News in Pictures

News in Pictures

11-30-2007, 08:34 PM


Post: #1
Title: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 11-30-2007, 08:34 PM
Parent: #0

Protesters burn a picture of British teacher Gillian Gibbons during a demonstration after Friday prayers in Khartoum

Post: #2
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 11-30-2007, 08:37 PM
Parent: #1

Massed ... marchers in Khartoum

Post: #3
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 11-30-2007, 08:41 PM
Parent: #1

The Sudanese protesters took to the streets to demand a tough sentence for Ms Gibbons who allowed her class to name a teddy bear Mohamed

Post: #4
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 11-30-2007, 08:44 PM
Parent: #1

Some protesters even called for her execution

Post: #5
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 11-30-2007, 08:47 PM
Parent: #1

Armed ... protestor with machete

Post: #6
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 11-30-2007, 08:50 PM
Parent: #1

The mother of two, from Aigburth, Liverpool, was found guilty of insulting Islam and has been jailed for 15 days

Post: #7
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 11-30-2007, 08:53 PM
Parent: #1

The protesters chanted "Shame, shame on the UK", and called for Ms Gibbons' execution, saying "No tolerance: Execution" and "Kill her, kill her by firing squad"

Post: #8
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 11-30-2007, 08:55 PM
Parent: #1

Some were carrying knives and sticks

Post: #9
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 11-30-2007, 08:57 PM
Parent: #1

A Sudanese official has said members of "hard-line" mosques were involved in the protests

Post: #10
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 11-30-2007, 09:00 PM
Parent: #1

Hundreds of riot police have been deployed in the Sudanese capital

Post: #11
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 11-30-2007, 09:03 PM
Parent: #1

The teacher was charged with inciting hatred and insulting Islam by allowing her class to name a teddy bear Mohamed

Friends of Ms Gibbons say she would be horrified that she had offended anyone

Post: #12
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 11-30-2007, 09:05 PM
Parent: #1

She moved to Africa last summer to achieve her dream of teaching abroad

"She was just fascinated by Sudan and wanted to learn more about their culture and experience life there," said a former colleague

Post: #13
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 11-30-2007, 09:09 PM
Parent: #1

But Ms Gibbons was arrested after allowing her seven-year-old pupils to name the bear

The Unity High School in Khartoum has been closed until January because of the incident and Sudanese police are on patrol outside the building

Post: #14
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 11-30-2007, 09:14 PM
Parent: #1

The 54-year-old had recently emailed friends to say she felt welcome in Sudan and loved teaching the children there

Post: #15
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 11-30-2007, 09:17 PM
Parent: #1

"Gillian is such a traveller and wanted to increase her knowledge of different cultures and countries and every year would go on mad explorations," said her friend Gill Langworthy

Ms Gibbons posted photos of her travels on her website - including this one at the Red Sea

Post: #16
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 11-30-2007, 09:21 PM
Parent: #1

Ms Gibbons started a new life in Sudan this summer after leaving her job as a deputy headteacher in Liverpool

Her former colleague described her as "an amazing survivor" with "a fighting spirit"

Post: #17
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 11-30-2007, 09:28 PM
Parent: #1

She is expected to serve out her sentence in Omdurman women's prison before she is deported back to Britain

Post: #18
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 11-30-2007, 09:32 PM
Parent: #1

نستحق ان يحدث لنا و باسمنا كل هذا واكثر

الخيبة خيبتنا ساسة وسياسيات ، مثقفين ومثقفات طلبة وعمال و مزارعين و بياعين اكياس و عواطلية..

لاننا سمحنا منذ البداية لهذا ان يحدث

لاننا سمحنا للاوهام ان تسيطر علينا

لاننا ـ حتى اللحظة ـ نعتقد او نتوهم ان ثمة خلاص سياتى دون ان نفعل شئ ..

لاننا ـ بوعى او دونه - انغمسنا في الثانوى والطارئ والهامشي و تركنا الغول ينمو و يكبر ...

ولاننا اجدنا ضرب بعضنا البعض بل وضرب القاتل بعضنا ببعض

و لاننا انتصرنا لذواتنا المتضخمة لا للحقيقة والعدل والعقل

و لاننا ـ في لحظة ان عصفت ريح القيامة بسفينة الوطن ـ قبلنا ان يتقدم صفوفنا الاقزام والمشروخين/ات والمشبوهين/ات و صغار/صغيرات النفوس و ذوى/ذوات الاغراض

قدمنا نصرة الحزب والتنظيم ـ ايا كانو ـ على الوطن

لاننا حين اخترنا مواجهة القاتل بسلاحه ، تخيرنا اللحظة الخطا ... القادة الخطا... لذا ارتدت طلقاتنا علينا

و لاننا
و لاننا
و لاننا
و لاننا

لا زلنا نفعل كل هذا

الا قلة ـ عصمها الوعى و اتساق الذات - لكنها .....

و سيحدث لنا و باسمنا اكثر من هذا

الا اذا.....

well said, esam gabralla

Post: #19
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 11-30-2007, 11:28 PM
Parent: #1

Ali Ageb, a member of Gibbons' defence team, said he was "very unhappy" with the verdict and would appeal. "She did this as part of her profession as the teacher," he told reporters outside the court. "She did not intend to insult anybody"

Ageb said Gibbons, who was arrested on Sunday, had been calm when the verdict was announced. "I think she was expecting it," he said

The Guardian Newspaper,,2219876,00.html

Post: #20
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 11-30-2007, 11:34 PM
Parent: #1

The complainant was named as Sara Khawad, an office assistant at the school, who was the key prosecution witness

Guardian Newspaper,,2219876,00.html

Post: #21
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 11-30-2007, 11:56 PM
Parent: #1

One of Mrs Gibbons' lawyers said the protest could not have happened without government consent

Dr Khalid al-Mubarak, of the Sudanese embassy in London, blamed the demonstrations on "hot #########" from "hard-line" mosques. He said: "There are many mosques and different groups congregating in different mosques. After prayer, people in particular mosques, not the mainstream, were the ones shouting the slogans to this effect"

Metro Newspaper

Post: #22
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 12-01-2007, 00:35 AM
Parent: #1

Defence lawyers armed themselves after death threats were issued against them and Gillian

Lawyer Abdel Khalig Abdallah pulled his jacket open to reveal a revolver on his belt and said: "I'm carrying a gun in court "

In a gruelling eight-hour hearing, brave Gillian took the stand and tearfully defended herself

Judge Mohammed Youssef heard from school secretary Sarah Khawad who filed the first complaint about the teddy bear's name
Although finding Gillian guilty he decided against the maximum punishment

The Mirror Newspaper

Post: #23
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 12-01-2007, 00:39 AM
Parent: #1

Gillian will only have to serve 10 days in jail. But even 10 days in rat-infested Omdurman prison is a sentence to turn the heart to ice

The notorious jail was designed for 50 women but now houses more than 1,000 plus 400 children, most under the age of two

Between four and six children die each month from malnutrition

The women struggle to sleep crammed 30 to a cell in temperatures which can reach a searing 120F

Inmates also regularly go on hunger strike in protest at the disgusting food served by warders

Brutal warders use techniques including solitary confinement, sleep deprivation, whipping with a hose and branding with an iron

There have even been reports of women being shackled and then raped by security officials

The Mirror Newspaper

Post: #24
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 12-01-2007, 00:45 AM
Parent: #1

After the verdict Gillian's defence solicitor Ali Ajib said he would appeal. He said: "This is very serious and very unfair"

Mr Ajib claimed the trial had been brought because of pressure from religious "hard-liners who are always trying to make some noise"

But Robert Boulos, head of Unity high school where Gillian worked, said: "We're happy with the verdict

"It's fair. There were a lot of political pressures. However we'll be very sad to lose her"

The Mirror Newspaper

Post: #25
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 12-01-2007, 00:57 AM
Parent: #1

The trial had begun as Foreign Secretary David Miliband met Sudanese ambassador Omer Mohamed Ahmed Siddig to push for Gillian's release

After the 40-minute meeting Mr Miliband said he was "very concerned", adding: "We believe this was an innocent misunderstanding"

When the Mirror confronted Mr Siddig outside his London office, asking if he was shamed by the trial, he jumped into his car replying: "No, no, I'm not saying anything. No comment"

The Mirror Newspaper

Post: #26
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 12-01-2007, 01:02 AM
Parent: #1

Muhammad Abdul Bari, Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Britain, said: "This is a disgraceful decision and defies com mon sense

"There was clearly no intention to deliberately insult the Islamic faith

"They grossly overreacted in this sad affair. We hope that Gillian will be able to return home without much further delay"

The Mirror Newspaper

Post: #27
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 12-01-2007, 01:06 AM
Parent: #1

Mohammed Akbar Ali, leader of the Liverpool Muslim Community, declared: "I'm really surprised that they found her guilty. It's a farce and manifestly unjust"

Catherine Wolthuizen, of Fair Trials International, said: "Fifteen days in a Sudanese prison for an innocent misunderstanding is a serious and harsh punishment indeed"

Gillian - also mother of Jessica, 27 - moved to Sudan in July

She had since been in regular contact with friends in the UK and had told them how much she was enjoying her new life

Her family said they do not want the guilty verdict to lead to anti-Muslim feelings as they had received strong support from Muslim groups

The Mirror Newspaper

Post: #28
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 12-01-2007, 01:39 AM
Parent: #1


Tell the Sudanese government your verdict on its embassy website at

Post: #29
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 12-01-2007, 04:16 AM
Parent: #1

من جانبه، قال الشيخ عبد الجليل النذير الكاروري (امام مسجد شهير) في تصريح لـ«الشرق الاوسط» ان ما قامت به المعلمة عمل مقصود ومخطط ويصب في ما يقوم به الغرب للتقليل من شأن المسلمين والاساءة لهم ولدينهم، واضاف «ليس الامر عفويا كما قال الدفاع في المحكمة». وقال الداعية الاسلامي يوسف الكودة لـ«الشرق الاوسط» ان ما حدث خطأ من المعلمة، وأيد المحاكمة

Post: #30
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 12-01-2007, 06:44 PM
Parent: #1

Labour's Lord Ahmed and Conservative Baroness Warsi met 54-year-old Gillian Gibbons at a secret location in the Sudananese capital of Khartoum. They are also expected to meet the Sudanese president.Mrs Gibbons's defence team remains confident that she will be pardoned by the president

She is at a secret location following genuine fears for her safety following marches in the capital where protestors demanded a harsher sentence, with some calling for the death penalty.Mrs Gibbons had been visited by consular staff on Friday and the Foreign Office confirmed she 'well', but could not disclose her whereabouts

Post: #31
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 12-01-2007, 08:59 PM
Parent: #1

Dr Hassan is offended by the government, not Mrs Gibbons

Dr Imad Hassan, 45, is a Sudanese doctor and writer with a PhD in comparative religious studies who has lived in Britain since 1991

He feels that someone from the Sudanese community must speak out against the ruling, and is planning to organise a protest from fellow scholars

"I feel insulted as a Muslim by the government of Sudan, not by Mrs Gibbons," he told the BBC. "Describing the lovely children's toy with the name of Muhammad is a compliment, it is not an insult

Post: #32
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 12-01-2007, 08:59 PM
Parent: #1

Dr Hassan is offended by the government, not Mrs Gibbons

Dr Imad Hassan, 45, is a Sudanese doctor and writer with a PhD in comparative religious studies who has lived in Britain since 1991

He feels that someone from the Sudanese community must speak out against the ruling, and is planning to organise a protest from fellow scholars

"I feel insulted as a Muslim by the government of Sudan, not by Mrs Gibbons," he told the BBC. "Describing the lovely children's toy with the name of Muhammad is a compliment, it is not an insult

Post: #33
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 12-01-2007, 09:06 PM
Parent: #1

The Muslim Canadian Congress is organizing a teddy bear mail-in to protest Sudan's imprisonment of Gillian Gibbons, a British schoolteacher

Tarek Fatah, MCC's founder, said he is asking the group's 300 members to send "tiny teddy bears" to Faiza Hassan Taha, Sudan's ambassador in Ottawa, as a protest
The MCC hopes to meet Mr. Taha next week in Ottawa to present him with a teddy bear and a petition opposing Ms. Gibbons' imprisonment and protesting the genocide in Darfur, western Sudan.

They also plan to tell the ambassador they "feel deeply offended as Canadians and as Muslims," Mr. Fatah said

He added the teacher made no mistake in allowing her class to call the stuffed toy Muhammad

"This woman should be released immediately and in fact the Sudanese government should apologize to her for treating her [this way], because this is contrary to any tradition of Islam," he said. "If people don't protest this, against this lunacy, where will our political correctness lead us to"

Post: #34
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 12-04-2007, 08:39 PM
Parent: #1

شوقي بدري

كوينا البحر ..... المدرسه البريطانيه

المثل السودانى يقول كوى البحر فى صرته . اشاره للانسان الذى يقوم بعمل غير مجدى .
بالرغم من الذباب والكتاحه والحر وانعدام البنزين كان الاوربيون يرجعون من السودان وهم يعجبون بالانسان السودانى وروعته وكرمه ونجدته . وعندما خرج الانجليز من الخليج وسلطنه عمان والكويت واليمن الجنوبيه , نصحوهم بان لا يستخدموا اى بشر سوى السودانيين . وتسابق الجميع للفوز بموظفين سودانيين .
ما حدث مع المدرسه البريطانيه شئ لا يمت لاخلاقنا السودانيه . وكنا نسخر من المصريين لانهم لا يحترمون الغريب ويستهدفون الضعيف عندما يكونوا فى موقع قوه . ويمارسون الدونكيشوتيات .
المدرسه رجعت الى اهلها ونحن قدمنا لها خدمه عظيمه . وستكون قصتها فلماً عما قريب وستحصد ملايين الدولارات . ولم يستفد السودان اى شئ بل شوهنا سمعتنا بيدنا . فالسودان الذى عرف بالاتزان والالتزام بالقانون . سمح للمتشددين بان يمتشقوا السيوف والفؤوس والماشيتات . وكأننا فى رواندا . والانقاذ التى لا تسمح بالمظاهرات صارت تشجع هذه البربريه والهمجيه . بل يتكرم الامن بحمايه هؤلاء المتشددين وهم يرتكبون جريمه حمل السلاح الابيض . وقديماً كان حمل سكين فى المدن السودانيه يعرض صاحبها لمصادره السكين والغرامه او السجن .
هل تعلمنا من مصر والدول الاخرى ففى كتاب الكاتب المصرى الذى نشاء فى السودان لويس عوض ( سنوات العمر ) صفحه 313 يقول عندما تتدهور العلاقه بين مصر واى دوله اخرى يعامل مواطن الدوله معامله غير كريمه فى مصر . فى بدايه حكم عبد الناصر قبض على ممثلى فرنسا وقدموا للمحاكمه بسبب حرب الجزائر وهم ماتى واندرى ميكيل بلليفييه وسأل رئيس المحكمه رئيس البعثه الاقتصاديه الفرنسيه ( هل توافق على سياسه الحكومه الفرنسيه فى الجزائر ؟ . فقال يا سيدى الرئيس , انا بوصفى ممثل لبلدى اوافق على سياسه بلدى . وهذا ليس من اختصاص السلطه القضائيه بل السلطه السياسيه .) .
كما اعتقل مدرس خجول وسجن لمده طويله . هو مدرس الادب الانجليزى فى مدرسه المنيا . اسمه سوينبرق بتهمه الجاسوسيه .
البريطانى ممثل السودان فى مصر قبل استقلال السودان وفى كتابه ظلال على الرمال اشاد بالسودانيين بطريقه تقارب الهوس وكان يبدى حباً واعجاباً مبالغاً فيه . ذكر انه بعد النظام الناصرى كان فى طريقه الى السودان فوجد مضايقات جمه واضطر لدفع رشاوى لكى يسمحوا له بارجاع كتبه . وعندما قدم التصريح الخاص بنقل مصاغ زوجته الى السودان عطله موظفى المطار بامور فارغه حتى تجاوزت الساعه الثانيه عشر ليلاً بدقائق ثم قالوا له ان التصريح الصالح لاربعه وعشرين ساعه قد صار غير صالح . فاضطر لترك مصاغ زوجته لمسؤول بريطانى آخر . وكان هذا عملاً بطولياً بدون شك ساعد فى سقوط الامبراطوريه البريطانيه .
فما اشبه الليله بالبارحه . هذا كان فى ايام الدكتاتوريه الناصريه . وقبل اكثر من نصف قرن . هل رجعنا الى الوراء؟ . واغلب رجال اعلامنا وقفوا مؤيدين او مزعورين ولم يقف اعلامنا مع المدرسه المسكينه الا من رحم ربى . هل صرنا كالاعلام المصرى امثال محمد حسين هيكل الذى زار السودان فى العشرينات وشتم السودانيين بوصفهم عبيد لانهم اقترفوا جرم بناء خزان مكوار . وكانت مصر تقول ان الرى السودانى يضر برى مصر . وهذا الهيكل وبعده الهيكل الآخر الذى لا يزال يجعجع وعير السادات بان امه سودانيه وهذا شرف لن يبلغه اى من الهيكلين . فالاثنين كانا فى يوم من الايام من المدافعين عن اتفاقيه ثروة تشمبرلين التى تبسط سيطره الانجليز على مصر .
من كتابات محمد حسين هيكل ما نشر فى جريده الاخبار القاهريه فى عدد 23 يوليو 1928 بعد اغاله الملك فؤاد للنحاس رئيس وزراء الوفد الذى بداء كمناضل قفز على ضابط امن وجزبه من صهوه جواده وصار ثرياً توظف زوجته اهلها والمحاسيب ويتقبلون الرشاوى ويسيطرون على بيع القطن المصرى . ( انه لشرف النعال وانها لكرامه الاوحال , وانها لامانه المحتال , وانها لصيانه دستور الدجال ....... الا تخشى ان يتلطف معك صاحب الجلاله ويسألك اين استقالتك ؟ فبماذا تجيب ايها النتن القذر؟ ) محمد حسين هيكل رئيس تحرير جريده السياسه . هذا كان مستوى الاعلام المصرى . اما هيكل الآخر فلقد غير ردءاه وصار بوقاً للدكتاتوريه . ووافق على تكميم الصحف وحريه الرأى . وعندما وضع ناصر ولى نعمته ومعلمه ومن اعطاه فرصه فى الصحافه مصطفى امين يوسف فى السجن . لم يكتب الا ان مصطفى امين تصله الفاكهه فى السجن والشعب المصرى لا يجد الفاكهه ويجب ان يحرم منها . هل وصلنا نحن فى السودان الى هذا المستوى يا رجال اعلام السودان .
لا يذكر اسم سيدنا على ابن ابى طالب كرم الله وجهه الا ويقال على ابن ابى طالب اسد الله الغالب . هل الاسد ملاك .؟ انه حيوان مفترس وباطش وبشع . هل فكرنا فى هذا ؟. وحتى اذا كانت المعلمه تقصد الاساءه فالمعقوليه تقول ان لا نستجيب لاستفزازها وان لا نجر لمعركه دونكيشوتيه . عندما اكتشف ضابط طبيب الشلالى الذى صار رئيساً للسلاح العسكرى وقاتله جنود حزب الامه فى الغزو الليبى . والقوا بجثته تحت كبرى امدرمان , ان محلج الذى كان فى مستشفى السلاح الطبى وتفوح منه رائحه الخمر ووجد العرقى فى ثيرموس الشاى اصر على عقاب محلج وطرده من المستشفى . فقال محلج باستفزاز . دى عيونك ولا عيون اختك . فصعد الدكتور الشلالى رحمه الله عليه الامر . فقال له احمد عبد الوهاب ( الكلام ذى ده مع العساكر مفروض تتجاهلوا وتعمل انك ما سمعته , لانو معركه ذى دى انت كضابط كبير بتكون خسران . ثم ثانى محلج ده ( تفشكى ) . شغله بصلح البنادق والسلاح , بداء فى الجيش ده نص تعيين ولد صغير , ليه اكثر من خمسه وثلاثين سنه فى الجيش . لو طردناهوا بكره انت بتصلح بنادق . )
دى حكايه الغلبا راجلها قامت تأدب حما . السودان الآن يواجه تحديات فى الداخل . المعروف انه بعد الفيضانات والامطار الغزيره تأتى امراض معينه . اولها الملاريا نسبه لانتشار الباعوضه والذباب وحمى الوادى المتصدع , لان الناموس يكثر وينقل الفايروس من الحيوانات الى الانسان . كما يكثر المرقوت والقمل والقراد . وهنالك الحمه الراجعه والقارضيا ويكثر الزباب وتنتشر الدستناريا . واللشمينيا التى تسببها الذبابه الرمليه والكلزار , وهنالك لعنه اخرى وهى ان الجرد الصحراوى بكل انواعه من العتاب وسارى الليل وخلافه تفقس بعد سنه من الامطار الغزيره وسنشاهد فى السنه القادمه اسراب مهوله من الجراد . ماذا عملت الحكومه لتفادى الكارثه . ؟ هؤلاء اللذين خرجوا ممتشقين السيوف والاسلحه البيضاء والخضراء الم يكن من الاجدى ان يستنفروا لبناء المساكن التى سقطت بسبب الامطار والفيضان وسوء تخطيط الشوارع والمجارى ؟ هل نحن قد انجزنا كل شئ طالبنا به الله ورسوله , هل نشرنا العدل والامن ووفرنا القوت للجميع , ام هذا هروب من واقعنا , ام هو محاوله شغل الناس بالفارغه . ؟ .
عندما تأتى اسراب الجراد ويموت الناس جوعاً سيكون عندنا العذر الكافى . فلقد كنا نمتشق السيوف ونشارك فى غزوه المدرسه البريطانيه .
شوقى ....

Post: #35
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 12-04-2007, 08:53 PM
Parent: #1

" target="_blank"><...l />

Delighted To Be Back: Teddy Teacher Returns

Post: #36
Title: Re: News in Pictures
Author: Mohamed Omer
Date: 12-04-2007, 09:00 PM
Parent: #1

" target="_blank"><...l />

Laugh at Sudan