دي حالة دي: شفع الخواجات طاشمين الف !!

دي حالة دي: شفع الخواجات طاشمين الف !!

11-21-2007, 07:43 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=120&msg=1195627412&rn=3

Post: #1
Title: دي حالة دي: شفع الخواجات طاشمين الف !!
Author: Muhammad Elamin
Date: 11-21-2007, 07:43 AM
Parent: #0

Fifth of 10 to 15-year-olds 'get drunk regularly'
By Ian Ross

Published: 16 November 2007 The Independent

It is unlikely to surprise many teachers or parents, but millions of schoolchildren are experimenting with drink and drugs, a major government survey confirmed yesterday.
A fifth of 10 to 15-year-olds admit to getting drunk regularly and at least one in seven secondary school pupils has tried an illegal substance, the education watchdog Ofsted found. Cannabis is the drug of choice for most teenagers but many have taken heroin, cocaine, LSD or ecstasy.

Ofsted's researchers questioned more than 100,000 pupils aged 10 to 15 at schools in England. Nearly half (48 per cent) said they had consumed alcoholic drinks while under age, and one in five claimed to have been drunk at least once in the past four weeks. Among those aged 14 and 15, one in six said they had been drunk at least three times in the past month.
However, parents can take comfort from the news that nearly three quarters of respondents had never smoked a cigarette (or would not admit to it), while 80 per cent of older children had never taken drugs.

By far the biggest worry for pupils was exams, with 51 per cent naming them as a key concern, along with the stresses of schoolwork. More than 25 per cent of older pupils were worried about sex and relationships.

Children also had mixed views about the quality of their education. Seventy-nine per cent wanted "more fun and interesting" lessons, while 40 per cent wanted "quieter and better behaved classmates".

A quarter of pupils were worried about bullying. Thirty per cent had been picked on at least twice in the previous four weeks and many said the issue was not handled well by their school.
Christine Gilbert, the chief inspector of education, urged ministers and teachers to "look hard" at the findings. She said: "It is clear that more needs to be done to address children and young people's worries."

Post: #2
Title: Re: دي حالة دي: شفع الخواجات طاشمين الف !!
Author: Muhammad Elamin
Date: 11-21-2007, 07:48 AM
Parent: #1

واحدة من الأشياء الملاحظة بشدة الأن في شوارع بريطانيا هو خوف وتوجس الجميع من مجموعات المراهقين التي تجوب الشوارع بلا غرض ولا هدف سوي إثارة الرعب والفوضي

كثيراً ما يعلق المرضي الذين ألتقيهم في المستشفي عن توجسهم من ال teenagers

قلما يمر إسبوع دون خبر في الصحف حول مقتل مواطن أمام منزله وهو يحاول التصدي لغوغائية مجموعة من المراهقين

قالتها لي إحدي المريضات الطاعنات في السن مرة:

There is no longer any more respect left

أيام طفولتنا هنا ما كان الناس كذلك !؟

إلي إين تمضي هذه البلاد ؟؟؟

Post: #3
Title: Re: دي حالة دي: شفع الخواجات طاشمين الف !!
Author: Muhammad Elamin
Date: 11-21-2007, 07:50 AM
Parent: #2

حتي الشرطة تنصحك وتقول:

لا تتصدوا لهذه المجموعات حتي لا تعرضوا أنفسكم للخطر !!

Post: #4
Title: Re: دي حالة دي: شفع الخواجات طاشمين الف !!
Author: Muhammad Elamin
Date: 11-21-2007, 07:54 AM

بعض المواطنين يعلقون أن الأمر راجع لغياب العقوبة الجسدية

ومجلس العموم منشغل بسن مزيد من العقوبات ضد العقوبة الجسدية في البيت

أو ما عرف بال anti smacking laws

smacking=لضرب باليد علي مؤخرة الطفل

طبعاً الضرب علي الوجه زمااااااان منعوه

قالت لي مرة إحدي الممرضات في العنبر

So how are we supposed to discipline our kids

Post: #5
Title: Re: دي حالة دي: شفع الخواجات طاشمين الف !!
Author: Muhammad Elamin
Date: 11-21-2007, 07:58 AM
Parent: #4

ومن ناخية أخري فقانون السماخ بفتح البارات 24 ساعة والذي بدأ تطبيقه هذا العام ألقي بظلاله السالبة علي الخدمات الصحية

عدد الإصابات والحالات المتعلقة بالسكر والكحول زادت بعض الشئ

ولكنها تظل تضغط علي الخدمات الطبية في مراحلها الأولية والثانوية
