 male brothers and an elder sister.Her brother Awad Alkariem who accompanied her throughout her treatment journey, ought to have graduated from Juba University in 2005, yet he decided to suspend his study.the mother was so much shocked that she was rendered completely motionless.As to her brother Mustafa, the one who was exploited by the husband and poured the Hydrochloric acid (HCL) over his sister,he was so much traumatized by the sense of guilt that he wouldn`t dare to look or stay beside Sana.The grieved father was completely helpless by the magnitude of the catastrophe he inadvertently helped engineering.While her brother Ayman quit his studies of administrative science in Umm Durman University and got a job in a play station shop to help the family and Sana`s medical fees,her brother Abdu Rubo too had quit studies and now he works in a garment gallery.The whole family was struck by trauma and bewilderment.As to the victim, Sana, she is so puzzled by what happened that she would comfort her self by reciting the Koran and glorifying the almighty Allah for solace and comfort.

Post: #35
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الفاتح ميرغني
Date: 03-01-2008, 10:03 AM
Parent: #34

Quote: الاخ الفاتح - العالم

والله ابداع في الترجمة بلغة قانونية رصينة ذكرتنى عهودنا الزاهرة التي قبرت بكل ما تحوية المجلات القضائية السودانية ما قبل 1956 م .
الله يديك العافية ويخليك لينا وتعود لينا مجانية التعليم .

العلامة الطيب شيقوق
تحياتي النواضر
ياخي شهادتك دي مع شهادة ابوبكر تخلي الواحد يطلب من بكري يثبتها فوق

ربنا يحفظكم لينا

Post: #36
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الفاتح ميرغني
Date: 03-01-2008, 10:29 AM
Parent: #35

Quote: جهد عظيم ومقدر...

تحياتي الفاتح ميرغني

العزيزة منى خوجلي
شكرا على المرور والثناء

ربنا يحفظك واسرتك الكريمة

Post: #38
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الفاتح ميرغني
Date: 03-01-2008, 10:48 AM
Parent: #36

الاخت سناء في محنتها تحتاج أكبر
قدر من الجهد والمؤأزرة.
وهذا الجهد أخي الفاتح جهد طيب ومقدر
أتمنى أن يعود بالخير لصالح تطيب جرح سناء.


الاخ جمال
شكرا على المرور والتقدير

ربنا يقدرنا على اعادة البسمة لسناء

Post: #37
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الطيب شيقوق
Date: 03-01-2008, 10:42 AM
Parent: #35

اخي الفاتح


هل لنا ان نتحدث عن الجوانب القانونية من واقع هذه المعطيات ؟

With regard to Mustafa my understanding is that he is not criminally liable for his act owing to the absence of mens rea


"an act does not make a person guilty unless his mind is also guilty", i.e., the general test is one that requires proof of fault, culpability or blameworthiness both in behaviour and mind

All the best

Post: #39
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: Elawad Eltayeb
Date: 03-01-2008, 02:31 PM
Parent: #37

شكراً لكم،
نرجو وضع النصين في صفحة واحدة على التتالي بعد التنقيح، وإذا سمحتم لنا يمكن أن نساهم إعلامياً في نشر الموضوع في مواقع أخرى، مثلاً يمكنني عمل مجموعة تتبنى الموضوع على موقع الفيس بوك facebook

وشكرا تاني

Post: #40
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Date: 03-01-2008, 04:10 PM
Parent: #1

شكرا أخ الفاتح على هذا المجهود.

Post: #41
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: Wasil Ali
Date: 03-01-2008, 04:41 PM
Parent: #40

سأنشر القصة في موقع سودان تربيون يوم الأثنين وهو الموقع الأول للقراء المهتمين بالسودان الناطقين بالأنجليزية ويزوره صناع القرار على اعلى المستويات بالأضافة لوكالات الأنباء

Post: #42
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الق هاشم
Date: 03-01-2008, 06:34 PM
Parent: #1

اخي في الوجع الفاتح
العزيزات تراجي ومني
نعمتم سلاما ونعمت المراة امانا وتقديرا اينما حلت...
for every body
try to wash away

those tears

from sanna
and her family

I just want to say that
Is not enough to send tears, comfortable, words I am sending you this massage to tell you that you still strong you still beautiful l felt that when you refused him because you don’t want him as a husband.
You are an angle in that darkness village you are beautiful and remember SANNA beauty is always star from saying no to the wrong things the beauty in side you will cover your hard times
I am sending you my words forgive me if couldn’t do much more the beginning of rain is drop, the beginning of hope is light,
Dear SANNA you are a beautiful flower and flower sense never die

Post: #43
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الق هاشم
Date: 03-01-2008, 06:50 PM
Parent: #1

لقد تالمت حد الالم وحاولت والرجاء قبول محاولتي البسيطه

I heard the tragic ,and strange ,story of SANNA. In this moment we are SANA. We are her voice.
We are the voice of peace. We are the voice of women’s right.

She was living in a rented house with her family in Alsalma, south of the capital Khartoum. In this small village, a big monster lived; this monster would be her husband.

She was so pretty and so strong. In 2005, when she was just 17 years old and was attending high school the monster was living in another village close to her family. He asked to marry her but she said no because she wanted to finish high school and then go to college. She said, “No, I don’t want him as husband.” She refused him several times, but the monster kept coming back asking her father. She talked to her father about the situation but he would not listen. She said that she would rather die than marry him
her father forced her to marry the monster.
He didn’t listen to her; he ignored her words, her feelings, and her tears.

Post: #44
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الق هاشم
Date: 03-01-2008, 06:55 PM
Parent: #1

On the wedding day, she wasn’t happy because he was not the right one for her, but nobody cares for women unless they care for themselves. They went on a honeymoon, SANA and her husband, the monster, but it was hell because there was no connection

Between them at all. She asked him for a divorce because she couldn’t communicate with him, but he refused to divorce her. , He took her back to the village where her family lived. In their house in north BAHRI, close to capital Khartoum, she stayed with him for four months. She was in hell until he returned her to her family in their village, but he came back after two months to ask her to come back with him. She refused. He left alone, hiding something inside his criminal mind.

Post: #45
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الق هاشم
Date: 03-01-2008, 07:05 PM
Parent: #1


After six month he came back to the village for his uncle’s funeral, hiding his cruel intentions in bottle of fire water. He took the weapon, the fire water, with him (saying to him self she stays with me or she will lose her beauty forever )on the second day of the funeral. He talked to his wife’s brother, and asked him to throw it in his sister’s face. “If you do it,” he said, “we will get back together.” At about three o’clock in the morning, her brother took the fire water and threw it in her face. She had been sleeping like an angel. The heavy liquid burned her face. She woke up screaming and saw her husband running away and her brother standing in front of her. She felt something, like a gasoline, burning her face and she started screaming. Her mother started screaming too until the entire neighborhood and the village came out. Her brother AYMEN brought some water and threw it in her face and her long beautiful hair.

Post: #46
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الق هاشم
Date: 03-01-2008, 07:11 PM
Parent: #1

SANA couldn’t see. Her hair started falling out and she went bald.

She lost her consciousness.
Silence and sadness surrounded her.
She was shocked.

They took her to the nearest hospital, where she stayed for two days. She was transferred to another hospital in the capital Khartoum so her eyes could be treated. She spent ten days there,
but unfortunately she lost her left eye. The fire water went inside her beautiful
eyes and blinded her

Post: #47
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الق هاشم
Date: 03-01-2008, 07:17 PM
Parent: #1

A plastic surgeon did two surgeries on her face. He took some of her left thigh and put it on her face and her nose. After 45 days, the surgeon took pieces from her right thigh and grafted the skin to her head. Ten days after the second surgery, the plastic surgeon asked them to go to Cairo . She had been in this situation for four months. He advised them to go to Gasser Lanai Hospital in Cairo. She had laser surgery on her eyes six times in six months. They did plastic surgery for her hair also. These surgeries failed too.

Post: #48
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الق هاشم
Date: 03-01-2008, 07:26 PM
Parent: #1

After an investigation, her monster husband was held for three months in connection to the crime. He paid bail and set himself free.

It is so sad to hear the story of this family. The price of this crime shouldn’t be just three months for the monster husband. He should be in jail for his entire life just to learn how to behave and how to treat women. How much time in jail for this monster can bring her mother to walk again? She was shocked from what she had seen and she hasn’t been able to move since because of what she saw there in the darkness that night. Her other brothers were shocked too, but they have had to stay strong to handle their sister’s situation.

Post: #49
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الق هاشم
Date: 03-01-2008, 07:51 PM
Parent: #1


Her brother who threw the fire water in his sister’s face felt guilty. He could not look into her face again
Her father felt guilty because he gave her to some body that doesn’t love or care at all
About her
She has 6 brothers every body is so sad and trying to help their sister as much as they could

Post: #50
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الق هاشم
Date: 03-01-2008, 08:00 PM
Parent: #1

This family in that darkness village falling apart from the shameful crime, the shameful justice, the shameful monster, freedom they gave it to him is a big mistake because
He may do it to some body else

Post: #51
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الق هاشم
Date: 03-01-2008, 08:10 PM
Parent: #1


This family spends a lot of money in Cairo
they need help

Post: #52
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الق هاشم
Date: 03-01-2008, 08:24 PM
Parent: #1

This crime need justice
SANNA needs us all of us beside her in this hard moments
She is crying from the bottom of her heart asking for help to have her pretty face back,
Her live back, her family spent their all money seeking hope to retrain her life back
SANNA is sending tears behind her broken heart, broken life.
After staying in Cairo all this time she still need us all of us ,this is a massage to every body who can help her to come back to school to achieve her goals she still human been seeking justice and hope

Post: #53
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الق هاشم
Date: 03-01-2008, 08:30 PM
Parent: #1

Behind her broken heart ,
burned face, she still has hope ,
she still has strong voice she needs all of us

Post: #54
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الق هاشم
Date: 03-01-2008, 08:41 PM
Parent: #1

Where is the justice the monster is free her
face had been covered been hidden behind veil and he still free
Iam writing with faith and hope seeking

better life and better justice for SANNA

Post: #55
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الق هاشم
Date: 03-01-2008, 08:52 PM
Parent: #1

اخواني في الوجع بكري و الفاتح عزيزاتي شايلي هموم الالم تراجي ومني عذرا قدر استطاعتي قمت بترجمه من صحيفه الراي العام التحقيق الذي اجراه الاخ التاج عثمان ..
كمراة هذني الحدث حد الاستغياء انتابنبي ما انتابني .. والحزن حدث ولا حرج ..
عذرا لم اعني التطاول فانتم دوما سباقين للخير لكني اضع حرفي المتواضع جنب حرفكم
لتتوكاالكلمات في جنح ظلام كلمه الحق ...
ولينير الحق عاليا كل الدروب الحالكه ..
هيا انت وانا انا وانتم هيا كلنا لتعود البسمه للجميله سناء

Post: #56
Title: Re: الأخ بكري إليك بالترجمة الإنجليزية لمأساة سناء الأمين .....
Author: الق هاشم
Date: 03-04-2008, 07:14 PM
Parent: #1
