Sudan’s march for democracy has began, By Khorhok Gar بدأت مسيرة السودان نحو الديموقراطية

Sudan’s march for democracy has began, By Khorhok Gar بدأت مسيرة السودان نحو الديموقراطية

10-19-2007, 08:36 AM


Post: #1
Title: Sudan’s march for democracy has began, By Khorhok Gar بدأت مسيرة السودان نحو الديموقراطية
Author: اسعد الريفى
Date: 10-19-2007, 08:36 AM
Parent: #0

Sudan’s march for democracy has began
Friday 19 October 2007.
The only thing Omar Al Bashir can do is to declare the state of emergency

By Khorhok Gar

October 18, 2007 — Despite the signing of Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and the promises made by both parties that they will implement every clause of the agreement; none of the protocols has yet been implemented as expected by Sudanese people. The recent move by the SPLM Interim Political Bureau to suspend its participation from Government of National Unity (GONU) is brave and courageous decision that had never been taken by any political party in the political history of Sudan. And this is only way forward for Omar al Bashir regime to reform itself. Also it is legal for the SPLM to exercise its constitutional rights has stimulated by the Interim National Constitution (INC), otherwise both parties shouldered the blame for none-implementation of the keys outstanding issues like Abyei protocol.

The move should not surprise people, because the full implementation of the CPA is only way to avoid resumption of war in the South. It is normal in other countries like Japan, Germany, and Israel for collation government to collapse. Crisis like these are simply managed and solved if there is political will and courage by the ruling party. One way of solving it is for the ruling party (National Congress) to call for new election, negotiates with collation partners, and met the keys demands by the SPLM; from there the collation government has a chance to survive otherwise. As one of Sudanese politician put it “National Congress Party has signed a deal they don’t want to implement”. In fact it is not only the National Congress Party alone not happy with the CPA provisions. Many northerners wanted to see the collapse of the comprehensive peace agreement.

The root causes of Sudan’s civil wars are partly ideological and partly economic. Most of Sudanese were dissatisfy with Islamist dominant government in Khartoum who deny them their cultural and economic rights. The present day Sudan constitutes a political, social and cultural diverse environment with very limited opportunities for people to develop a culture of peace. However, politicians are still failing to point at the lack of viable life-paths people are facing in this country daily. It is believes that, the next war in Sudan will be fought between bourgeoisie (the ruling class) and underprivileged. The current system determines who eat and who starves during hard times. The economic rise and fall in Sudan are mains cause of civil rebellion in the country. To alleviate the hardship people are facing daily and to avoid another class war fair, Sudan needs an economic revolution to realize peace and stabilities.

Motivated by racial indifferences, radical Islamist in Khartoum wants to control everything; they are working days and nights to eliminate those who wanted to make change in the country. The situation was exacerbated by the fact that people from South and North had different religions and different cultures. The people in the North are Muslim Arabs descendants with strong ties with Meddle East, while people from the South are Africans with African ties. They (Islamist) are determined any one who trying to implement the Comprehensive Peace Agreement will be rooted out either by assassination or coup has it’s happened before. One thing the National Congress Party (NCP) should know is in business laws partnership can be dissolve for any reason or for no reason.

Therefore as partner in peace (the SPLM) deserves the rights to participate or withdraw from Government of National Unity at any times, if they felt it is not the best interest of Sudanese people, leave alone witnessing the growth violations of the agreement. Left with no choices, the SPLM Interim Political Bureau have answered a call from Sudanese people and decided to withdraw it cabinet from collation government instead to look down at country’s political turmoil that was about to bring the Sudan into disintegration. And once again, the SPLM has proved it to Sudanese people it is only viable political party that have will and courage to change Sudan into multiparty system. Therefore all Sudanese both from south and north should gives the SPLM applause for addressing the situation at this crucial juncture before it is too late.

I personally supported the move that have been taken by the SPLM Interim Political Bureau and the entire SPLM leadership for not to joining the government until all pending issues are resolve. This is only window of opportunity if democracy and rule of laws have prevail in Sudan. We need politicians who can put their people interest first then their personal interest. The detention of the northern opposition politicians by National Congress Party secret police without due process can not be simply tolerated if we have to transform Sudan.

The NCP has violated many constitutional provisions since the formation of Government of National Unity two years ago. For example many foreign diplomats and journalist are expelled from the country by national congress without approval from the office of the presidency has stimulated in the CPA. And this is a clear violation of Interim National Constitution of Sudan Chapter 2 article 5.2 (there shall be partnership and collegial decision making within the institution of presidency in order to safeguard stability in the country and implement the comprehensive peace agreement) also see Power Sharing Protocol 2:3.2 and 2:3.4 and comprehensive peace agreement. Majority of Northerners are deprived from economic opportunities by powerful few and it has been the SPLM moral responsibility to free all Sudanese from injustice and economic oppression. Therefore it important for the SPLM to remain and standstills on her core value until all Sudanese are free from injustice impose to them by this regime.

Mr. President no offense takes it easy this is just the beginning of what we call “New Sudan” in a free society it is normal for people to have difference opinion. If you think I’m wrong on this ask your counterparts from other democratic countries they will tell you they been going through this for long time during their political career. This is what we call the healthy democracy. Parties are competes to win election, but share the same common national interest. What I don’t like about your party (National Congress Party) is because the party is full off self-serve individual politicians who have no vision for the party or the country. I think the best thing you should do now is to seek reconciliation with Hassan Al Turabi if you wants your party win seat in next parliament. Or if you and your political party believe you have Sudanese support you can do the following to abort the war:

1. Stop the ethnic cleansing in Darfur and allow UN-African Hybrid Force to enter Darfur immediately without delay and implement all CPA clauses or

2. Dissolve the Government of National Unity and call for election within six months if you and your party thinks implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement is too much for you

3. Lastly but not the least, declare the State of Emergency has you usually do, but this time I don’t think the option of state of emergency is good for you Mr. President Judges from Hague are looking eagerly to have big catch this year has it happened last year they want their funding continue to flowing from the EU and I’m afraid your name is on their wish list if not in the target list.

Has late Garang said “Sudan will not be the same again” if you don’t know what that mean? It means the balance of power will not longer be in the hands of single party or one ethnic group. The economic and political power will be divided regionally equality, so no single region will have advantage over other. From there the birth of United New Sudan shall be realized.

Khorhok Gal can be reach at [email protected]
Source: SudanTribun

Post: #2
Title: Re: Sudan’s march for democracy has began, By Khorhok Gar بدأت مسيرة السودان نحو الديموقراطية
Author: اسعد الريفى
Date: 10-19-2007, 08:37 AM

الشيء الوحيد الذى يمكن لعمر البشير ان يفعله هو ان يعلن حالة الطوارئ
بدأت مسيرة السودان نحو الديموقراطية
By Khorhok Gar

18 اكتوبر ، 2007 - على الرغم من توقيع اتفاق السلام الشامل) ، والوعود التي قطعت من قبل كلا الطرفين أنها ستقوم بتنفيذ كل بند من الاتفاق ؛ ان ايا من الاتفاقيات لم تنفذ كما هو متوقع من جانب الشعب السوداني. التحرك الذى قامت به فى الاونة الاخيرة الحركة الشعبية لتعليق مشاركتها فى حكومة الوحدة الوطنية كان شجاعا و هذا القرار القرار الشجاع لم يتخذه اي حزب سياسي في التاريخ السياسي للسودان.

Post: #3
Title: Re: Sudan’s march for democracy has began, By Khorhok Gar بدأت مسيرة السودان نحو الديموقراطية
Author: Mustafa Mahmoud
Date: 10-19-2007, 08:40 AM
Parent: #2

خطة أمريكية لتغيير حكومات سبع دول من بينها السودان
ترجمة: على ميرغنى
كشف جنرال امريكى متقاعد عن استراتيجية وضعتها ادارة الرئيس بوش لتغيير حكومات سبع دول فى الشرق الاوسط. وقال الجنرال الامريكى المتقاعد ويلسى كلارك إن ادارة الرئيس بوش وعقب هجمات الحادى عشر من سبتمبر وضعت خطة استراتيجية لتغيير حكومات سبع دول فى منطقة الشرق الاوسط خلال خمس سنوات، واضاف انه اطلع على مذكرة فى وزارة الدفاع الامريكية تتكلم عن التخطيط لتغيير حكومات العراق وسوريا ولبنان وليبيا والصومال وايران والسودان. واشار الجنرال كلارك الى محادثة اثناء حرب الخليج الاولى بينه ومساعد وزير الدفاع الاسبق، بول وولفوتز، كشف فيها الاخير عن رغبة الادارة الامريكية فى انتهاز انتهاء الحرب الباردة لاستخدام قواتها (كما تريد قبل ان تظهر قوة عالمية جديدة).