البشير واحـد ورل هـرررراش ساكت!!

البشير واحـد ورل هـرررراش ساكت!!

06-20-2006, 11:24 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=138&msg=1200199583&rn=5

Post: #1
Title: البشير واحـد ورل هـرررراش ساكت!!
Author: هشام هباني
Date: 06-20-2006, 11:24 PM
Parent: #0

هي القوات الدولية دي حتجي ياابو التيوس يا ابو المجاهدين ولا هي موجودة اصلا هناك ليها اكتر من سنة في الدمازين وفي جوبا وفي كادوقلي وكان داير الجد الجد قاعدين في مطــــــــار الخرطوم جنب القيادة العامة وفي فنادق العاصمة ولا الدمازين وكادوقلي ولا جوبا دي ما في السودان يا ابو عرام!!

عيـــــــــــب يامــولانـــــــــــــــا!!

هباني ظااااااطو

Post: #2
Title: Re: البشير واحـد ورل هـرررراش ساكت!!
Author: abas
Date: 06-21-2006, 00:23 AM
Parent: #1

الحبيب ود هباني

تقول لي برضو عاوز ترجع الخرتوم

لو ما ابو التيوس ده فات البرجعك شنو

Post: #3
Title: Re: البشير واحـد ورل هـرررراش ساكت!!
Author: Hashim Badr Eldin
Date: 06-21-2006, 03:33 AM
Parent: #2

ود هبانى
سلامات يا حكومة

جعجعة البشير ليست حرصاً على سيادة السودان وإستقلاله، فالسودان فقد إستقلاله يوم حكمه هذا الحمار الذى لا يعلم الوجهة التى يسير إليها. لكنه الخوف من مصير شارلس تيلر الذى تم ترحيله أمس إلى لاهاى.

Quote: Taylor arrives in Netherlands for war crimes trial
Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:19pm ET

هكذا تُقاد الخنازير إلى مثواها الأخير
By Christo Johnson
AMSTERDAM/FREETOWN (Reuters) - Former Liberian president Charles Taylor arrived in the Netherlands on Tuesday to face trial at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, airport officials said.
"He arrived in Rotterdam and was picked up by officials from the Foreign Ministry," an airport official said. Taylor will be held at the ICC's Scheveningen detention unit.
He faces 11 charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity for backing Sierra Leone's Revolutionary United Front rebels, whose drugged child soldiers killed, mutilated and raped civilians during the West African country's 1990s civil war.
Taylor was flown in a U.N. helicopter to the country's main airport at Lungi from the compound of the U.N.-backed Special Court for Sierra Leone, which has charged him with war crimes and will conduct his trial in The Hague.
"I talked to Mr Taylor briefly. We didn't discuss his case, we joked around a little bit and I wished him a safe journey," court spokesman Peter Andersen said after Taylor's departure.
Asked about the prisoner's mood, he said: "It's difficult to tell -- he looked very serious."
The Freetown-based court said its registrar, security chief and medical officer had accompanied Taylor on the flight.
"This means that the focus can now be on the trial against Taylor, who is accused of serious war crimes," Dutch Foreign Minister Ben Bot said in a statement
This is a signal from the international community that exemption from punishment will not be tolerated."
A U.N. spokeswoman said U.N Secretary General Kofi Annan called on all involved to support the Special Court in its work by contributing to its budget and ensuring evidence and witnesses were made available.
Sierra Leone's Vice-President Solomon Berewa welcomed the news. "We are now satisfied that he is going to be tried in a well secured area by the Netherlands while we in Sierra Leone and the Mano River Union states will continue to consolidate our peace," he told Reuters.
The Mano River Union groups Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea, which were all dragged into a spiral of violence in the 14 years after Taylor began Liberia's civil war in 1989.
"All I think Sierra Leoneans were interested in was to see Taylor arrested and charged, which has been done," Berewa added.
Taylor's half-brother Adolphus Taylor was disappointed.
"We are downhearted. They had told us that Mr Taylor will be transferred on Wednesday but instead they transferred him today. We just don't know what's happening. We do not know whether he will get a fair trial," he told Reuters in Monrovia.
Years of war in Liberia finally came to an end after Taylor agreed to go into exile in Nigeria in 2003. Caught trying to leave Nigeria earlier this year as pressure mounted for him to be tried, he was transferred to the Special Court and charged.
Liberia's President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf said of his move to The Hague on Tuesday: "We hope that it will help us put the past behind us. We are looking forward. We are concentrating on the 3 million Liberians who need our help."
The Netherlands agreed to host the trial after Britain promised last week to hold Taylor if he was sentenced to jail.
Court spokesman Anderson said defense and prosecution lawyers would still hold a pre-trial meeting already organized for Wednesday in Freetown. He could not say when Taylor would appear in court in The Hague.
(Additional reporting by Nicola Leske in Amsterdam and Alphonso Toweh in Bo Waterside, Liberia)

Post: #4
Title: Re: البشير واحـد ورل هـرررراش ساكت!!
Author: ابراهيم بقال سراج
Date: 06-21-2006, 04:18 AM
Parent: #3

انتو يأخونا الزول مشوطن ولا شنو ؟؟ وقت قال الكلام السجارة طالعة
ليهو في راسو ولا شنو ؟؟ زماااااااااااااان صدام قال سنتجلهم ينتحرون في
اسوار بغداد اين صدام الان ؟؟ الم يقبض عليه في حفرة صغيرة كالفأر ؟؟ ماذا
قال الصحاف ؟؟ كان يقول العلوج العلوج الي ان وجد نفسه محاسراً بين القوات
الدولية فأستسلم , السيد الرئيس البشير احسن ليك ما تقل ادبك واحترم نفسك
وما تغامر بالشعب السوداني اذهب انت وعصابتك للاهاي واتركوا الشعب السوداني
فالشعب بريء منكم

Post: #5
Title: Re: البشير واحـد ورل هـرررراش ساكت!!
Author: Ahmed Mohamedain
Date: 06-21-2006, 05:17 AM
Parent: #4

Taylor arrived and immediately after his trial, he has to leave his spot for the next one. Who will that be???

Post: #6
Title: Re: البشير واحـد ورل هـرررراش ساكت!!
Author: هشام هباني
Date: 06-21-2006, 12:15 PM

العزيز عباس


البلد بلدنا وبنرجع ليها كان حيين او ميتين
والزارعة الله في الحجر بتقوم.


البطل ود بدر الدين

سلامات يا مان

مهازل الزمان ان يحمي البلاد من باعوها وسرقوها وعاثوا فيها فسادا
في ظل نظام على راسه هذا الاهبل الكذاب..الذي باع حلايب ارضا سودانية خالصة
وفتح البلاد للاغراب والاستعمار..وشرزمها وقسمهاوكان الله في عون الوطن الحبيب!!


الابن بقال

الريس بكامل وعيه يمارس الخيانة للوطن والشعب
وكل اناء بما فيه ينضح!!

الاخ احمد

سلامات وشكرا للمرور

نحن لسنا في انتظار ان تقتص لنا من هؤلاء السفلة الامم المتحدة
ومحاكمات لاهاي....بل يوم الحساب قادم والشعب سياخذ حقه بيده
بالشرعية الثورية لياخذ كل ذي حق حقه!!

محبتي واحترامي

هشام هياني