Sudanes ewoman accused of splashing acid on people at wedding party

Sudanes ewoman accused of splashing acid on people at wedding party

04-19-2006, 09:57 AM


Post: #1
Title: Sudanes ewoman accused of splashing acid on people at wedding party
Author: Deng
Date: 04-19-2006, 09:57 AM
Parent: #0

Woman accused of splashing acid on people at wedding party

Created: 4/17/2006 12:45:55 PM
Updated:4/17/2006 12:46:07 PM

SCHENECTADY, N.Y. -- A woman is accused of crashing a wedding reception in New York and splashing guests with acid.

Six people were hurt, including two firefighters whose latex gloves melted as they tried to treat the injured.

The wedding involving Sudanese immigrants was being held in Schenectady.

Police say a 39-year-old woman (Rihab Hagelkhider) came to the party in search of a woman who was a friend of the bride. Police say there was a problem between them but didn't know the exact nature.

Both women were among the injured.

The woman who splashed the acid has been charged with assault and reckless endangerment.

© 2006

The Associated Press

Post: #2
Title: Re: Sudanes ewoman accused of splashing acid on people at wedding party
Author: Deng
Date: 04-19-2006, 09:58 AM
Parent: #1

SCHENECTADY, N.Y. -- An Albany woman was accused of crashing a

Sudanese wedding party early Sunday and splashing people with a glass
bottle full of acid, injuring six people, authorities said.

Of those injured, two firefighters were burned when their latex gloves
melted as they tried to treat the others splashed with the substance.

"Acid thrown in someone's face is pretty unique," said firefighter
Darren Marino. "You gotta be pretty twisted. It was pretty nasty."

Marino said the firefighters thought they were answering a call for a

hot-water burn and didn't realize they were dealing with acid until
they reached the hospital and their fingers started burning.

Police were investigating why the woman, who was among injured,
attacked the group.

Rihab Hagelkhider, 39, allegedly targeted Hayfa Hussein, 29, who
suffered burns on her face and body, police said.

Hagelkhider was charged with assault and reckless endangerment.

Police have not yet identified the acid.

The party of Sudanese immigrants and others was held at the Friendship
House, which is affiliated with the Friendship Baptist Church.

Marino said there was a language barrier at first. "I jumped out of

the rig and I didn't understand anything. But I understand pain."

All victims were treated at local hospitals and released.

Post: #3
Title: Re: Sudanes ewoman accused of splashing acid on people at wedding party
Author: willeim andrea
Date: 04-19-2006, 10:10 AM
Parent: #1

الاستاذ دينق ياربي نظام غيره والا شغل مافيا .... الاتنين ما بيشبهوا سماحة وطيبة اهلنا .... لك مني الاحترام والتقدير

Post: #4
Title: Re: Sudanes ewoman accused of splashing acid on people at wedding party
Author: Deng
Date: 04-19-2006, 01:18 PM
Parent: #1

الاخ وليم أندرية.

أكيد دي بتكون واحدة من قضايا الانتقام أو الغيرة.
الشئ الملاحظ هو أن الامريكان لم يستوعبوا نوع هذا الجريمة ذلك لأن
المتهمة أستخدمت مادة حمضية معينة أو زي ما بنسميها في السودان
موية نار.وأكيد هناك كثير من الاسئلة حول هذا الجريمة تحتاج الى


Post: #5
Title: Re: Sudanes ewoman accused of splashing acid on people at wedding party
Date: 04-19-2006, 01:21 PM
Parent: #4

حاجة غريبة !!

Post: #6
Title: Re: Sudanes ewoman accused of splashing acid on people at wedding party
Author: Kostawi
Date: 04-19-2006, 02:57 PM
Parent: #5

بالمناسبة الحفلة كانت بسامي المغربي...

Post: #7
Title: Re: Sudanes ewoman accused of splashing acid on people at wedding party
Author: الطيب بشير
Date: 04-19-2006, 06:16 PM
Parent: #6

never mind

Post: #8
Title: Re: Sudanes ewoman accused of splashing acid on people at wedding party
Author: Shao Dorsheed
Date: 04-19-2006, 07:05 PM
Parent: #1

Quote: المطعم الهندي

This must be very spicy


Post: #9
Title: Re: Sudanes ewoman accused of splashing acid on people at wedding party
Author: Salwa Seyam
Date: 04-19-2006, 07:12 PM
Parent: #1

Quote: بالمناسبة الحفلة كانت بسامي المغربي...

ان شاء اللة طلع سلامة ياكوستاوي

Post: #10
Title: Re: Sudanes ewoman accused of splashing acid on people at wedding party
Author: Deng
Date: 04-19-2006, 08:35 PM
Parent: #1

Quote: This must be very spicy

الاخ محجوب.

دي بالغت فيها عديل كده.

الاعزاء سلوى وكوستاوي.

أنا تركت لسامي رسالة في الموبايل اليوم, ولم أسمع منه رد بعد.
إنشالله يكونوا بخير. على ما أعتقد كان معاهو فايز مليجي في الحفلة.


Post: #11
Title: Re: Sudanes ewoman accused of splashing acid on people at wedding party
Author: الخير محمد عوض
Date: 04-19-2006, 08:48 PM
Parent: #10

الاخ دينـق


كنت شـاهـد عيان علي تلك الحـادثة المـؤسـفة والتي لولا

لطـف الله وفضـله لكانت ابنتي الصـغرى احـدي ضـحايا تلكم

الفعـلة الشـنيعـة ..... كان مناسـبة حـنة ابن خالتي بمدينة

(اسكناكتدي)بولاية نيويورك...المهم الحمد لله ربنا سـتر وجاب

العواقـب سـليمـة وعدنا ادراجنا لمدينتنا الهـادئة (مانشستر)

بولاية نيو هامشـير وثمة حـزن كان لما الت اليه سمعـتنا نحن

السـودانيين في هـذا البـلد.

سـاعـود لاحـقا.

Post: #12
Title: Re: Sudanes ewoman accused of splashing acid on people at wedding party
Author: Salwa Seyam
Date: 04-19-2006, 09:49 PM
Parent: #1

الاخ الخير حمدللة علي السلامة انت واسرتك ....

Post: #13
Title: Re: Sudanes ewoman accused of splashing acid on people at wedding party
Author: Deng
Date: 04-19-2006, 09:56 PM
Parent: #1

الاخ الخير.

ألف ألف حمد الله على سلامة الاسرة وسلامتكم.
أتمنى أن جميع المصابين أن يكونوا بخير وأن لا تكون هناك أصابات خطيرة أو تشويهات.
كما تعلم يا عزيزي مثل هذا الاعتدائات الغرض منها تشويه الوجه أو بقية أجزاء الجسم.
حمد الله على السلامة يا عزيزي.


Post: #14
Title: Re: Sudanes ewoman accused of splashing acid on people at wedding party
Author: الخير محمد عوض
Date: 04-19-2006, 11:58 PM
Parent: #13

الاخـت العزيزة سـلوى صـيام

والحـبيب ديـنق

جـزيل شكـري وامتناني لطـيب ما تمنيـتم لاسـرتي الصـغيرة والتي وبلطـف

من السـمـاء سـلمت من الاذى....كان مشـهدا يقطـع نياط القلـب حين وقـع

نظـري علـي طفـلة بريئـة اصـيبت برشـاش تلكم المـادة الحـارقـة(موية النار)

والتـي قطـعا ستترك اثار تشـويهات مقيمـة على جـسـمهـا، لا ادري ما هـو حـالها

الان...السـيدة التي دلقت المادة الحـارقة كانت اكـثر من تضـرر بهـا حيث اصيبت

في وجهها اصابـة بالغـة.

وخـالص الود.