معز حضره ومحمد عادل يطالبون المؤتمر الوطنى بكشف الحقائق والمستور

معز حضره ومحمد عادل يطالبون المؤتمر الوطنى بكشف الحقائق والمستور

10-22-2007, 01:41 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=120&msg=1193013687&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: معز حضره ومحمد عادل يطالبون المؤتمر الوطنى بكشف الحقائق والمستور
Author: محمد عادل
Date: 10-22-2007, 01:41 AM

فى ندوة مركز الاهرام للدراسات الاستراتجيه التى نظمها المركز بعنوان
التحول الديمقراطى ورؤية الحزب الاتحادى فى الازمه دارفور
استضاف المركز الاستاذ المعز حضره عضو المكتب السياسى بالحزب الاتحادى
وعضو هئية الدفاع عن المعتقلين
ومحمد عادل ممثل حزب الامة الاصلاح والتجديد بمصر
وتحدث الاستاذ المعز عن قضية المعتقلين وطالب المؤتمر الوطنى باطلاق سراح المعتقلين اوتقديمهم لمحاكمه عاجله والغاء قوانين الصحافه والمطبوعات والامن الوطنى وقانون الاحزاب
وطالب البرلمان بتمهل فى اصدار القوانين الجديدة ومراجعة القديمه والتريث فى قانون الانتخابات حتى ياتى موافق رؤى الاحزاب الوطنيه
وطالب الاستاذ محمد عادل ممثل حزب الامه الاصلاح والتجديد المؤتمر الوطنى بكشف المستور فى قضية المعتقلين وعدم تسيس القضاء للقضيه
وضح انتهاكات اللجنه العدليه برئاسة مولانا ياسر احمد محمد رئيس نيابة امن الدوله
وتعذيب المعتقلين امام رئيس اللجنه
وطالب المؤتمر الوطنى وجهاز الامن بكشف حقائق الاعتقال والمساومات التى جرت للمعتقلين
بتوريط بعض المعتقلين فى القضيه مقابل اطلاق سراحهم وعرض مبالغ طائله من الاموال لهم
وحضر الندوة ممثلين لحركات دارفور المسلحه
وحزب الامه القومى والحركه الشعبيه والاستاذ عبدالملك النعيم الملحق الاعلامى بسفارة السودان بالقاهره

Post: #2
Title: Re: معز حضره ومحمد عادل يطالبون المؤتمر الوطنى بكشف الحقائق والمستور
Author: محمد عادل
Date: 10-27-2007, 03:06 PM
Parent: #1


Post: #3
Title: Re: معز حضره ومحمد عادل يطالبون المؤتمر الوطنى بكشف الحقائق والمستور
Author: jini
Date: 10-27-2007, 03:19 PM
Parent: #2

Quote: معز حضره ومحمد عادل يطالبون المؤتمر الوطنى بكشف الحقائق والمستور

معز حضرة دى عرفناهو محمد عادل دة منو كمان!!

Post: #4
Title: Re: معز حضره ومحمد عادل يطالبون المؤتمر الوطنى بكشف الحقائق والمستور
Author: محمد عادل
Date: 10-27-2007, 03:22 PM
Parent: #3

محمد عادل
دا زول ماشى فى الشارع

Post: #5
Title: Re: معز حضره ومحمد عادل يطالبون المؤتمر الوطنى بكشف الحقائق والمستور
Author: محمد عادل
Date: 10-28-2007, 08:11 PM
Parent: #4

We the undersigned, accused in complaint number 138/2007, confirm that the Prosecutor for Crimes Against the State and responsible for investigating the aforementioned complaint has neither levelled nor informed us of any charges against us.

We were astounded in this regard upon reading the decision of the Appeals Court issued on 4th October 2007 which stated that charges had been levelled and were written on page 488 of our case’s investigation log. Our astonishment was compounded upon hearing of the declaration made by Mr. Mutasim Taj Elsir, Senior Judge of Khartoum North General Court. The Judge declared that charges had been levelled against us since September 3rd 2007 and that these charges had been read to us. The Judge claimed that his declaration was based on the accounts of the Prosecutor for Crimes Against the State, who it should be noted, only visited us for the first time after 3rd September 2007, the alleged date of charges being levelled. We asked him during this visit regarding the levelling of charges and transfer of the complaint against us to the courts but the Prosecutor confirmed that investigations had not yet concluded for him to be able to level any charges against us.

Furthermore, the statements published by the Deputy Prosecutor for Crimes Against the State, Mr. Jamal Suleiman, on the front page of the Sudani Newspaper dated Friday 19th October 2007 issue number 692 and the entry written by Mr. Yasser Ahmed Mohamed, the Investigation Committee Chair and Prosecutor for Crimes Against the State, on page 488 of the investigation log, are void of any truth. Furthermore, the entry written in the investigation log in this regard is tantamount to forgery and it is likely that the Prosecutor conducted this forgery to deceive the judicial system into approving the renewal of our detention. Note that the Sudanese Criminal Procedures Act of 1991 does not permit renewals of detention unless charges have been levelled, and only permits such renewals where these charges have been read to the individuals concerned.
Consequently we demand to be called into presence of the courts to contest these issues.

Note that the Justice Minister has continually been quoted in daily newspapers stating that investigations have not yet concluded and that no charges have been levelled at this time.


1. Mr. Ali Mahmoud Hassanein
2. Sayed Mubarak Elfadil ElMahdi
3. Sayed Abdeljalil Elbasha Mohamed Ahmed
4. Eng. Hassan Mohamed Haj Musa
5. Sayed Salaheldin Hamad Elsayed Hamad
6. Sayed Ahmed Suliman Eldoud
7. Sayed Siddeg Khalid Abdelnabi
8. Major-General (R) Mohamed Ali Hamid
9. Police Major-General (R) Salaheldin Elnur Matar
10. Brigadier (R) Ibrahim Abdalla Abu Guroon
11. Brigadier (R) Tayeb Ahmed Khalid ElNaem
12. Brigadier (R) Khalifa Ahmed Mohamed Abdalla
13. Brigadier (R) Taj Elsir Mahmoud Hassan
14. Lieutenant-Colonel (R) Atta Elmanan Sid Ahmed
15. Lieutenant-Colonel (R) Ali Khalifa Mohamed
16. Lieutenant-Colonel (R) Osama Mohamed Elsayed Sakran
17. Lieutenant-Colonel (R) Mohamed Hassan Nasr Omer
18. Major (Eng) (R) Mustafa Ibn Aouf Mohamed
19. Police Captain (R) Salah Hassan Abdelrahman ElFahal
20. 2nd Lieutenant (R) Waheeb Ahmed Elamin Diab
21. 2nd Luitenant (R) Waleed Awad Hassan
22. 2nd Luitenant (R) Hatim Adam Suleiman Mohamed
23. Luitenant (SPLA) Abdelrahman Sheimela Khalil
24. Warrant Officer First Class (R) Yagoub Yahya Adam Mohamed
25. Sergeant (Dr.) (R) Tawer Othman Tawer
26. Corporal (R) Kabashi Khatir Mohamed