حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!!

حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!!

12-01-2007, 09:11 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=120&msg=1196496683&rn=5

Post: #1
Title: حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!!
Author: jini
Date: 12-01-2007, 09:11 AM
Parent: #0

Sudan charges UK teacher with insulting religion

Opheera McDoom | Khartoum, Sudan

28 November 2007 06:20

A British teacher detained in Sudan after her class called a teddy bear Muhammad was charged on Wednesday with insulting Islam in a move that sparked a diplomatic row between London and Khartoum.

Gillian Gibbons (54) was also charged with inciting hatred and showing contempt for religious beliefs, Sudanese official media said. If convicted, she could face 40 lashes, a fine or one year in jail.

"Khartoum North prosecution unit has completed its investigation and has charged the Briton Gillian [Gibbons] under Article 125 of the criminal code," Sudanese news agency Suna said, quoting a senior Justice Ministry official.

In London, a British Foreign Office spokesperson confirmed that Gibbons had been charged and officials said Foreign Secretary David Miliband was calling in the Sudanese ambassador over the affair.

"We are surprised and disappointed by this development and the foreign secretary will summon as a matter of urgency the Sudanese ambassador to discuss this matter further," Prime Minister Gordon Brown's official spokesperson said.

The matter would go before a court on Thursday and Gibbons, who is from Liverpool, was expected to appear.

Fellow teachers said they did not believe Gibbons had intended to insult Islam and had made an innocent mistake in choosing the name.

Earlier on Wednesday, three British embassy officials and a teaching colleague from the Unity High School where Gibbons worked were allowed to visit her for more than 90 minutes.

"I can confirm that we have met Ms Gibbons and she said she is being treated well," said British consul Russell Phillips. "We remain in close contact with the Sudanese authorities on this case," he said, declining to give further details.

Gibbons was arrested after some parents complained about the bear being named after the Prophet Muhammad.

Teachers at the school said Gibbons had asked her class of seven-year-olds to choose their favourite name for the bear, and 20 of the 23 had voted for Muhammad.

Writing exercise
A seven-year-old student called Mohammad told Reuters this week that he had suggested his own name be used for the bear.

In a writing exercise students were allowed to take the bear home and asked to keep a diary of what they did with the toy. These accounts were put together in a book entitled My Name is Muhammad.

Leaflets were distributed in Khartoum calling for protests after Friday prayers, but many ordinary Sudanese said they were ready to forgive Gibbons if she apologised.

"When we heard we wanted to demonstrate immediately but some said we should wait and see what the concerned authorities find out," said Abdallah, a science student.

Shopkeeper Sabir Abdel Karim said that if Gibbons had not intended to insult Islam, an apology to Muslims would be enough to end the problem.

"If the teacher apologised to the Sudanese people and to all Muslims because she insulted the Prophet Muhammad then this is enough to end the matter," he said.

"Anyone can make a mistake and Muslims are forgivers. She will be forgiven and God will be the judge."

Many Sudanese had not heard the full story and thought she had made a model of an animal and named it Muhammad after Islam's Prophet.

Rumours of riots, violent protests and cars burning near the school were rife but the streets were calm and there was no sign of demonstrations.

Not all were ready to forgive and forget, however.

"She is a teacher and should be teaching her pupils to be respectful and have morals but instead she is doing the opposite," said Mohamed Toum, a law student. -- Reuters

القارديان عدد اليوم 1 ديسمبر

Post: #2
Title: Re: حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!!
Author: jini
Date: 12-01-2007, 09:14 AM
Parent: #1

Sudan charges UK teacher with insulting religion

Opheera McDoom | Khartoum, Sudan

28 November 2007 06:20

A British teacher detained in Sudan after her class called a teddy bear Muhammad was charged on Wednesday with insulting Islam in a move that sparked a diplomatic row between London and Khartoum.

Gillian Gibbons (54) was also charged with inciting hatred and showing contempt for religious beliefs, Sudanese official media said. If convicted, she could face 40 lashes, a fine or one year in jail.

"Khartoum North prosecution unit has completed its investigation and has charged the Briton Gillian [Gibbons] under Article 125 of the criminal code," Sudanese news agency Suna said, quoting a senior Justice Ministry official.

In London, a British Foreign Office spokesperson confirmed that Gibbons had been charged and officials said Foreign Secretary David Miliband was calling in the Sudanese ambassador over the affair.

"We are surprised and disappointed by this development and the foreign secretary will summon as a matter of urgency the Sudanese ambassador to discuss this matter further," Prime Minister Gordon Brown's official spokesperson said.

The matter would go before a court on Thursday and Gibbons, who is from Liverpool, was expected to appear.

Fellow teachers said they did not believe Gibbons had intended to insult Islam and had made an innocent mistake in choosing the name.

Earlier on Wednesday, three British embassy officials and a teaching colleague from the Unity High School where Gibbons worked were allowed to visit her for more than 90 minutes.

"I can confirm that we have met Ms Gibbons and she said she is being treated well," said British consul Russell Phillips. "We remain in close contact with the Sudanese authorities on this case," he said, declining to give further details.

Gibbons was arrested after some parents complained about the bear being named after the Prophet Muhammad.

Teachers at the school said Gibbons had asked her class of seven-year-olds to choose their favourite name for the bear, and 20 of the 23 had voted for Muhammad.

Writing exercise
A seven-year-old student called Mohammad told Reuters this week that he had suggested his own name be used for the bear.

In a writing exercise students were allowed to take the bear home and asked to keep a diary of what they did with the toy. These accounts were put together in a book entitled My Name is Muhammad.

Leaflets were distributed in Khartoum calling for protests after Friday prayers, but many ordinary Sudanese said they were ready to forgive Gibbons if she apologised.

"When we heard we wanted to demonstrate immediately but some said we should wait and see what the concerned authorities find out," said Abdallah, a science student.

Shopkeeper Sabir Abdel Karim said that if Gibbons had not intended to insult Islam, an apology to Muslims would be enough to end the problem.

"If the teacher apologised to the Sudanese people and to all Muslims because she insulted the Prophet Muhammad then this is enough to end the matter," he said.

"Anyone can make a mistake and Muslims are forgivers. She will be forgiven and God will be the judge."

Many Sudanese had not heard the full story and thought she had made a model of an animal and named it Muhammad after Islam's Prophet.

Rumours of riots, violent protests and cars burning near the school were rife but the streets were calm and there was no sign of demonstrations.

Not all were ready to forgive and forget, however.

"She is a teacher and should be teaching her pupils to be respectful and have morals but instead she is doing the opposite," said Mohamed Toum, a law student. -- Reuters

القارديان عدد 28 نوفمبر

Post: #3
Title: Re: حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!!
Author: jini
Date: 12-01-2007, 09:16 AM
Parent: #1

Quote: Sudan questions British teacher over Islam insult

Khartoum, Sudan

27 November 2007 12:00

Sudanese authorities began questioning a British teacher on Tuesday arrested for insulting Islam after her young students named a teddy bear Muhammad.

Gillian Gibbons, a 54-year-old teacher at the Unity High School in Khartoum, was arrested on Sunday after complaints from parents.

"She has been transferred for questioning," said one police official in the station where she was being held.

The official said a decision was possible on Tuesday from the investigating authorities as to whether charges would be brought against Gibbons.

If convicted of insulting Islam, she could be sentenced to 40 lashes, six months in prison or a fine, lawyers said.

Teachers at the school said Gibbons had asked her class of seven-year-olds to choose their favourite name for the teddy bear and 20 of the 23 had voted for Muhammad.

Unity director Robert Boulos had said the school would be closed until January because he was afraid of reprisals in mainly Muslim Khartoum.

In 2005 a Sudanese paper was closed for three months and its editor arrested for reprinting articles questioning the roots of the Prophet Muhammad, a move which prompted angry protests.

Al-Wifaq editor Mohamed Taha was later abducted from his home by armed men and beheaded.

A British embassy official said Gibbons was in good spirits and school officials said they were optimistic she would be released.

Sudan's justice minister declined to immediately comment. - Reuters

القارديان 27 نوفمبر

Post: #4
Title: Re: حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!!
Author: jini
Date: 12-01-2007, 09:28 AM
Parent: #3

Quote: The British school teacher arrested in Sudan has been charged today with blasphemy, insulting Islam and inciting hatred after her pupils named a teddy bear Muhammad.

Gillian Gibbons, 54, now faces 40 lashes, a six month prison sentence or a fine if convicted of the crime.

The decision to press charges has triggered diplomatic tensions between Sudan and Britain. David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary, immediately summoned the Sudanese diplomat in London to the Foreign Office.

"We are surprised and disappointed by this development, and the Foreign Secretary will summon as a matter of urgency the Sudanese ambassador to discuss the matter further," a spokesman for Gordon Brown said
Abdel Daim Zamrawi, Sudan’s deputy justice minister, told reporters: "The investigation has been completed and the Briton Gillian was charged under Article 125 of the penal code."

"The punishment for this is jail, a fine and lashes. It is up to the judge to determine the sentence," he said.

Ms Gibbons has spent three days in custody being questioned by police in Khartoum before a file about the case against her was presented to prosecutors.
presented to prosecutors.

The decision to prosecute follows mounting pressure and a series of protests in Sudan by Muslims, who claimed the former deputy head from Liverpool had committed blasphemy by allowing the children in her class at Khartoum’s Unity High School where she worked to name to toy after the prophet.

She is due to appear before a judge tomorrow for a formal hearing.

There has been some speculation that the mother-of-two, who had only been in Sudan since leaving England in July, could also be charged with sedition, a far more serious charge than insulting Muslims.

In Khartoum, leaflets had been distributed calling for protests after Friday prayers as students at the city’s university held protests waving Sudanese newspapers which featured pictures of the teacher on the front page.

Muhammad Toum, a law student, said: "She is a teacher and should be teaching her pupils to be respectful and have morals but instead she is doing the opposite."
Abdallah, a science student, said: "When we heard, we wanted to demonstrate immediately but some said we should wait and see what the concerned authorities find out."

However, others in the city were more lenient. Sabir Abdel Karim, a shopkeeper, said that if Ms Gibbons had not intended to insult Islam, an apology to Muslims would be enough to end the problem.

"If the teacher apologised to the Sudanese people and to all Muslims because she insulted the Prophet Mohammad then this is enough to end the matter," he said.

"Any one can make a mistake and Muslims are forgivers. She will be forgiven and God will be the judge
"If there was a misunderstanding as to what happened this can be resolved peacefully."

Earlier today Ms Gibbons had told British diplomats who visited her in prison that she was being treated well by the authorities.

Muhammad, a seven-year-old pupil in her class, had also revealed that he had named the teddy bear after himself and most in the class agreed with his choice.
However, the public furore over the issue was being fuelled by inaccurate rumours about what actually happened in her classroom.

Many Sudanese had not heard the full story and thought she had made a model of an animal and named it Muhammad after Islam’s Prophet.

A British embassy spokesman said "I can confirm that we have met Ms. Gibbons and she said she is being treated well," said British consul Russell Phillips.

"We remain in close contact with the Sudanese authorities on this case," he said, declining to give further details.

Mrs Gibbons’s local Member of Parliament, the Liverpool Riverside MP Louise Ellman, said: "I am astounded. It was hoped the matter could be resolved by diplomatic means.

"I am now seeking a meeting with the Foreign Secretary to see what representations can now be made. This is an unacceptable escalation of an innocent situation."

A pale-faced Ms Gibbons walking with her head down and a thin blue blanket wrapped around her shoulders was taken from her prison cell to the meeting room earlier today

Post: #5
Title: Re: حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!!
Author: jini
Date: 12-01-2007, 09:30 AM
Parent: #1

لو نقلت ليكم تعليقات القراء مرارتكم حتنفقع!


Post: #6
Title: Re: حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!!
Author: jini
Date: 12-01-2007, 09:33 AM
Parent: #1

شوفوا الكولمبى دا قال شنو
Quote: Its sad to see her getting punished for an innocent mistake. but mind you, in the UK people can be sentenced for longer if they stir up racial hatred.

Sohaib Awan, London, UK

This is the reason why the sudan is, and will be a 3rd world country for the next 1000 years. First all the world is helping them, giving them food, education and trying to civilize them and that is the treatment they give to us. Cancel all the international help to those people. And see how they will come begging to us again, since no prophet is helping them to survive by themselves. Ungreatful people!!!! Shame on you!!!!

John, acacias, colombia

Post: #7
Title: Re: حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!!
Author: jini
Date: 12-01-2007, 09:36 AM
Parent: #1

What would the prophet consider the greater crime. Calling a teddy bear Mohammed, or punishing a 56 year old woman, with strong principles and a good heart, as well as fuelling anti Islamic feeling and giving hate groups more ammunition.

I'm not a scholar of Islam, but perhaps someone could enlighten me, did the Prophet ever forgive anyone?

Neil, Manchester,

If Sharia law is introduced in the UK (and which of our brave politicians will speak out against it?) UK women will suffer similar consequences.

proud to be British, Manchester, UK

Ugo, you write "Paul Jackson's reaction is to demonize a whole country and nation. Quite revolting actually..."
Well, a country can be judged upon how it treats the weakest and most vulnerable members of the community - and i'd say being a British woman is quite a weak and vulnerable position in Sudan - so yes, it is justified to judge the nation by the actions of it's government.

Ugo, London, UK

Marco, Birmingham, uk

This is a country where MORE THAN NINETY PERCENT of the women are subject to FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION. I can have no respect for that. Faith is no virtue.

R. R. Limae, Heidelberg, Germany

A 7 year old child named a teddy after himself. What could be more innocent than that ?

Realist, Newport, UK

Cut all aid to the Sudan. I cannot abide that my hard earned taxes are supporting this behaviour.

Insenced, woking,

What really annoys me about it is the fact that the woman was there to help people, i wouldn't surprised if she never returned after this ordeal is over.

Another thing that annoys is that the muslims are not angry because of the Bear, they are angry because she is from the western world, and immediately assume her to be a threat.

If anything it is these extremists who should punished, not her.
But I also ask people not to take their anger out on ordinary British muslims, they are probably as appauled as everyone else is.

Chris, Glasgow,

>Why is everyone so quick to jump to the conclusion that just because some Muslims act in these ways, all muslims must be bad, horrible people.

Because we also have our ignorant fools with hair trigger reactions in this country.

My take:

Matt Wardman, Derb, UK

It is not Gillian Gibbons who insighted racial hatred.
It is the sudanese government for prosecuting her that make me hate muslims.

Why do we let other races and religions walk all over the british way of life, despite not getting the same level of tolerance elsewhere.

I agree with Bruce Harper.

Jeff Cumpsty, Wirral, UK

It’s astounding how the issue of multi-cultural tolerance is still put forward as a legitimate consideration in this debate despite the truly horrific nature of these events. A woman is to receive public lashes & be presented publicly, bleeding, flesh torn from her back because she caused offence.
To acknowledge the individual “offence” caused in these circumstances is tantamount to accepting there is any grievance to be had at all. Once there is acknowledgment there follows justification & then precedent; “I will take offence because I can”. We arrive at today’s un-quantified situation whereby the perceived ‘offence taken’ is accepted as justification for aggression.
In Sudan they have the excuse of propaganda & ill-education. The UK has no such justification. Just as Faith is personal, so is offence. Believe what you believe & take offence at what offends YOU!
Offence is no justification for aggression; it is merely a reason for discussion. Tolerance works both ways

James, London,

Islam doesnt say its right to cause pain to a child. Islam actually says that no matter what a child does, the child is totally innocent.
Islam doesnt stop women from shaking hands with men. Islam says that the woman must put her hand out first (the man cant put his hand out first, just incase the woman is to shy to shake hands).
Virtually every muslim woman I talk to, looks me in the eye (that is not a rule that exists in the Qura'n) and your comment is the first time I heard about it.
Stoning and lashing is not explicitly for women, men are stoned & lashed as well (equivalent to execution that is still performed in many western/christian countries) and can only be performed for some crimes if evidence proves the person guilty.
As to 'insists that gays should be thrown off of cliffs', that is not a rule that exists in the Qura'n, and I first heard about from your email.
Rather than taking what people say (or do!), I recomend you read the Qura'n and decide on islam from that.

A muslim, UK, Earth

awhat is this world coming to, it is only a teddy bear!!!!!!!!

A OTTER, dronfield, uk

How about this. Put all the muslims in one part of the world. The rest of us in another. They could have eg Africa. Right here you go - here's your new land, perform as much Sharia as you want. Leave the rest of us alone.
We won't try to educate them anymore, no handouts. Repatriate every single hardcore Muslim from everywhere to the new land of opportunity.
Or maybe that is what they are planning for the UK?

Bruce Harper, Stafford,

Paul Jackson's patronising viewing of Sudan as "starving" is particularly pathetic. Actually Sudan has an impressive GDP rate growth of up to 12% yearly. In Karthoum, its booming capital city, skyscrapers are popping up out of nowhere built on the strength of this country's huge oil revenues. Would he mind looking images.google for Karthoum and see for himself?
The imminent lashing of a British woman (yes, thet are a superior breed above the laws and traditions of Sudan) is regretable yet Jackson's reaction is to demonize a whole country and nation.
Quite revolting actually...

Ugo, London, UK

Ridiculous! feel sorry for decent Muslims, this situation don't do them any favours.

This poor lady is innocent and should be let free without charge,

As far as Sudan goes, the sudanese government are throwing stones to their own roof, donations to help the poor Sudanese people might fall drastically because of this,

M, Bucks, uk

Now is the time for our Foreign Office to prove that they are not totally useless and not "just for foreigners" and actually help this poor innocent woman. They should put extreme pressure on this nasty bunch of clothheads, to the extent of expelling Sudanese diplomats and starting to deport Sudanese nationals in Britain until this appalling regime (the heroes of Darfur) start to come to their senses and release this unfortunate Briton. Time was when this sort of gross behaviour towards British nationals got instant action - but you have to be American now to receive that sort of attention. Living in France, I actually asked UK consular staff for some advice recently. I am sorry I disturbed their slumbers.

david, Ligneyrac, France

When will the rational people speak up?

It's a child's toy? Does ANYONE really believe that this teacher was deliberately trying to insult Islam?


David, Los Angeles, USA

What rubbish Razan! Of course it isn't illegal - let alone treason - to stick a stamp upside down. What a stupid thing to say.
We are constantly scolded and told that there are hardly any extremists and most Muslims are 'moderate'. If this lot are an example of 'moderate' Muslims, then frankly I despair.

Caroline, London , UK

Words just fail me, and for those who know me this is so so unusual. We welcome all creeds,colours and beliefs here and yet Gillian Gibbons goes out there to Sudan teach children and involved with naming a teddy bear that Sudanese consider to be so serious thast she could receive 40 lashes. Surely ,surely the Muslims in our country can influence this decision and prevent this . If they agree with the decision then may our God help them.

puzzled, Worcester, UK

IT is tempting to say that this teacher's plight is simply more evidence of the unreformed state of the Islamic religions, and the unworkable state of multiculturalism generally, when compared to the Christian religions and Anglo culture.

THAT said, I can recall being given "six of the best" with a leather strap for misbehavior in class, along with many others, by what to me seemed psychotically inclined "Christian brothers" who were assembled under the holy name of St Bede. We were in metropolitan Melbourne, not Africa. So I think there is a tendency for teachers to be power crazed individuals who enjoy inflicting pain, because we have made education itself compulsory by law. If something[education] is any good it should stand on it's own merits, and not be imposed.

Phil Colquitt, New Farm, Australia

People have said "I'm sure she didn't mean to offend, so she should be free."

Presumably, by the same token, she should be arrested if it turns out that she actually did want to offend?

How can "causing offence" be a criminal act?

Rude? Yes.
Anti-social? Sure thing.
Awkward at the mosque? Totally.
Sackable? Maybe.

But criminal? Never, never, never, never, never.

Nobody has a birthright to not be offended, and just because religion is involved doesn't make it any different.

Is your God so insecure that he wants you to make laws against name-calling?

We should be shouting from the hilltops against this. Blasphemy laws are a gross violation of basic human freedoms.

James Cane, London, UK

1. Two wrongs (or fifty) don't make a right.
2. The examples you cite are all intra-national, therefore only the business of the country in question. A citizen of a country is subject to its laws, and the proper response to insane laws is to work productively to change them. (Not to justify one set of insane laws by pointing out that other laws are also insane -- humans are fallible, but we are supposed to be striving to better ourselves, not sink to the lowest common denominator.)
3. This current matter is international. This teacher is one of ours. We are on her side. The end.

Nicole K, Astoria at the moment,

Insighting racial hatred by naming a teddy bear mohammed? Don't they think that they are insighting more racial hatred themselves by making such a big issue of this! Why on earth is our government allowing this to happen, they should've had her out of there by now. How dare they treat our people so badly when all we do is welcome people from all over the world to walk all over us. Its time things changed and we treated the rest of the world how they treat us.

Claire, Liverpool, England

There is a huge difference in what a religion says and how people CHOOSE to interpret it. so please kindly avoid judging the entire religion based on the way people apply it. Some of the comments here are very negative towards Islam and ofcourse are perfectly entitled to be but why don't you get an english translation of the Quran and read what it says first? There's no better opinion than an informed one.

I'm a British Muslim and proud to be both. In response to some people who say why don't Muslims speak up, maybe it's because it seems that a lot of the people here have already made up their minds about our religion and therefore us, not just the extremists or the ill-educated but ALL of us!

But it's ok because I appreciate that for every person here who's been judgemental and somewhat narrow-minded, there are loads of people who aren't.

As for the situation in Sudan, I think it's completely wrong and un-Islamic but that's my opinion and interpretation of Islam.

Shaina, Leics,

This is ridiculous. Today I named my computer 'Mohammad' - what are you going to do ?

You make such a big fuss out of minor issues like this, but on more grave issues like morality, corruption, bribery and even homicide, it's all OK. Look at the level of corruption and indiscipline that manifests Pakistan today - a Muslim country. If religion has taught anything to these leaders (present and past) this country would be a more serene and peaceful place today. But no, even Sister Benazir filled her pockets and went to live a good life in England when she finished her spell.

But this is all fine. The biggest current affair on the Islamic calendar today is the naming of a teddy bear as Mohommad. For all we know, this teacher may have not even thought of the prophet when she did this, but merely of the boy in the class who had the same name. Mohommad is a common Muslim name - what do U have to say about Mohommads who are drug addicts & womanisers ? They get sentenced too? A JOKE to me

CSRG, Setúbal, Portugal

Why is everyone so quick to jump to the conclusion that just because some Muslims act in these ways, all muslims must be bad, horrible people. For every extremist, theres way more peaceful muslims. For all the people making comments and encuraging this sort of thing, or protesting violently against this 'blasphemy'; theres millions of Muslims who would condemn it without a second thought. The difference is simply that we are not on the front pages or in the headlines. We love our country and our religion tells us to respect the law and rules of the country we live in. I can't explain or excuse the actions of SOME (not ALL) muslims but then why should I have to? I've done nothing wrong.

Shaina, Leics,

Shahir -- is this teacher Russian? No. So what's your point? We are talking about a UK national. You can say all kinds of things about Jesus if you like in the UK, today, right now -- last I heard, "South Park" was still airing in the UK?

(And if you want to get technical about it, even back then, the examples you provide were punished for their own actions and not the actions of SEVEN-YEAR-OLD MINOR CHILDREN.)

Pam, Hackensack, NJ

(Er... not to mention that generally, anyone citing Wikipedia sort of automatically loses the argument. Wikipedia is a nice source, but since anyone can sign on and edit it and add whatever they want, regardless of age, prejudice, or education leve, the website is not the end all and be all of trustworthiness and should never be regarded as an "expert source." You really should find the relevant White Paper, to be taken seriously.)

Pam, Hackensack, NJ

So let me get this straight: Mohammed doesn't mind if you slaughter thousands of innocent, helpless people in his name, but will have a fit if you use his name for something close to a child's heart. Hmmm. In the days of the crusades the Moslems were celebrated for their tolerance, their education and their sophisticated civilisation. Now, sadly, it seems no longer a religion but a tool for the uneducated, the poor, the ignorant and the vicious to instil hatred and fear amongst themselves and everyone else. Diplomacy should fix this problem, but we must remember that hatred likes to spread and proliferate, so diplomacy must be backed up by a might that will not be intimidated or dissuaded from its path to right thinking and humane behaviour.

Michelle Tonkin, Sydney, Australia

Can someone please tell me exactly what great things Mohammed actually did and what kind of a person he was.
He might have liked the idea of a cuddly cute teddy bear being named after him by an equally cute 7 year old kid for all we know??

Julia, London, UK

I wonder what Mohammed himself would think of all this nonsense. I'd like to think that he'd be ashamed

Rob, Wallasey,

How long before that country comes begging the West for help when the next famine arrives?.
It's time they moved into the 21st century.

Gordon Perrygrove, Birmingham.,

Perhaps a generous offer could be made to purchase Mrs Gibbon’s freedom - as a large enough sum might be what is required to absolve her of any wrong doing.

A tempting offer of prize camels, fine fabrics from the Far East, incense and myrrh and wads of US dollars in cash, might just do the trick.

Of course a genuine apology - to all who have been offended; the children, the teddy, the country, the world of Islam.

And then get the good woman out of there.

Mia, London,

if you go to Sudan dont name a teddy bear Mohammed.

Alf Parelli, London, UK

Why is it ok to name your child Muhammad but not to allow the child to name a toy after himself? Says it all about the mindset of that culture I think and shows why the west is right to be wary of too close engagement. Obviously the cultural differences are so vast that we are effectively living on different planets.

maria, sydney, australia

enter Wikipedia, type 'Blasphemy'.Found this=

" Blasphemy laws in England...person in Britain to be imprisoned for blasphemy was John William Gott on 9 December 1921. He had three previous convictions for blasphemy...comparing Jesus to a circus clown. He was sentenced to nine months' hard labour. In 1977, Denis Lemon...found guilty of blasphemous libel...fined 500 pound... nine months imprisonment..."

shair, hampshire, UK

ps for Shabir,

The Holocaust happennes...so really as say the American,if you can live with us,leave us!

Angel, Jersey, UK

Jun 2005=

A British evangelical organisation, Christian Voice led street protests against the BBC screening of Jerry Springer – The Opera, in which Jesus wearing a nappy says "I'm a bit gay". Christian Voice published the home addresses and telephone numbers of several BBC executives on their web site. This led to one of these people receiving death threats. Another organisation, the Christian Institute attempted to level blasphemy charges against the BBC

Christian Voice says the show is deliberately offensive and provocative to Christians.

The BBC received more than 60,000 complaints over the broadcast of the hit stage show in January

More than 7,940 people complained to the media regulator Ofcom before it was shown on BBC Two, followed by a further 8,860 afterwards.

link= http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/west_midlands/4606085.stm

shair, hampshire, UK

In march 2005…Moscow court… January 2003 organisers of an art exhibition guilty of inciting religious hatred and fined them 100,000 roubles (£2,000) each… The Russian Orthodox Church had condemned director Yuri Samodurov and his colleague Lyudmila Vasilovskaya…court ruling…the show was "openly insulting and blasphemous”…Coca-Cola logo with Jesus' face shown next to it, with the words: "This is my blood"… was also a sculpture of a church made from vodka bottles.


shahir, hampshire, UK

This is ridiculous and it just shows that many Muslims must think that Prophet Muhammad is so weak a person that naming a teddy bear with his name will cause him severe damage. Is that what they are saying ?. Or are they saying really that they want any excuse whatsoever and however stupid in order to try and demonstrate against the West ?. Either way Prophet Muhammad must be laughing at how stupid SOME of his followers are.

Stearn, Paris, France

if the international community had any balls, they would have removed the dictatorship in sudan years ago. instead, they let them get away with murder, torture and oppression. we are all shamed.

this barely registers on the scale of evil in sudan.

that said, since it is the subject of this column, of course it is ridiculous that she should be punished for unintentionally causing offence to some oversensitive deluded idiots. no one mocks islam like the moslems.

jem, london, uk

easy call... make a hostage situation and refuse to release the staff of the Sudanese embassy / consul until the Sudanese state releases the teacher. I know it's pretty radical and highly illegal and improper, but well, fight fire with fire. it's not as if she'll escape the lashes otherwise - i.e. 'diplomatically'.

Marco, Birmingham, uk

Stuff like this just gives the West to be even more bigoted and self righteous about their own ideals and beliefs. Yeah religious Islamic zealots are bad, but so are the homophobic Christian ones in America - but then I would argue that these wingnuts have missed the point of religion completly. Religion can and is a powerful tool when used in moderation - giving hope to the hopeless and support to those that need it.

So please don't jump on the bandwagon and justtry to abolish religion - just remove the fanatics.

For the record I am currently Agnostic (means I believe in god but have not chosen a particular religious path) although I do go to a Christian church from time to time.

Justin, London,

Should it not be the relevant Sudanese authorities on trial instead for making their own religion an utter laughing-stock?

Phil Williams, Shrewsbury, UK

Well, at least she wasn't a rape victim. The punishment for that "offense" is 200 lashes.

robroy, Colorado,

Sudan - crocodile country of the world - big body, tiny brain.

R Baker, Bracknell, UK

Sudan failed to build on what it should have learnt of civilised values from 60 years of relatively benign British colonial rule, and has since its independence more than 50 years ago denied democracy to, and engaged in almost continuous brutality against large segments of its own subjects, and belligerency against many of its neighbours.

All this while holding out the begging bowl and expecting unquestioning infrastructural and humanitarian aid from various international agencies. Its only international friend is China, and only then because of its oil.

I feel enormously sorry for the Sudanese peoples, but this failed state is of no strategic or economic value to us, and our Government should take the following drastic steps now:

1) Order our well-meaning relief and other workers home

2) Stop all UK-sourced relief projects and aid to the country

3) Call in their Ambassador, give him " 40 lashes" and tell him to pack up and go home

Gordon Alexander, Frome,

Every time some idiotic event like this happens in a sharia-run theocracy, the jihadists lose another skirmish in the battle for hearts and minds.

William, London,

During the Don Pacifico Incident Lord Palmerston said "As the Roman, in days of old, held himself free from indignity, when he could say, Civis Romanus sum [I am a Roman citizen], so also a British subject, in whatever land he may be, shall feel confident that the watchful eye and the strong arm of England will protect him from injustice and wrong.". He then blockaded Piraeus for months on the behalf of a single British subject over what could be deemed a trivial case regarding compensation.

David Milliband would do well to bear that in mind when he meets the Sudanese Ambassador tomorrow morning. He has an opportunity to retreive a bit of self respect for this country, make a name for himself and put all Labour's woes in the shade all at one fell swoop. I wonder if he wil grasp the nettle.

Simon, Chatham, Kent

This is totally revolting. This experienced and cabable teacher gave up her post in a UK school to support Third World education, a thoroughly altruistic move. Why do representatives of Islam, never mind governments let themselves be drawn into such superficial and naive political correctness.

stephen barnett, Cheshire, UK

If Sudan looked in their jails, I'm sure they will find much more sinister people with the name than an innocent teddy bear.
The "teddy bear" name came from a famous President.

Les, Los Angeles, USA

The Sudanese government has completely violated the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. Not that I much admire the UN for all of its meddlesomeness, but this time such a blatant violation of its principles deserves to be called out.

Dave, Phoenix, AZ, USA

I hope this sends a clear message to us Westerners that the Sudanese would prefer that we stay out of their country. If you still really want to visit a violent, poverty-stricken, barren sand pit hundreds of years behind the modern age, then try some place that would appreciate you a bit more, like the Yemen maybe.

I met a black Sudanese who was full of praise for the good works done by the British, such as the education he would not have otherwise had. He also had many horror stories about treatment by the Arabs who run the country. It is a shame.

Paul, London, UK

Apologising would be an insult to the free world. The British government need to show these primitives that their barbarism will not be tolerated on our citizens and appropriate, severe action needs to be taken if this poor woman is punished.

Steve, Birmingham, England

Darfur, Darfur, Darfur.
The first enemy of Islamic fundamentalists is muslims, the second is everyone else.
How many muslims did they kill when overthrowing the democratic government?
It's them or us.

Tony, Hull, UK

Stop all aid now
It will focus their minds. Taking Western aid may be an insult to Islam, so stop it now and their Islamic neighbours can help...simple

Andy, London,

Isn't religion wonderful? I'm glad I'm out of it.

Paul, Portsmouth,

This whole situation echoes well with Jeremy Clarksons column this past Sunday. We have lost our national identity and international credibility. Its not that long ago that whilst the thought of doing something like this to a British Subject may have been there, the actual audacity to carry it out would not have been.
I agree with Peter, maybe a couple of battleships on 'Manouvers' in the vicinity are required - maybe it is time to start rattling the British sword again instead of apologising for almost everything our forefathers did - Just imagine the sort of place the world would be if they hadnt.

Paul, Ajax, ON, Canada

Post: #8
Title: Re: حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!!
Author: jini
Date: 12-01-2007, 09:37 AM
Parent: #1

Rezwan in London, you get points for quoting an obscure law that is no longer enforced, thereby ridiculing your entire argument.

It is an old law that is no longer enforced.

Contrast with the persecution of a teacher in the Sudan for another anachronistic law.

And by the way, it is also illegal to eat mincepies on Christmas day.

Pete, Bristol, UK

I wonder if the United Nations will step up to the plate and do something to help defuse this situation.

Linda, New York City, USA

Forget the battleships..we have a more powerful weapon..the internet...I have just emailed the Sudanese Embassy in London..Politeley I expressed my wish that she is released asap and returned home unharmed. I mentioned it would be a shame to lose all that aid over a teddy bear.

cosmick, blackpool, England

The hideous views of Muslims on all this seems to illustrate the problems with this intolerant, medieval religion. Thank god I'm an atheist.
My child came home from school the other day parroting some nonsense about having to 'respect all religions'. I said, 'You should respect human beings, but religion doesn't deserve respect."

Caroline, London , UK

Shame, shame, shame on the lunatic zealots who interperet their faith in such callous and brutal terms. They cause far more insult to their faith than the unfortunate Ms Gibbons.

graham, watford,

1. A teacher asks her 7-year old students to name a small teddy bear as part of their schooling.

2. The students name the teddy bear Muhammad as many people are named.

3. The police arrest the teacher and seize the teddy bear as evidence.

4. Young crazed Muslim men gather outside of the jail and chant to have her put to death.

5. She is charged with a religious crime and could be sentenced to 40 lashes, a large fine and jail time for her crime.

6. The school is shut down fearing violence and reprisals by religious zealots

There is no way that anyone does a better job at slurring Islam or making it look like an absolutely ridiculous religion than Muslims themselves as the light of reality shines upon this silly, worthless and stupid cult religion.

It is a religion that is based almost solely on coercion to force people to conform to its juvenile behavior and it also attempts to force those outside to conform to the same asinine rules.

Jack E., Highland, NY, USA

As an American citizen who loves England and her people, I am outraged at the treatment of Ms. Gibbons. Our family has called our elected officials in Washington to encourage them to support any pressure the American government can exert on the Sudanese government. In addition, I left an angry voicemail at the Sudanese embassy in Washington demanding Ms. Gibbons' immediate release.

Standing with you,


David Harper, Duncanville,, TX

Immams sue for being taken off our airplanes, mosques are being built all over the U.S., everyone has to bend over backward for the muslims but NO catholic churches can be built in muslim countries, they don't want us to decorate for Christmas, and now this! They rule wit an iron fist. They are here to take over the U.S. and we better wake up soon!

D Noll, Las Vegas, NV

As a curious side note, "teddy bears" are actually named after Teddy Roosevelt. I wonder what Teddy Roosevelt would have done if he was President today and the teacher was an American citizen? (something about the Barbary Pirates comes to mind) In today's wimpy society, I doubt any country has the will to stand that strong to protect one of its citizens overseas. At least maybe some countries will cut off aid to the backward government of Sudan after this travesty. I hope the teacher ends up released without being whipped.

Scott, Houston, Texas, USA

That whole region is stuck in the 1500's, the PC brigade will go mental but everyone knows it's true.

Graeme, Glasgow,

IT just goes to show the difference between our religous tolerence and that of the muslim community.

I respect other peoples religions as it is their own to do as they wish with, but they should do the same. why she was there in the first place though i dont know i would sooner go to hell.

Many Muslims in this country show no respect for christianity, placards on telly in LONDON saying "behead all non muslims" and what do we do? give them jobs and houses and benefits.

The muslim religion appears to be more of a cult everyday. And its followers are taken in by its violent way of dealing with things. "1 in 4 mosques preach hatred". If i was a muslim i would be ashamed of my religion and i would start making waves to sort it out.

Disgrace utter disgrace.

mattg, gillingham, UK

This is considered setting a bad moral example for children...but not desert predators raping and brutalizing the women in Darfuri refugee camps nine times a day?

Jon. Guttman, Leesburg, USA/Virginia

So many people called Mohammed yet name a bear and its blasphemy! Madness! SO how come naming your son is not blasphemy?

Paul Davis, York, uk

Thanks to Osaf ("I am a Mulsim and ashamed of Sudan.") for the comment. And to restate what Karen said somewhat, I'd think Western Muslims likewise would rush at the chance to disavow this barbaric sentence. So I ask sincerely: Why don't they? Do they silently agree with the punishment? If not, are they reluctant to express themselves independently for fear of reprisal? Or do they simply not frequent publications like this one? Again, these are sincere questions.

Brett, Cleveland, Ohio

When you live and work in a foreign country (as I do) you must respect and obey the laws of that land as you would (should) your own. If you are detained because you are blissfully unaware that you may be inadvertently committing a crime under that country's law and the punishment is excessive, then you hope and pray that the British Consulate can call in those who can pour oil on troubled waters and get you home, more or less unscathed.

There's no need to vilify the Sudanese government and the religion of their people, impose economic sanctions, or uneash a nuclear warhead - at least not just yet, for crying out loud!!!

Sue, San Antonio, USA Texas

putting muhammad in boys' name is like usual practice in other religion too.there are people with name Mary, Christian etc as the parents hope their children will become good or religious person like the prominent religions' figures.

my point of holocaust is that sometimes we see something is ridiculous in our eyes but it is quite big issue for certain persons/religions.what i mean by respecting other religions is we cannot provoke something that can cause problem although we not agree with it.i cannot deny holocaust,brandish swastika,make joke of Jesus.

enter Wikipedia, type 'Blasphemy'.Found this=

" Blasphemy laws in England...person in Britain to be imprisoned for blasphemy was John William Gott on 9 December 1921. He had three previous convictions for blasphemy...comparing Jesus to a circus clown. He was sentenced to nine months' hard labour. In 1977, Denis Lemon...found guilty of blasphemous libel...fined £500... nine months imprisonment..."

shahir, hampshire, UK

"I currently live in Sudan" -- peter, Sudan

Peter, from your description of Sudan it's sounds like a horid place to live in, for an educated westerner. Why on earth are you living there ?

People in Britain say the same to Muslims who live here in UK: -- "If you don't like this place, go back to your country"

Mohammed, London, UK

Talk about taking something too far! The child has said he has named the teddybear after himself. I dont think she was being racist in any way. She was just allowing the child to name his own teddybear! There was no harm done. Why such a serious case over something so little? Its funny how little cases like this come into light when there are more serious racial attacks taking place in the world!! This is ridiculous!! Let that poor woman go!!

J, leic, UK

Shahir and Rezwan, you seem to have forgotten that you are living in a country that has its own church and yet it allows freedom to people like you to practice your faith here freely.You surely were served Halal school dinners, your female relatives allowed to wear head scarves, recite the Koran openly in Hyde park, celebrate Eid and whatever your else you wanted to. If after all these freedoms your views are as expressed in the paper, I then feel that its all been a waste. You would rather live under the Sharria laws. You are welcome to do so, but not in this country. Sudan needs the likes of you.

Mocho, London, U.K.

It's actually not "an offense" to disrespect the US flag in the US. Perhaps in some towns, but such statues have been repeatedly overturned at the Federal level. Please rethink your comparison.

Pam, Hackensack, NY

So, if I go down to the woods today, will it be Mohammeds picnic? or the bears?

James, Reading,

Goodness, Shahir Nizam agrees that she should be lashed and jailed if she is a Muslim. We actually have people in this country, living here, who believe this. This is more worrying than I thought. Is this what you are prepared to do to people of your own religious belief?

Nikki, Bradford, UK,

Slight misunderstanding, "the truth" from London: women don't name their children, men name their children. And since men can do no wrong they don't get whipped. A man can always argue his way out, but a woman's arguments prove nothing.

And shahir nizam from Southampton should realise that there is no "must respect" for any religion: respect always has to be earned. How can anybody respect a religion that makes such a fuss about such a paltry matter. It seems that every day different members of "the faithful" are working overtime to make Islam look ridiculous.
Personally, I'm convinced.

Ross, Bristol,

It was reported that the she would be released soon.

Then we got all the comments from our UK Islamic groups explaining mis-understandings and failure to recognize local Sudanese sensitivies etc...

Now, suprisingly, she's been charged. Is there an authoratative Islamic spokesperson out there with a definitive religious view on this event.?

My suspicion (and I' hope I'm wrong) is that vested Islamic groups here have got involved, and have prolonged her incarceration and will play a 'big' part in her release for all the publicity that ensues.

Melaragni, Wembley, UK

Why is the West so weak and lacking in pride? Let's send the SAS to get her back, pull our civilians out of the country and place an ultimatium on the table:
Apologise unreservedly to Great Britain.
Reparations for damage done to diplomatic relations.
An undertaking never to allow this to happen again.

We will bombard the country, destroying the military, the government bureaucracies and the militias.
Let's have some pride - Queen Victoria must be spinning in her grave.

Richard, Norwich,

In fact the teddy bear was not even named - it was only the book which accompanied it (a diary in which the children told of how they looked after the toy) which mentioned that it was referred to as muhammed.

I wonder whether the Sudanese and indeed muslims actually realise just how incredibly pathetic and stupid they look in front of the rest of the world as a result of this.

Shahir, your comments are only worthy of complete and utter contempt. My culture says muhammed was right first time about the source of his vision - are you going to respect that?

simon, birmingham,

Hello Shahir. Why should I respect ANY religion that condones (in some cases) the mutilation of five year old girls, does not allow women to shake the hands of men/look men in the eye ,thinks that stoning and lashing women is o.k and insists that gays should be thrown off of cliffs ? Please answer.

JB, Berlin, Germany

Our government has a duty to protect its citizens from harm.
If that means sending in a rescue team then it should be done.

If this woman is punished by lashes or imprisonment I will never give a penny of aid to an islamic country again because I believe it is a barbaric behaviour that i cannot tolerate.

ian, manchester, uk

Flog the children, their parents and the entire staff of the school. It's the only way to root out this disrespect.

Sue R, London, England

Billy Bop - "All religions should learn to respect normal thinking humans "

Funny that - Stalin was an atheist and he thought his thinking was 'normal too'. maybe you also envisage his solution to 'non-normal' thinking humans?

I am so glad I am not a dyed-in-wool-atheist-faith-head. Mind you they do say ignorance is bliss...

simon, birmingham,

I currently live in Sudan and I think that all of the readers who have taken their time to comment on the story have no comprehension of the conditions in Sudan.
I am a non muslim and have seen many things while I am here.
The countries social engineering is based solely upon religious views, given to the people by a select few bigots. Who have their roots in Saudi Arabia and the muslim brotherhood. That notary organisation of justice and equality (I think not!!). Just last week a women was gang raped and imprisoned / given lashes in Saudi Arabia because it was her fault.
I mean come on!!
Sudan can not be judged by democratic standards as it has none it still remains a dictatorship following the over throwing of the British during the 70 - 80's. The people are generally poorly educated and the average monthly wage for an educated person is £200 (doctor / engineer).
There is no freedom nor opinions, any challenge to the status quo is removed by baton, shield and torture.

peter, Sudan,

Yet another example of why religion and government should never be mixed. Sharia law seems to be an excuse to make up the rules as you go along. And so what if a few sudanese muslims are offended? perhaps they'd like to send back all the cash and aid they've received from us as a gesture symbolic of the deep hurt caused?


No. Didn't think so. It really makes the blood boil how countries like this take aid and money from the very Western culture they claim is so terrible. By the way, as I write this I am drawing a picture of Mohammed and Jesus having a teaparty with Bhudda. I do love living in a free country!!

Andy, London, England

If this latest lunacy in the Sudan reflects Islam, then we have a lot to worry about. The reaction to naming a teddy bear Mohammed is farcical were it not for the fact that a perfectly ordinary, sane and well-meaning woman could be humiliated and her health put in jeopardy by the barbaric act of lashing her with bambo canes. The Sudan is ravaged by war and famine, and yet the authorities are spending time and money on investigating the naming of teddy bears. Let's get the hell of there and leave Sudan to its fate. And let's stop putting up with this Islamic intolerance and stupidity. It is interesting noting the people, who have commented: there has been only one Muslim. Interesting. Are the rest of the Muslim peoples too cowardly, weak or scared to speak out. OR DO THEY AGREE WITH THE PUNISHMENT?

karen, Macclesfield,

Re: "we must respect other religion rules and cultures." As an American, the US Constitution guarantees me the right to free expression, including drawing Mohammad cartoons, naming a teddy bear anything I damn well please, or burning the US flag (despite what was said below, our Supreme Court has repeatedly struck down "flag desecration laws" as unconstitutional). No religion is protected from being offended (as the art community has proved again and again). That's my culture; respect it if you so choose. I cannot respect a religion or culture that would flog a woman for naming a teddy bear. And sadly, though I'd like to believe "moderate" Muslims would agree, the strongest response I've seen so far is essentially "it's her fault for being there," which I cannot respect. P.S. My visit to the UK in 2001 was the cultural highlight of my life; please leave something there I'll recognize when I can afford to return.

Brett, Cleveland, Ohio

It's one thing having certain customs and rules within a religion, it's another thing enforcing these upon people who do not share that religion.

starling, Lancaster,

Yet another distasteful example of the Muslim religion's intolerance - it makes a mockery of our own tolerance, indeed interest, that is promulgated in our schools and generally throughout our country, despite huge provocation ( ie. veils in schools, preachers of hate/ intolerance, suicide bombers).

It also highlights the paucity of common sense and basic intelligence, and lack of any sense of humanity, on the part of the authorities, in the name of Islam - children naming a teddy bear with a commonly heard and used name, for sound educational use, is in no way a threat to a religion.

The hypocrisy is illuminating, and will have increased further the negative perception of the Muslim faith by Western observers - we see bigotry, intolerance, continuous fanaticism, aggressiveness, "Stone-Age" thinking and discrimination, and brain-washing of the gullible, to mention just a few negatives.

Paul Butler, Reading, UK

This is just appalling. I have many Muslim friends and I cannot imagine them getting all AR over such a thing,. They frequently are named Mohamed or name their children Mohamed without any anxiety. It would be fascinating to know how those calling for the lady to be lashed reacted on 9-11. It is also a guarantee that there will be more people on the earth hating Muslims (rightly or wrongly) after this idiocy than there were before it. We Christians see Christ avoided at all costs by the British Government and the PC agenda. But were we to protest we would be mocked. And should not expect anything else as Jesus told us. We do not react by hitting people when we or our God is vilified. Good thing too.

Peter, Shaftesbury,

This story really does anger me.
I hope the british government cracks down on the Sudanese government - and hard.
This type of insanity really cannot be allowed to be played out on a British citizen who was out there trying to help.
Gordon Brown can count on my vote in the next election if he deals with this swiftly and strongly. It shouldnt be tolerated. Get the SAS on standby!

Tom J, London,


Post: #9
Title: Re: حكومتنا الرشيدة تسئ الى المسلمين فى مشارق الأرض ومغاربها!!
Author: jini
Date: 12-01-2007, 09:39 AM
Parent: #8

In response to Rezwan from London, it may be considered treason in England to place the Queens head upside down but the punishment would not be imprisonment and being lashed.

You comment that the teacher has been in Sudan for a long time and should respect the religion of the country, apply your comments to your own people and then defend them. Muslims do not respect the religion or people of this country, they just take, take and then take again.

You all came to this country to get a better life, if you cannot respect the ways of this country then disappear back to your own religion / country and see how your life is then.

nick, carshalton,

I am a Mulsim and ashamed of Sudan.

The teacher has done nothing wrong. Her deed is no offence to prophet Muhammad (SAW). It has offended offended tiny egos of some Muslim.

Bashir should apoligize and realease her.

Osaf, London, UK

Rezwan - You will have been in our country long enough to know that our legal system has enough common sense not charge somebody for sticking a stamp upside - even if it is a law! We also have other outdated, silly laws such as it is legal to kill a welshman with a bow and arrow in coventry on a friday (or something to that effect). Would they get off scott free for murder? I think now.

If there are people like you, who think lashes are appropriate here, living in London - then what hope does she have out in Sudan?

Tom J, London,

one mans teddy is another mans jerusalem, one tribe say we own the holy sites of the world and will die to defend that right, look towards iraqi and see the mosques destroyed by hatred.LISTEN TO THE NEOCONS CHRISTIANS WILLING TO USE THE ATOM BOMB TO DEFEND CHRISTIAN WAY OF LIFE.Are the residents of quantanamo bay enemies of america or christians, perhaps the shouters should listen,and christian teachers should be educated in the laws of islam as the cleric's of islam are put in prison for anti christian teachinG AS JUDGED by the christian courts.So who is right, the law, the law in the country you live in, and ignorance is no defence or inocence.Teachers should stay at home, and not assume as you did in the glorious past of the empire, there is only one rule british rule.MY WAY THE SUDANESE SHOULD PUT THE TEACHER IN PRISON WITHOUT TRIAL FOR 90 DAYS.

michael joseph heavey, cahersiveen>adams towns, madness

Thank you very much,Shahir. Your words are very useful indeed.
I do not believe in God or in form of religion and am very happy with my lot.
Thanks to you I convinced I am right in my opinion about Islam.
This religion is backward, racist and fascist and sexist.
Why are some Muslims always talking about Holocaust, when they are attacked about their intolerence? It did happen there are evidence enough.
You know, sharia should not be applied to non-muslim. What would Muslims say if Canon Law was applied to them in Europe?
Our culture is not used to veil girls. Then as you say, Muslims should respect our culture and ways. Therefore,It is then time to forbid the Islamic veil, which is a symbol of women enslavement.
Give up the "takiya" and let us see what Islam really is. Stop refering to the most practical verses of the Quran and do not forget the Hadith which are really applied whereas it is well know most of them did not come out of mouth of the so-called prophet.

Ben, Paris, France

This is yet another example of the ignorance and obscene nature of Islam. When will the West wake up, forsake political correctness and refuse to accept the backward nature of Islam? The fact that beating this woman with a cane is legal punishment demonstrates the true nature of Islamic doctrine. This type of behavior has no place in the 21st century.

Tom Allen, Atlanta, USA

If Rezwan from 'London' believes that this teacher's treatment is proportionate to fit the 'crime' then clearly there is a cavenous divide between his beliefs and the more tolerant disposition of the indiginous population of the UK.

This opens a wider question of how such extreme beliefs can ever hope to integrate into our moderate and tolerant society?

Phil, Epsom, Surrey

Rezwan... If you can find a single instance in the last 100 years of anyone being arrested for stick a stamp on a letter upside-down I will be stunned. We recognise ridiculous and outdated laws for what they are and ignore them.

Jon, Woking, UK

Why the hell are we having this debate, its a simple cultural calculation. Christian plus Muslim equals trouble.

Cromwell, Leeds, England

All religions should learn to respect normal thinking humans and wait untill they die to find out what nonsense they have been teaching and condeming people for. Why are the masses so easily led (and of course 'brain-washed') by ignorant 'leaders' of 'God fearing' policies. I refer to most of the popular religions/faiths.

Billy Bop, london, uk

What do influential Muslim associations in this country have to say about the whole affair? Where is their voice?

A. Hunt, London, UK

Another example of how embarrasing are the rules of Islam.
Even Monthy Python wouldn't make it up. I just don't know what to do - laugh or cry?

Raf, London, Uk

In case people havent heard the Muslim Council of Britain has called upon the Sudanese government to intervene in the case of the arrested schoolteacher, Ms Gillian Gibbons, with a view to ensuring that she is released without delay. Quote: "This is a very unfortunate incident and Ms Gibbons should never have been arrested in the first place. It is obvious that no malice was intended," said Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Britain.

Reading some of the postings it is very important that this unfortunate incident is not misunderstood, or misconstrued to represent the views of the majority of muslims and islam. Whatever our faith we should all be working together to support Mrs Gibbons and her family, and urging the goverment for her speedy release.

ali, London, Uk

Here is a lady, choosing to help sudanese children in their education and receiving treatment which is barbaric and out of touch. I'm simply aghast at the lack of tolerance and understanding from such a deeply religious nation. a minority of Sudanese and othe muslim people living in the UK have supported the action yet they prefer to live in this country in the comfort of far greater tolerance and support that allows people to express themselves far more liberally and where people are allowed to apologise for such misunderstandings and move on.

I agree we should respect other religions and cultures but equally all religions should be teaching compassion and understanding. this is about a name for goodness sake.

June, london, england

I'm not sure if im getting this correctly - the reason she is being jailed is because she allowed pupils to call a teddy bear mohammed and you cant have an image of the prophet ect, but why then can you call your child mohammed? This is nonsensical - they could have been naming the bear after any one called mohammed not necessarily the prophet.

Jennifer, Stoke on Trent, UK

Shahir Nizam -

What about all those children who have muhammed in their name and yet they take part in corruption, gambling, sex,drugs, rape, crime, murder - are they not tarnishing the name of muhammed!!! Some innocent kids naming something they hold dear to them muhammed has caused more outrage than all these muhammeds that go around the world engaged in all the things islam is strictly against. Double standards? I suggest not to use the name muhammed at all - don't include it in kids names or anything if you are really that bothered.

Nik, leicester, uk

The United Kingdom government needs to place a marker on the ground that every other country can see. They should instruct the Foreign Office to place one of its local staff outside the prison cell and tell the world that they will stay there until the woman is freed. That no unaccompanied person will be permitted to enter the cell and that the Foreign Office staff member will not leave their post until she is freed. In that way we can show the world that we do not take such idiocy lightly.

It is perfectly clear that, as another commentator has concluded, their politicians have very likely been educated here in the West yet they take advantage of the uneducated local population to further their ridiculous demands upon us here. Support for these countries must be brought to an immediate full stop with the certainty that our support will not ever again re-start until they make clear attempts to properly educate their people. They must face the result of their own internal policies.

Chris Coles, Medstead, Alton, United Kingdom

Poor Ms Gibbons, she obviously thought the touchy feely all inclusive multiculturural society we live in existed everywhere. So off she went to save the world.

Welcome to the real world. When you live and work in a foreign country the onus is on you to understand, respect and observe it's laws, rules and culture. Ignorance is no excuse.

If she is fortunate a small army of legal aid funded lawyers from here will soon be on their way to represent her, after all they have little to do here now, as we have all but given up trying to enforce our laws on "visitors".

Wake up, Sudan is how it really is, we can learn something.

John, Louth,

It is a shame that the severe human-right violations in Sudan are not being discussed.

Charles, Munich, Germany

Seriously time to consider who has the most to lose if we break all economic and diplomatic ties with these brutal states where religion is an excuse for repression and intimidation. Let's stop being a second rate state trying to accommodate these medieval regimes and finally take a stand. If this lady is whipped, the Sudanese embassy should be closed. I agree with Peter's plan for battleships of the Sudanese coast, but doubt that modern Britain has the capacity to send a minesweeper.

Mark Berry, Exeter, Devon

Of course the Sudanese official states that ' we have good relations with Britain" - we keep shovelling money at them!
Why is it that when we hear about this religion, it's always in the context of stonings, beheadings, lashes and offence taken for this,that or the other? Never anything about peace, love ,understanding and forgiveness.

jakman, Portsmouth, UK

Hopefully the Brish suits can through their weight around and secure her freedom. She could then move to Southampton and offer private tuition in English Language. Mr Nizam needs to enrol.

Michael Stanley, Bolton, UK

We should not expect anything other than medieval strictures from a medieval religion. Anyone who says that she should be lashed, under any circumstances, should not be living in a civilised country.

Paul Marcus, Stirling, Scotland

Can we have any sort of meaningful dialogue with people who interpret their religion in such an absurd way? They call their sons Mohammed and admit that this prophet was only a man. To reinforce the idea that he is not a god and to down-play the human tendency to idolise prophets, it is forbidden to make images of him. Yet when the name Mohammed - no doubt used for hundreds of years before ever its most famous holder was born - is given bu children to a toy, the teacher is charged with insulting religion.

I would rather say those who charge her are the more guilty. They see evil where it is not and their bullying idiocy threatens not just one, poor woman but good relations between the people of Britain (some of whom are Muslims) and the Sudan.

They remind me of the Pharisees who conspired to crucify Jesus: Peace be upon Him.

Adrian Gilbert, Tonbridge,

It's obscurantism, I'd say.

cyberstranger, St. Pete,

Gary, what does Shahir's living in England have to do with anything? The religion and culture he is talking about respecting are the ones in Sudan, where unfortunately they do "condone jail and lashes for insulting an imaginary person" (not sure how you make out that Muhammad was imaginary?)

For that matter, when you say "In England we....." who's WE? You appear to live in Brisbane, which wasn't in England last time I looked. Neither is Edinburgh where I live.

In the USA it's an offence to disrespect the flag, which is a piece of cloth. How the heck do you insuit a piece of cloth? Is that any more logical than the Sudanese attitude? Though at least in the States they don't whip you.

As far as I can tell the whole thing has probably been whipped up deliberately because the local bigwigs were in dispute with the teacher's school over payment of taxes so were spoiling for a fight. If it hadn't been the teddy bear it would have been something else.

Rob, Edinburgh,

Although I'm very sad for this woman, the story is in general excellent publicity for us anti-theists. If you want to see mankind in all his unbelievably idiotic glory, just head over to a country where those deluded by strong religious "belief" make the law. It just so happens that (arguments about the USA aside) most of these countries are Muslim.

Not knowing whether or not Mugabe is religious, I will reserve judgment on religion containing the sum total of all human idiocy. Although I suspect that this is not the case, it must certainly be responsible for a very large percentage.

Christopher Mitcins, London, UK

this is quite serious for the Muslims. i would like to state to brothers who are opposing this decisoin that there is a law in england where if you stick the queens head upside down on the envelop then it's an 'act of treason'. if this is justified by the government and people of the country i do not see any problem this teacher being prosecuted. yet again it needs to be said that it is no 'innocent mistake'. she has been there for a long time and she should know very well about the culture and religious sensitivity of Muslims.

rezwan, london,

What a savagery in name of religion! Brown and Alexander is spending millions to help these people in Africa, and let thousands of them into this country to continue their religious bigotry. The other religions do not mind childrn calling their teddies ' Jesus, Krishna or Buddha.'

gary Smith, LONDON,

This country's ridiculous rules and laws should have been pointed out to her by her employees. They should take some responsibility. What a farce!

Philip, Worksop, Nottinghamshire

Shahir equivalises denying the systematic murder of six million men, women and children with calling a teddy bear Mohammed? It seems the Muslim train calling for respect continues to travel in one direction only.

Dan, Hampton, UK

"the teacher should be given strict warning instead of lash and jail as she is a non- muslim who does not fully aware of this matter.if she is a muslim then i agree for her to be lashed and jailed" shahir nizam, southampton, UK

Shahir, I am struggling hard to understand what you are talking about!! You say the above but then go on to say this...

"we must respect other religion rules and cultures"

But you live in ENGLAND! In England we do not condone jail and lashes for insulting a imaginary person. So why are you not respecting the English rules and culture?

"naming Muhammad for something that have face or something not suitable such such as casino or pub is forbidden as it show no respect to the Prophet Muhammad "

I am sorry but there is nothing written in the Koran to suggest the above. This "rule" for some reason seems to be taken as fact by many Muslims but is simply not true. Please tell us the passage in the Koran that proves me wrong?

Gary, Brisbane,

It's a good job she didn't get raped...she would be facing 400 lashes.

cosmick, blackpool,

It did occur to me that a parallel silliness is the United States is the situation of the kindergartner or other young elementary school child who is expelled or seriously admonished for giving a hug or a kiss to a fellow classmate or teacher (or in one case a child burying his face in his teacher's chest)...so learning the word 'sexual harrassment' on top of being punished at that age. When these are all spontaneous activities kids normally do... Almost as bad as jailing this teacher...both cases involve lack of awareness. People are all the same but have our own cultural biases which blind us to our foolishness.

Debbie Graham, Evanston, IL

A couple of battleships off the Sudanese coast ought to focus the minds in Khartoum.

Next time the begging bowl for this backwards hell-hole gets rattled around London I hope people remember kind souls like Ms Gibbons and the treatment Sudan has given her.

Peter, London,

why do most of the muslims on this posting keep bleating on about holocaust denial? - seems to display obsession and anti-semitism. The fact is that the sudanese constitution includes corporal punishment for blasphemy -I am sure most reasonable people would agree that causing offence (blasphemy) is not clever; but on the other hand stating an opinion should NEVER be met with punishment unless it incites violence. In this case its doubtful that offence was intended

ian , london,

"parents are advised to put Muhammad in their son's name they hope that the son will behave adequately to reflect the Muhammad’s great personality and stop doing something wrong that can ruin the credibility of Muhammad. "

Mmm - like Mohammed's talent for raiding, killing and raping all documented in the compilations of Hadith.

Kevin, Portsmouth, UK

When will Westerners learn the danger of injecting democracy (in this case, one pupil, one vote) into an Islamis culture?

Tony, Athens, Greece

Respect (as opposed to fear) is earned in response to the compassion, caring and lovingness of any and all actions. If any religious or political entity (since they seem to be so historically intertwined) wishes to command respect then it first needs to practice respect itself. The demise of so many originally noble concepts usually occurs from within.
Herein lies the self destructive seed that creates religious organisation implosions: when you cease to respect, you lose respect. When you lose respect, you lose power.
Is it more important to have respect for the will of the priest or prophet, or to have respect for the will of the One God?

Keith, Dalsland, Sweden

she should be given remainder/warning not lashes nor jail.

in islam,people cannot depicts Muhammad’s face by drawing or referring to something which has face etc.

my opinion is she is NOT GUILTY, she even decided to name the teddy bear ‘Faris’.the 20 pupils made mistake by voting Muhammad where she have to accept the majority voice.
if she fully aware that naming something that have face with Muhammad is wrong then she can re-advise the pupils to choose another name.this case is quite different with issue of cartoon before this where the cartoonists drew a man referred to Muhammad directly.

parents are advised to put Muhammad in their son's name they hope that the son will behave adequately to reflect the Muhammad’s great personality and stop doing something wrong that can ruin the credibility of Muhammad.

Some famous British like Richard Verrall, Doug Collins, Nick Griffin and David Irving have been prosecuted in court as they deny holocaust but there was no great public protest

shahir, hampshire, UK

The woman chose to live (for reasons best known to herself)in a country governed by misguided religious zealots. She stepped out of line, and this is the result. How can anyone be surprised?

Tony Pritchard, Cancun, Mexico

To the people of Sudan. No wonder your country is in such a mess if your leaders, instead of trying to end conflict and starvation, choose to concentrate on the important issue of a teddy bears name. They are in severe danger of biting the hand that feeds and I personally would no longer consider supporting any charity for the Sudan until this sorry affair is put right.

Paul Jackson, Warrington, England

So inspiring this story-the Sudan is a tragic mess and yet this is where the righteous anger of hopefully just a few albeit powerful Sudanese is being placed. It is currently necessary to have laws against the denial of the holocaust - the ideal would be freedom of speech, including the right to name your teddy bear (named for president teddy roosevelt actually) Mohammed, Jesus etc (perhaps only the Buddhists would not take offense because they know better) - but in areas which are still fraught with the pain & tenuous recovery of the Holocaust, it is perhaps better to be on the safe side with that topic. Just like in the United States, affirmative action rules are necessary but hopefully will one day be pointless. But how can anyone bring up restrictions on denying the holocaust where millions of humans died in the same breath as saying we need to 'understand' someone being jailed for innocently using the 'one God's' name in vain

Debbie Graham, Evanston, USA/IL

And these are people whom we will try to partner with?...If this is a really true "problem" it's hard for me to believe that there will ever come a day when we can reason together...and this naming may be the tip of a bigger iceberg...give the women some food, thank her for teaching your children (girls too?) and let her out.....we are silly to think we can reason with minds that are so messed up ...on the other hand, Sponge Bob Square Pants was thought to be gay as was the purple thing on the tv show...and that got press but I don't believe that anyone was starved or incarserated for that bit of whimsey

s t knowles, poland, usa

Islam must be a very weak religion indeed if if its adherents cannot bear criticism of it. It is this intractable attitude of finding offence in everything that is pushing us towards Armageddon. Maybe if there was a head of the Islamic religion who directed policy, the Islamic world would not be in constant opposition with the West.

Ben Genevieve, Perth, Western Australia

I have never known something so ridiculous. I respect faith and religion but it's just a name! How can a teddy bear's name cause so much fuss. There are so many more pressing issues in this world.

Paul, Middlesbrough,

I am so sick of all these stupid 'insults' everybody everywhere gets accused of. If certain people are not happy where they are they should go back to where they came from! Stop your stupid whinning!

jo, usa

JoAnn, Ortonville, USA/MI

"in The Independent, one pupil write down 'my name is Muhammad' when describing the teddy bear in diary. it indirectly says 'this is a face of Muhammad, cartoon or teddy bear face"

So your saying that the use of the name Muhammad, is to be automatically assumed to mean no one other than

Jim, Virginia, USA

So the prophet Muhammad has been deified in the Islamic faith? I wonder how God feels about that? I also wonder how Muhammad would react to this kind of irrationality.

I certainly hope that you Muslims stop this type of idiotic behavior before the Christians start getting ideas and either revitalize the Crusades or start shooting at my car because of the Jesus bobble-head figure on my dash.

Fanatics and fundamentalists will be the death of the human race.

George, Richmond, USA

In what manner was she responsible for abusing the name of a "Prophet" and where is the motive or intent to disrespect.

Oh and eddy: Are people going unpunished for abusing the name of George Bush and co? What's good for one is not for another it seems.

Handy that.

richard, Birmingham, UK

Why are the parents of boys called Muhammed in Sudan not charged? If the children at the school called the bear Muhammed they should be charged, not the teacher

Michael F Hammond, Quesnel BC, Canada

you couldn't make it up !

neville ayrton, blackpool, uk

If a man called Muhammad commits a crime is he to guilty of insulting the prophet? I.E insulting the name? Would his sentence reflect this? I don't believe this woman has intentionally done anything wrong. This is another step toward religious segregation worldwide.

Dan, Dansville,

i cant believe whats going on here, she let the children name it so its an injustice she is in this position. why not lash all the mothers who called their child mohammed if its such a big deal. i thinks its discracefull and hope she gets through this safe, well and innocent.

the truth, london, england

...All peoples of any religion who would condone and perpetrate such angry, dark policies in defense of a dead prophet have simply totally lost touch with the loving spirit that describes God as it lives in each of us. I am a spiritualist, not a religionist, and as such see the dark and misguided choices that have been made by people throughout history whether Christian, Muslim or any other denomination. Wake up people. Nature and Creation are far too varied and miraculous to be pigeonholed into such narrow categories as the fundamentalists of any religion claim. Free will allows us to Choose love and tolerance or hate and intolerance. Don't hide behind political correctness to avoid offending individuals or cultures that worships hate and intolerance. We are individually responsible for what our spirit becomes and all choices are self affecting. What will it be-love and compassion or anger and vengeance? ..and don't tell me I am ignorant ..I Have read the Koran, and the Bible...etc

Jake, Allentown, USA

Muhammad was a man, not a god. Surely it is idolatrous to worship a man? Did Muhammad himself decree that men and women should be lashed for using his name on a teddy bear? Muslims need to take themselves less seriously and get a sense of humour! I am going to call my pets Muhammed, Jesus and Pope, (Madsy, Jeesey and Popeey for short in case I get a jihad).

Marian De Souza, Cheltenham, England

Any abuse or punishment in the name of religion is an insult to the teachings themselves which teach forgiveness and humane practices. They are not feeding the woman properly. How humane is that? And lashes? Are you kidding? There appears to be any excuse to inflict punishment and cruelty. Fanaticism is found in every religion and destroys the meaning of what it's about. Fanatics are dangerous and cruel. If someone offends your beliefs, you confront them directly with dialogue or an intelligently written letter. You expel them from working in your environment. I feel as though I am talking to the wall.

Hilde, Niagara Falls, CA

Ridiculous. Insanity really. This woman innocently names a bear Mohammad and they want to whip her??

Andrew, Ville Marie,

It's completely stupid that people with any opinion are given time just because “more than a billion people” thing something. Well according to UN figures more than a billion people don't believe the rubbish and the opinions religious bigots are often highly insulting and often indefensible! Let the teacher go and if the idiots want to punish someone put the kids in Jail for 6 months, after all it was their idea to name the bear after “he how should not be named”........

(If you publish that on your site I'd be very surprised! And that's the problem with the PC brigade!)

Rob of Annoyed of this PC rubbish, Newcastle,

Thank you, Shahir, for explaning just how irrational Islam truly is.

Francesco, San Francisco, CA, USA

Sudan; we provide charity funding, charity people aid; perhaps it's time they grew up.

No one is knocking their faith. I will knock their insecurity, their lack of education, but not the faith of their people.

I will knock the "faith" that their leaders hide behind. Find a way to power, and the semi-educated use it to control the uneducated masses.

Shall we leave them to rot, shall we send the SAS in to rescue a middle aged teacher; no we will not, but perhaps we should.

They don't trust us or understand us. Let's just leave them alone, until they grow up. They seem 500 years behind the times.

Leave them totally alone, no aggression on our part, no charity, no aid. Nothing until their leaders educate the people.

Their leaders in all probability are educated, possibly at some of our finest places of education, public schools, Sandhurst or whatever. They mis-use that education, and are corrupt and use religion as a control over their uneducated people.

Sudan, "Grow Up"

Simon, Preston, UK

straw man version of Islam

ibrahim osaf, nottingham, uk

This makes me so angry. It is difficult to be tolerant when a teacher faces violent punishment by a country who believes such things are acceptable. It disgusts me and the British government better do something about this.

Angry, Glasgow, Scotland

So after the cartoons, they are now taking a bashing on poor old teddy... i wonder what's next!

Nat, London,

Clearly, one can see how one sided Islam is. talk about religious freedom!!!! Wonder what would have happened if the teacher named the bear Christ!!! Britain should break diplomatic relations with the Sudan immediately.

Felix Jensen, salt Lake city, Utah , U.S.A.

So,on one hand we have a british teacher, helping to educate and generally provide a service for the good of the host country that finds herself being subject to mental and imaginary horrors that are beyond the comprehension of most readers, with little or no contact from the outside world, because of an error of judgement that has not resulted in personal physical or mental injury to anyone else.
On the other hand we have the madness that sees the british authorities and do gooder camp try their damndest to ensure that foreign nationals in the UK receive care & consideration far beyond that of the indigenous population for crimes that have resulted in the deaths of british subjects on british soil.
Come on, its time to wake up & level out the playing field, tiem for the silly people that are homogenising the Britishness out of britain to stop this, and for the governement to go in hard nose and list out all of the concessions that Sudanese criminals have been given and get her out!

darren sharpe, auckland, new zealand

I really ant to say something about this, but I just can't find words. Send in troops to get her out if necessary and totally islate the Sudan goernment.

David Irby, Dingle, Co. Kerry, Ireland

It might be "minute" to you mister spokesman, but this "minute" issue is an absolute outrage.
The whole situation is absurd and any nation that even suggests the use of lashes in punishment for a crime needs to seriously rethink it's ethics before commenting.

The insanity of this thing is astounding.

Dave, Lancs,

The Sudanese government need to resolve this as soon as possible, and they should issue an apology. If they drag this out or find a case against her, we should take this at face value - it is a diplomatic provocation against the UK.

A diplomatic provocation should lead to discussion in parliament to decide the most appropriate sanctions against the Sudan.

Jack Target, Bromley, England

the teacher should be given strict warning instead of lash and jail as she is a non- muslim who does not fully aware of this matter.if she is a muslim then i agree for her to be lashed and jailed.

naming Muhammad for something that have face or something not suitable such such as casino or pub is forbidden as it show no respect to the Prophet Muhammad

it is however OK to name say building, museum, mosque that will reflect and praise the high quality or value of Muhammad, the prophet itself or the name.

in The Independent, one pupil write down 'my name is Muhammad' when describing the teddy bear in diary. it indirectly says 'this is a face of Muhammad, cartoon or teddy bear face '

in germany and israel, you can be jailed if you deny Holocoust; it is not even a holy-name in Jew religion or Jew's prophet.

we must respect other religion rules and cultures

shahir nizam, southampton, UK

why someone can abuse a leader of more than a billion people in the world without being charged?

eddy, london, england