تسمية جيرى فلورس، مدير جديد لمنظمة سيف دارفور ومهام المرحلة المقبلة.

تسمية جيرى فلورس، مدير جديد لمنظمة سيف دارفور ومهام المرحلة المقبلة.

01-08-2008, 04:36 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=150&msg=1199763413&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: تسمية جيرى فلورس، مدير جديد لمنظمة سيف دارفور ومهام المرحلة المقبلة.
Author: Khalid Kodi
Date: 01-08-2008, 04:36 AM
Parent: #0

جيرى فلورس، مدير جديد لمنظمة سيف دارفور ومهام المرحلة المقبلة.

سمى مجلس أمناء سيف دارفور جيرى فلورس مديرا جديدا للمنظمه.

فى السنوات القليلة الماضية أنجز تحالف منظمات سيف دارفور مع غيره من المنظمات الشعبية الناشطه فى قضية دارفور العديد من الأنجازات التى ساهمت فى تسليط الضوء على طبيعة المشكل فى دارفور كما نجح فى خلق رأى عام شعبى متضامن مع ضحايا التصفية العرقية فى دارفور.

كذلك ساهم تحالف سيف دارفور مع غيره من المنظمات فى جعل هذه القضية إحدى أجندات الكثير من رجال الدوله فى أمريكا وغيرها.

صاحبت هذه الانجازات أخطاء كبيرة و قاتله، آخرها أدى إلى تقاعد المدير السابق .

نتمنى فى هذا البوست مناقشة وتقييم عمل هذا التحالف فى السابق وتصورات للعمل فى المرحلة القادمة.

هنا البيان.

For Immediate Release

Human Rights Advocate Jerry Fowler Named Save Darfur Executive Director
‘Jerry is known as a thoughtful intellect, a passionate advocate and a forward-thinking manager'

WASHINGTON - Following a six-month executive search, the Save Darfur Coalition board of directors today announced that human rights advocate Jerry Fowler has been selected to serve as the coalition's new executive director. Save Darfur board members said Fowler has the skills, credentials and vision to lead Darfur advocacy efforts into this new phase. Fowler, who is scheduled to begin as executive director on February 4th, joins the coalition following service at the Washington-based U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum as director of the Committee on Conscience.

On Fowler's recommendation, the museum issued a Darfur "Genocide Warning" in January 2004 following streaming reports of mass violence and displacement. He traveled to the Chad-Darfur border region in May of 2004 to document the destruction and suffering and later that year co-convened the seminal meeting of faith-based and human rights activists - a meeting which marked the Save Darfur Coalition's founding. He participated, along with other leading Darfur activists, in an April 2006 White House meeting with President Bush.

Fowler replaces Bill Wasserman, president of M+R Strategic Services, who has served as the coalition's interim executive director since June.

"As the Darfur crisis approaches its fifth year, as peacekeeping efforts continue to lag, and as the Sudanese government continues its recalcitrance and obstruction, Darfur advocacy must enter into a new phase of action and activism," the board said in a joint statement. "To spur effective action from the international community, the Save Darfur Coalition needs an executive director with a deep-rooted understanding of this conflict and the region, a familiarity with aggressive advocacy and activism, and an unswerving passion for human rights. We have found that person in Jerry Fowler, who is known as a thoughtful intellect, a passionate advocate and a forward-thinking manager."

"There's no doubt in my mind that hundreds of thousands of civilians are still alive in Darfur today because of the tireless advocacy of concerned citizens here and abroad - part of an unprecedented constituency of conscience," Fowler said. "But they remain at grave risk. Now more than ever, we need to redouble our efforts, expand our coalition and push for effective action to end the crisis in Darfur and promote a just peace in Sudan."

Fowler's full biography and headshot can be viewed here: http://www.savedarfur.org/fowler.

As executive director, Fowler will lead the multi-million dollar advocacy organization and its staff of 30 professional organizers, policy advisors and communications specialists. In addition he will be charged with increasing coordination of joint Darfur advocacy efforts among the coalition's more than 180 member organizations. Fowler will also direct communications with more than one million Darfur activists, more than one thousand community coalitions, and joint efforts within a strong global movement in 50 different countries.

The Save Darfur Coalition board of directors in June named a search committee that conducted a six-month executive search to identify and screen prospective executive director candidates. The search committee unanimously recommended Fowler to the full board of directors, who in turn unanimously ratified the recommendation. Members of the search committee included Sam Bell, advocacy director of the Genocide Intervention Network; Mike Edington of Wellspring Advisors; Omer Ismail, vice president of advocacy for Darfur Peace and Development; John Prendergast, co-chair of the ENOUGH Project; Martin Raffel of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs; and the Rev. Gloria White-Hammond, M.D., director of My Sister's Keeper.

Fowler is currently the founding director of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum's Committee on Conscience and is recognized as an authority on the problem of responding to genocide and related crimes against humanity. Under his guidance, the museum's genocide prevention efforts have attained worldwide prominence. His publications include "Out of that Darkness: Preventing Genocide in the 21st Century," in Century of Genocide: Eyewitness Accounts and Critical Views (Routledge, 2004). He also directed the short film A Good Man in Hell: General Romeo Dallaire and the Rwanda Genocide. He created and is the host of Voices on Genocide Prevention, the museum's award-winning interview program and podcast series. His media appearances have included CBS, Fox, National Public Radio, CNN and a host of other national and international outlets.

Fowler has taught at George Washington University Law School and George Mason University Law School and has been a Scholar-in-Residence at American University's summer Human Rights Institute. He is a graduate of Stanford Law School and Princeton University. From 1983 to 1987, he was stationed in Germany as an officer in the United States Army. From 1993 to 1995, he served as Special Litigation Counsel for the U.S. Department of Justice. Before joining the museum, Jerry was legislative counsel for the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, where he worked on a broad array of human rights issues, including international justice and refugee and asylum policy. In 2006-2007, he was the William F. Podlich Distinguished Visitor at Claremont McKenna College, where he remains a senior research associate at the Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights.

Fowler's full biography and headshot can be viewed here: http://www.savedarfur.org/fowler.