إستقالة وزير الصحة

إستقالة وزير الصحة

01-02-2008, 05:31 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=150&msg=1199291497&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: إستقالة وزير الصحة
Author: محمد عثمان محمد طه
Date: 01-02-2008, 05:31 PM

إستقال اليوم وزير الصحة الماليزي بعد
إنتشار فيلم فاضح له قبل ثلاث آيام والذي
لم يتواني علي الاعتراف بنفسه وقدم اعتذارا لاسرته
وحكومته وحزبه

Post: #2
Title: Re: إستقالة وزير الصحة
Author: محمد عثمان محمد طه
Date: 01-02-2008, 05:37 PM
Parent: #1

Quote: after film of him having sex with a woman who was not his wife was distributed to shops and homes throughout his constituency, Richard Lloyd Parry writes.

Chua Soi Lek who, as Malaysia’s Health Minister, preached the virtues of fidelity in fighting HIV/AIDS, resigned a day after admitting that he was the man featured in two DVDs containing one hundred minutes of video footage.

The assignation appeared to have been secretly filmed without Dr Chua’s knowledge, using four separate cameras concealed in a hotel room. Apart from the damage to Malaysia’s Government, it has raised concerns that it will scare off tourists, concerned about security and privacy in the country’s hotels.

“After I made my confession, I had hoped Malaysians would be able to accept my apology,” he told a press conference today. “Unfortunately, from the feedback I received, I observed that Malaysians cannot accept it. Some Malaysians have a holier-than-thou attitude. At the end of the day, it just tells you that honesty sometimes does not pay.”

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“If you want to discuss my private life, please do,” he added sarcastically. “Maybe you would like to watch the videotape with me.”

Mr Chua’s honesty in identifying himself as the man on the tape, which was dropped into letter boxes in his election district in the state of Johor, had not been matched by his openness with his wife and three children. He identified the woman in the tape as “a personal friend”, and implied that it had been secretly made by political enemies.

“I would like to emphasise that I did not make the tape myself,” he said at his first press conference on Tuesday. “Who made this tape is not important any more. What is most important is that my family, wife and children have accepted my apology.”

Mr Chua, a medical doctor, had been health minister in Abdullah Badawi's National Front coalition since 2004 and was a senior member of the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), the country’s second largest political party. At Malaysia's National AIDS Conference one month ago he said: “Abstinence is still the best way. And be faithful to your partner. It also boils down to both partners being responsible. Do not blame anybody.”

As one of Malaysia’s most senior ethnic Chinese politicians he was part of the country’s often tense efforts to balance the interests of the ethnic Malay majority with the large and affluent Chinese minority.

Throughout south-east Asia, local Chinese populations are the object of ill feeling and occasional violence because of their dominance of business. Malaysia has dealt with the problem by a programme of positive discrimination in favour of Malays – which in its turn has created Chinese resentment.

Today websites and bulletin boards had already been posted with anti-Chinese racism, including a video juxtaposing reports of Dr Chua’s adultery with footage of mating pigs.

Malaysian newspapers reported that police are investigating the circumstances in which the two black-and-white recordings, one of 56 minutes and one of 44 minutes, were made. They were said to be two years old and appear to have been made in a hotel.

“How is it that someone could easily enter a hotel room and install a camera?” Norizan Sharif, the head of a Malaysian NGO said in the Malay Mail. “Of course, there is the possibility that they may have been aided by an insider but that remains to be seen. This could spark worry among hotel occupants like tourists, as installing a camera inside hotel rooms without the guests' knowledge is invading one's privacy.”

Post: #3
Title: Re: إستقالة وزير الصحة
Author: محمد عثمان محمد طه
Date: 01-02-2008, 05:49 PM
Parent: #1


Post: #4
Title: Re: إستقالة وزير الصحة
Author: محمد عثمان محمد طه
Date: 01-02-2008, 05:49 PM
Parent: #1

متى يتعلم ساستنا
الاعتراف بالذنب

Post: #5
Title: Re: إستقالة وزير الصحة
Author: jini
Date: 01-02-2008, 06:51 PM
Parent: #4

Quote: متى يتعلم ساستنا
الاعتراف بالذنب

عند عودة المسيح عليه السلام ليملا الارض عدلا بعد ان ملئت جورا!
انت بس شيل الصبر!
ناسنا كان طلعوا ليه عقد زواج باثر رجعى!

Post: #7
Title: Re: إستقالة وزير الصحة
Author: محمد عثمان محمد طه
Date: 01-03-2008, 08:21 AM
Parent: #5

لك التحية أخي
ولكن الي متي الصبر فالرجل كان يريد الإستمرار في عمله ولكن عندما
رأي إستطلاع المواطن أحترمهم ولبي رغبتهم وقدم إستقالته

Post: #6
Title: Re: إستقالة وزير الصحة
Author: محمد عثمان محمد طه
Date: 01-03-2008, 08:09 AM
Parent: #1

[QUOTE] ‘People wanted me to quit’

Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek resigns
View video

Question & Answer Session Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek
View video

MCA leadership accepts Dr Chua's resignation
View video

PUTRAJAYA: Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek quit all his government and political posts because Malaysians wanted him to do so after he admitted being the man in the sex DVD.

“Well, after I made the confession, I hoped Malaysians would be able to accept my apology. But unfortunately, based on the feedback that I have received, I observed that Malaysians were unable to do that,” he a told a press conference yesterday.

Dr Chua said his resignation as Health Minister, Labis MP, MCA vice-president, Johor MCA state liaison chairman and Batu Pahat MCA division chief took effect immediately.

I resign: Dr Chua announcing his resignation during a press conference in Putrajaya o Wednesday.
Excerpts from the press conference:


With this, I would like to announce that I have conveyed my intention to the Honourable Prime Minister, the Honourable Deputy Prime Minister and also to the Yang Berhormat MCA president that I am resigning as Health Minister immediately. With that, I also resign from my posts as Labis MP, MCA vice president, Johor MCA state liaison chairman and Batu Pahat division chief.

This will take effect with the letter that I have handed over to the Prime Minister’s Department. However, I will continue to support the leadership of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.

Even though I do not hold posts from today, I will continue to be with my fellow comrades in MCA. As a member who has held government posts for almost 20 years, I will continue to support the Barisan Nasional government.


Q: Datuk Seri, why did you change your mind after 24 hours?

A: Well, after I made the confession, I hoped Malaysians would be able to accept my apology. But unfortunately, based on the feedback that I have received, I observed that Malaysians were unable to do that. Some Malaysians can be said to be “holier than thou”. This means they are all ulama (religious teachers). So, I think if I continue to hold positions in the party or Government, this will be a burden to the Government and party, especially in the context of Islam Hadhari. And also in the context of what has been recommended by my president, which is healthy political culture.

However, I hope my resignation, which is based supposedly on moral issues, will be a lesson to other leaders, whether from the MCA or any other component party. I think anyone who has made a mistake or has certain weaknesses, then he has to be responsible as a leader.

And I have already stepped forward in front of not only the leaders of the country and party but the people. And it looks like it cannot be accepted. So, I think it is better for my family and I that I resign so that I will not be a burden to the country’s leadership.

Q: Will this matter severely affect the support from the Chinese community for Barisan?

A: No. I thought a lot of people think I am a baggage to carry because they want to behave like “holier than thou”. Maybe the support will increase.

Q: Why is that so?

A: Because then they think all they have in the Government are all very clean.

Q: When did you send in your letter?

A: I have already sent it before I see you people.

Q: What about the timing?

A: I think the timing is not important. The important thing is that I make the official announcement in front of all of you. The letter to the Prime Minister has been sent and is finding its way to the Prime Minister’s office. In this context, I also want to thank MCA members and supporters and also the MCA leaders who have given their support and cooperation to me all this time since I became wakil rakyat in 1986. And also as Health Minister, I want to thank and extend my appreciation to the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and also the Barisan Nasional leadership in the Cabinet, who have supported and co-operated with me.

So, beginning today, I am a regular citizen and with that, I hope I will not be a target by certain parties.

The Prime Minister has assured that the Government will investigate the source and who is behind the tape so that it does not become a practice to cause the downfall of anyone.

I am not the first and I will not be the last to become the victim in this way to bring a leader down whether at state or national level. I am sure I will not be the first and I will not be the last.

Q: Was the decision to quit made based on the input from these “holier than thou” people or was it also on the advice from other people?

A: Well, I think the Malaysians.

They say you wear a mask to go to work. That is not what I say. That is what Shakespeare said.

Q: So, it was solely your decision?

A: Yes. Because I cannot have an image that I am holier than thou. Whatever the decision I make, it will always be subjected to scrutiny.

Q: When did you decide?

A: Just now. This morning. After I announced it, I thought the results would be good. But Astro reports that 91% want me to resign. China Press says 99% wants me to resign. So, it is better that I resign.

Q: Is the resignation because the response was not as you expected?

A: I thought it would be a bold move. Because my character is that I dare to fight, I dare to say and I dare to bear responsibility to the people. Some people said I should deny it. That I did not do it. But it has affected the party and the Government, that is why I chose to admit. But it seems honesty does not always pay. The people still cannot accept it.

Q: Do you think the moral judgement was too strict?

A: It does not guarantee anything. Some people are lucky not to get caught.


Q: Was it politically motivated?

A: I have said before I would not like to speculate. I have received no less than 200 SMSes condemning certain party leaders of which I will not go into it. Because the moment I go into it, I do not like to see my party split. And I hope the party leadership under YB Ong Ka Ting, who I am sure if he is practising real healthy political culture, will look into this. Healthy political culture embraces no corruption, no moral lapses of judgement. A healthy political culture should not just be confined to just term of office. That is easy. Anyone can fulfil it. The terms of office are the easiest to fulfil. Three terms, two terms. Healthy political culture is good but it should be all embracing and not just term of office. What is more important and what is hoped for and demanded by Malaysians is to be clean from the aspect of no corruption and also in the question of no moral and ethical weaknesses. To me, this is more important and more difficult to achieve.

Q: What about the woman in the video?

A: I think that is not important. I should not be discussing my private life. If you are interested, maybe you should see the tape together with me. Okay? Would you like to see the tape with me?

Q: Do you think it was probably political sabotage?

A: I have been in politics for more than 20 years. I do not participate in any business activities. I do not think any business people have anything against me. I do not think it is about money because I did not receive any calls of blackmail.

Q: Maybe it was planned, Datuk Seri?

A: I have said that I do not want to make speculations. And I implore MCA members not to speculate on who did this to me. It is not a healthy political culture.


Q: What was the response of the party president when you resigned?

A: As party president, of course he wants to see the party united. He wants to see everybody give the party and Barisan Nasional 100% support. But there are times, in a democratic country, when even the president and Prime Minister are constrained and there are limitations – because it is the rakyat that is supreme.


Q: Is your family aware of your decision to quit?

A: I just informed them. That is why my son got a shock – because I thank my family. You all must understand that I live in a very closely-knit family. When I was a doctor and exco member, I stayed with my father. And my children stayed with my grandfather and me. Today, my children stay with me and my grandson also stays with me. My family is a big family in that sense. My two sons and daughter stay in the house. And my grandson also stays together. So, I am confident that my family supports me because of the strong family cohesion that we have.

Post: #8
Title: Re: إستقالة وزير الصحة
Author: محمد عثمان محمد طه
Date: 01-03-2008, 08:52 AM
Parent: #1


Post: #9
Title: Re: إستقالة وزير الصحة
Author: سيف الدين حسن العوض
Date: 01-03-2008, 09:26 AM
Parent: #8

الاخ الكريم د. محمد عثمان محمد طه
لاذنب بعد الكفر ووزيركم ده ما مسلم
رغم ان الزنا محرم في كل الديانات
الا ان الصينيين ما عندهم دين اصلاً
ولمزيد من التفاصيل احيلكم الى وكالة الانباء الماليزية التى كتبت عن الموضوع اعلاه الذي اورده اخونا د. محمد وفيما يلى نصه
قدم وزير الصحة الماليزي /تشوا سوي ليك/ استقالته أمس من منصبه الوزاري وكافة المسؤوليات الحزبية التي يضطلع بهاإثر اعترافه بتورطه في فضيحة جنسية.
يشار إلى أن /تشوا/ يشغل أيضا نائب رئيس حزب الماليزيين الصينيين المنضوي في ائتلاف الجبهة الوطنية الحاكمة، وقد اعتبر استقالته ذات أثر فوري.
واعتبر العديد من القادة السياسيين استقالة وزير الصحة الماليزي /تشوا سوي ليك/ من كافة مناصبه الرسمية والحزبية، بكونها قرارا مسؤولا وحكيما وصائبا0
وفي هذا الإطار قال كبير وزراء ولاية جوهور عبد الغني عثمان عقب إعلان المسؤول السابق عن استقالته في ندوة صحفية ببوترا جايا: "إن ائتلاف الجبهة الوطنية بولاية جوهور يحترم قرار الدكتور /تشوا/"0

وأعرب عبد الغني عثمان، الذي يشغل أيضا منصب رئيس ائتلاف الجبهة الوطنية ورئيس الحزب الوطني /أمنو/ بولاية جوهور، عن تقديره وشكره للدكتور /تشوا/، مشيدا بإسهاماته في الحكومة والجبهة والحزب طوال تحمله المسؤولية0

في نفس السياق صرح وزير الفلاحة والصناعة الزراعية محيي الدين ياسين بأن الدكتور تشوا قام بتصرف حكيم0

وأضاف نائب رئيس حزب /أمنو/: "كرجل مسؤول، فقد استمع لآراء قادة آخرين بخصوص الرغبة في الحفاظ على الصورة الجيدة للحزب وحكومة الجبهة الوطنية، وذلك من خلال إقدامه على القرار السديد والعملي"0

من جهته أعلن كبير وزراء ولاية ملاكا محمد علي رستم أن التخلي عن كافة المناصب كان تدبيرا شجاعا ومسؤولا من طرف الدكتور /تشوا/، مضيفا: " إننا نحترم قراره"0

وتابع قائلا: "كصديق له، أنا حزين لما حدث له".
بموازاة ذلك، قال رئيس حزب الماليزيين الصينيين بولاية جوهور /بلاكريشنان/ في حديث لوكالة برناما: "لقد فقدنا قائدا ملتزما ونشيطا في عمله"0
المصدر: http://www.bernama.com[/B]

Post: #10
Title: Re: إستقالة وزير الصحة
Author: محمد عثمان محمد طه
Date: 01-03-2008, 05:00 PM
Parent: #1

أخي الأستاذ سيف الدين لك الشكر آجزله على المرور والمسآلة ليست

هي الأسلام آو الكفر ولكن شجاعة الرجل وأعترافه بأنه آرتكب
خطآ في حق آسرته وزملائه وشعبه ويطلب العفو منهم جميعا
وآن يتقبلوا آعتذاره وآين نحن في دول العالم الثالث نجد
مثل هذه الشجاعة في ولي أمر تحياتي

هل الدعوة موجهة لنا لحضور
العشاء غدا آم الدعوة خاصة

Post: #11
Title: Re: إستقالة وزير الصحة
Author: محمد عثمان محمد طه
Date: 01-04-2008, 02:07 AM
Parent: #1

Post: #12
Title: Re: إستقالة وزير الصحة
Author: abubakr
Date: 01-04-2008, 07:28 AM
Parent: #1

الاعزاء .. اعجابي بالتجربة الماليزية الاقتصادية والعمرانية منذ ثمانينات القرن الماضي يقودني منذ ذلك الزمان لمحاولة معرفة ما يجري في تلك البلاد وزيارتها باستمرار لعقد مضي ومستقبلا باذن الله .. تابعت ما نشر منذ لحظة انتشار الاسطوانات المدمجة وسط فئة معينة في ماليزيا تصور علاقة جنسية دون ان تبين من هما ..وانتشرت شائعات بانها لمسئول كبير في التجمع الصيني .. كان يمكن لدكتور تشي ان ينكرها فليس هنالك ما يوضح ان الصور له بالذات وكم من ملايين الصينيين الذين يتشابهون وعندما نعرف ان نكران الساسة في شرق اسيا وافريقي وامريكاا لاحداث كثيرة قامو بها مع وجود ادلة امر شائع وثانيا ان الامر التهديد للمنافسيين السياسيين بفضائح جنسية قد حدث في ماليزيا لاكثر من خمس سياسيين او اسماء كبيرة كلهم انكروها وبقيوفي مناصبهم .وفي امريكا لم يستقيل كلينتون بعد حكايته مع الفتاة اليهودية التي كانت تعمل في مكتبه رغم انه اعترف تحت ضغوط بما فعل بل نجح في ان يبقي لفترة رئاسية ثانية . الا ان د.تشي اعطي رغم خطئه مثالا لبعض من شفافية تفتقدها حكومات وقيادات اليوم السياسية في العالم.. د.تشي الذي ارتفع الي اعلي قيادة اقوي تجمع صيني في شرق اسيا بسرعة فائقة وكان علي خطوة من ان يكون الرئيس القادم فقد كل ذلك وكثير من المناصب واختار ان يستقيل وهو ياتي من مجموعة اثنية متماسكة جدا واواصرها الاجتماعية والاسرية قوية مما سيجعله في وضع قاس مدي العمر .. والخاسر الاكبر هي اسرته زوجته واولاده رغم ان زوجته كانت قد اعلنت في مؤتمر صحفي قبل الاستقالة وعندما اعترف بانها تسامحه ولكن الامر لن يكون كما كان عليه بينهما في السابق ورغم ان تشي كان زوجا وابا صالحا كما عرفته ... لقد ضحي تشي ربما بكل ماضيه ومستقبله في لحظة ضعف انساني ومن منا لا يضعف وكلنا بشر ولكن الاقوي هو القادر علي الاعتراف وتحمل المسئولية الكاملة ولقد فعل تشي ذلك ....

Post: #13
Title: Re: إستقالة وزير الصحة
Author: Mahathir
Date: 01-04-2008, 08:45 AM
Parent: #1

الانتخابات على الابواب- شهر مارس اكبر توقعاتها- وتوقيت نزول الشريط المسجل قبل 8 شهور محسوب بدقه والجميع يعرف ان وزير الموصلات والموانى هو خلف الفضيحه ورد الفعل- الاستقاله- متوقع . MCA فى حاله صراع منذ الثمانينات

Post: #14
Title: Re: إستقالة وزير الصحة
Author: محمد عثمان محمد طه
Date: 01-05-2008, 01:26 AM
Parent: #13

الأخوان آبوبكر

لكما التحية

فقد ندب الرجل البارحة حظه وآعترف أن أكبر خطآ آرتكبه
هو دخوله لعالم السياسة وأظنه يلمح بأن مجتمع السياسة
لا يوجد أسوأ منه
والرجل مشهود له بنشاطه في وزارته

Post: #15
Title: Re: إستقالة وزير الصحة
Author: محمد عثمان محمد طه
Date: 01-05-2008, 05:02 PM
Parent: #14

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 4 (Xinhua) -- Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said Friday he had appointed Housing and Local Government Minister Ong Ka Ting as acting health minister.

Ong, who is also the president of the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), was appointed to the post that fell vacant after Chua Soi Lek resigned, according to the Malaysian national news agency Bernama.

Chua was caught in a sex video with a woman friend, which was widely distributed in some parts of the country recently. Chua admitted the affairs on Tuesday and announced to quit as health minister as well as all posts he held in the MCA on Wednesday.

Chua was also a vice-president of the MCA before that. The MCA is the second largest party in the ruling coalition National Front.

Post: #16
Title: Re: إستقالة وزير الصحة
Author: محمد عثمان محمد طه
Date: 01-06-2008, 00:39 AM
Parent: #1

Quote: وقال شوا، الذي اعتذر بعد ان نزلت في السوق اقراص دي.في.دي يظهر فيها
في مشاهد جنسية مع امرأة مجهولة، انه على يقين ان رئيس الوزراء عبد الله أحمد
بدوي سوف يقبل استقالته. وكانت الفضيحة احدث حلقة في سلسلة مشكلات تحاصر
حكومة بدوي، التي كان متوقعا على نطاق واسع ان تدعو الى انتخابات مبكرة في
الاسابيع المقبلة.

وصرّح شوا البالغ من العمر 61 عاما للصحفيين "بعد اعترافي كنت
أرجو ان يقبل الماليزيون اعتذاري. ولكن من سوء الحظ لاحظت من
ردود الفعل التي تلقيتها ان الماليزيين لن يقبلوه". وأشار إلى
أن المرأة التي ظهرت معه في الشريط "صديقة شخصية"، بعدما أصر
الثلاثاء على أنه لن يستقيل بسبب هذه المسألة، ما عرّضه لانتقادات
حادة من داخل الحكومة وخارجها.

واعتبرت صحيفة "نيو ستريتس تايمز"، الموالية للحكومة في تعليق الاربعاء
"مع ان الامر قد يكون مؤلما لشوا فانه يجب عليه ان يترك منصبه
الحكومي لانقاذ نفسه والحكومة من مزيد من الاذى

Post: #17
Title: Re: إستقالة وزير الصحة
Author: Abdalla aidros
Date: 01-06-2008, 04:16 AM
Parent: #16

المحترم د. محمد عثمان
كفيت واوفيت

Quote: والمسآلة ليست هي الأسلام آو الكفر ولكن شجاعة الرجل وأعترافه بأنه آرتكب
خطآ في حق آسرته وزملائه وشعبه ويطلب العفو منهم جميعا
وآن يتقبلوا آعتذاره وآين نحن في دول العالم الثالث نجد
مثل هذه الشجاعة في ولي أمر

استاذناالعزيز سيف الدين

Quote: الا ان الصينيين ما عندهم دين اصلاً

لكن دي ما بالغتا فيها ؟

Post: #18
Title: Re: إستقالة وزير الصحة
Author: محمد عثمان محمد طه
Date: 01-06-2008, 08:57 AM
Parent: #1

ود العيدروس
شكرا ليك ياخي علي المرور
تحياتنا للعيدروس الكبير وحرمه