نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......

نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......

02-28-2008, 07:31 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=150&msg=1204223485&rn=12

Post: #1
Title: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......
Author: بكرى ابوبكر
Date: 02-28-2008, 07:31 PM
Parent: #0

البت الجريدة تذكروها عواطف احمد اسحاق نشرت قصتها لوس انجلس تايمز بعد نشرها هنا ..... تلقت و تلقيت العديد من الرسائل من قراء تلك الجريدة الواسعة الانتشار تدعمها و تدعم قضيتها .
مثلا ارسل لى دكتور امريكى من كلفورنيا 1200 دولار لاشترى لاب توب لها و فعلا اشتريت احدث لاب توب ارسلته لها بالفاشر العام الماضى ....

يلا يا شباب كل من يستطيع ان يترجم حرفا من حروف الخبر ادناه فليترجمه من اجل سناء
...وسوف انشره فى لوس انجلس تايمز , واشنطن بوست و نيويورك تايم

Post: #2
Title: Re: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......
Author: عبداللطيف خليل محمد على
Date: 02-28-2008, 07:36 PM
Parent: #1


هذه الأسرة الكبيرة ...

Post: #4
Title: Re: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 02-28-2008, 07:45 PM
Parent: #2

شكراا بكري على الفكرة اتمنى ان يتصدى لها اخوتنا
1)عادل عثمان
2)او محمد عثما دريج
3)او بشير كردفاني (رئيس جاليتنا بهاملتون وعضو المنبر)
كلهم مترجمين مرخص لهم من قبل جهات عليا.

هؤلاء مترجمين متخصصين ويلا يا جماعه اي منكم يدعم باسماء يعرفها....
ونتصل بهم ونشجعهم على المشروع.

Post: #3
Title: Re: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......
Author: عاطف عمر
Date: 02-28-2008, 07:42 PM
Parent: #1

Quote: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......

فوق من أجل سناء

Post: #5
Title: Re: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......
Author: محمد الطيب حسن
Date: 02-28-2008, 08:02 PM
Parent: #3

شكراا بكري على الفكرة اتمنى ان يتصدى لها اخوتنا
1)عادل عثمان
2)او محمد عثما دريج
3)او بشير كردفاني (رئيس جاليتنا بهاملتون وعضو المنبر)
كلهم مترجمين مرخص لهم من قبل جهات عليا.

هؤلاء مترجمين متخصصين ويلا يا جماعه اي منكم يدعم باسماء يعرفها....
ونتصل بهم ونشجعهم على المشروع.

معا من اجل سناء اساتذتي الاجلاء
عادل عثمان
محمد دريج
بشير كردفاني

شكرا جميلا بكري ابوبكر ++ تراجي

Post: #6
Title: Re: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......
Author: Dr Mahdi Mohammed Kheir
Date: 02-28-2008, 08:46 PM
Parent: #5

فالنجرب .. ونرفع بها هذا البوست المهم جدا
Sana tragedy ... husband ploy brother deed


I heard her painful and alien tragedy, accompanied by her brother A. Karim, I went to the house which she maintains by rent in Umsalama region south of the capital Khartoum, as her father and mother are still in their village (Um Huggar Almkashvi) in Al-Gezira provice..
Great tragedy, and the crime was ugly, dangerous, and inhuman .. After urging her, she and her brother approved and agreed to publish her painful dimensions and strange details story ..
Here are the details strangest and most tragic humanitarian stories, which took place in Um Huggar Almkashvi village.

.. مترجم ما متخصص

Post: #7
Title: Re: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......
Author: elsawi
Date: 02-28-2008, 10:04 PM
Parent: #6

شكرا يا بكري على الفكرة
اهم حاجة قبل نشر القصة في اي صحيفة عالمية التأكيد من خلال قصتها انها تحتاج للمساعدة المالية حتى تستكمل علاجها ويجب كتابة اسم وعنوان ورقم تلفون شخص محدد لتسهيل الإتصال لكل الأشخاص والجهات الخيرية التي ترغب في المساعدة ..
هذا الإجراء مهم للغاية يا بكري ..


Post: #8
Title: Re: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 02-28-2008, 10:14 PM
Parent: #7

الاخ الصاوي
شكرا يا بكري على الفكرة
اهم حاجة قبل نشر القصة في اي صحيفة عالمية التأكيد من خلال قصتها انها تحتاج للمساعدة المالية حتى تستكمل علاجها ويجب كتابة اسم وعنوان ورقم تلفون شخص محدد لتسهيل الإتصال لكل الأشخاص والجهات الخيرية التي ترغب في المساعدة ..
هذا الإجراء مهم للغاية يا بكري ..الصاوي

الاخت سناء فعلا محتاجه لدعم مالي وقد تحدثت مع الصحيفه التي اجرت التحقيق معها...فعلمت انهم
يجمعون لها تبرعات و يقبلون التبرعات للعلاج لها. فمعا لجمع تبرعات لها.

Post: #9
Title: Re: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......
Author: baha eassa
Date: 02-28-2008, 11:03 PM
Parent: #8

الاخ بكري .. تحية طيبة :

منذ ان قرات الماساة علي سودانيز اونلاين فانا في ذهول افقدني
رغبة التعليق ؟ ماذا اقوا امام ماساة انسانية لها كل ابعاد
الحزن والضيق من كل شخص ساهم في تدمير انسانة لاذنب لها؟
لاحول ولاقوة الا بالله .. الدعم وكل الدعم حتي تعود الحياة لهذه
الانسانة البريئة ..

Post: #10
Title: Re: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......
Author: بكرى ابوبكر
Date: 02-29-2008, 06:31 AM
Parent: #9

وصلتنى الترجمة ادناه من منى بفرنسا وارسلت نسخة منها الى امنستى انترناشونل بفرنسا

asecond trial to send this message, as my inbox is inhabited by a mailerdemon.

-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : [email protected]
A : [email protected]
Envoyé le : Ve, 29 Février 2008 3:04
Sujet : Trans. : acid attack: urgent action needed. attention ( horrible photo included)

Dear Bakri,

i sent this email, to Amensty International, France. I'm not a professional translator, i just wrote what I can, which might contain many mistakes due to the anger which i'm feeling while reading this article. now is late here, i will try my best to make a proper detailed copy later.

thanx n good luck
my best


After Before

A brutal acid attack on a Sudanese young lady.

Her name is Al-AMIN MOHAMED AWAD AL- KARIM, Sana, a Sudanese lady . Her story started in 2005, she was only 17 yrs old and following her secondary education. While she was in the boarding school, her father married her to a 54 years old man who had asked her for marriage but she refused him for the simple cause that she wanted to continue her education.

A year after, marriage procedures took place under the father’s pressure. But husband was obliged to take her back to her family’s house in response to her persisting demand of divorce and in the absence of her response to him while spending honey moon. Her father interfered again, and forced her to follow her husband to his house in the north of Khartoum Bahari city. Where she spent four months in total rejection for this marriage. Seeing that she is not responding to him again, he took her back to her village ( Om Hijar Al- mikashfi) in Al-jazeera region, centre of Sudan. Two months after, he came back to Santa’s family, asking her to come back to his house, but again Sana insisted and refused his request and told him that she prefers death than living with him. He went away, but not without thinking about revenge.

A year after these incidents he started to prepare for his crime. He asked a merchant for a bottle of acid telling him that he needs it to clean a decaying support in his house, he came the next day asking for another bottle , claiming that the first bottle was full of holes and the remaining liquid wasn’t enough. The husband ceased the opportunity of the death of his uncle to get back to the village. On the second day of his arrival; he gave the bottle of acid to Sana’a brother , telling him that he is intending to have Sana as a wife so he went to a marabout (saint) and he gave him this mihaya ( saintly water) so as to be splashed onto Sana face. The brother told him to do it by himself, the husband convinced him that the act should be done while she is sleeping about three o’clock in the morning. The brother ignoring the content of the bottle and the intention of the husband of deliberately defacing Sana, he threw the contents of a bottle of sulphuric acid into Sana face while Sana was sleeping between her parents in her village, not knowing that, by this simple act he is damaging his sister’s life for ever.

Sana told the journalist that « then after, I felt a hot burning liquid on my face, I woke up frightened, and saw my brother Mustafa standing next to me and my husband was running away. Five minutes after, I felt an unbearable pain, a pain like fire flames. I started screaming, while my mother beside me screaming too. Neighbours and all the people of the village came to see what had happened. My brother who was sleeping with our neighbours, came in and started to drench me with water. But the pain continued on. After that , my face had swollen , I lost my hair and I became like a monster as my eyes dried out and stopped moving, just like the stones. The colour of my faced turned into black . I lost sight and lost conscious. » she found herself grotesquely disfigured, and blind, by this easily accessible chemical weapon.

The perpetrator wasn’t punished or even charged. The legal case against him was filed, as some mediators came to her family and the father had pardoned the husband who paid a sum of 20 000 Sudanese pounds; (20,000 Sudanese Pound = 6,754.65 Euro); for a plastic surgery to repair his vitriolage. Worse, he got married to another girl while Sana is being treated in Egypt suffering from the consequences of his brutal barbaric attack.

Sana, is a real sad story, she needs to have plastic surgery, get provided with a proper medical treatment, counselling and rehabilitation all along with legal assistance.

Sana might no longer work or study, not only because of her disabilities (physical and psychological), but because of the massive disgrace she might perceive to have brought upon her family ( refusing this marriage; publishing her story and asking for help) as well as she would have no chance of ever finding a husband and would remain an eternal burden on her family.

Sana needs us all. We must condemn this act, help her and bring husband to justice. We need to create a public awareness against this sort of crimes against women as early as possible to avoid its spread and generalisation as a punishment againt women as it’s the case in Pakistan, Bangaldesh, Afaghanistan, etc.

more details in this link:

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-----E-mail d'origine-----
De : [email protected]
A : [email protected]
Envoyé le : Ve, 29 Février 2008 2:28
Sujet : acid attack: urgent action needed. attention ( horrible photo included)


After Before

A brutal acid attack on a Sudanese lady.

Her name is Al-AMIN MOHAMED AWAD AL- KARIM, Sana, a Sudanese lady . Her story started in 2005, she was only 17 yrs old and following her secondary education. While she was in the boarding school, her father married her to a 54 years old man who had asked her for marriage but she refused him for the simple cause that she wanted to continue her education.

A year after, marriage procedures took place under the father’s pressure. But husband was obliged to take her back to her family’s house in response to her persisting demand of divorce and in the absence of her response to him while spending honey moon. Her father interfered again, and forced her to follow her husband to his house in the north of Khartoum Bahari city. Where she spent four months in total rejection for this marriage. Seeing that she is not responding to him again, he took her back to her village ( Om Hijar Al- mikashfi) in Al-jazeera region, centre of Sudan. Two months after, he came back to Santa’s family, asking her to come back to his house, but again Sana insisted and refused his request and told him that she prefers death than living with him. He went away, but not without thinking about revenge.

A year after these incidents he started to prepare for his crime. He asked a merchant for a bottle of acid telling him that he needs it to clean a decaying support in his house, he came the next day asking for another bottle , proclaiming that the first bottle was full of holes and the remaining liquid wasn’t enough. The husband ceased the opportunity of the death of his uncle to get back to the village. On the second day of his arrival; he gave the bottle of acid to Sana’a brother , telling him that he is intending to have Sana as a wife so he went to marabout and he gave him this mihaya ( saintly water) so as to be splashed onto Sana face. The brother told him to do it by himself, the husband convinced him that the act should be done while she is sleeping about three o’clock in the morning. The brother ignoring the content of the bottle and the intention of the husband of deliberately defacing Sana, he threw the contents of a bottle of sulphuric acid into Sana face while Sana was sleeping between her parents in her village, not knowing that, by this simple act he is damaging his sister’s life for ever.

Sana told the journalist that « then after, I felt a hot burning liquid on my face, I woke up frightened, and saw my brother Mustafa standing next to me and my husband was running away. Five minutes after, I felt an unbearable pain, a pain like fire flames. I started screaming, while my mother beside me screaming too. Neighbours and all the people in the village came to see what had happened. My brother who was sleeping with our neighbours, came in and started to drench me with water. But the pain continued on. After that , my face had swollen , I lost my hair and I became like a monster as my eyes dried out and stopped moving,just like the stones. The colour of my faced turned into black . I lost sight and lost conscious. » she found herself grotesquely disfigured, and blind, by this easily accessible chemical weapon.

The perpetrator wasn’t punished or even charged. The legal case against him was filed, as some mediators came to her family and the father had pardoned the husband who paid a sum of 20 000 Sudanese pounds; (20,000 Sudanese Pound = 6,754.65 Euro); for a plastic surgery after his vitriolage. Worse, he got married to another girl while Sana is being treated in Egypt suffering from the consequences of his brutal barbaric attack.

Sana, is a real sad story, she needs to have plastic surgery, get provided with a proper medical treatment, counselling and rehabilitation all along with legal assistance.
Sana could no longer work or study, not only because of her disabilities, but because of the massive disgrace she was often perceived to have brought upon her family as well as she would have no chance of ever finding a husband and would remain an eternal burden on her family.
Sana needs us all. We must condemn this act, help her and bring husband to justice. We need to create a public awareness against this sort of crimes against women as early as possible to avoid its spread and generalisation as a punishment againt women as it’s the case in Pakistan, Bangaldesh, Afaghanistan, etc.

more details in this link:

Post: #11
Title: Re: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......
Author: Khalid Kodi
Date: 02-29-2008, 06:35 AM
Parent: #1

شكرا ياأخ بكرى على هذه المساحة التى جعلت هذا ممكنا.

Post: #13
Title: Re: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......
Author: Tragie Mustafa
Date: 02-29-2008, 06:48 AM
Parent: #11

شكرا يا بكري وياريت يا بكري تدي عضوية للاخت منى
Quote: وصلتنى الترجمة ادناه من منى بفرنسا وارسلت
نسخة منها الى امنستى انترناشونل بفرنسا

شكرا يا منى وفي ميزان حسناتك باذن الله.

Post: #12
Title: Re: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......
Author: Zakaria Joseph
Date: 02-29-2008, 06:40 AM
Parent: #1

How can I contribute editing the translated texts?

Post: #14
Title: Re: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......
Author: wd al geran
Date: 02-29-2008, 08:13 AM
Parent: #1


Post: #15
Title: Re: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 02-29-2008, 09:44 AM
Parent: #1

الاخ بكرى
الاخت منى قدمت ترجمة وكذلك الاخ الفاتح ميرغنى. يمكن تلخيص احدى الترجمات وتوزيعها على وكالات الانباء والصحف.
شكرآ لمن ذكر اسمى ضمن المترجمين الذين وجه لهم النداء. انا كنت مشغولا جدآ امس.

Post: #16
Title: Re: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......
Author: Zakaria Joseph
Date: 02-29-2008, 09:53 AM
Parent: #15

Do you have any of the girl's pictures, I mean before and after, if you do please, e-mail e'm to me on the following address. [email protected]

Post: #17
Title: Re: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 02-29-2008, 10:02 AM
Parent: #16

No, Zakaria. I don't have Sanaa pics. THey were published here yesterday
مأساة سناء ...فعلها الشقيق بخدعة من الزوج..!..توجد صورة...عة الدخول للكبار فقط

Post: #18
Title: Re: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......
Author: Zakaria Joseph
Date: 02-29-2008, 10:16 AM
Parent: #17

Thanks Adil
The reason I needed them is because I'm working on a Spanish version of the translation provided here by both El Fatha and Muna for an American edition of El Universal which I correspond sometimes. I'm going to do my very best to retreat the pictures from that post. Thank you anyway.

Post: #19
Title: Re: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......
Author: doma
Date: 02-29-2008, 10:36 AM
Parent: #18

Thanks Zakaria Joseph ,
we need the most possible publicity for this heinous crime. We are determined not to let the perpetrator gets away with it

Post: #21
Title: Re: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......
Author: Zakaria Joseph
Date: 02-29-2008, 11:01 AM
Parent: #19

Thanks ustaza Doma for the effort. I will send you the Spanish version on the weekend.

Post: #20
Title: Re: نداء عاجل الى كل المترجمين من اجل سناء ترجموا قصتها للانجليزية......
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 02-29-2008, 10:54 AM
Parent: #1

I wrote a brief summary of Sanaa case and sent it to Oprah Winfrey website. I received the following automatically-generated response. I hope Oprah and her staff find the time to delve into Sanaa story, and offer the help they can. Oprah is very interested in women's rights and education in Africa

Quote: Dear Adil Osman,

Thank you for your e-mail! Your message is important to us.
Unfortunately, due to the volume of e-mail messages we receive every day,
we cannot guarantee that you'll receive a personal response. Feel
free to check out our Frequently Asked Questions for additional help.

Thanks again for writing to us!

The Oprah.com Staff