موضوع جديد

موضوع جديد

08-08-2007, 01:55 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=140&msg=1186577709&rn=3

Post: #1
Title: موضوع جديد
Author: على عجب
Date: 08-08-2007, 01:55 PM
Parent: #0

اوكامبو يقول ان الحكومة السودانية
ملزمة بتسليم هرون وكوشيب

وان من ضمن شهوده رجل اجبر علي مشاهدة

ابنته الطفلة تغتصب امامه.

Post: #2
Title: Re: موضوع جديد
Author: على عجب
Date: 08-08-2007, 01:59 PM
Parent: #1

اوكامبو يتحدث عن القبض علي هرون وكوشيب



i."Tony Jones speaks with Luis Moreno-Ocampo, " Reporter Tony Jones (ABC TV-Australia Transcript), 7 August 2007, to view the approximately 16 minute interview or read the full transcript, see
http://www.abc. net.au/news/ video/2007/ 08/06/1998168. htm

Excerpts from Luis Moreno-Ocampo' s responses in live interview:

"...the arrest is basically the responsibility of the territorial state. Sudan has to arrest Harun. I don't know exactly how Sudan will do it, but this will happen. My clear idea in the destiny of Harun is a court in The Hague. He will end his life in jail.

....One of my witness is a man who was forced to see when they rape his daughter. She was an eight-years- old girl and they not just rape the daughter, they force him to see the moment. They were asking him, "Why? Why you are doing this?" So for this man, be my witness, is a privilege. He want to be a witness and that is what we are doing. We are informing the suffering of these people in evidence. That is why we have to execute his warrant.

Post: #3
Title: Re: موضوع جديد
Author: Mustafa Mahmoud
Date: 08-08-2007, 02:03 PM
Parent: #2

محمد فرح
or one of his friends tell us what they think of this ??????????????????/

thank you for the post

Post: #4
Title: Re: موضوع جديد
Author: على عجب
Date: 08-08-2007, 02:06 PM
Parent: #2

اوكامبو يؤكد ان هرون متورط في جرائم خطيرة

...today there are 105 countries, Japan just access a few days ago, who are supporting this idea. It is a new idea. But the problem is this time of frame require justice. As you say, it's better if national they can do it, but if not, the International Criminal Court will do it, because it's a duty for the victims, but also it's a way to control crimes. Because you might learn, in this, in such massive crimes, at levels locals, the [inaudible] was killing people around the world, when you see the Rwanda genocide exporting to Congo, and then Congo after was a war, four million died. So my, in each of my cases the crimes cross the border. That's why we need international control of this.

...I understand the solution for this case required a comprehensive
approach. It's not just justice. We need justice, but we need
humanitarian help. We need security and we need peace. We need both -
all of this. And I strongly believe that justice will help. Let me give you an example. There are allegations, there are reports, that in the [inaudible] conflict, Harun was involved in massive crimes, too. And there was an agreement but was no justice against Harun, that's why he's repeating the crimes, that's why - there's no contradiction between peace and justice, both work together. Justice will help do peace in Darfur.

Post: #5
Title: Re: موضوع جديد
Author: على عجب
Date: 08-08-2007, 02:20 PM
Parent: #4

ربما اطلب من مجلس الامن ان يقدم الحل في

القبض علي هرون

Quote: ...I understand the solution for this case required a comprehensive
approach. It's not just justice. We need justice, but we need
humanitarian help. We need security and we need peace. We need both -
all of this. And I strongly believe that justice will help. Let me give you an example. There are allegations, there are reports, that in the [inaudible] conflict, Harun was involved in massive crimes, too. And there was an agreement but was no justice against Harun, that's why he's repeating the crimes, that's why - there's no contradiction between peace and justice, both work together. Justice will help do peace in Darfur.

...I report in six months to the Security Council. My last report was in June and in June, Harun was still in operation. Sudan is not arresting Harun and send him to the court, maybe I have to go to the Security Council to report that Sudan is not coordinating with the court and then the Security Council have to provide the solutions... "

Post: #6
Title: Re: موضوع جديد
Author: على عجب
Date: 08-08-2007, 02:26 PM
Parent: #5

اوكامبو :
ما حدث في دارفور هو ضرب القري بالطيران واحراقها

عن طريق الجتجويد,ولم تكن القوات تهاجم المتمردين,

بل كانت تهجر القروين.

واحمد هرون فسر لنا ذلك بان المتمردين مثل السمك في

الماء لذلك كان يعمل علي ازاحة الماء عنهم.

http://abc.net. au/news/stories/ 2007/08/07/ 1999118.htm? section=world

"As Sudanese rebel groups make progress towards another peace deal for Darfur, moves to bring to justice to those accused of attacking and pursuing innocent civilians are also under way.

...[ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo] : 'The worst thing happened in
Darfur. Basically there were combined attacks of land forces, air forces and militia Janjaweed going to villages and attacking everyone,' he said. 'They were not focused in any rebel activity, they just remove people from the villages. Ahmed Harun explained that the rebels are like a fish in the water and so his policy was basically to remove the water to control the fish.' Mr Moreno-Ocampo says the crime of genocide requires specific intention: 'It's legal to enter a rebellion. What is illegal is [to] attack the civilian population,' he said.

Post: #7
Title: Re: موضوع جديد
Author: على عجب
Date: 08-08-2007, 02:36 PM
Parent: #6

اوكامبو :
لدي الادعاء بينات بان قادة المليشيا متورطين في اعدام 32 شخص .

ولدينا بينات بان كوشيب نفسه متورط في عصابة اغتصاب
لمجموعة من النساء .

وفي مواصلة الحكومها لنفيها علاقة الجنجويد بالحكومة

لدينا بينات بان هرون كان يمد الجنجويد بالسلاح

بطائرته الهلكوبتر الخاصة

كما انه كان يدفع للجنجويد كاش ,

ولدينا بينات بانه كان يستجلب الناس

للعمل في المليشيا مما يؤكد تورط

المسؤلين الحكومين مع الجنجويد.

Quote: Mr Moreno-Ocampo says Mr Kushayb and Mr Harun will be charged with
different crimes.He says the prosecution has evidence that the militia leader was personally involved in the execution of 32 people. 'We have Kushayb personally involved in the gang rape of a group of women,' he said.

...The Sudanese Government continues to deny that it has any links to
the Janjaweed militia, but Mr Moreno-Ocampo says he has evidence of Mr Harun delivering weapons to the militia group in his own helicopter. 'We have evidence of Harun paying the militia Janjaweed in cash,' he said. 'We have evidence of him recruiting people, so this is an integration of state apparatus and the Janjaweed militia acting together, coordinating with Harun, no doubt.'

He says the Sudanese Government has a legal responsibility to address
the issue of genocide in its country. 'Sudan is a big state and they
have legal responsibilities, they have to fulfill them,' he said. 'I
think it's an issue of time - maybe in a few months, maybe in a few
years, but in the end they will arrest Harun and will send [him] to the court.' 'For me, it's clear the destiny of Haroun will be before the judges in the court.'

Post: #8
Title: Re: موضوع جديد
Author: مجاهد عبدالله
Date: 08-08-2007, 02:41 PM
Parent: #1

Quote: She was an eight-years- old girl and they not just rape the daughter, they force him to see the moment. They were asking him, "Why? Why you are doing this?" So for this man, be my witness, is a privilege. He want to be a witness and that is what we are doing. We are informing the suffering of these people in evidence. That is why we have to execute his warrant

أستاذ علي
تحية وإحترام

الزول ده موضوعو بايظ بايظ والحكومة عارفة كويس لكن خايفة على رقبته..

وناس ديل لسه فاكرين الشغلانية دي زي طالعني وأطالعك وكأنوا ما شافوا الحصل لزعماء الصرب ...

خالص الود...

Post: #9
Title: Re: موضوع جديد
Author: الطيب شيقوق
Date: 08-08-2007, 03:05 PM
Parent: #8

اخي على عجب
Quote: As you say, it's better if national they can do it, but if not, the International Criminal Court will do it, because it's a duty for the victims, but also it's a way to control crimes

دحين يا على اخوى ناس اوكامبو ديل كلامهم مش نى .

مؤكد ناسك بمسكوا في دي وبيقولوا ممكن يحاكموا المتهمين بواسطة القضاء الوطنى صاح؟

Post: #10
Title: Re: موضوع جديد
Author: مجاهد عبدالله
Date: 08-08-2007, 03:16 PM
Parent: #1

Quote: وبيقولوا ممكن يحاكموا المتهمين بواسطة القضاء الوطنى

جدنا ودشيقوق ..

تحياتي النواضر

هو لكن لو قادرين يشيلوا الزول من نعيموا ويوروا جحيموا كان بيسموها بحكومة الغرق ..

بعدين الزول ده في يدو ملفات كتييييرة وهم ماقدرين يستغنوا عنو او مابيقدروا عليهو المهم أي واحدة بتخدم التانية ..

وبعدين أنا غايتو فهم كبير في القانون ماعندي لكن ناس الحكومة كيل في القانون التكتح ما عندهم عشان كده وزير العدل قال لأخونا أوكيامبو أنو يبل ورقة الإتهام ويشرب مويته ...

خالص الود...

Post: #11
Title: Re: موضوع جديد
Author: الطيب شيقوق
Date: 08-08-2007, 09:53 PM
Parent: #10

خالي مجاهد
Quote: بعدين الزول ده في يدو ملفات كتييييرة وهم ماقدرين يستغنوا عنو او مابيقدروا عليهو المهم أي واحدة بتخدم التانية ..

ده بقى خاذوق ام كنة عديييييييييييل ان شالوا ما بنشال وكان خلوا خرب الدار .

Post: #12
Title: Re: موضوع جديد
Author: مجاهد عبدالله
Date: 08-09-2007, 07:46 AM
Parent: #11

جــدنا ودشيقوق

نعلك طيب

Quote: خالي مجاهد

كلمة خالي دي ما كبيرة بالحيل علي ..
وكان أنا خالك زول يستخدم ليهو مثل متل ده
Quote: خاذوق ام كنة عديييييييييييل ان شالوا ما بنشال وكان خلوا خرب الدار .

يقولوا عليهو من زمن الناس الحفروا البحر ..

واسه لو مشينا قلّبنا في المجلات القضائية نلقاك كنت حاتي قرض مع ناس ابورنات لمن كانوا قضاة محاكم صغار ..
فدحين يا جدو (يمين عارف جدو دي مقاسك تب) رجع لينا صورتك المأخوذة أيام العرس والملونة بيد فنان من زمن الأبيض وأسود ..
وبعدين بالنسبة للمطلوب دولياً بقول المثل بتاع الوليدات الصغار الزينا والمو متل حق العجائز بتاعك ده (دربكين الجن كان سلوا ماكل وكان غرقوا ليهو السن)


Post: #13
Title: Re: موضوع جديد
Author: على عجب
Date: 08-09-2007, 09:32 AM
Parent: #12

الاعزاء الطيب شيقوق

اتفق معك يامجاهد في ان الامر اصبح معقدا
جدا بالنسبة للحكومة.

العزيز الطيب شيقوق الحكومة لاتستطيع ان تناور بانها ستحاكمهم
داخليا لعدة اسباب .
لانها مثلا في موضوع هرون اعلنت انها حققت مع هرون ولم تجد
اي شبهة, وبالتالي يصعب عليها حتي اخلاقيا ان تعاود توجيه تهم له

كما ان محاكمة هرون اصبحت جزء من عنتريات النظام
وبالتالي مجرد محاكمته تعني التنازل وتعني الاعتراف
بكل ما نسب اليه وللحكومة.

لكن كلام اوكامبو عن المحاكمة وطنيا يستند علي النظام الاساس
باعتبارها محكمة تكاملية لكن النظام فوت هذه الفرصة او هي
اصعب من اختصاص اوكامبو.

Post: #14
Title: Re: موضوع جديد
Author: مجاهد عبدالله
Date: 08-09-2007, 01:27 PM
Parent: #1

Quote: ومجاهدعبدالرحمن

والله انتوا يالقانونيين البتابعكم تودوهوا الحراسة

يازول دي ماجناية عديل كده وبعدين يا أستاذ علي فكرك الزول ده الإسمو مجاهد عبدالرحمن فاضي ليك عشان يجي داخل ليك بجاي ..

أعلم التشابك في الأسماء لكن ماممكن تصل لجناية

خالص الود ...