رحلة الجالية السودانية بفلادلفيا الىPhiladelphia Zoo فى يوم السبت 25 اغسطس 2007

رحلة الجالية السودانية بفلادلفيا الىPhiladelphia Zoo فى يوم السبت 25 اغسطس 2007

08-24-2007, 04:46 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=140&msg=1187927213&rn=3

Post: #1
Title: رحلة الجالية السودانية بفلادلفيا الىPhiladelphia Zoo فى يوم السبت 25 اغسطس 2007
Author: منزر احمد بابكر
Date: 08-24-2007, 04:46 AM
Parent: #0

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الجمعية السودانية بمنطقة فلادلفيا الكبرى

الى اعضاء الجالية السودانية بمنطقة فلادلفيا الكبرى:

يسر الجمعية السودانية بفلادلفيا بالتضامن مع Echoes of Africa
دعوتكم الى Philadelphia Zoo
السبت 25 اغسطس 2007

Philadelphia Zoo
3400W. Girard Avenue
PHiladelphia, Pa 19131

9:00AM - 12:00 noon
Echoes of Africa
Theme: Connections through Education

Musical Performance by "The Ambassadors"
Introduction of Master of Ceremonies
Presentation by community children
Remarks by Councilwoman jannie L Blackwell
Remarks by Honorable Stanly L Straughter
Introduction of Ambassadors
Artistic performance Akwa Ibom Dancers
Presentation of Awards
Vote of thanks

من 12:00 والى موعد الاغلاق
Philadelphia Zoo

نتمنى لكم يوما جميلا

للمزيد من المعلومات او التسجيل يرجى الاتصال :

د. ابراهيم ابراهيم 3871-257-267
خالدة صالح 6014-313-215
عصام مهدى 9069-480-484
عمر حبيب 7418-303-267
منذر احمد 3346-275-215

Post: #2
Title: Re: رحلة الجالية السودانية بفلادلفيا الىPhiladelphia Zoo فى يوم السبت 25 اغسطس 2007
Author: منزر احمد بابكر
Date: 08-24-2007, 05:05 PM
Parent: #1

Do not forget to alert kids when visiting the Zoo next week to stop by the famous African Lemur monkey... kids in particular will enjoy seeing the best charcter of the Madgascar movie...

mohamed elgadi
Philadelphian from Amherst

Post: #3
Title: Re: رحلة الجالية السودانية بفلادلفيا الىPhiladelphia Zoo فى يوم السبت 25 اغسطس 2007
Author: Mohamed Elgadi
Date: 08-24-2007, 07:23 PM
Parent: #2

Thanks Ya Monzir for the update...
here are more info on Philadelphia Zoo, the first Zoo in the US:
Quote: The Philadelphia Zoo, located in Fairmount Park on the west bank of the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia, was the first zoo in the United States. Chartered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on March 21, 1859, its opening was delayed by the American Civil War until July 1, 1874.

The Philadelphia Zoo is one of the premier zoos in the world for breeding animals that have been found difficult to breed in captivity.[citation needed] The zoo also works with many groups around the world to protect the natural habitats of the animals in their care.

The zoo comprises 42 acres and is home to more than 1,300 animals, many of which are rare and endangered. The zoo features a children’s zoo, a balloon ride, a paddleboat lake, and many interactive and educational exhibits.

Pls. do not forget to visit Cindy, the cute hippopotomus

enjoy your day...

mohamed elgadi
Amherst, MA

Post: #4
Title: Re: رحلة الجالية السودانية بفلادلفيا الىPhiladelphia Zoo فى يوم السبت 25 اغسطس 2007
Author: منزر احمد بابكر
Date: 08-25-2007, 07:04 AM