The Muslim Canadian Congress appeals to Khartoum

The Muslim Canadian Congress appeals to Khartoum

12-01-2007, 11:09 PM


Post: #1
Title: The Muslim Canadian Congress appeals to Khartoum
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 12-01-2007, 11:09 PM
Parent: #0

MCC appeals to Khartoum
Set British teacher free

TORONTO - The Muslim Canadian Congress has expressed shock and dismay over the recent imprisonment in Sudan of a British school teacher accused of insulting the Prophet Muhammad and is appealing to the Government of Sudan to immediately set the woman free.
Gillian Gibbons, 54, was arrested on Sunday in Khartoum after allowing her class of primary school pupils to name a teddy bear 'Muhammad'. She now faces six months in prison and 40 lashes under Sudan's medieval sharia laws

In a statement condemning the move, Sohail Raza, the MCC's Communications Director said "the English teacher did not name the teddy bear, the children did. My assumption here is that they gave their beloved teddy a name they have learnt to love and respect at home." He further pointed out that the teddy was only named Muhammad, it didn't become the prophet just by being named so

The MCC further noted that Sudan has ratified international treaties that pertain to civil liberties and freedom from cruel, inhuman and degrading punishments and must be held accountable to these treaties. Furthermore, the interest of upholding the image of Muslims as being tolerant and rational people is not served when barbaric zealots go out on a witch hunt on non-issues

The statement said, "this is one more indication of the bankruptcy of the Islamist agenda worldwide--a contempt for joy and revulsion of happiness." Sudan's Islamists have a record of using Islam as a shield to carry out their authoritarian, misogynist and racist policies. Whether it is their role in the Darfuri genocide or the public execution of Mahmoud Mohamed Taha in 1985, Sudan's Islamists have been an embarrassment to the rest of the Muslim world

The MCC is urging the Canadian government and Muslim organisations to intercede on behalf of this woman before indictments take place or sentences are pronounced

For more information, please contact Sohail Raza at 416-505-1613

Post: #2
Title: Re: The Muslim Canadian Congress appeals to Khartoum
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 12-01-2007, 11:17 PM
Parent: #1

Sudan's Islamists have a record of using Islam as a shield to carry out their authoritarian, misogynist and racist policies. Whether it is their role in the Darfuri genocide or the public execution of Mahmoud Mohamed Taha in 1985, Sudan's Islamists have been an embarrassment to the rest of the Muslim world

Post: #3
Title: Re: The Muslim Canadian Congress appeals to Khartoum
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 12-01-2007, 11:27 PM
Parent: #1

Tarek Fatah, MCC's founder, said he is asking the members to send "tiny teddy bears" to Faiza Hassan Taha, Sudan's ambassador in Ottawa, as a protest

The MCC hopes to meet Ms. Taha next week in Ottawa to present her with a teddy bear and a petition opposing Ms. Gibbons' imprisonment and protesting the genocide in Darfur, western Sudan
They also plan to tell the ambassador they "feel deeply offended as Canadians and as Muslims," Mr. Fatah said

He added the teacher made no mistake in allowing her class to call the stuffed toy Muhammad

"This woman should be released immediately and in fact the Sudanese government should apologize to her for treating her [this way], because this is contrary to any tradition of Islam," he said. "If people don't protest this, against this lunacy, where will our political correctness lead us to?"

Post: #4
Title: Re: The Muslim Canadian Congress appeals to Khartoum
Author: Shams eldin Alsanosi
Date: 12-01-2007, 11:59 PM
Parent: #1

Quote: The MCC hopes to meet Ms. Taha next week in Ottawa to present him with a teddy bear and a petition opposing Ms. Gibbons' imprisonment and protesting the genocide in Darfur, western Sudan

indeed the congress is fully expressing my position as well as the opinion of the majority Canadian muslims in this matter
my full support as Muslim Canadian to the Canadian Muslims' Congress

Post: #5
Title: Re: The Muslim Canadian Congress appeals to Khartoum
Author: Salah Waspa
Date: 12-02-2007, 00:45 AM
Parent: #4

my full support as Muslim Canadian to the Canadian Muslims' Congress

Post: #6
Title: Re: The Muslim Canadian Congress appeals to Khartoum
Author: هاشم نوريت
Date: 12-02-2007, 00:51 AM
Parent: #5

شكرا Canadian Muslims' Congress وكم كنت ان تاتى مثل هذه المبادرة منكم اخى شمس الدين كقادة للسودانيين حتى لا يتم اى تحرييف للامر وحتى الان اتمنى عليكم الاتصال بهم لطالما الانقاذ هناك لن تكون هذه اخر النكبات