عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!

عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!

11-15-2007, 03:25 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=120&msg=1195136720&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!
Author: Wasil Ali
Date: 11-15-2007, 03:25 PM

استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير في سنه الحقيقي . جاء ذلك في مذكرة داخلية وزعها امس في المنظمة.

Post: #2
Title: Re: عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!
Author: حيدر حسن ميرغني
Date: 11-15-2007, 03:31 PM
Parent: #1

Head of UN patent agency to quit after row over alleged falsified documents

GENEVA: The head of the U.N. patent agency is to leave his post a year early, officials said Thursday.

Kamil Idris, who was due to step down from his post as director-general of the World Intellectual Property Organization in 2009, had faced pressure to resign after using an apparently false birth date to get jobs and win promotions.

Developed countries failed last month in thd eir bid for a public debate on an internal report that said Idris had claimed his year of birth as 1945 when he applied to join the agency, then changed it to 1954 last year.

The earlier date would have helped him get his first job at WIPO in 1982 and subsequent promotions until 1997, when he landed the post of director-general at the agency. The later birth date could have enhanced his retirement benefits, the report said. Idris denies the allegations.

The row led the United States and other Western countries to block approval of the agency's US$537 million (€378 million) biennial budget for the 2008-2009 period, hampering its efforts to expand its work in developing countries
Idris, a Sudanese national, announced his departure Wednesday in an internal memo to staff, which was obtained by The Associated Press. Its authenticity was confirmed by WIPO officials.

In the memo Idris states that he has "decided to advance the process for nominating and appointing a Director General" and urges member states to consider approving the new budget.

No reason for his early departure, likely to be in the fall of 2008, is given, and WIPO officials were unable to provide an immediate explanation.

Warren Tichenor, the U.S. ambassador in Geneva, issued a statement describing Idris's announcement as "a positive development."

"The member states and the employees of WIPO deserve to have an organization that is led with the highest professional and ethical standards, and we believe that this renewal of leadership will bring new confidence and vitality to the organization," he said.

During the agency's annual meeting in Geneva last month, Tichenor lamented the failure of member states to "properly address the evidence of misconduct by the director-general." A European Union request for Idris to step down in order to avoid further damage to the organization's credibility was rebuffed at the time.

Developing countries had resisted public scrutiny of the allegations against Idris, describing them as part of a racist smear campaign against the head of a well-run United Nations body.

WIPO is unique among U.N. agencies because it achieves a multimillion-dollar (-euro) surplus by charging fees on patent registrations and other commercial services, rather than having member states paying all operating costs.

In addition to the age discrepancy, the Associated Press has learned that Idris made differing claims about his qualifications when he applied for jobs.

Idris' 1982 application said he obtained a master's degree in international law from Ohio University in 1978. But Jessica Stark, spokeswoman for the university, told the AP Idris attended from Sept 12, 1977, to June 10, 1978, when he received a Master of Arts in African Studies.

Idris later issued a statement saying that he received a Master of Arts in International Affairs at Ohio University, omitting the reference to a law degree originally mentioned in the 1982 job application.

U.S. officials have also expressed "strong concerns" about the accuracy of Idris' past applications for U.S. visas and said they were considering whether that should result in the denial of future visa applications.

It is unclear whether Idris will face any further scrutiny of his alleged misconduct following the announcement of his early departure.


Post: #3
Title: Re: عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!
Author: عبد المنعم سليمان
Date: 11-15-2007, 03:39 PM
Parent: #1

ما عارف اقول شنو ..
خبر مؤسف ..
خبر كويس ..!!؟

Post: #4
Title: Re: عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!
Author: حيدر حسن ميرغني
Date: 11-15-2007, 04:03 PM
Parent: #3

شكرا واصل

كما اشار الاخ عبد المنعم لاندري ماذا نقول

لكن كانت هناك مساع امريكية واضحة للاطاحة به من قبل

لعل اكبر ضحايا سيساتهم الخرقاء الاطاحة ببطرس غالي من هرم المنظمة الاممية التي يشغل كامل إدريس احدى وكالاتها

على العموم نتمنى كل التوفيق للدكتور كامل ادريس

ونتمنى الا يقلل مثل هذا القرار المتوقع من جملة الانجازات التى حققها للمنظمة طيلة شغله إدارتها

طالع الخبر الذي يؤكد ضلوع امريكا فى هذه الازمة

US Renews Effort To Topple WIPO Director General

By William New

United States Ambassador to the United Nations Warren Tichenor on Thursday reiterated a call for answers to allegations surrounding the head of the World Intellectual Property Organization, who the US and others are pushing to resign out of concern for his leadership ability.

WIPO Director General Kamil Idris has come under fire after a confidential internal auditor’s report surfaced late last year showing Idris may have over two decades systematically misreported his age to his advantage. Idris formally corrected his age in WIPO records in 2006 citing a technical error, effectively making himself 9 years younger than recorded.

The US, Switzerland and others pushed for a discussion of the issue at the late September-early October WIPO General Assemblies but were partly blocked on procedural grounds. The assemblies ended without adoption of a budget for the next two years. Idris’ office has held fast to the position that he is innocent and the target of a smear campaign. African countries have backed Idris, who originally came from Sudan.

The renewed US call comes after circulation earlier this week of an appeal to the director general to put organisational interests ahead of his own signed by more than 230 WIPO employees. The appeal and an African Group defence of Idris are available on www.ip-watch.org. The issue continues to generate a running discussion on the Intellectual Property Watch front page between WIPO staff and other stakeholders.

“The WIPO internal audit report raises serious questions about the judgment, character, and integrity of the director general and his ability to effectively lead the organization, charges which have been echoed by a growing number of member states in recent weeks,” Tichenor said in a statement. “The United States notes with great interest the appeal issued by WIPO staff members regarding the current impasse at WIPO. The United States is also concerned about the crisis in leadership at WIPO.”

Tichenor directly linked resolution of leadership issue with progress on a newly agreed WIPO Development Agenda, though Development Agenda proponents have downplayed the link. The United States was a reluctant participant in the Development Agenda negotiations which were aimed at ensuring the work of WIPO and the benefits of the intellectual property system are spread equally among all member states.

“The current crisis of leadership at WIPO must be expeditiously resolved so that the vital work of the organisation, including the Development Agenda, can move forward in a positive fashion,” Tichenor said.

Tichenor made clear that the United States is seeking a replacement for Idris. “WIPO deserves a director general who is above reproach and who can effectively lead the organisation into the future,” he said. “The US will continue to play a constructive role to put WIPO on a solid footing so that the organisation can resume its critical role of promoting innovation, economic prosperity and development through a strong global IPR protection system.”

It is unclear what procedure will be followed should Idris not elect to step down, but several scenarios are being discussed among member states, sources said


Post: #8
Title: Re: عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!
Author: حيدر حسن ميرغني
Date: 11-15-2007, 04:29 PM
Parent: #4

سبق للاخ واصل ان إبتدر بوستا حول هذا الشأن عند تفجر هذه الازمة

نشكر له متابعته الرصينة

إستعرت المعركة بشكل كبير حين وقع فى اكتوبر المنصرم قرابة 250 موظفا في المنظمة على مناشدة تحث كامل ادريس على الاستقالة على خلفية اتهامه بالتزوير فيما وصفت المجموعة الافريقية فى المنظمة هذه المحاولة من جانب البلدان المتقدمة بالهجوم العنصري والمعادي للاجانب

ادناه المقالة المتعلقة بما ورد بأعلاه

Battle Rages Over WIPO DG As Staff Dissents, Africa Cries Racism

By William New
Hundreds of employees at the World Intellectual Property Organization, a prominent United Nations agency, have signed a petition calling on WIPO Director General Kamil Idris to put the organisation’s interests before his own in addressing allegations that he misrepresented his age on official documents and possibly engaged in other untoward activities. Idris is under pressure to step down by countries that see him as having lost the ability to lead the organisation.

Meanwhile, the African Group of nations at WIPO raised the stakes in the debate with a press communiqué calling the attempt mainly by developed countries to get Idris to resign a racist and xenophobic attack

An acrid debate has been playing out on the front-page Intellectual Property Watch comment section, www.ip-watch.org, over the past two weeks. Many comments have focused on a series of letters published in the Inside Views section, including an open letter calling on Idris to resign from a diverse group of WIPO employees calling itself “Cincinnatus.” [This refers to a Roman farmer who was chosen as dictator from humble circumstances and within weeks led the Roman army to victory before returning to the field, according to sources.]

A number of comments support Idris but there are a variety of others as well. Nigerian patent agent Edwin Nnametu said “the recent spotlight on WIPO which has put her on the lower rung of the scale” and called for restraint. Philip Gough wrote, “The question is not any more about Kamil Idris’ future but about the future of the organisation,” and raised questions about the possible hiring of family members of ambassadors or other officials who have then been supportive to Idris, a common allegation. The WIPO staff list, recently obtained by Intellectual Property Watch, shows that there may be some truth to this. Another commenter criticised the press release from the September-October General Assemblies, which ended inconclusively for apparently the first time in WIPO history. The release was not issued until five days after the event, and made no mention of the issue that dominated the entire meeting: the effort to investigate and remove Idris and his team.

Several comments were so caustic or unverified they were not published on the IP-Watch website. One commenter recounted specific questions that are, according to sources, persistently raised in the WIPO corridors about the nature of the director general’s connection to his special adviser Khamis Suedi who quietly stepped down in 2005 while under investigation by the Swiss authorities for possible links to the UN oil-for-food scandal, whether a security guard was suddenly given an unusually high promotion while he was suing WIPO, whether a WIPO staffperson oversaw Idris’ personal swimming pool construction during work hours, and whether some money is missing from WIPO. None of these persistent questions has been proven despite some investigation and WIPO has criticised those who perpetuate them. Another set of comments alleged criminality, which has not been found.

Rising Tide of Dissatisfaction

More than 230 employees (of various contract types) in the past week signed an appeal stating: “Considering the unrelenting controversy surrounding your stewardship of the organisation, the loss of trust among a broad segment of the member states in your leadership of the organisation as displayed at this year’s Assemblies, the damage which the above causes to the future well-being of the organisation, we call upon you not to place your own personal interests above those of the organisation and its staff.”

An accompanying note to the appeal explained that employees were offered the opportunity to sign the appeal without the involvement of the WIPO Staff Association and within three days more than 230 had signed. The list of signers was not circulated but was verified by a Geneva notary who has possession of the original signature pages. These pages may be viewed only by the director general, president of the staff association, ombudsman, internal auditor and legal counsel, all of whom, plus some others, have received the note.

Efforts continue to get more signatures without disruption to the work of the secretariat, the note said, and the Staff Association is asked to help ensure this, as is the administration. “The administration is kindly requested not to interfere with the right of the organisation’s employees to express their views in a dignified and respectful manner,” it said.

An independent report by consulting firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers issued in June found a prevailing attitude among WIPO employees is a “lack of pride” in the organisation and an acceptance of needed change to the organisational culture (IPW, WIPO, 10 July 2007). According to that report, which found management problems, there were approximately 1,600 full-time and short-term employees at WIPO in 2006.

Africa Takes a Stand

Idris originally came from Sudan. The African Group communiqué said it “condemns in the strongest terms possible the dimension the campaign of calumny and intimidation against the Director-General of WIPO, Dr. Kamil Idris, has now taken.” The group added its call “for an immediate and unconditional end to this insidious campaign against the Director-General and his region of origin.”

The communiqué, dated 11 October and reportedly circulated to member governments and bearing no signature, referenced a cartoon it said had been circulated in Geneva that depicts Idris in a racist way. According to the communiqué, the cartoon showed Idris against a background of a Swiss flag as a black sheep being kicked out of a group of white sheep. This is a reflection of the highly charged political poster used by the far-right Swiss People’s Party of Christoph Blocher, the Swiss justice minister, who campaigns on an anti-immigration platform. Blocher’s poster has contributed to uncommon riots and other violence in the lead-up to the 21 October general election in the country.

“The ultimate message of this cartoon which should be condemned and repudiated by all, as it was with the afore-mentioned campaign poster, is that there can be security in WIPO and Switzerland only when black people are kicked out, since the white sheep kicking Dr. Idris out bears the WIPO logo,” the communiqué said.

Idris, who has been DG since 1998, has been mentioned for several years in connection with financial and personnel management problems at WIPO, which ran a deficit three years ago despite being among the top-earning UN institutions in a boom time for intellectual property rights. But no wrongdoing on his part or any of his top advisers has ever been proven, a point his defenders emphasise.

But one issue that seems to have stuck with member states and the public is a confidential 2006 internal auditor’s report that WIPO has sought to suppress. That report, which WIPO demanded be removed from the Intellectual Property Watch website earlier this year, details a systematic effort by Idris to misstate his birth date since it was first entered incorrectly as 1945 instead of 1954 before his hiring at WIPO in the early 1980s. The incorrectly recorded birth date put Idris at the same age as two more senior competitors for the position that he subsequently obtained. Idris moved to fix the age in 2006, and his office downplayed it as the correction of a technical error.

The African Group defended Idris’ record at WIPO, stating it “wishes it to be noted that WIPO is not only the most audited and supervised organisation in the UN system, but also one of the most successful. It is the only organisation that enjoys surplus in its financial and budgetary management, and registers substantial income annually.” In the 2006-2007 biennium, WIPO’s surplus ran into the tens of millions of Swiss francs despite spending over its budget.

The African statement also suggests that the majority of WIPO member states supported Idris at the recent WIPO General Assemblies that collapsed when developed countries held up agreement over the Idris matter. But during the assembly, several participants said many member states who did not outright call for his resignation indicated support for a fair process, but did not take a position on the Idris allegations.

The African statement also said Idris oversaw WIPO’s growth from a legal and technical body to a “globally development-oriented structure.” But during the negotiation for a WIPO Development Agenda since 2004, officials repeatedly said the WIPO secretariat was unsupportive to the effort. In fact, Idris and his cabinet were frequently criticised as being too far under the influence of the developed countries, which by virtue of owning most of the world’s intellectual property rights pay most of WIPO’s budget.

Many developing country officials have questioned why the United States, Switzerland and other developed countries now are pushing so hard on the Idris’ removal. The sceptics question whether it is related to this year’s adoption of a Development Agenda, the failure to move harmonisation of national patent regimes (a developed country private-sector favourite), or the desire to restore a developed country official at the top of the organisation.

US and other developed country officials repeatedly deny all of these suggestions, and insist it is because they were concerned that he may have been involved in wrongdoing and now feel he has lost the ability to govern the organisation.

Perhaps the reader comments on Intellectual Property Watch capture the spirit within the organisation best. As one commenter put it:

“A great number of WIPO colleagues express today the wish that their organisation would become again as it was before: A place of creativity, enthusiasm for the work, respect and honesty. A new chapter has now to begin, for the benefit of our professional partners, the satisfaction of our member states, the serenity of our host-country, and above all, for the wellbeing and the security of each and every co-worker. A strong decision is requested now. It is not necessary to make a single person endorse all the mistakes made during the past ten years. There has also been a great deal of positive action. Our organisation has grown, and not only in numbers. The staff of this organisation asks that it may be fully entrusted again, expressed by the director general himself.”


Post: #9
Title: Re: عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!
Author: محمد المرتضى حامد
Date: 11-15-2007, 04:42 PM
Parent: #4

بالطبع خبر محزن يا منعم لأن الدكتور كامل قدم الكثير للمنظمة لدرجة أن انتخابه كمدير عام
للمنظمة كاد يصل حد الإجماع ووجد دعما قويا من الدول العربية والأفريقية ليتسنم تلك المنظمة
الخطيرة في 1997 وهي التي لعبت ومازالت تلعب دورا هاما في مجال التنمية الٌإقتصادية وكان كامل نشطا وكسوداني وجد قبولا ودعما لامحدودا من دول العالم الثالث التي أرهقتها الدول الكبرى في مجال الملكية الفكرية من خلال إحتكارات الشركات متعددة الجنسية.
على الرغم من جزئية تأريخ الميلاد والتي أثيرت العام الماضي والتي ربما لا يقرها أحد ، إن صحّت ، إلا أن من سخرية الأقدار أن يثيرها ويسعى خلفها السفير الأمريكي ، سفير إدارة الكذب على العالم،
سفير إحتلال العراق وغزو أفغانستان والقتل بالمجان وأبوغريب وغوانتانامو و..مونيكا لوينسكي.

Post: #5
Title: Re: عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!
Author: Abd Alla Elhabib
Date: 11-15-2007, 04:16 PM
Parent: #3

أنا خجلان والله ...

Post: #6
Title: Re: عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!
Author: Muna Khugali
Date: 11-15-2007, 04:25 PM
Parent: #5

Quote: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير في سنه الحقيقي . جاء ذلك في مذكرة داخلية وزعها امس في المنظمة.

ده الكلام الزماااان داك..يادوب تم فيه تحقيق وادانه تبعها استقاله ولا شنو؟؟

Post: #7
Title: Re: عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!
Author: عبد المنعم سليمان
Date: 11-15-2007, 04:27 PM
Parent: #1

خلي يجي السودان يؤسس جريدة ..
يسميها الاستقالة

Post: #10
Title: Re: عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!
Author: Abd Alla Elhabib
Date: 11-15-2007, 04:47 PM
Parent: #7

Quote: خلي يجي السودان يؤسس جريدة ..
يسميها الاستقالة
ويشغلك معاهو يا بيجو
تكتب عمود يومي بعنوان
شهادتي للجاه
كده أقترح

Post: #11
Title: Re: عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!
Author: عبد المنعم سليمان
Date: 11-15-2007, 04:53 PM
Parent: #1

ع شرط يكون جنب الجريدة ست شاي

Post: #12
Title: Re: عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!
Author: Abureesh
Date: 11-15-2007, 05:22 PM
Parent: #11

Quote: ده الكلام الزماااان داك..يادوب تم فيه تحقيق وادانه تبعها استقاله ولا شنو؟؟

شكـرا للأخ واصل لإيراد الخبـر،

ويا أخت منى، مافى إدانـة.. بل الرجل أعلن أنه سـوف يترك منصبـه لتقديم موعـد
إنتخابات خلفه بسنـة.. يعنى سـوف يترك منصبـه بعـد عام تقريبـا من الأن! وليس
فوراً.. وهـو فى الغالب قـدر نداء زملائه الذين قدموا له التماسـا بالإستقالـة
لأن بعض الدول الكبرى هددت بحجب التمويل لهـذا العام.. فتقديم زمن التقاعـد من
2009 الى خريف 2008 كان من أجل مصلحـة المنظمـة فى رايى.. ولم يشــأ الرجل
الإستمرار فى مواجهـة ما رءاه ظلمـا وترصـدا من تلك الدول وهى تقوم بإبتزاز
المنظمـة بحجب التمويل عنهـا.. وحسنــاً فعل.

والتقريـر لم يتحدث عن إستقالـة، بل عن تقديـم موعـد التقاعـد بسنـة.. ولقـد
كان هـذا تصرفـا حكيمـا، لأن حجب الميزانيـة كانت ستتضـرر منه الدول الناميـة،
لأن هـذه الأموال خصصت لتطوير نظـم الملكيـة الفكريـة فى الدول الناميـة!! وقـد
فطن إدريس الى هـذه النقطة، ففضل التضحيـة بعام من خدمتـه، بدل خسـارة
أعوام من التنميـة فى أفريقيـا ودول العالم الثالث.

Post: #13
Title: Re: عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!
Author: حيدر حسن ميرغني
Date: 11-18-2007, 02:11 PM
Parent: #12

ترى هل ستقدم الحكومة على تعيينه سفيرا لها فى الدولة التى تستضيف المنظمة

سبق ان عمل كامل ادريس هناك كدبلوماسي من قبل

Post: #14
Title: Re: عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!
Author: Muna Khugali
Date: 11-18-2007, 02:32 PM
Parent: #13

Quote: شكـرا للأخ واصل لإيراد الخبـر،

ويا أخت منى، مافى إدانـة.. بل الرجل أعلن أنه سـوف يترك منصبـه لتقديم موعـد
إنتخابات خلفه بسنـة.. يعنى سـوف يترك منصبـه بعـد عام تقريبـا من الأن! وليس
فوراً.. وهـو فى الغالب قـدر نداء زملائه الذين قدموا له التماسـا بالإستقالـة
لأن بعض الدول الكبرى هددت بحجب التمويل لهـذا العام.. فتقديم زمن التقاعـد من
2009 الى خريف 2008 كان من أجل مصلحـة المنظمـة فى رايى.. ولم يشــأ الرجل
الإستمرار فى مواجهـة ما رءاه ظلمـا وترصـدا من تلك الدول وهى تقوم بإبتزاز
المنظمـة بحجب التمويل عنهـا.. وحسنــاً فعل.

والتقريـر لم يتحدث عن إستقالـة، بل عن تقديـم موعـد التقاعـد بسنـة.. ولقـد
كان هـذا تصرفـا حكيمـا، لأن حجب الميزانيـة كانت ستتضـرر منه الدول الناميـة،
لأن هـذه الأموال خصصت لتطوير نظـم الملكيـة الفكريـة فى الدول الناميـة!! وقـد
فطن إدريس الى هـذه النقطة، ففضل التضحيـة بعام من خدمتـه، بدل خسـارة
أعوام من التنميـة فى أفريقيـا ودول العالم الثالث.

شكرا حيدر..

ونعم حسنا فعل..

Post: #16
Title: Re: عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!
Author: Zomrawi Alweli
Date: 11-18-2007, 03:15 PM
Parent: #13

يعني في الحتة الوحيدة اللي قلنا لقينا فيها مكسب امميا نجي نلاقي امريطا الشيطانة تعمل بخفاء دونما مراعاة لانجازات الرجل.
ونرجع نتساءل هلى هل العالم يحتاج الى تنقيص عمره ام انها زلة كتابة او خطأ مطبعي.

Post: #15
Title: Re: عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!
Author: Mannan
Date: 11-18-2007, 02:50 PM
Parent: #1

شيئ محزن ومحرج فى آن معا.. لقد اخطأ زميلنا الدكتور كامل ادريس ودفع ثمنا غليظا انهى به حياته الدبلوماسية.. لا اعتقد ان الحكومة الويسرية ستعتمده سفيرا للسودان فى جنيف.. ربما يجد موقعا أخر ليس له ذلك الآلق العالمى... كامل انسان عبقرى ولكن غلطة الشاطر بمية...

نورالدين منان

Post: #17
Title: Re: عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!
Date: 11-18-2007, 03:39 PM
Parent: #1

قبل أن نخوض في تفاصيل نظرية المؤامرة ..أبو غريب ..غوانتامو..كربلاء ...النجف ..هل الرجل زوّر عمره في شهادة الميلاد أم لا ؟؟؟
ومافي مشكلة ..يجي السودان ويؤسس مركز إسترتيجي أو يرأس منظمة خيرية ..يعني كلو نافع

Post: #18
Title: Re: عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!
Author: jini
Date: 11-18-2007, 05:04 PM
Parent: #17

Quote: أنا خجلان والله ...

Quote: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!

مسمى الوظيفة وكلمة تزوير مسألة فظيعة!
طوالى يمشى يشترى ليهو قلاب بتاع تراب ويتكندك!
نحن السودانيين فضايحنا بى جلاجل وفى حاجات ما تسوى وفى مراكز مفروض تبعد من التزوير بعد الارض من زحل!
غايتو الله معاهو

Post: #19
Title: Re: عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!
Author: Wasil Ali
Date: 11-19-2007, 03:14 PM
Parent: #18

اجرت شركة برايسواترهاوسكوبرس تدقيقا في المنظمة وكشفت حالات مستفحلة من عدم الأنظباط والغياب داخل المنظمة واوصت بالتخلص من ثلاثمائة من اصل 1200 وظيفة اي الربع. والعام 2005 تشكك النقرير في معايير الترقيات والتعيينات داخل المنظمة

Post: #20
Title: Re: عاجل: استقالة كامل ادريس من رئاسة المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية بعد اتهامات بالتزوير!!
Author: محمد المرتضى حامد
Date: 11-19-2007, 07:09 PM
Parent: #19

Quote: قبل أن نخوض في تفاصيل نظرية المؤامرة ..أبو غريب ..غوانتامو..كربلاء ...النجف ..هل الرجل زوّر عمره في شهادة الميلاد أم لا ؟؟؟
ومافي مشكلة ..يجي السودان ويؤسس مركز إسترتيجي أو يرأس منظمة خيرية ..يعني كلو نافع

Quote: بالطبع خبر محزن يا منعم لأن الدكتور كامل قدم الكثير للمنظمة لدرجة أن انتخابه كمدير عام
للمنظمة كاد يصل حد الإجماع ووجد دعما قويا من الدول العربية والأفريقية ليتسنم تلك المنظمة
الخطيرة في 1997 وهي التي لعبت ومازالت تلعب دورا هاما في مجال التنمية الٌإقتصادية وكان كامل نشطا وكسوداني وجد قبولا ودعما لامحدودا من دول العالم الثالث التي أرهقتها الدول الكبرى في مجال الملكية الفكرية من خلال إحتكارات الشركات متعددة الجنسية.
على الرغم من جزئية تأريخ الميلاد والتي أثيرت العام الماضي والتي ربما لا يقرها أحد ، إن صحّت ، إلا أن من سخرية الأقدار أن يثيرها ويسعى خلفها السفير الأمريكي ، سفير إدارة الكذب على العالم،
سفير إحتلال العراق وغزو أفغانستان والقتل بالمجان وأبوغريب وغوانتانامو و..مونيكا لوينسكي.