محاضرتى د.ابراهيم البدوى بأيوا سيتى

محاضرتى د.ابراهيم البدوى بأيوا سيتى

09-06-2007, 01:01 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=140&msg=1189080067&rn=2

Post: #1
Title: محاضرتى د.ابراهيم البدوى بأيوا سيتى
Author: Najm
Date: 09-06-2007, 01:01 PM
Parent: #0

بالتعاون مع برنامج الدراسات الأفريقية و شعبة الإقتصاد بجامعة أيوا تدعوكم الجمعية السودانية لمحاضرتين متتاليتين يتحدث فيهما د. إبراهيم البدوي الخبير الإقتصادي بالبنك الدولي ذلك يومي 6،7 سبتمبر2007 من الساعة 7-8:30 م. علي العنوان التالي:

UCC 1117 International Commons - University Old Capitol Building, Down Town Iowa City.

و قد تم الإعلان عن المجاضرة الأولي و،التي ستقدم باللغة الإنجليزية، بالتفاصيل أدناه:

The African Studies Program, Department of Economics, and Sudanese
community of Iowa City cordially invite faculty, students, and the
general public to an evening lecture:

Presenter: Ibrahim A. Elbadawi, Ph.D., Lead Economist, Development
Economics Research Group, The World Bank
Time & Place: Thursday, Sept. 6, 7-8:30pm, UCC 1117 (International

أما المحاضرة الثانية، الجمعة 7 سبتمبرنفس الزمان و المكان، فستقدم باللغة العربية تحت عنوان:

خطوات بناء السلام و التنمية الإقتصادية و التحول الديمقراطي في السودان

سيرة و مسيرة د. إبراهيم البدوي:

IBRAHIM A. ELBADAWI, a Sudanese national, is a Lead Economist at the
Development Economic Research Group of the World Bank. He holds a Ph.D.
degree in economics and statistics from North Carolina State and
Northwestern Universities. He joined the World Bank in 1989, including
spending five years of external service in Nairobi from 1993 to 1998,
where he served as the Research Director of the African Economic
Research Consortium. Before joining the World Bank he was an Associate
Professor of Economics at the University of Gezira in Sudan and has
taught macroeconomics and econometrics courses at the MA program of the
Economic Growth Center and the Department of Economics of Yale
University. Since returning to the Bank in 1998 he managed two widely
cited projects: the collaborative study (sponsored by the World Bank and
several African research and policy institutions) on "Can Africa Claim
the 21st Century" (1999-2000) and the research project on "the economics
of civil wars, crime and violence" (1998-2003). He has also
task-managed the "Regional Program for Enterprise Development" at the
Africa Region of the World Bank (2001-2003). More recently (2004-2005)
he coordinated the economic cluster team of the Multi-donor Sudan's
Joint Assessment Mission, following the end of the Sudanese civil war.
His research interests include exchange rate economics; growth; aid
effectiveness; democracy and development; and, economics of civil wars.
His research and policy experiences cover Africa and the Middle East.
He is also a Research Fellow of the Economic Research Forum for the Arab
World, Iran and Turkey (ERF) and a member of its Advisory Committee.
Currently Elbadawi is managing a research project on "Post-conflict
Transitions" as well as coordinating a research effort on "Exchange Rate
Policy in Low-Income Countries", sponsored by the Africa Region of the
World Bank.
peace-building, economic development and democratic transition in the Sudan

و شكرا

السكرتارية العامة

Post: #2
Title: Re: محاضرتى د.ابراهيم البدوى بأيوا سيتى
Author: Najm
Date: 09-06-2007, 08:04 PM
Parent: #1

الاخوة بإيمس اندرو ولوال وبقية العقد

الاخ مكى ابراهيم مكى وبقية الاخوة من ابناء دارفور العاملين عليها

تسعدنا حقا مشاركتكم فى اى الندوتين تختارون

د. ابراهيم البدوى غنى عن التعريف وهذا طرف من سيرته

نامل ان نراكم ومن معكم بيننا فالبيت بيتكم كما يقول اهلنا فى السودان