In memory of a South African martyr ..Steve Biko.

In memory of a South African martyr ..Steve Biko.

09-13-2007, 09:34 AM


Post: #1
Title: In memory of a South African martyr ..Steve Biko.
Author: Deng
Date: 09-13-2007, 09:34 AM
Parent: #0

In memory of a South African martyr
By Mpho Lakaje
BBC News, Johannesburg

Thirty years after freedom fighter Steve Biko was beaten to death by police, his image is still instantly recognisable across South Africa.

Like the South American revolutionary Che Guevara, T-shirts imprinted with Biko's distinctive face have become a must-have fashion accessory amongst young South Africans.

For some that is a sign that post-apartheid youth culture still embraces Biko's message of racial pride and African unity.

But graphic designer Mugabe Thugwana is not so sure: "I don't think young people know enough about Biko."

"We have American heroes from a tender age and consequently forget about our culture, our history and our identity," he adds.

"It's up to us to learn more about ourselves so that we can propel ourselves to a better Africa."


Stephen Bantu Biko is one of the most important figures in recent South African history and some are concerned about the commercialisation of his image. But it is undeniably one of the ways in which his legacy is kept alive.

If here today,
where would you lead us?
For we still cry,
but they don't heed us
The skin we wear,
is still our burden
Vulindlela Moyo, Australia

Afro Pop musician Tonic still sings a lot about Steve Biko because he says he was committed to breaking the shackles of apartheid and to making sure black people took pride in themselves as well as their culture.

"I remember when I was still a boy, the first time I heard about Biko's history, I was so inspired I even saw him as a saint.

"To me he was no different to Jesus Christ and other prophets who came and changed the world."

Innocent Masuku, an actor from the popular drama series, Yizo Yizo says his political contribution was extremely important: "I respect Steve Biko. Today there is black empowerment because of him."

Changed complexion

Just a year before his death, Biko's activism inspired students, frustrated with the apartheid government, to take their anger and pain onto the streets of the township of Soweto.

The march and its martyred children marked a turning point for black South Africans in their fight against white minority rule - an important step along the journey to freedom and equality for all.

Biko was a medical student at the University of Natal when he founded the Black Consciousness Movement aimed at empowering and mobilizing the urban black population.

Biko believed that black South Africans had to free themselves from mental slavery first before they could be incorporated into a non-racial society.

Further investigations

The journey to freedom was brutally cut short for Steve in September 1977 when he succumbed to injuries from severe beatings inflicted by the police questioning him over his involvement in the country's liberation struggle.

The best memorial to Steve Biko would be a South Africa where everyone respects themselves, has a positive self image filled with a proper self esteem and holds others in high regard
Archbishop Desmond Tutu

South Africa's official opposition leader, Helen Zille, was a journalist at the time and exposed the truth behind Biko's death - but no policeman was ever convicted over his death.

In South Africa today, the Azanian People's Organization (Azapo) is trying to keep Steve Biko's teachings alive.

Strike Thugwana of Azapo says his organization is working on ensuring that the Pretoria prison cell in which Biko died is turned into a monument.

"It should not be used by other prisoners who may not even understand its significance. We regard it as a place that is holy."

"We would like September 12th to be declared a national holiday. In the Eastern Cape we are saying, why do we still have King Williams Town? Why can't we have it Biko Town?"

"If we say Biko Town the message will reach many people."

Post: #2
Title: Re: In memory of a South African martyr ..Steve Biko.
Author: esam gabralla
Date: 09-13-2007, 09:38 AM
Parent: #1

Thanks Deng
Biko and his movement BPC deserve those words

here is Peter Gabriel's
great song

Post: #3
Title: Re: In memory of a South African martyr ..Steve Biko.
Author: فضيلي جماع
Date: 09-13-2007, 10:58 AM

Dear Deng
Thank you for inviting to our memoriesthe distinct image and memorial of the African legend Steve Biko. He was a true feedom fighter who never gave up until the last vestage in his life. And because of freedom fighters such as Steve Biko, Samor Michele, Nelson Mandlella and Late Dr John Garamg de Mabior the call to freedom, peace and prosperity in the virgin continent shall continue

Fidaili Jamma

Post: #4
Title: Re: In memory of a South African martyr ..Steve Biko.
Author: فضيلي جماع
Date: 09-13-2007, 11:12 AM
Parent: #3

For those who want to know more about Steve Biko I would suggest that they should read Donald Wood's (Cry Freedom) and Ramphelle's ( A Life). These two authors were so close friends of Steve Biko. Donald Wood was the white journalist who embraced ideas and principles of Steve Biko and was later on targeted by Aparhide and was nearly killed had he and his family not fled the country. Mmphele Ramphele (hope name spelling is not wrong) was his medical assistant ( a nurse) ..Biko was a medical doctor

Post: #5
Title: Re: In memory of a South African martyr ..Steve Biko.
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 09-13-2007, 02:21 PM
Parent: #1

Post: #6
Title: Re: In memory of a South African martyr ..Steve Biko.
Author: Deng
Date: 09-13-2007, 03:24 PM
Parent: #1

Quote: Thanks Deng
Biko and his movement BPC deserve those words

Brother Esam.

Steve Biko deserves all our respect.


Post: #7
Title: Re: In memory of a South African martyr ..Steve Biko.
Author: حيدر حسن ميرغني
Date: 09-13-2007, 03:47 PM
Parent: #6

a martyr that will be remembered for years to come(Mandella 2)

Post: #8
Title: Re: In memory of a South African martyr ..Steve Biko.
Author: Bashasha
Date: 09-13-2007, 05:10 PM
Parent: #1

المجد والخلود، للمارد استيف، رمز عزتنا، واحد رسل وعينا الحالي، وهو من بشر ب"الوعي الاسود"!

هو من حدثنا، حديث العارفين، عن ذهنية المضطهد، كامضي سلاح في يد الاقلية، المضطهدة او كما قال:

The Oppressed mind, is the most powerful weapon, an Oppresser has!0

التحية لدينق، محمد سليمان، تراجي مصطفي، ادروب، بعد تخرجهم من المعهد العالي، للتحرر، من استلاب الجلابة، بيض جنوب افريقيا اليوم، ارض السود، وهم الذنوج، اي الزناجرة، كما اسماهم، والدهم، الغازي المصري، "العربي" الذي احب عبيده، من احفاد كافور!

جايك في الويك اند يادينق.

الي المجد في عليائه، يا نبينا الكوشي، بيكو!

Post: #9
Title: Re: In memory of a South African martyr ..Steve Biko.
Author: Deng
Date: 09-14-2007, 02:42 AM
Parent: #1

Quote: Dear Deng
Thank you for inviting to our memoriesthe distinct image and memorial of the African legend Steve Biko. He was a true feedom fighter who never gave up until the last vestage in his life. And because of freedom fighters such as Steve Biko, Samor Michele, Nelson Mandlella and Late Dr John Garamg de Mabior the call to freedom, peace and prosperity in the virgin continent shall continue

Fidaili Jamma

Brother Fidili

We can talk a lot about our freedom fighters in Africa. Steve Biko, Mandela, Patrice Lmummba and so on but as a Sudanese we will never stop
talking and thinking about our great leader John Grang. Thanks for the kind words.


Post: #10
Title: Re: In memory of a South African martyr ..Steve Biko.
Author: Deng
Date: 09-14-2007, 10:32 PM
Parent: #1

Brother Adil Osman

We need to learn a lot about the history of South Africa.
