Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde

Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde

05-27-2007, 05:25 PM


Post: #1
Title: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Frankly
Date: 05-27-2007, 05:25 PM
Parent: #0

Stop the War Against Sudan

Document Actions Background on Sudan, the Darfur situation, and
the involvement of Israel and its supporters. The author is Secretary of the Massachusetts Green-Rainbow Party. The Green-Rainbow Party's position paper on Sudan and Darfur is

available at

On April 30th supporters of a United Nations/U.S. military invasion of Sudan will rally in Washington DC. The anti-Sudan rhetoric in the US media is intensifying. And Zionist and pro-imperialist activists nationwide and in the Boston/Cambridge are busy demonizing Sudan, repeating outrageous allegations of “genocide” in Darfur against the Sudanese government and even still mischaracterizing the civil war in Darfur as being based on race or religion.


Post: #2
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Frankly
Date: 05-27-2007, 05:26 PM
Parent: #1

Background on Sudan

Sudan is the largest country in Africa and 10th largest country in the world by land area. It is a predominately Arab country in northeastern Africa and could also be considered to be in the Middle East region – it even has a port on the Red Sea. Sudan is bounded to the north by Egypt, to the east by the Red Sea, Eritrea, and Ethiopia, to the south by Congo, Uganda and Kenya, to the west by Chad and the Central African Republic, and to the northwest by Libya. The population is 36 million people (in 2005 according to a UN estimate). Almost the entire population is racially Black African. Sudan has two distinct major cultures: Arabicized Black African Muslims (about 3/4 of the population) in the north; and non-Arabicized Black Africans (1/4 of the population), who are mostly Pagan/Animist with some Christians, in the south. Darfur, a part of the country that has been in the news a lot for the past couple years, is in the Arabicized north and consists of three large provinces, which altogether are as large as France, in the west of Sudan extending to the border with Chad. After a long history of European colonialism, continuing post-colonialism and civil war, Sudan is an underdeveloped country with a per capita GDP of US $783 (in 2005 according to the IMF). Sudan has petroleum - oil and natural gas - and other natural resources. The estimates of Sudan’s petroleum reserves vary widely, with the most extreme reckoning that Sudan’s reserves rival those of Saudi Arabia while others estimate much smaller but still significant petroleum deposits. Most of the petroleum is concentrated in the south and central parts of the country including some in the southern part of Darfur. There are rumors that there is uranium in Darfur.


Post: #3
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Frankly
Date: 05-27-2007, 05:27 PM

Sudan has long been a target of attacks by the USA and Israel

This spring, since the appearance of Mearsheimer and Walt’s article “The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy”, anti-imperialist activists have engaged in a lot of discussion about whether US foreign policy is controlled by Israel or whether Israel is controlled by the USA. I’m not going to settle the argument here. In either case US and Israeli policy in the greater middle-east region is identical: to destabilize or break apart all the countries in the region to make sure that there are no strong independent nations opposing US and Israeli interests, indeed to make sure that all governments are subservient to US and Israeli interests, and to secure control over the natural resources of the region. Most countries in the region have been attacked one way or another and to a greater or lesser extent by the USA and Israel. For the most obvious examples look at Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Afghanistan. Sudan has been attacked too. The people of Sudan have suffered enormously, and many have died, because of these attacks.


Post: #4
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Frankly
Date: 05-27-2007, 05:28 PM
Parent: #3

Since Sudanese independence from Britain in 1956, there has almost always been civil war between the north and south. The war stopped for a decade from 1972 til 1983 but then resumed again. John Garang, a man who studied at Fort Benning (the site of the infamous School of the Americas), became leader of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) and the main leader of the southern rebels in the civil war. The USA and Israel encouraged the civil war. Since at least the early 90s the USA funded the SPLA. Even former U.S president Jimmy Carter acknowledges the US role in destabilizing Sudan in the 1990's. The Boston Globe in 1999 quoted Carter: “The people in Sudan want to resolve the conflict. The biggest obstacle is US government policy. The US is committed to overthrowing the government in Khartoum. Any sort of peace effort is aborted, basically by policies of the United States...Instead of working for peace in Sudan, the US government has basically promoted a continuation of the war." Perhaps two million Sudanese died because of the war in the 80s and 90s. Millions more were displaced, primarily southerners fleeing from the SPLA which took over the south and set up an alternative state which even Western “Human Rights” organizations admitted had a worse human rights record than the Khartoum government in the north. Over a million refugees from the south have resettled in Khartoum and live there til this day.


Post: #5
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Frankly
Date: 05-27-2007, 05:28 PM
Parent: #4

The U.S. declared Sudan a “state sponsor of terrorism” in 1993 for the stated reason that Sudan has connections with Palestinian groups, i.e., because Sudan supports the rights of Palestinians rather than supporting the Israeli apartheid state. In November 1997 the Clinton administration escalated the anti-Sudan rhetoric, declaring Sudan to be “an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States” and implementing economic sanctions, which are still in place, prohibiting most trade and financial transactions between Americans and Sudanese.
After the bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in August 1998, President Clinton launched a missile strike to destroy Sudan’s al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant, using as a pretext false allegations that this was a chemical weapons plant. In reality there were no chemical weapons. The missile attack completely destroyed Sudan’s capacity to produce veterinary medicines – livestock is an important part of the Sudanese economy, and some population groups subsist by raising livestock - and severely curtailed Sudan’s capacity to produce human medications to treat malaria and other serious health problems. Importing medicines is difficult given the poverty of the country. Many thousands of Sudanese died because of the destruction of the al-Shifa plant.


Post: #6
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Frankly
Date: 05-27-2007, 05:29 PM
Parent: #5

In October 2002, now during the George W Bush administration, the US government passed the so-called “Sudan Peace Act” which allocated $100 million dollars per year for 2003, 2004 and 2005 “for assistance to areas outside government control “, i.e., to the SPLA. Furthermore it required “the U.S. president” to make a determination once every six months about whether the Sudanese government is “negotiating in good faith” with the SPLA or not. If the U.S. president determines that the Sudanese government is not acting in good faith then the president is required to “seek a UN Security Council resolution for an arms embargo on the Sudanese government; instruct U.S. executive directors to vote against and actively oppose loans, credits, and guarantees by international financial institutions; take all necessary and appropriate steps to deny Sudan government access to oil; and consider downgrading or suspending diplomatic relations.” The act did say that these consequences would not be implemented against Sudan if the SPLA were also not “negotiating in good faith”. But these determinations would be left to the sole discretion of George W. Bush.
Seeing the USA supporting the SPLA, and all these U.S. declarations, sanctions, threats, and even direct military “surgical strike” against Sudan, and knowing what happens to other countries that don’t do what they are told (for example Yugoslavia, the last country in Europe to hold out against implementing IMF-ordered reforms, was bombed and invaded by NATO under a false humanitarian pretext. Other countries have been invaded by the USA using false security pretexts or pretexts related to the “war on drugs”.), the Sudanese government began trying to accommodate US wishes in an effort to avert the full wrath of US military might from being unleashed against the Sudanese people (or if you are more cynical about the motives of the leaders of the Sudanese government then you can think of this as their effort to avoid being forcibly removed from power by the US government). In 1996 the Sudanese government kicked Osama bin Laden out of the country. In 1997 they started to implement “IMF [International Monetary Fund] macroeconomic reforms”, i.e., reforms that benefit international corporations at the expense of the Sudanese people, reforms that the IMF requires debtor nations to implement under the false pretext that international investment will help the people through some sort of Reaganomics-like trickle down mechanism. The Sudanese government accepted the U.S. government’s premise of the need for a “war on terror” and agreed to cooperate in this war. The only thing the Sudanese government didn’t do was agree to support the Israeli Apartheid state in Palestine.


Post: #7
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Frankly
Date: 05-27-2007, 05:30 PM
Parent: #6

The Sudanese government also kept trying to negotiate peace with the SPLA, conceding more and more because of the desperate knowledge that military defense against the SPLA was tantamount to military defense against the USA. The SPLA and John Garang also had this knowledge. Garang hoped that with U.S. support the SPLA could achieve a military victory and conquer all of Sudan. Therefore the SPLA continued their bloody attacks and for years refused to seriously negotiate with the Sudanese government even though the Sudanese government made concessions such as offering to hold a binding referendum vote on secession in the south. Eventually however the desire for peace was so great and so nearly universal among Sudanese both north and south, and the willingness of the Sudanese government to make concessions extended so far, that Garang accepted a power-sharing offer to become vice president of Sudan, as well as being recognized as the administrative head of a semi-autonomous South Sudan for six years leading up to a referendum on secession, in exchange for peace. Having achieved peace, Garang had outlived his usefulness to the USA and Israel who had hired him to keep Sudan in a state of war and chaos. Three weeks after being sworn in as First Vice President of Sudan, in July 2005, John Garang died in a mysterious Wellstone-esque helicopter crash. Despite the peace deal the splitting of Sudan into two countries seems to be moving forward. In November 2005, the U.S. opened a U.S. Consulate in Juba, the capital of South Sudan. Rebecca Garang, John Garang’s widow, met with George W. Bush in Washington D.C. in February 2006 to discuss diplomatic relations between the USA and Canada and South Sudan.
Just as it was becoming apparent that peace would break out in the south, in 2003 another civil war flared up in the Darfur region in western Sudan. Starting in February 2003, well-armed rebels of the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), supported by USA and Israel through the intermediary countries of Eritrea and Chad respectively, launched a series of attacks on police stations in Darfur killing many hundreds of police officers. With this police infrastructure gone, Darfur, a remote region (in an impoverished country) with many groups competing for farm and grazing land, turned into a violent lawless zone with many armed groups fighting each other, e.g., SLA, JEM, the Sudanese military, the Chadean military, local militias of all ethnicities and aligned with all sides of the conflict, and bandits. The situation deteriorated through 2004. Thousands of Darfurians were killed by violence by the various armed groups. Life was disrupted so agriculture, on which most people in Darfur subsisted, became difficult or impossible. Hundreds of thousands of people became refugees. Tens of thousands died from disease and famine.


Post: #8
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Frankly
Date: 05-27-2007, 05:30 PM
Parent: #7

While all this was happening in Darfur, in the USA a presidential election campaign was going on. The main issue during the presidential campaign was the US war in Iraq. However both major candidates, Bush and Kerry, supported the war. The issue of Sudan and Darfur became a convenient distraction from ongoing US atrocities in Iraq. The government-controlled US mainstream media began to demonize Sudan more and more, spinning the events in Darfur out of proportion (after all there was almost no media coverage about other equally severe humanitarian disasters in Congo or other parts of Africa and the world) and blaming the Sudanese government for the violence and famine. Pro-Imperialist “human rights” organizations joined in the demonization campaign. Human Rights Watch (HRW), for example, is controlled by billionaire George Soros and has many members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) on its boards. The Iraq portion of HRW’s website, for instance, focuses mostly on the trial and crimes of Saddam Hussein and doesn’t condemn the US war against Iraq. Candidates Kerry and Bush took turns trying to out-hawk each other on Sudan. The rhetoric quickly rose to the point of accusing the Sudanese government of “genocide”. No one else in the world, not the UN, not Medecins Sans Frontiers, not the government of any other country besides the USA, agreed on labeling the Sudanese government as genocidists. Many liberals in the USA supported Kerry for president in the mistaken hope or belief that he was a real alternative to Bush. Many of these Kerry supporters believed the propaganda coming from the Kerry campaign and the mainstream media and the human rights groups and from Kerry-support groups like Move On (which is also funded by Soros). The demonization of Sudan served the propaganda interests of pro-war-on-Iraq and Zionist forces in the USA not just by providing a distraction but also by further demonizing Arabs in general so that there would be less sympathy for the Iraqis and Palestinians, and, because the media generally mischaracterized the conflict in Darfur as being White Arabs massacring Black Africans, potentially even convincing African-Americans, who were generally anti-war, to hate Arabs and start supporting the Israeli apartheid state and the war against Iraq.


Post: #9
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Frankly
Date: 05-27-2007, 05:31 PM
Parent: #8

The war in Darfur is not a religious war of Muslim against non-Muslim. Everyone in Darfur is Muslim. And it is not a racial war of White Arabs against Black Africans. Everyone in Darfur is a Black African. It’s not even a war of Arabs against non-Arabs. Arabic is the lingua franca of Darfur and the language of education. Everyone in Darfur speaks Arabic. One aspect of the war is a conflict over water and land usage between nomadic groups, who subsist by raising livestock and who travel long distances for grazing, and settled farming groups. These nomadic groups are the groups that are identified by the US/Zionist media as being the source of the so-called “Arab Janjaweed”. These nomadic groups are some of the most marginalized people in the world. The town-dwellers in Darfur have traditionally looked down on them and pejoratively labeled them as “Bedouins” which has often been translated into English as Arabs. It is true that some, not all, of the settled groups in Darfur speak other African languages at home in addition to being educated in Arabic, but they are Muslims in an Arabic-speaking country and many of them are better educated in the Arabic language than even mono-lingual Arabic speaking nomads.


Post: #10
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Frankly
Date: 05-27-2007, 05:31 PM
Parent: #9

The Project for a New American Century (PNAC), a think tank that advocates for US global hegemony and from whence come many members of George W Bush’s cabinet, predicted in an official PNAC statement by William Kristol and Vance Serchuk in September 2004, that President Bush or President Kerry will eventually lead a “coalition of the willing” to invade Sudan.
After the US election, the situation in Darfur calmed down. Peace talks were underway. There was less violence. And there was less anti-Sudan propaganda in the US media. But recently, as American popular support for the war in Iraq has lessened, there has been a resurgence of anti-Sudan and anti-Iran propaganda. There is now a civil war in Chad. The mainstream media in the US has been blaming the Sudanese government for the civil war in Chad. On March 1, 2006, the Boston Globe in an official editorial again accused Sudan of genocide in Darfur and blamed Sudan for the civil war in Chad and called for NATO to send troops to invade Sudan. Just a couple days ago the Boston Globe had a story on the front page about a village in Chad near the border with Darfur that had been attacked by bandits. The Globe blamed the Sudanese government and the “Janjaweed”.


Post: #11
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Frankly
Date: 05-27-2007, 05:32 PM
Parent: #10

Don’t be fooled. Proposed further US, NATO or UN direct military intervention in Sudan is not for genuine humanitarian purposes but would be a continuation of US/Israeli intervention, an escalation of US/Israeli attacks on Sudan designed to further destabilize the country and prevent progress towards peace and prosperity for the people of Sudan. The USA has killed millions of people in Sudan by fomenting civil wars in Sudan and providing arms to the various rebel groups, by destroying the al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant, and through economic sanctions. It is really very similar to what the USA has done in Iraq over the past few decades, but few people have noticed the attacks on Sudan. Anti-war activists need to start defending Sudan and forming anti-imperialist perspectives about Africa. The US attacks on Sudan are just as horrible and significant as the attacks on Iraq, Afghanistan, the support for Israeli barbarism in Palestine, and the threatened attacks on Iran, Syria, Venezuela, North Korea and other countries.


Post: #12
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Frankly
Date: 05-27-2007, 05:33 PM
Parent: #11

Anti-Sudan activism in the Boston area

Charles Jacobs’ Zionist groups
Boston is a world headquarters of Zionist activism, i.e., anti-Arab and anti-Muslim racist activism. One arch-Zionist super-villain of this movement is Charles Jacobs. Jacobs is the founder of the pro-Israel propaganda groups CAMERA and the David Project, groups that attack journalists and academics who write in favor of Palestinian rights. In the early 90s Jacobs also formed the American Anti-Slavery Group (AASG), which exists to spread false allegations of slavery against countries in North Africa (Sudan and Mauritania) in order to demonize Arabs and divert attention away from Israeli crimes against Palestinian Arabs. The slavery allegations are so blatantly false that even mainstream news organization such as CBS 60 Minutes have done pieces about the hoax slave redemptions in Sudan.


Post: #13
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Frankly
Date: 05-27-2007, 05:34 PM
Parent: #12

When the imperialist “human rights” lobby started the anti-Sudan Darfur propaganda, Zionists including Jacobs were on the bandwagon. A whole host of incestuously interconnected anti-Sudan groups now exists including the Sudan Campaign, another Jacobs-led group, which advocates for divestment from Sudan. A Zionist response to the movement to divest from apartheid Israel is to deflect attention to Sudan and a counter-divestment movement to divest from Sudan instead. The Apartheid terrorist state of Israel receives billions of dollars in aid from the US government, and has many economic ties with the US, while Sudan-US trade and US investment in Sudan is minimal and US government aid to Sudan is not just zero but negative, i.e., the US sends aid to anti-government insurgent movements in Sudan. Harvard’s divestment from Sudan took the form of divesting from a Chinese oil company that buys oil from Sudan. Part of the reason for U.S. and Israeli attacks on Sudan is to try to stop China from obtaining oil. This was also one of the reasons for invading Iraq.


Post: #14
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Frankly
Date: 05-27-2007, 05:35 PM
Parent: #13

The Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) is a national (in the U.S) pro-Israel activist organization or coalition. In the Boston area the local chapter, JCRC of Boston, is an extremely active and vicious anti-Arab racist hate group. Indeed they are the most visible racist hate group of any sort in the Boston area. They sponsor many pro-Israeli events – lectures, celebrations – every month, often in conjunction with the Israeli consulate, at which Arabs are demonized as “terrorists” while Israeli state terrorism is justified. JCRC Boston has been the main organizer of opposition to the Somerville Divestment Project. Demonizing Sudan has been an important focus of JCRC in Boston and nationally. JCRC Boston is running buses from Newton to the anti-Sudan rally in Washington DC.


kNOw Genocide
On Friday April 21 Boston-area Zionists, including members of the JCRC, co-opted a commemoration of the Armenian Genocide to have a rally announcing the formation of kNOw Genocide, an organization disingenuously purporting to oppose genocide around the world but in reality existing to propagate lies about the situation in Darfur in order to incite war against Sudan and hatred against Arabs and Muslims. The event included a recitation of the pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag, the flag of an evil empire that was founded on the genocide of the Native Americans on whose land the empire was built with the labor of African survivors of the genocide of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, an empire that went on to commit genocide after genocide from the Philippines to Hiroshima & Nagasaki to Indochina to Iraq. But these genocides perpetrated by Americans were not mentioned. The only genocides mentioned were “the Darfur, Cambodian, Jewish, Rwandan, and Armenian genocides”. Notice that kNOw Genocide refers to killings by the Nazi Germans as the “Jewish” genocide ignoring the fact that only half of the people killed were Jews. Also conspicuously absent from the list is the Israeli genocide against Palestinian Arabs. Five pro-Palestine activists protested the outdoor rally portion of this event holding signs and Palestinian flags and a large Defend Sudan banner. Police forced two of the protesters, who were shouting for recognition of the US/Israeli genocides against the Palestinians and Iraqis and in opposition to the U.S. wars against Iraq and Sudan and in opposition to the Israeli apartheid state in Palestine, to move 30 feet down the sidewalk.


Post: #15
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Frankly
Date: 05-27-2007, 05:36 PM
Parent: #14

US Congressman Mike Capuano, a former Somerville mayor who now (badly) represents Cambridge, Somerville, Chelsea and 70% of Boston in the house, is one of the leading congressional hawks against Sudan. He is a founder and co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on Sudan. On his website, Capuano brags that he recently snuck in an amendment to an anti-terrorism bill to give $50 million more to the African Union military intervention in Sudan, that he has been to the UN recently to ask Kofi Annan to send UN troops to invade Sudan, that he passed a bill in 2003 denouncing Sudan for slavery, and that he supports divestment from Sudan. At the same time Capuano is opposed to divestment from Israel. I was able to discover that Capuano wrote a letter to the Somerville Board of Aldermen advising them to reject the proposal, initiated by the Somerville Divestment Project, to divest from Israel Capuano has taken trips to Africa, Iraq, and “Israel”. His website admits that his trip to “Israel” was sponsored by the JCRC of Boston.


Post: #16
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Frankly
Date: 05-27-2007, 05:37 PM
Parent: #15

Liberal “Human Rights” groups
Liberal “human rights” groups, which are not necessarily focused on protecting Israel but which look at events in foreign countries without recognizing the international context of US imperialism, also engage in anti-Sudan activism in Boston. For instance Physicians for Human Rights sponsored an anti-Sudan concert in Harvard Square in April 2006. These groups blame governments in countries like Sudan for the problems that these countries face, and often call for military intervention by the supposedly benevolent USA and United Nations.
‘Carter, Others Say U.S. Has Faltered in Africa’, Boston Globe, 8 December 1999.

Written by : David Rolde
Last modified 2006-07-28 18:52 « May 2007 »


Post: #17
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Frankly
Date: 05-27-2007, 05:46 PM
Parent: #13

Green-Rainbow Party Statement on
U.S. Imperialism and Sudan

We reject the racist mischaracterization of the situation in Darfur as genocide being perpetrated by Arabs. In reality, the conflict in Darfur is complex involving several warring armed factions. The US military and economic intervention over the last decade, which has worked to impoverish and destabilize Sudan, has largely caused the humanitarian crisis of civil war and famine in the Darfur region.

We oppose any military intervention in Sudan by the US, the UN, or imposed by any other foreign power. We also oppose the imposition of sanctions on the Sudanese government, particularly since US sanctions since 1997 with selective aid to rebel groups have been used to exacerbate civil war in Sudan and since the world has witnessed sanctions under the UN being used as an instrument of genocide in Iraq.

We recall the unprovoked criminal attack that destroyed the al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant in Sudan, launched by the Clinton administration in 1998, and call for the US government to pay reparations for this brutal transgression which rendered Sudan unable to produce needed human and veterinary pharmaceuticals. In 1967 Martin Luther King noted that the United States is the "greatest purveyor of violence in the world today." Given that this fact about the USA has remained true, we condemn the US government declaring Sudan a "terrorist" nation. The US should normalize relations with Sudan.

In the short term, unconditional food aid and medical aid are needed and should be sent to the Darfur region. In the long term, we will work for an end to imperialist and corporate interventions in all their forms in Sudan and throughout Africa as these policies have lead to chronic war and poverty on the continent. African nations should have their debts forgiven, and they should be free to reject International Monetary Fund structural adjustment policies which benefit multi-national corporations to the detriment of local populations.

We strongly condemn the practice of both the George Bush and John Kerry Presidential campaigns for distorting the human tragedy in Darfur for use towards domestic political ends and as a pretext for action to gain control over Sudanese oil that is currently being developed by China and other non-Western countries.

Post: #18
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Mohamed Suleiman
Date: 05-27-2007, 08:55 PM
Parent: #17





الشاهد الأقوي ضد الحكومة و جنجويدها بدارفور : المقابر...ة حول قرية واحدة فقط

Post: #20
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Frankly
Date: 06-08-2007, 08:59 AM
Parent: #18

يا محمد سليمان أنت تردد ترهات الإعلام الصهيوني والإمبريالي بدون وعي

لو كان هناك حرب إبادة جماعية لما فرحت بإنضام من سميتهم الجنجويد لحركات التمرّد

فهل يقبل عاقل بمن يريد إبادة أهله

أرعوي يا محمد! أرعوي!

نعن مع وقف الحرب على السودان ودافور جزء من السودان

ونحن من وقف معاناة أهلنا في الخيام وإلقاء السلاح ورفع معدات البناء لكي تبنى القرى بمساكن ترقى والزمن بدلاً عن تلك التي كانت من قش

هناك مأساة كبيرة في دارفور لا يختلف على هذا إثنان ولكننا نرفض المتاجرة بهذه المأساة لتمرير الأجندات الشخصية والمطامع الذاتية والحزبية

لماذا يعمل البعض على مد أمد معاناة أهلنا في الخيام والقرى والمدن وإلى متى يكونون دمى في أيدي الحركات المسلحة وقوات الحكومة؟


Post: #19
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Munir
Date: 05-27-2007, 10:31 PM
Parent: #17

Thanks Frankly for this article .

It is good to know that there are people in America who are aware of the big game played in Darfur.

In the video below I see that Luis Farakhan is also hitting the point direct.

Post: #21
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Frankly
Date: 06-08-2007, 03:13 PM
Parent: #19

Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde

Quote: Thanks Frankly for this article .

It is good to know that there are people in America who are aware of the big game played in Darfur.

In the video below I see that Luis Farakhan is also hitting the point direct.

شكراً أخي منير لهذا الفيديو الرائع بجد يستحق المشاهدة

وأكثر ما لفت نظري تطرّق لويس فرخان لتلك الدعاية التي كان الغرب والشرق يسمعها وقد صدّقها الكثير من السذج واستفادة منها منظمات كانت تجمع الملايين بدعوى استخدامها في تحرير الجنوبيين السود المسيحيين من العرب البيض المسلمين الذين يقومون باستعباد الجتوبيين وكيف أنّ جون جرنج عندما حادثه لم يتحدّث عنها

بل ولم يتحدّث عنها أحد بعد توقيع الإتفاقيات

وربط ذلك بدعاية إبادة العرب البيض للأفارقة السود الآن والمقابر التي تديرها آلة الإعلام الصهيونية والإمبريالية

وذلك لأنّ الكل مسلم في دارفور فكان لابد من تغيير طفيف لنفس السياسة

أتمنى أن نجد ترجمة لهذا الحوار الجميل والذي يلامس الوتر الحساس في علاقة الصهيونية والإمبريالية اعالمية بقيادة أمريكا بالسياسات الخارجية واستغلالها لبعض النزاعات وتضخيم ما تريد وتجاهل وتناسي ما تريد حسب أجندتها

تحياتي كمال

Post: #22
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: القلب النابض
Date: 06-09-2007, 00:48 AM
Parent: #21

اللوبيهات لا تستطيع محاربتها إلا بلوبيهات أخرى ..

هذه المجموعات جمعت الاموال باسم أهل دارفور ولم تصرفها على أهل دارفور بل استخدمتها في الحملة ضد السودان والمسيرات عابرة القارات وفي شراء الزمم والمسارح والكذب وجمع التواقيع لحصار السودان

في الوقت الذي نجد فيه أهل دارفور الذين تحدثوا باسمهم وجمعوا الاموال باسمهم في أمس الحاجة الى المأكل والملبس والمدرسة ..

ما يجي زول يقول الحكومة وما الحكومة .. الحكومة هي جزء من الأزمة.. لكن كنا نتوقع ممن جمعوا الاموال أن يصرفوها الى اهل المعسكرات كساء وغذاء ودواء.. وما الاطاحو برئيس تجمع المنظمات إلا دليل على انتهاء شكل هذا العمل الذي كان يخدم أجندة تلعب فيها الدعاية والإعلام دور هام للوبي الذي الذي كان يقود حملة الضغط على السودان لغرض آخر غير أزمة دارفور ..

اوقفوا الحرب ضد السودان ..

Post: #23
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Mohamed Suleiman
Date: 06-09-2007, 06:03 AM
Parent: #22

Quote: اللوبيهات لا تستطيع محاربتها إلا بلوبيهات أخرى ..

لوبيهات و ل فاصوليهات .... إتز توووو ليت ..
هناك مفهوم خاطئ لكلمة اللوبي ... فعند الجلابة هي مرادقة للوساطة ..
و لكن في أمريكا تعني مجموعة مؤمنة بقضية ما و لذلك تحاول إيصال صوتها الي صناع القرار و محاولة التأثير عليهم ( دون إفسادهم) و حثهم علي الوقوف إما بجانب قرار ما أو ضد قرار ما ( حسب مصالح هذه المجموعة ) ..
فهناك لوبي صناع الأدوية
و لوبي نصرة إسرائيل
و لوبي المجموعات الدينية
و لوبي مناصرة قضية دارفور
و لوبي إتحادات العمال
و لوبي حقوق النساء
و لوبي المجموعات الأقلية

الكيزان و الجلابة فاكرنها مسألة قروش و شراء أبواق و عليه يمكن قلب الباطل حقا ... فصرفت الإنقاذ ببذخ و إسراف و لم تقبض غير اللعنات .. لأنها تمثل الشر و الظلم و القتل ... فدفعت أموالا طائلة من اجل تحسين صورتها ... و فشلت فشلا ذريعا ..
و بعد ده كلو ... يأتي من يعيد إنتاج ألاعيب الإنقاذ و يمثل دور لوبي هاو : أوقفوا الحرب ضد السودان ..

أوقفوا أنتم أولا الحرب ضد دارفور ...

تخريمة : لا تضعوا كل بيضكم في سلة فرخان ..
أسألوا القذافي كم مليونا دفعها له .
و كم قبض في المقابل .

Post: #24
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Bashasha
Date: 06-09-2007, 06:06 AM
Parent: #1

Quote: يا محمد سليمان أنت تردد ترهات الإعلام الصهيوني والإمبريالي بدون وعي

ياسلام، علي وعي ممثل القاعدة بالمنبر!

هذا الوهابي الارهابي، يري الوجود بعيون استلابه العروبية، ولهذا هذا البغبغان، يردد ذات اسطوانة اسيادو عن الاعلام الصهيوني، حتي في مواجهة واحد زي محمد سليمان، الشافو شوف عين، او لمسو لمسة ايد، او شما شمومة نخرة!


هو لي روحو، من صوف راسو المخلوق لي سج العمة، او لي اخمص القدمين، عبارة عن بضاعة امبريالية عربية، او بعد ده، هذا "الروبات" يتحدث عن الامبريالية، وهو السلفي، الساجد، العابد، لي صنم ثقافة غزاتنا، كدين!

Post: #25
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: saadeldin abdelrahman
Date: 06-09-2007, 06:21 AM
Parent: #1

Quote: هناك مأساة كبيرة في دارفور لا يختلف على هذا إثنان ولكننا نرفض المتاجرة
بهذه المأساة لتمرير الأجندات الشخصية والمطامع الذاتية والحزبية

لماذا يعمل البعض على مد أمد معاناة أهلنا في الخيام والقرى والمدن وإلى متى يكونون
دمى في أيدي الحركات المسلحة وقوات الحكومة؟

!couldn't have said it any better

Post: #26
Title: Re: Stop the War Against Sudan : By David Rolde
Author: Hisham Amin
Date: 06-09-2007, 09:55 AM
Parent: #25
